Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Has anyone else noticed people that they know start talking "crazy" since this virus crap started?



People talking CRAZY about trump never a legal president etc. And people killing their reletives and co workers and strangers just for the hell of it?

Man... people are going NUTS !!

Stop complaining about what the Dems and Liberals are doing if you aren't doing anything about it.



So sick of all the so called "proof"....and nothing being done but complaining. 


Monday, January 3, 2022

After Drumming Out Unvaxxed Servicemembers, Fully Vaccinated and Boosted Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Tests Positive for COVID


After Drumming Out Unvaxxed Servicemembers, Fully Vaccinated and Boosted Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Tests Positive for COVID

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Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who says he is fully vaccinated and boosted, announced Sunday that he tested positive for COVID and is experiencing mild symptoms. Austin said his last contact with Joe Biden was December 21, when he tested negative before the meeting and well before the onset of symptoms. This month the Defense Department started discharging several hundred servicemembers for refusing orders to get vaccinated against COVID-19, rejecting claims for religious exemptions.

Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III greets Navy Adm. Philip S. Davidson, commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, at Indo-Pacific Command headquarters in Hawaii, March 14, 2021, photo by Lisa Ferdinando, DOD

Austin’s statement:

Statement by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III

I tested positive this morning for COVID-19. I requested the test today after exhibiting symptoms while at home on leave.

TRENDING: Just Like Soviet Russia: T-Mobile Is Erasing Links to Gateway Pundit Articles if You Send Them by Text Message -- MORE UPDATES...

My symptoms are mild, and I am following my physician’s directions.

In keeping with those directions, and in accordance with CDC guidelines, I will quarantine myself at home for the next five days.

Stemming the spread of this virus, safeguarding our workforce and ensuring my own speedy and safe recovery remain my priorities. To the degree possible, I plan to attend virtually this coming week those key meetings and discussions required to inform my situational awareness and decision making. I will retain all authorities. Deputy Secretary Hicks will represent me as appropriate in other matters.

I have informed my leadership team of my positive test result, as well as the President. My staff has begun contact tracing and testing of all those with whom I have come into contact over the last week.

My last meeting with President Biden occurred on Tuesday, December 21st, more than a week before I began to experience symptoms. I tested negative that very morning. I have not been in the Pentagon since Thursday, where I met briefly – and only – with a few members of my staff. We were properly masked and socially distanced throughout.

As my doctor made clear to me, my fully vaccinated status — and the booster I received in early October — have rendered the infection much more mild than it would otherwise have been. And I am grateful for that.

The vaccines work and will remain a military medical requirement for our workforce. I continue to encourage everyone eligible for a booster shot to get one. This remains a readiness issue.

Breitbart’s Kristina Wong posted a meme already making the rounds:

CNN is very concerned:

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HUGE. CDC Withdraws Use of PCR Test for COVID and Finally Admits the Test Can Not Differentiate Between the Flu and COVID Virus


HUGE. CDC Withdraws Use of PCR Test for COVID and Finally Admits the Test Can Not Differentiate Between the Flu and COVID Virus

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This is BIG NEWS.
After December 31, 2021, the CDC will withdraw the emergency use authorization of the PCR test for COVID-19 testing. The CDC finally admitted the test does not differentiate between the flu and COVID virus.

Via the CDC website:

In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Such assays can facilitate continued testing for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 and can save both time and resources as we head into influenza season.

This explains the disappearance of Flu cases in the US in 2020. It also inflated the COVID cases as Dr. Fauci and the DC elites knew would happen.

Via Europe Reloaded:

Quietly without media attention, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has withdrawn the PCR process as a valid test for detecting and identifying SARS-CoV-2.

“After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only.”

The CDC admits that the PCR test cannot differentiate between SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses.

I reported several months ago that the “health authorities” had reached this decision but were withholding its implementation until the end of 2021. They needed the fake test to keep the fear going in order to achieve as much vaccination, and therefore as much profit, as possible.

It is extraordinary that the CDC’s withdrawal of the test received no attention from the media or politicians.

Dr. Kary Mullis, Nobel Laureate and inventor of the PCR process said several years ago that “the PCR is a process. It does not tell you that you are sick.” It was never meant to be a Covid test.

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Just Like Soviet Russia: T-Mobile Is Erasing Links to Gateway Pundit Articles if You Send Them by Text Message — MORE UPDATES



 (YOUR money is good everywhere. Change your phone companies or web hosts etc if they try to sensor you)


Just Like Soviet Russia: T-Mobile Is Erasing Links to Gateway Pundit Articles if You Send Them by Text Message — MORE UPDATES…

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Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Communists were known for their airbrushing. If a top official lost favor with Stalin they were eliminated and airbrushed from society as if they never existed.

Who would have ever thought this practice would come to our shores one day?

On the last day of 2021,  The Gateway Pundit and Jim Hoft were banned from Paypal without warning.  

Now, we learned the tech giants are using a frightening new method to censor and control what you are able to see, read and discuss online.

Gateway Pundit reader “Mark from Louisiana” sent us this email on Friday:

Hi. I live in Louisiana but I have a 949 area code phone from when I lived in California. When I try sending a text with your website link in it, the link does not go through to my friends and family. My sister is in the 225 area code and she can send the link to me without it being blocked. Just thought I would let you know. Thanks. Mark

We asked Mark to send us more information and this is what he sent back.

Hi Jim. In one of the screenshots you can see where my sister tried to send me your website link four times but I never got it. The other two screenshots it shows me sending a link to one of your articles, that’s the one with the picture of the fox in it. In the other screenshot from my sister it shows that she never received the link. The text message it still has the fox in it. I hope this helps. But what I realized is it’s actually just my boost T-Mobile carrier that’s blocking your links. I have a friend in the 949 area code and he was able to send it to his wife, however, I can only receive it in a group text. Let me know if you have any more questions. Thanks. Mark.

Here is a screengrab of the text message Mark sent to his sister.

And here is what she received. The Gateway Pundit link has been “disappeared.”

This was not an isolated case. We have received dozens of these emails this weekend.

The Gateway Pundit is one of the top 250 websites in the country in 2021. We had over 900,000,000 million page views in 2021. TGP continually offers breaking news and our reporting is second to none. As the mainstream media continues to shovel out their lies and refuses to report the truth, The Gateway Pundit continues to grow year after year. Because of this, they hate us and do EVERYTHING possible to destroy us. This weekend Paypal shut down our accounts without warning.

And now T-Mobile is disappearing our links. You cannot send our links through T-mobile. They will disappear them. Your friends will not even know that you sent them a Gateway Pundit article.

If only there was an opposition party in America to confront this madness.

We have several more examples like the one above. We will post them later.

From reader Tina:

This is very true. I just tested it. I have been a T-Mobile customer since 2004 but I will find a new carrier. Possiibly freedom phone.

From reader Scott:

I am on the Sprint network and have to get a new phone to transition to the T-Mobile network. But the phone I texted recently went on the T-Mobile network; we live in the 757 area code in Virginia. And as you can see the link I sent to the article did not go through. It should be there right before the text that did which just said Test.
From reader Melanie:
Hey, don’t know if this is anything but I was attempting to share links of a few stories you’ve posted via TEXT to my friend. None of them went through to her. So, we tried different stories they posted just fine via text. JUST Gateways story links aren’t going through.
I have T-mobile Samsung Note 10+,  my friend has Verizon and an Apple Ios phone. I ended up sending the links through Facebook Messenger and my friend got them just fine then. I am willing to contact t-mobile and inquire about why specifically gateway pundits links aren’t going through but others are.
From reader Alexander, we asked him to send us a screenshot:
Maybe this is a tip, maybe it isn’t but my wife and I have been experimenting with texting links from The Gateway Pundit after she tried sending me a link to the article about the VA nurse you guys carried. I never received the link, so we tried sending several URL links from her T-mobile phone to my Verizon phone and vice versa, and on both ends we never received the links. I tried sending the link from my Google voice number to her t-mobile phone and she did not receive but if I sent it from my google voice to my Verizon phone it would go through. We’ve now tried this with several other companies including Breitbart, Fox News, CNN, and The Wallstreet Journal, and all with no issue. We were also able to replicate this issue with 4 other friends who have T-mobile but faced no issue with friends with Verizon, ATT, and Spectrum Mobile. It looks like T-mobile may be blocking The Gateway Pundit links, at least in Los Angeles, CA.
From Matt:
I tried to share a link with my wife, my daughter, and a co-worker. Later we realized it never got sent through. We tried it again and it didn’t go through. I screenshotted the conversation and sent that and it went through. All three have iPhones. I have Samsung. We are all on Sprint/TMobile. When I put extra “w’s” into the link address it went through to my daughter. They are now censoring news links via text now. Please hit Tmobile or Apple, please!
From another reader:

This is clearly a terrifying new form of censorship of the right from providers, blocking personal communications containing information they don’t like.

I’ve attached screenshots of two sets of messages, one sent from me and another that was received by the person I was sending to. Please do not publish these images, in case they contain any personal information in the image or metadata.

You will see that any link containing “” is not received. The same goes for a link to any individual article.

I first discovered this when sending a link to someone else that I was expecting them to react to. I asked why they didn’t reply, and it turns out they never received the message. Testing it further, it turns out the text message service on my phone (android, t-mobile service) will not send or receive any link containing The signal app does allow it, so it must be android or t-mobile.

I imagine you all are losing a lot of traffic to this censorship.

Based on the screenshot above, it seems that the word thegatewaypundit will go through but not the link.
From David:
If I share an article link from thegatewaypundit to anyone via my cellphone, it never arrives despite it saying it was sent. I even just shared simply, same thing. Had others try with their phones, same results. It looks like the cell phone companies are not allowing links of your articles, or even your page to be sent via text message.
I am with t-mobile. Samsung galaxy a32 I think. We ran an experiment at work with Apple devices on Verizon and they were doing the exact same thing. I do have a screenshot between me and my wife, she has a galaxy s21. I can send it if you want.
One reader claimed that T-mobile in Philadelphia won’t allow links from TGP to go through.
Here in Philadelphia my Tmobile phone won’t allow texts from TGP to go through and no message indicating it didn’t.
The Gateway Pundit reached out to T-mobile. We will update this post with any response we receive from the company.


  • Dear Mr Hoft,
    Today I saw the article about T mobile erasing GP’s links, I decided to test it. I sat across from my mom with her phone in hand a (541) area code sending links from Gateway Pundit to her from my (714) area NOTHING will go through!! We also tried from her phone to mine and nothing. So I tried other links National File, Big League Politics and even a Gardening site all went through instantly. This is very upsetting and I wanted you to know we will be contacting T mobile since we aren’t getting what we are paying and they have no right to do this
  • I couldn\’t believe this could happen, so I just texted the link to this article from my phone to my wife\’s, both 248 area codes that and numbers that we\’ve had for years. Th entire message containing the link never went, the very next message went fine. They deleted not just the link but the entire messge. I guess I\’ll have to change providers.
  • I read your story about t-mobile blocking texts. My wife and I have sprint/t-mobile so I tested it and sure enough all GP links are not going through. All other text are going through. I called sprint to complain. My call is supposedly being escalated but I have been on hold waiting for a “supervisor” for over 30 mins now.
  • I’m furious!  I just read your article and decided to try it out.  My husband and I both have T-Mobile phones.  I watched his screen in real time as I sent these texts, and they did not show up!  I have attached the images to this email.
    Please confirm receipt of this email,so that I will know if Gmail even lets it go through.
  • Just for your awareness and more proof. I attempted to send the very article about T-Mobiles tyranny to my sister in-law and brother  and had the same results. Please see attached picture of text time stamp. I sent the message Hey to see  she also tried and the link did not come through as her snip it of the article she looked up after I told them.
  • Google fi is my phone service. It uses T-Mobile, Sprint and US Cellular. I have the same problem. I can not receive or send text with Gateway links. Surprisingly the links go thru on Facebook messenger.
  • I stumbled across your article and got curious.  Even here, in itty bitty rural PA my t-mobile phone said it send the article but the recipient, sitting next to me (with xfinity mobile) never received anything.  This is absolutely insane to me.  Have we really hit this much of a low?! We must be getting close if they are trying this hard to censor the truth.
  • I am a T-Mobile customer and very appalled at them over this. I did some additional testing on incoming messages with GP link from a non-T-Mobile customer to a T-Mobile customer. Both via text messaging and e-mail to text. If either contains a live GP article link T-Mobile is also preventing it from being delivered from the non-T-Mobile customer. Unless you had a previous notice from the sender of the article prior to it being sent, you would never know it. I did a 2nd test of forwarding the original e-mail to text, but with live link removed. That email to text was received with no issues. There is a 3rd test that I have not done yet and just thought of, and that would be the link is attached but removing the hyper link making the link just words. I just did the test of removing the hyper link, e-mail to text, and it was not delivered. Is there a way to send you screen shots showing what I did testing wise? Not sure what good it will do, but I am sending this issue to not just one of our local tv stations but the 6 in my home area and also the 4 where I have a 2nd home out of state. I don\’t normally get overly worked up on most things, but this is the so-called final straw. I hope enough people become enlightened to this that if one carrier will do this who will the next one be to follow in T-Mobile\’s footsteps before anything is done and it is too late. As a T-Mobile customer I will be looking for a new carrier immediately. Also, over the last 3 years or so I have converted about 15 friends and family to switch to T-Mobile, pretty sure once I apprise them of this, they will be more than willing to switch to a more friendly carrier. After all, if you are the 1st for them then who will be next to be censored? Breitbart, The New York Post, Fox, Just The News, etc… Pretty sure if you were a CNN, New York Times, WaPo, MSNBC or any of the other alphabet networks or bird cage liners, etc. the uproar would be so loud that those on the space station could hear it loud and clear as though they were standing right in the middle of the commotion. As a side note, have a conservative friend who found this to be unbelievable. He is a Verizon customer, he is a believer now. Told him to grab any of your articles and try sending. He sent your general web link to no specific article. He sent me a screen shot of it. It was never received.

UPDATE: A reader of Gateway Pundit named Jeremy has called T-mobile regarding the censorship. He spent an hour on the phone with them. At some point, the supervisor tried to blame Google. Here’s the excerpt from his email:

I read your story about t-mobile blocking texts. My wife and I have sprint/t-mobile so I tested it and sure enough all GP links are not going through. All other text are going through. I called sprint to complain. My call is supposedly being escalated but I have been on hold waiting for a “supervisor” for over 30 mins now…

So I ended up spending over an hour on the phone with them. The “supervisor” claims they do not have the ability to monitor texts and tried to blame Google. So I asked why would Google have control over my texts. She assumed I use Chrome. I told her no I use Brave browser. That shut down the Google blame. Then she had me check some settings all settings were set correctly. She then wanted me to go through basic troubleshooting, clear cache…. I refused because as I told her it’s not just my phone. It’s my wife’s and apparently anyone using t-mobile. Anyway my issue is being escalated again and I’m supposed to get a call back in 2-5 business days.

While on hold I kept hearing a recorded message/commercial saying we here at t-mobile are family. All I could think is yeah and t-mobile thinks they are the parents.


UPDATE– Here’s another update… We are getting dozens of emails like this tonight.

Hey Jim!

I am on TMobile in Indiana. I ran a test and sent your “TMobile” article to my parents who are also in Indiana but on ATT. The text link was sent separately and did not go through tonight. I can assure you that this is a recent act of tryanny as I have sent out numerous GP links to family before the holidays that had no problems. Thank you for all you do and God Bless

Jonny in Indiana

Here’s another from reader Larry…

Hey Jim,
Ran tests with 7 different people and tgp links wouldn’t go through. Couldn’t even send the tgp link to myself but had no problem sending myself a link. Go figure. Contacted Tmobile and they said there was no block on your site. I ensured them that there was and unless they corrected the situation within 48 hours, I would be changing carriers. I’ve been a TMobile customer for 15 years and this is shocking. This isn’t social media, I PAY THEM to deliver my messages whether they agree or not. Keep up the great work. Many blessings to you and your family.
Thank you,
Larry S

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Thursday, December 30, 2021

Pandemic of the Vaccinated: Two Studies Show New Evidence that Covid-19 Vaccines “Cause More Illness than They Prevent”


Pandemic of the Vaccinated: Two Studies Show New Evidence that Covid-19 Vaccines “Cause More Illness than They Prevent”

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Pandemic of the Vaccinated: Two Studies Show New Evidence that Covid-19 Vaccines “Cause MORE ILLNESS than they Prevent” – After 3 Months, Pfizer Jab Recipients are 76.5% MORE LIKELY than the Unvaxxed to Contract Covid

Two newly released studies show that – after a brief period of moderate protection – the experimental Covid-19 vaccines actually end up causing more illness than they prevent – especially when it comes to new variants like the now-predominant, and highly-mild Omicron.

The first study, a pre-print that was released on MedRXiv by a team of researchers in Denmark, shows that the experimental vaccines provide absolutely zero protection against Omicron beginning two months after vaccination (which they refer to as “peak” protection).

After just three months, fully vaccinated individuals begin to experience sharp negative protection. Researchers found that those who received the Pfizer vaccine were an astounding 76.5% more likely to have a breakthrough infection than their unvaccinated counterparts once 90 days had passedthose who received Moderna’s were 39.3% more likely.

According to the study, the spread of the new Omicron variant was “likely” caused by “super-spreader events” “among young, vaccinated individuals.”

Only those who had taken a complete two-dose vaccination or a two-dose vaccination and a booster were counted as vaccinated in the study.

Somehow, the study’s authors still conclude that mass vaccination and the rollout of boosters is nessecary.

Take your booster, sheep.



As if that wasn’t enough proof that this is the ‘pandemic of the vaccinated,’ the Canadian Covid Care Alliance – a non-profit government watchdog group of independent health care professionals – released a separate report this week that came to similar conclusions.

After examining Pfizer’s own vaccine clinical trial data, the CCCA team of experts also found that the Pfizer vaccine had serious negative protection against Covid, and so much so that they concluded the “vaccine causes more harm than good.”

“The Pfizer 6 month data shows that Pfizer’s COVID-19 inoculations cause more illness than they prevent.

The CCCA panel conducted a thorough analysis of Pfizer’s vaccine trial report from December 31st, 2020. The Pfizer report claims that the inoculations were safe and showed a robust 95% efficacy 7 days after the 2nd dose. But what researchers failed to mention was that the 95% was actually Relative Risk Reduction. Absolute Risk Reduction, which is what should have been factored in – especially if this vaccine is going to be mandated across the board, was less than one percent.

“The claim was that the inoculations were safe and showed 95% efficacy 7 days after the 2nd dose. But that 95% was actually Relative Risk Reduction. Absolute Risk Reduction was only 0.84%.”

For context, relative risk reductions only relate to a percentage reduction in one group compared to another, which can easily be misleading and over-exaggerate how helpful something is. Absolute risk reductions give the actual difference in risk between one group and another.

The report also shows that Pfizer had recorded an increased risk of illness – and even an increased risk of death – in individuals who had taken the vaccine compared to those who were in the placebo group – something that was also backed up by Pfizer’s latest clinical trial data that was published last month.

From CCCA:

“Pfizer’s most recent report indicates an Efficacy of 91.3%. (Which means a reduction in positive cases compared to placebo group.)

But it also showed, compared to the placebo group, an increase in illness and deaths.

There is no benefit to a reduction in cases if it comes at the cost of increased sickness and death.”

“Severe adverse events” were up by 75% in the trial group that had received the vaccine.

Overall, adverse events that were attributed to the vaccine were an astounding 300% higher than in the placebo group.

As for deaths, there were more who died in the vaccinated group 20 out of 34 total. What’s even more concerning is that 9 of the vaccinated deaths were related to “cardiovascular events.

The CCCA panel also found several questionable and corrupt practices that were used when Pfizer compiled their report.

Not only did the vaccine maker downplay the side effects of the experimental jab, but they also did not follow established clinical trial protocols, had inadequate control groups that were mixed and unblinded early, and tested the jab on misleading demographics in order to generate the best results.

Instead of focusing the trials on the target population who could most benefit from a Covid-19 vaccine – a la the elderly and those with severe comorbidities – Pfizer chose participants from younger demographic that would be a) less likely to need a vaccine, b) less likely to suffer an adverse event during a trial, c) more likely to respond well to a vaccine, than the elderly who need protection against this virus.

Keep in mind, children and young adults have a whopping 99.995% recovery rate from this nominal virus. 

Additionally, because Pfizer unblinded their clinical trial groups early, they are unable to produce any relevant long-term safety data because they don’t have a control group for reference anymore.

By early 2021, nearly everyone in the study, even the placebo group had been vaccinated, which effectively ended any hope for meaningful data.

In what’s probably a glowing testament to its credibility, Dr. Robert Malone – the inventor of the mRNA vaccine – was permanently kicked off of Twitter for sharing the CCCA report earlier today.

If it’s getting censored, you know they are over the mark.

This is just the latest evidence that Pfizer and the public health bureaucracy fully knew the dangers of these experimental vaccines, but pushed them out to the world anyways. A few weeks back, the Gateway Pundit reported on how the FDA granted an extension to Pfizer’s EUA despite recording an astounding 1,200-plus vaccine-related deaths in just the first 90 days of its availability.

This is criminal. Where is the accountability?

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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

MUST READ: “By Complying with the COVID-19 Guidelines I Would Be Participating in Terrorism” – VA Nurse Sends Out Letter and Compared the Guidelines as an ‘Act of Terrorism’

 Be an adult and read every single word NOT only part of it.



MUST READ: “By Complying with the COVID-19 Guidelines I Would Be Participating in Terrorism” – VA Nurse Sends Out Letter and Compared the Guidelines as an ‘Act of Terrorism’

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A registered nurse who works for Fayetteville VA Medical Center (VAMC) sent out a letter to explain the reasons for his refusal to comply with the protocols and guidelines set forth by the Veterans Administration.

Jerry Bledsoe told The Gateway Pundit that the reason he sent out the letter is to provide the best care for his brothers and sisters seeking care in the Veterans Administration.

Bledsoe believed that by participating in the COVID-19 protocols mandated by the hospital, he will be intentionally doing harm to those individuals who will be placed in his care, thus preventing him to perform his primary duty of advocating for his patients.

“I am not a social media person and I have no ulterior motives besides providing the best care for my brothers and sisters seeking care in the Veterans Administration.   I am sure I will be terminated.   No one I have spoken with disagrees with my letter but everyone is scared to lose their job pension and they feel that there is nothing that can be done.   So far my “admonishment” has been for refusing a direct order, no concern whatsoever about the side effects I have seen from the vaccinations or my arguments to provide early treatment,” said Jerry Bledsoe.

Based on the definitions of terror, terrorism, and coerce as stated in his letter, Bledsoe believed that by complying with the COVID-19 guidelines he would be participating in terrorism.

“The guidelines set forth, create an environment of fear or terror through faulty PCR testing, withholding of or limiting prophylactic or early treatment, the use of harmful medications for inpatient treatment, and vaccine mandates to compel or coerce the population into taking an experimental vaccination. This is a violation of the Nuremberg Code, and I believe it to be terrorism,” said Bledsoe.

Here is a copy of his letter:

To Whom It May Concern:

I write this letter to explain the reasoning behind my refusal to comply with the protocols and guidelines set forth by the Veterans Administration in performing my duties as a Registered Nurse as it pertains to coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19). This letter will provide insight to my position, as well as solutions that I believe to be reasonable and appropriate actions. Actions that, I believe and hope you will agree, provide improved patient outcomes and the best possible solution to defeat COVID-19.

As an employee of the Fayetteville VA, I have placed the safety and wellbeing of my patients and coworkers often ahead of my own. In times of active shooters or mental health crisis’s I never questioned doing the right thing to protect those around me and at this time, I feel that my actions are needed to ensure that we do the right thing for our families, patients, and peers.

Merriam-Webster’s definition of terror, terrorism, and coerce are as follows:

#1: Terror (noun):

  • A state of intense and overwhelming fear. Violence or the threat of violence used as a weapon. A very frightening or terrifying aspect

#2: Terrorism (noun):

  • The systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion

#3: Coerce (transitive verb):

  • To compel to an act or choice. To achieve by force or threat. To restrain or dominate by force.

Based on the definitions provided above, I believe that by complying with the COVID-19 guidelines set forth by the Veteran Administration I would be participating in terrorism. The guidelines set forth, create an environment of fear or terror through faulty PCR testing, withholding of or limiting prophylactic or early treatment, the use of harmful medications for inpatient treatment and vaccine mandates to compel or coerce the population into taking an experimental vaccination. This is a violation of the Nuremburg Code, and I believe it to be terrorism.

I believe that by participating in the COVID-19 protocols, I will be intentionally doing harm to those individuals who will be placed in my care, and it will prevent me from practicing a primary duty of advocating for my patients. It is my belief that by forcing my coworkers and I to participate in the COVID-19 protocols, the Veterans Administration is in direct violation of Title 18 US code 373, Solicitation to commit a crime of violence (The United States Department of Justice, 2020 1081. Overview of Solicitation | JM | Department of Justice).

Hermann Goring, a Nazi war criminal said it best, “You can do this in a Nazi regime, socialist, communist, monarchy or democracy; the only thing a government needs to turn the population into slaves is fear.  If you can find something to scare them, you can make them do anything you want.”  This is a sentiment that I believe to be true. I believe this is where we are today, at the precipice of a tragedy, and I cannot be a part of it.

I know many Americans are living in a state of confusion and fear, fear from dying of COVID-19, fear of vaccination mandates, fear of dying from the vaccines, fear of losing their jobs/ livelihoods, fear by employers of losing workers and an overall fear of an uncertain future.   Many of these Americans work or seek care within the Veterans Administration. In the past, we reacted to fear irrationally, we segregated bathrooms, water fountains, swimming pools, by race out of fear. We imprisoned Japanese Americans during WW2 out of fear, actions towards Jews during the 1930’s out of fear, and many more. Looking back, we can see that this fear was irrational, but to many at the time that fear was very real. Can we not learn from our mistakes in the past?  Are we too full of hubris to think that we could be persuaded to let history repeat itself? We read about history and wonder why the people did not stop these atrocities before they occurred. I would ask of anyone who is able to read this to consider what is going on around you at this moment in time as compared to the events leading up to the atrocities in history and what actions could we take to prevent those atrocities from recurring.

We as a people can stop this from happening. Not through violence, hiding or trying to manipulate the system but through civil disobedience. If we were to come together as healthcare workers stop complying with the current COVID-19 guidelines and instead provide accurate information and effective early treatment, would we not be providing the best care to our patients and peers with transparency, honesty, and integrity?

I will not attack the experimental vaccinations, as many believe in the vaccinations and want to be provided with the opportunity to take them. But when have we ever mass vaccinated the entire population of the earth with an experimental vaccine? Many may believe that this would never happen but that is what is taking place now. The President of the United States stated, and I am paraphrasing, that the new normal is for “everyone” to be vaccinated.

I do not believe our staff willingly participates in what I believe to be a campaign of fear to influence our patients. I come from an Infantry background with experience in combat. I have been in situations where my soldiers and I were ambushed and taking constant fire from all directions. When first ambushed, it is chaos and soldiers fight with what weapons they have and on reaction based on training and instinct.  I believe this is what happened to our medical community with COVID-19.  However, just as in an ambush situation, we must gather ourselves to evaluate our situation, and determine the best way to defeat this enemy. At times like this, we need leadership  not blind administrators of policy.

Concerns and Solutions

I believe the universal mask-wearing, the PCR test, and the vaccinations are all experimental and cannot be mandated and at this time. The mandates are now being contested through the judicial system.  download (, CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel – Instructions for Use (, COVID-19 Vaccines | FDA.  I believe the current protocols are a failure in preventing infections or transmissions and the primary reason for the protocols is to create an atmosphere of terror for which the only solution given is an experimental vaccine. This is terrorism, coercion to force patients to participate in an experimental treatment, and in direct violation of the Nuremburg Code. The Nuremberg Code (

I believe the mask mandates are ineffective to the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 and the reason for the masks is to create an environment of fear (terror) and the only option given (coercion) is an experimental vaccine (terrorism).  The COVID-19 virus is believed to be airborne with one of the transmissions being aerosols.  I do not believe there is any way of testing the efficacy of masks / or face coverings being worn by staff and patients. Various types of facial coverings are permitted, regardless of medical grade.  Social distancing is impossible based on the size of our work environment and patient and employee population, and I can tell you personally I know of no one I work with who universally always wears a mask and practices social distancing while at work.

The PCR test is being misused to create false positives.  I have based my opinion on various reasons:

#1 The Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) states that the PCR test was not developed using the COVID-19 virus. It was not available at the time of the test.  CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel – Instructions for Use (,

#2: The EUA states the PCR test cannot rule out other illnesses being the cause of infection or symptoms.  CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel – Instructions for Use ( and

#3:EUA for the PCR test has been recalled but is being allowed to be used until the end of the year (Centers for Disease Control, 2021 Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing). Additionally, I believe the PCR tests are being performed at a higher cycle count than that for which they were designed, which creates false positives.  COVID-19 Ct values_YNHH Aug. 2020 abbrev (,  Again I believe this is to create an atmosphere of fear (terror) for which the only offered solution (coercion) is an experimental vaccine (terrorism).

I believe testing every individual regardless of symptoms, for COVID-19 with the PCR test, provides a false picture of COVID-19 mortality rates.  The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states “[COVID-19] Deaths are counted based on the attachment of the Covid-19 ICD code to the patient’s diagnosis list.”  COVID-19 Provisional Counts – Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics ( Because these deaths are calculated based on the sole inclusion of the COVID-19 ICD 10 code, and not based on actual cause of death, it is my belief that these death counts are provisional and inflated. I have cared for many patients without symptoms or even suspicions of COVID-19 that tested positive on the PCR test on admission, thus assigning them the COVID-19 ICD code.  In these cases, COVID-19 may have nothing to do with the patient’s condition or why they are being admitted or may even be a false positive. However, if the patient were to become deceased, based on the including on the COVID 19 ICD 10 code, the patient will be counted as a Covid 19 death. The CDC’s weekly provisional count shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving COVID-19. COVID-19 Provisional Counts – Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics ( For over 5% ( less than 6% ) of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death. (Centers for Disease Control, 2021 COVID-19 Provisional Counts – Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics ( It is my belief that the policies surrounding how reporting of COVID-19 cases is conducted are intentionally creating an atmosphere of fear (terror) for which the only solution being offered (coercion) is an experimental vaccine (terrorism).

I do not believe that the vaccines should be mandatory for the patients or employees. Per the CDC, the experimental COVID-19 vaccinations do not prevent infection or transmission of the virus. This may be due to variants or waning durability or just plain failure. Both the CDC and FDA note the experimental vaccinations pose a risk for myocarditis (Long-Term Prognosis of Suspected Myocarditis and Cardiomyopathy Associated with Viral Infection of the Myocardial Tissue: A Meta-Analysis of Cohort Studies – PubMed ( ), pericarditis (Myocarditis and Pericarditis After mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination | CDC)  blood clotting, neurological damage (SARS‐CoV‐2 vaccines are not free of neurological side effects ( ) and death. The American Heart Association warns of heart issues with the MRNA Vaccines Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning | Circulation (, , What are the vaccines’ side effects? – Mayo Clinic. These are all concerns as, VAERS notes that the total number of deaths associated with the COVID-19 vaccines in one year is double the number of all other vaccines combined over the last thirty years. VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 12/03/2021 – VAERS Analysis.

To my knowledge, there is not an FDA-approved COVID 19 vaccine available in the US. Through our current administration, our patients and employees are being deceived into believing that these experimental vaccines, only authorized under the EUA are FDA approved. This deception is being contested through our judicial system at this time. It is my belief that we should not lie to our patients or our employees any longer. We should be educating the population on the true risks and benefits associated with this vaccine. According to the CDC, an individual is not “generally considered fully vaccinated” until two weeks after second MRNA shot, or first J&J shot.   I can only the assume that those who died before the two-week post injection period were not counted as vaccination deaths.  I do not know of any other medication that is injected into the body where possible side effects are not taken into consideration until two weeks after the injection.  In my opinion, the experimental vaccinations are not safe or effective.  The current vaccinations are still experimental, meaning the safety and effectiveness are continuing to be evaluated.  Additionally, the vaccination mandate refuses to recognize any sort of natural immunity. A study from Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries, seems to present natural immunity as more effective and more durable than the experimental vaccination. Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections | medRxiv. Supporting natural immunity, the CDC has also admitted through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests that they have no documentation of an unvaccinated person spreading COVID-19 to others, after contracting COVID-19 once, recovering and then becoming reinfected. FOIA: CDC Admits No Record of Unvaccinated Person Spreading COVID After Recovering from COVID – SWFI (

I believe that medications and treatment options for the prevention and early treatment of COVID-19 exist beyond the vaccine or remdesivir. As noted, remdesivir, a touted treatment option, has shown not to be as efficacious as once thought. Remdesivir in the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Analysis of Spontaneous Reports in VigiBase During 2020 – PubMed ( Why Remdesivir Failed: Preclinical Assumptions Overestimate the Clinical Efficacy of Remdesivir for COVID-19 and Ebola – PubMed (  I believe that options for prevention and early treatment are knowingly being withheld from the population. It is common practice physicians to use off-label medications with the consent of the patients. I believe that our patients should be offered various treatment options for the management and prevention of COVID 19 to include the encouragement of a healthy immune system through the use of Vitamin D, C and Zinc, the increased use of monoclonal antibodies, as well as medications such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. I believe these are knowingly being withheld from the population.  These treatment protocols and prophylaxis are being successfully used by physicians nationwide HOME – AAPS | Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (,   Home | America’s Frontline Doctors (, Dr Peter McCullough Early Treatment Protocol (, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko MD and the Attorney Generals of some states are ensuring patients have a right to these medications.  One letter regarding such is included hereafter. 21-017_0.pdf ( I believe that by withholding additional treatment options from the community, an atmosphere of fear (terror) is being created, to coerce the population into taking an experimental vaccination (terrorism).

If COVID-19 is the devastating pandemic that we are to believe it is, would it not be in the best interest for everyone, to prevent overwhelming of hospitals and possible death, by utilizing every treatment and prophylaxis option there is?  Is it sane to only allow one treatment/prophylaxis option and continue to use that only modality, even when the death toll continues to rise?  In the Emergency Department, a patient that is treated with an antibiotic, may return if the infection continues. In this situation, is it best practice to keep prescribing the same antibiotic until the patient requires hospitalization or is it more effective to implement adjunct therapy or a more aggressive treatment? Many patients return to the Emergency Department when their condition does not improve. The physician re-evaluates the previous treatment plan, and many times changes the antibiotic or treatment plan to ensure better patient outcomes. If utilizing off-label treatment options are used widely in medical practice, why are we not doing the same with COVID-19?

I believe there is an answer to how we can resolve much of this fear and provide the best outcome for our workers and patients.

#1: Stop asymptomatic testing and universally wearing of masks. Asymptomatic spreading of this virus is at most extremely rare. Asymptomatic testing and universally wearing of masks spreads fear.

#2: Provide accurate information on prophylactic and early treatment of patients to include off label medications and treatments options, and with informed consent provide those people the desired treatments.

#3: Provide accurate information on the vaccinations including current information on deaths and adverse reactions and with informed consent the vaccine to those who wish the opportunity to take it.

#4: Stop the vaccine mandates. This is immoral and unlawful, and I dare say those who go along with the mandates will be held accountable.

#5: Reevaluate our definition of death with COVID-19 and death by COVID-19 and distribute this information.

If frontline workers in healthcare and emergency medical services came together, refused to comply with the current COVID – 19 guidelines and implemented the five changes listed above we could change the direction of our current situation and have a better chance to defeat COVID-19.

I understand that data is rapidly changing, and the availability of information is sometimes overwhelming. I tried to provide concise amounts of references as to not clutter the point that I am trying to make. If anyone would like to contact me, I can be reached by email at with back up email

Patient advocacy is an integral part of the nursing profession, and one that I have practice through my 20 years of nursing. My personal actions are not only to ensure that safety and transparency are provided to our patients, but to our peers as well.  It is my hopes that this letter can serve as a call to action for every person, not only to evaluate the current environment and their participation in current COVID practices, but to re-evaluate practices and policies that will provide the best possible outcomes to the Covid 19 crisis. We could make change if we come together and demand better practices and implement these changes. We have the power as the people.


Jerry Bledsoe RN


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