Thursday, January 13, 2022

‘Pandemic of The Vaccinated’: Latest UK Health Data Shows Vaccinated Deaths Higher than Unvaccinated Deaths in Last Three Months!


( I wonder if families can SUE the government and your employer for false safety info of the vaccine and requiring it to keep your job?  Hmmmmm)



‘Pandemic of The Vaccinated’: Latest UK Health Data Shows Vaccinated Deaths Higher than Unvaccinated Deaths in Last Three Months!

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The latest official health data from the British government shows that “fully vaccinated” individuals are not experiencing the robust protection against hospitalization or death that they were promised, but rather have alarmingly been contracting the virus, getting hospitalized, and even dying at a much higher number than the unvaccinated have been over the past few months.

As of December 5th, the vaccinated have accounted for a whopping 4 of every 5 total Covid-19 deaths in England since August 16th, 2021, according to The UK Health Security Agency’s Covid data.

Over those four months, there were 3,070 Covid-19 deaths among the unvaccinated population in England, compared to 12,058 deaths among the vaccinated population during the same time frame.

This chart below, courtesy of The UK Daily Exposé, illustrates the UK Covid death numbers by vaccination status.

TRENDING: BOMBSHELL: Veritas Documents Reveal DC Bureaucrats Had Evidence Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine Were Effective in Treating COVID -- BUT HID THIS FROM PUBLIC

What’s even more concerning is that the vaccinated death numbers have been increasing over time, with a slight dip occurring in November after the numbers skyrocketed in October, as can be seen in the month-over-month comparison below.

And keep in mind, this public health data only includes Covid deaths. The astronomical difference does not even include people who may have died of other causes related to taking the vaccine – which could be thousands in the UK alone.

As the Gateway Pundit has reported, there is startling evidence that excess deaths have jumped by as much as 40% overall among working-aged Americans – and it’s not due to Covid deaths.

In addition to the ballooning death rate, a ‘Technical briefing on SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern‘ report that was published by the UK on December 31st also confirmed that – as of December 29th – the fully vaccinated make up 3 out of every 4 Omicron hospitalizations.

According to the report, the single/double/triple jabbed made up 74% of new hospitalizations – while just 25.3% were unvaxxed.

From The UK Daily Exposé:

So much for Fauci and the rest of the Public Health Tyrants claiming these experimental jabs protect against severe disease and death…

Overall, the UK government’s official data shows that the vaccinated population has accounted for 56% of all Covid-19 cases, 63% of all hospitalizations, and even 80% of all deaths over the past few months – with the numbers getting progressively worse as time goes on, not less.

Which really begs the question – Why hasn’t the CDC broken down the US case/hospitalization/death numbers by vaccination status yet?

How much more death and disease do we need to experience before someone is held accountable for the creation and release of this virus? Let alone for the authoritarian violation of individual rights or the countless lives affected by the experimental mRNA vaccines.

This is criminal – and not just because Fauci keeps perjuring himself on Capitol Hill.

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Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Please pass this on to everyone you know)‘It’s For Their Health’: Ronald McDonald House Charity in Canada Set To Begin EVICTING Cancer-Stricken Children Over Their Vax Status




‘It’s For Their Health’: Ronald McDonald House Charity in Canada Set To Begin EVICTING Cancer-Stricken Children Over Their Vax Status

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The Vancouver British Columbia Ronald McDonald House (RMH) has reportedly begun serving eviction notices to the families of children battling serious illness because they have not taken the COVID injection.

The well-known charity accommodates families with hospitalized children under 21 years of age, but Ronald McDonald Houses in British Columbia and Yukon, Canada plan to kick out child cancer patients and their parents if they don’t get the COVID-19 shot by the end of January.

Austin Furgason, the father of a 4-year-old child with leukemia who has been housed with the charity since October while undergoing chemotherapy, posted a video to his Facebook showing the notice announcing the vaccine-related eviction his family received from Ronald McDonald House Charities British Columbia.

Furgason called the RMH decision “wicked and vile:”

TRENDING: LAWRENCE SELLIN: New Pentagon Papers Show COVID Is Bioweapon Made in China Paid for and Developed by US Scientists Who Then Covered It Up While Pushing Flawed Public Health Policies

“All tenants, adults and children over the age of 5 who are not vaccinated are out by the end of January. How absolutely wicked and vile.”

They are evicting my son with leukemia and any other children or adults who are suffering with sick children into the snow.

The Covid cult is far more dangerous than Covid. If they will evict families with cancer, what won’t they do.”

Furgason and his family are supposed to be staying with the facility for the next couple of months, and they are not scheduled to leave until later this year, but now their housing arrangement has been thrown into chaos thanks to the new authoritarian mandate.

In the video, Furgason confronts a manager in the Vancouver RMH, demanding answers on why the charity is requiring the experimental vaccine especially when the shot clearly doesn’t stop the spread of COVID-19.

“What we’re doing is protecting the safety of everybody in the house,” the manager explained.

“No, you’re not,” Furgason replied. “Because a vaccinated person could still get it and transmit it.”

“You’re evicting kids with leukemia, kids who have strokes. Kids with Down syndrome. Do you understand how evil this is?”

“This is just so messed up.”


The letter, written by RMH British Columbia & Yukon Senior Director of Family Services Leslie Louie, states that the new policy requires all children five or older and their family members to show proof of “full vaccination” – specified as “two doses” – in order to use the charity’s services and benefit from the goodwill of others.

The notice was sent to all families on Monday and only gives them a few weeks with a Jan. 31 grace period deadline to submit their vaccine passports to the RMHBC administration.

The only way around the vaccine mandate is by obtaining an “accommodation” from RMH BC, which is unlikely to happen even though children and young people have an astounding 99.995% recovery rate from Covid-19.

From the RMH Vancouver letter:

“Beginning January 17, 2022, everyone five years and older who are working, staying, or visiting our facilities (both the House at 4567 Heather St, Vancouver and at the Family Room in Surrey Memorial Hospital) must show proof of full vaccination (two doses), in addition to completing our existing screening, unless an Accommodation has been sought and has been explicitly approved and granted by RMH BC in writing.” 

As for the families like the Furgason’s, who are relying on the support of charities like this one to get through these terribly difficult – and expensive – treatments, the vaccine mandate is a devastating blow, especially since the children are already dealing with their own severe health complications that can easily be worsened by this experimental mRNA vaccine.

Despite the jarring eviction notice, Furgason told a Canadian news outlet that his son, Jack, is doing “really good” because “God’s been doing miracles” for his son – But Furgason also blasted RMHBC and the Canadian Government for “dividing the people over such a unifying cause – helping sick kids – and legislating the “segregation” of people based on their vaccination status.

From his comments to True North News Canada:

“No matter what people’s beliefs are, everyone donates to this place because everyone wants to save dying kids,” he said. “If there was anything left to unite our country, this would have been it. And still, they find a way to segregate us and divide us even more. … I’m broken inside for our country just how fast this has accelerated.”

RMH Vancouver has not confirmed how many sick kids and their families would be displaced as a result of the policy, but the organization did claim that it would “work to find alternate housing for families who refuse to get everyone over the age of five vaccinated by the Jan. 31 deadline.”

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FRIGHTENING: WHO Joins EU and Changes Direction — Suddenly Warns Against Taking Continued COVID Booster Shots



FRIGHTENING: WHO Joins EU and Changes Direction — Suddenly Warns Against Taking Continued COVID Booster Shots

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On Tuesday European regulators warned that the COVID booster shots could adversely affect the immune system.

This was a huge admission for European officials after pushing booster shots just weeks earlier.  What happened?

Then later on Tuesday the World Health Organization joined the EU and also condemned the continued booster regimen.

That was quick.
What happened?

What do they now see about the experimental mRNA vaccines that they did not see just a month ago?

Via Alex Berenson on Substack.

Now the World Health Organization has waved the white flag on Covid vaccine boosters too.

WHO released a statement about Covid vaccines yesterday. It’s filled with the usual public health jargon and ass-covering, but one line stands out:

a vaccination strategy based on repeated booster doses of the original vaccine composition is unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable.

It’s over, people.

Aside from a few unlucky Israelis, no one is going to receive a fourth dose of the original vaccine; everyone with eyes can see it doesn’t work against Omicron. (And if you haven’t gotten a third dose, at this point, why would you? You are getting at most weeks of marginally improved protection for potentially severe side effects.)

Instead the WHO is now promising/demanding vaccines based on whatever the dominant Sars-Cov-2 strain is at the moment.

That promise is as empty as all the others the health bureaucrats and vaccine companies have made.

At least five major variants (“variants of concern”) have developed in the last year, and two have become globally dominant. Even the mRNA vaccines cannot be cooked up and delivered fast enough to match whatever strain of virus becomes dominant. Covid is faster than the scientists.

Read the rest here.

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Double Vaccinated 18-Year-Old Brazilian Model Dies After Developing Blood Clots Due to ‘COVID Complications’



Double Vaccinated 18-Year-Old Brazilian Model Dies After Developing Blood Clots Due to ‘COVID Complications’

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An 18-year-old Brazilian model died on Sunday reportedly due to COVID-19 complications despite receiving 2 doses of Pfizer vaccine, the Covid world reported.

Valentina Boscardin was diagnosed with COVID-19 and was hospitalized at São Paulo. On Thursday, her condition worsened and she developed thrombosis, a formation of a blood clot according to reports. Other media, as well as friends, added pneumonia as another factor of her death.

According to her mother, Brazilian TV reporter Marcia Boscardin, her daughter was healthy. Local news outlet said Valentina had no other health complications nor comorbidities.

“Valentina was healthy and had taken both doses of the vaccine [Pfizer]. She was part of the Ford Model Brasil São Paulo agency, which confirmed her death [translated],” says news outlet Estadao.

TRENDING: "Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels" - Naomi Wolf and Dr. Malone Respond to Project Veritas BOMBSHELL (VIDEO)

It was confirmed that the young model was vaccinated with 2 doses of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine according to an Instagram post from journalist Felipeh Campos who is close to the family.

Her mother announced her tragic death in an Instagram post last Sunday, “With great pain I say goodbye to the love of my life. Bye, Valentina Boscardin Mendes. May God receive you with open arms. My daughter, I will love you forever. An angel rises to heaven.”

May her soul Rest In Peace.

In Australia, another double vaccinated 23-year-old scientist, powerlifter champion, and healthy athlete died after testing positive for Covid-19.

It should be remembered that the effectiveness of the two doses of Pfizer vaccine  is reportedly 98.9% at preventing deaths, according to the results published in February 2021 of a study administered in Israel.

Israel’s Health Ministry announced results of a study in the country that showed that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine was 98.9% effective at preventing COVID-19 deaths. In the study it was 99.2% effective in preventing serious disease, decreased morbidity by 95.8% and decreased the likelihood of hospitalization by 98.9%, Biospace reported.

Dr. Fauci, corporate media, and the Public Health Regime have been lying about Covid since the beginning.

They said the vaccine would stop transmission.
They said the vaccinated would no longer have to wear a mask.
They said the vaccinated would not get sick.
They said the vaccinated were not going to die.

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Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Why do people accually believe everything on their phones? They aren't really that dumb are they?



My God...THINK and do your OWN research. 

That crap will make you look stupid.

Connecticut Asks Nursing Homes to Accept COVID-Infected Patients from Hospitals Due to Staff Shortages

 Hospitals have shortages because they FIRED people who weren't going to put things in their bodies just because someone told them


Here We Go Again… Connecticut Asks Nursing Homes to Accept COVID-Infected Patients from Hospitals Due to Staff Shortages

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A 2020 study revealed 45% of all US coronavirus deaths occurred in nursing homes.

Only 0.6% of the US population lives in nursing homes but over 45% of the coronavirus deaths were in these centers.

But not in the case of Connecticut.

The state of Connecticut is asking its nursing homes to accept COVID-infected patients discharged from hospitals.

According to the memo released by Connecticut Department of Public Health on Jan 6, “Per the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), post-acute care includes long-term care hospitals (LTCHs), inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs), skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), and home health (HH) agencies.”

“This guidance could also apply for assisted living facilities, residential care homes, and other congregate living settings,” the memo continued.

More from FOX News:

Those facilities “should be equipped to safely care for individuals with active COVID-19 who are ready for discharge from acute care,” according to the memo dated Jan. 6. Discharge cannot be delayed for pending test results, as nursing homes already have quarantine policies based on vaccination status.

The new guidance comes as more than 80% of nursing homes in Connecticut are reporting positive cases among residents and staff, The Connecticut Mirror reported. State health department data shows that more than 92% of residents aged 65 to 74 and 86.9% of those 75 or older are fully vaccinated.

However, early studies indicate vaccines do not offer as much protection against omicron, now the dominant variant in the U.S., as they have against previous versions of the coronavirus.

Matthew Barrett, the president and CEO of the Connecticut Association of Health Care Facilities, told The Mirror that the new state department policy should still allow nursing homes to reject COVID-19 patients if they are not equipped to care for them due to widespread staffing shortages.

A spokesperson for Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont told the newspaper that if nursing homes reject COVID-19 patients, the hospitals will still be responsible for finding another place for the person to stay.

According to CDC, “older adults are more likely to get very sick from COVID-19. Getting very sick means that older adults with COVID-19 might need hospitalization, intensive care, or a ventilator to help them breathe, or they might even die. The risk increases for people in their 50s and increases in 60s, 70s, and 80s. People 85 and older are the most likely to get very sick.”

Last November, a Covid outbreak at a Connecticut nursing home has killed 8 fully vaccinated residents and infected 89 others.

Among the 89 people infected at Geer Village Senior Community in Canaan, 87 were fully vaccinated.

As TGP reported numerous times last year — Five Democrat governors sent COVID-19 patients into nursing homes.

New Jersey Is First State to Pay Out MILLIONS Over Nursing Home COVID Deaths — Will NY, MI, PA and CA Follow?

And New Jersey was the first state to settle claims that the state’s negligence contributed to the deaths of more than 100 veterans at state-run homes during the coronavirus pandemic.

New Jersey Is First State to Pay Out MILLIONS Over Nursing Home COVID Deaths — Will NY, MI, PA and CA Follow?


Monday, January 10, 2022

Hurry....pass this on) Dr. Robert Malone Fires Off Warning Shot on The War Room: Latest Disease Spreading Across China an “Ebola-Like Hemorrhagic Fever Virus” (VIDEO)



Dr. Robert Malone Fires Off Warning Shot on The War Room: Latest Disease Spreading Across China an “Ebola-Like Hemorrhagic Fever Virus” (VIDEO)

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Dr. Robert Malone joined Steve Bannon on The War Room to discuss the latest viral outbreak in China. The communist regime is hiding the nature and spread of this latest disease.

This has many experts worried including Dr. Malone who is the inventor of the mRNA vaccines.  Dr. Malone today told the War Room audience that he is hearing the current disease that is spreading across China is reportedly an “Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus.”  The regime is hiding the true nature of this disease from the public and from the global community — Just like last time!

Today there are 5.5 million people dead (and counting) from the last China pandemic.

Now we could be talking about an “Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus.” 

Dr. Malone: “They are using language that this is a hemorrhagic fever virus. If that’s the case then it would be very odd that this would be something caused by the Coronavirus. That terminology is usually used for viruses in the family of Ebola. So this is something that many people have feared is the development of a rapidly spreading Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus. But we have not knowledge of whether that is going on here or not.”

Via The War Room:

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