Tuesday, January 18, 2022

He’s Getting Worse – Joe Biden’s MLK Jr. Speech was Delivered from Fake White House Set and It Was Prerecorded





(On such an important day.... how dare he disrespect) 

MLK Jr. said to " judge by character NOT color of the skin"... all the losers that aren't doing that are NOT men ... they are JERKS.

He’s Getting Worse – Joe Biden’s MLK Jr. Speech was Delivered from Fake White House Set and It Was Prerecorded

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Joe Biden gave his MLK Jr speech from the fake White House set with no reporters present.  His speech was again divisive while his senility appears to be getting worse. 

We’ve reported on the fake White House set that Biden has been using since he stepped into the White House.  This has been really weird to watch.

Biden uses this set often and he even started putting fake pictures in the windows of the White House set.  How bizarre.

Yesterday’s MLK Jr speech was again from the set with no press allowed.  Breitbart reported:

The White House released a pre-recorded video address of President Joe Biden on Monday marking Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Video of the president appeared to show Biden delivering his address from his video set across the street from the White House — even as he spent the day at his home in Delaware.

The video focused on Dr. King’s legacy, using the occasion to complain about election security laws supported by Republicans in the United States.

And, Biden’s speech was again divisive.
So now Biden is doing speeches that are pre-recorded, with no press present and from the fake White House set.  His senility is only getting worse.

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THEY call it a VACCINE....I say sue the freaking government if you get your shot and get sick.... this is BULL




they are not allowing you to live without rules and mandates... SUE THEM !!! 


THEY CALL IT A VACCINE, sue them !!!


Texas Synagogue Shooter Had Radical Islamic Ties





Texas Synagogue Shooter Had Radical Islamic Ties

a mug shot of Faisal Akram from the new york post broadcast on newsmax
Faisal Akram (New York Post/Newsmax)

Monday, 17 January 2022 10:04 PM

A new Newsmax Platinum report finds that the Islamist gunman who took four people hostage at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas, belonged to a Pakistan-based Islamic extremist group called Tablighi Jamaat.

Faisal Akram, a British citizen, on Saturday held Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker and three others hostage at the synagogue, located near Fort Worth, for 11 hours before FBI agents shot and killed Akram, who was armed with a gun.

The FBI had emphatically claimed neither antisemitism nor terrorism where at play in the attack.

But the facts and background of Akram show otherwise.

The Newsmax Platinum report reveals:

  • Ties between Akram's organization and ISIS and al-Qaida.
  • Facts that prove Akram was a jihadist.
  • What Guantanamo interrogations found about the group.
  • Why the Biden administration does not want the truth revealed.
  • Akram's long record of activism against Israel.
  • Clear evidence the FBI is not telling the truth about this case.

For the full report from Platinum – Read More Here

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A judge told a 72-year-old man who has CANCER that he 'should be ashamed of himself and she would send him to jail if she could "after he said he was too weak to keep up with his lawn


 What a HEARTLESS B!tch, why isn't she out there helping him. I hope she has great health forever and never has to count on others to help her. B!tch. 

I don't wish bad things on people but she needs some reality on what its like to have bad health for herself or someone you love.




A judge told a 72-year-old man who has CANCER that he 'should be ashamed' of himself after he said he was too weak to keep up with his lawn.

31st District Court in Hamtramck, Michigan
31st District Court in Hamtramck, Michigan31st District Court in Hamtramck, Michigan
  • Burhan Chowdhury, of Hamtramck, Michigan, told a judge he had been too weak to clean up his yard.

  • Judge Alexis G. Krot said he should be ashamed and that she would give him jail time if she could.

  • Chowdhury's son said he usually helps his dad with the yard but he was out of the country.

A Michigan judge berated a 72-year-old man on Monday after he told her he had failed to keep up with the maintenance of his yard because his cancer treatments made him very weak.

In a video of the exchange, Burhan Chowdhury, of Hamtramck, Michigan, can be heard struggling to breathe as he explained his situation to 31st District Judge Alexis G. Krot.

"You should be ashamed of yourself," Krot could be heard saying in the video. "If I could give you jail time on this, I would."

She then issued him a $100 fine, adding: "You've got to get that cleaned up. That is totally inappropriate."

The man's son, Shibbir Chowdhury, 33, who appeared with his father for the Zoom hearing, spoke up to clarify that his father was sick and that the property had already been cleaned up.

"Do you see that photo?" Krot asked. "That is shameful. Shameful. The neighbors should not have to look at that."

Shibbir Chowdhury told The Washington Post that his father was diagnosed with lymph node cancer in 2019. He said he usually helps keep up the yard for his parents, but he was out of the country in Bangladesh for three months last year. 

He said the weeds grew out around his parents' house while he was gone. When he returned, his father told him they had received a ticket for noxious weeds and vegetation. Shibbir Chowdhury said he was shocked by the judge's reaction to the situation.

"She was telling my father, a sick person, that he should go to jail. That's ridiculous," he told The Post. "You can't give a 72-year-old person jail time for not cleaning an alley."

"I was really shocked by it. I didn't expect her to yell at us in this kind of a situation," he added.

Shibbir Chowdhury said he is going to pay his father's fine and has received a lot of support from other people online and in their community.

"People understand that a situation like this can happen with someone who is old or sick," he said.

Court records viewed by Insider showed the fine was paid on Wednesday.

Krot was appointed by then-Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder in August 2016 and elected in November 2018. As a judge, she is unable to comment on the case, WDIV reported.

Video: Behind the scenes of 'The People's Court'

Read the original article on Insider


Hospitals FIRED workers that refused shot..... But wait a minute.... they say thy are at maxed load....READ


 "biden to send help to six states".


Why joe? YOU did this !!!!





 This is someone that knows first hand

A hospital's max capacity is determined by the staff they have for a specified number of beds. 

We already know the vaccine mandate has caused issues with hospital staffing as well as staff just being burnt out and leaving the industry. This lowers the max capacity of a hospital. 

The overwhelming of our ER's and hospitals have been caused by the current administration and now he wants to look like a hero for sending help? Let's Go Brandon. 


We already know that hospitalizations due to the Omicron variant are not nearly what the administration would like us to believe.

Was the background check all clear for Texas gunman? Did they vet him (look into him)



Who the hell let him in our border? 

How many more NUTS are here in our country wanting to do do harm to us?


Thanks for the open border Biden ! 


(Read update post with his photo)

Hong Kong to Cull 2,000 Animals After Hamsters Get COVID-19 (But Hong Kong authorities said they are not ruling out transmission between animals and humans.)



Hong Kong to Cull 2,000 Animals After Hamsters Get COVID-19

A hamster out of its cage
(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

Tuesday, 18 January 2022 06:43 AM

Hong Kong authorities said Tuesday that they will kill about 2,000 small animals, including hamsters, after several tested positive for the coronavirus at a pet store where an employee was also infected.

The city will also stop the sale of hamsters and the import of small mammals, according to officials from the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. The pet shop employee tested positive for the delta variant on Monday, and several hamsters imported from the Netherlands at the store tested positive as well.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, animals do not appear to play a significant role in spreading the coronavirus. But Hong Kong authorities said they are not ruling out transmission between animals and humans.

“We cannot exclude the possibility that the shopkeeper was in fact actually infected from the hamsters,” said Edwin Tsui, a controller at the Centre for Health Protection.

“If you own a hamster, you should keep your hamsters at home, do not take them out," department director Leung Siu-fai said at a news conference. “All pet owners should observe good personal hygiene, and after you have been in contact with animals and their food, you should wash your hands."

“Do not kiss your pets,” he added.

As a precautionary measure, customers who purchased hamsters from the store after Jan. 7 will be traced and be subject to mandatory quarantine and must hand over their hamsters to authorities to be put down, officials said.

They said all pet stores in Hong Kong must stop selling hamsters and that about 2,000 small mammals, including hamsters and chinchillas, will be killed in a humane manner.

Customers who bought hamsters in Hong Kong from Dec. 22 will be subject to mandatory testing and are urged not contact others until their tests have returned negative. If their hamsters test positive, they will be subject to quarantine.

Hong Kong has been grappling with a local omicron outbreak traced to several Cathay Pacific crew members who dined at bars and restaurants across the city before testing positive for the omicron variant.

The government announced late Monday that two former flight attendants have been arrested for leaving their homes during quarantine and later being confirmed to have coronavirus infections. It did not identify their employer, but said the two arrived from the U.S. on Dec. 24 and 25 and “conducted unnecessary activities” while under medical surveillance.

The arrests came after Cathay Pacific said it had fired two crew members for breaching coronavirus protocols. It previously apologized and called their actions “extremely disappointing.” The company had to cut back on flights — both passenger and cargo — in January because of tightened virus curbs.

The two have been released on bail and will have their case heard in court on Feb. 9. If convicted of violating anti-epidemic regulations, they could face up to six months' imprisonment and a fine of up to 5,000 Hong Kong dollars ($642).

Previously in Hong Kong, some air and sea crew members could isolate at home under quarantine exemptions. Regulations were tightened on Dec. 31 to require crew members to isolate in a designated quarantine hotel for about a week.

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