Monday, January 24, 2022

Dr. Fauci: “We May Need to Boost Again. That’s Entirely Conceivable” (VIDEO)


 (This stuff gets posted on weekends when fewer people read it!   PASS to everyone you know)


Dr. Fauci: “We May Need to Boost Again. That’s Entirely Conceivable” (VIDEO)

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It’s Sunday which means Fauci is out flapping his gums on left-wing media outlets.

Dr. Fauci said it’s “entirely conceivable” that Americans will need another booster shot during his appearance on ABC’s “This Week.”

“We may need to boost again. That’s entirely conceivable,” Dr. Fauci told “This Week” host Martha Raddatz.

“Before we make that decision about yet again another boost, we want to determine clearly what the durability of protection is of that regular boost,” he added.


Just in time for the CDC’s update on the definition of “fully vaccinated.”

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky on Friday announced the definition of fully vaccinated is being changed to include the Covid booster shot.

“And what we are really working to do is pivot the language to make sure that everybody is as up to date with their Covid-19 vaccines and they personally could be based on when they got their last vaccine,” Walensky said.

She continued, “So importantly right now, we are pivoting our language, we really want to make sure people are up to date. That means if you recently got your second dose, you are not eligible for a booster, you’re up to date. If you are eligible for a booster and you haven’t gotten it, YOU’RE NOT UP TO DATE and you need to get your booster in order to be up to date.”

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POWERFUL! Professional Cycling Champion and Vaccine Victim Kyle Warner: “We Were Asked to Do Our Part for Our Country and Then Cast Aside in the Name of Profits!” (VIDEO)


POWERFUL! Professional Cycling Champion and Vaccine Victim Kyle Warner: “We Were Asked to Do Our Part for Our Country and Then Cast Aside in the Name of Profits!” (VIDEO)

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The Gateway Pundit previously reported on Kyle Warner, a 29-year-old mountain bike race champion, who was diagnosed with pericarditis, POTS, and reactive arthritis a month after he took the second dose of the Pfizer COVID vaccine.

Kyle Warner now says his career was ruined due to the diagnosis and heart problems after taking the government-promoted COVID vaccine.

On Sunday Kyle Warner spoke at the massive Defeat the Mandates march and rally in Washington DC.

Kyle delivered an emotional speech where he described how his life has changed since taking Dr. Fauci’s vaccine.

Kyle Warner:  In an instant I went from winning mountain bike races to being completely bedridden.  The last six months have been a revolving door of doctor, hospital and cardiology visits…  I wasn’t aware of the fact that the companies giving the shots were given total legal immunity by the US government.  I learned the Covid vaccines were not eligible for the vaccine injury compensation program due to their unapproved status.  This means the people behind me qualify for the government aide program specifically established to help injured Americans with vaccine injuries.  Zero corporate liability.  Zero backup plan.  What could go wrong?… We are not conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers. We are Americans, just like you, from every different background possible. Yet, we are united by one thing. We were asked to do our part by our country and then cast aside in the name of profit!

This was a very powerful speech!
Warner has been castigated by the left after speaking out against his horrific experience.

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Thursday, January 20, 2022

NHS Doctor Tells Patient NOT to Take Covid Vaccine Because They Will Be PULLED Soon – Warns That Vaccine Data is Being Hidden From Public


WATCH: NHS Doctor Tells Patient NOT to Take Covid Vaccine Because They Will Be PULLED Soon – Warns That Vaccine Data is Being Hidden From Public

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A National Health Service doctor in the UK who was speaking with a patient over the phone – and telling her to not take any more doses of the experimental Covid-19 vaccines because the shots are about to be pulled out of circulation, has caused alarm on social media after a video recording of their conversation went viral this week.

In the recording, which was reportedly of a telemedicine appointment out of Chichester UK, a woman is informed by the doctor that because of information that has been hidden from the public that shows the dangerousness of the rushed vaccines, they will likely be halted globally very soon, and therefore she, and everyone else she knows, should not take any more doses – for their own safety.

“There wasn’t enough information,” the doctor can be heard telling the woman. “And it’s a lot more coming up especially for the young people whose immunity is intact, apparently that’s enough.”

Seeking clarification, the woman, who was experiencing headaches she thought were related to the vaccine, presses the doctor on what she means. “So, just to make sure – so, you think I shouldn’t have any more vaccines then?”

“If you ask me that would be my advice. But, yes,” the doctor responds.

Curious as to why that would be the professional opinion, especially since these experimental vaccines are being pushed across the board as safe and effective, the woman follows up by asking if that advice applies to just her, or anyone of a young age, which is when the doctor finally stops beating around the bush.

“Because it’s very much as I said to you, there is a lot of information coming up now which was not available earlier and very soon all of the vaccines will be completely stopped. 

This is information that [has] really just come up. You won’t hear it on TV for a while – probably because…[sigh] it’s a long story, but um yeah, so it’s very soon they will stop all of those vaccines. People don’t know, but yeah.

Seemingly more concerned after letting the cat out of the bag, The doctor explains the side effects that are related to the vaccine to look out for and implores the patient to not allow her sister, who is set to receive her booster the next day, to skip the jab.

“No… please no, the doctor begs before adding, “absolutely not. [She] does not need it. Please no.”


Almost immediately after its posting, internet sleuths identified the phone number that’s featured in the viral video. The call was made to St. Richard’s Hospital in Chichester, West Sussex, England, which only adds credibility to the healthcare professional’s ominous warning.

And according to InfoWars, a Former member of the UK Parliament – James F. Wells – reached out to the women who posted the video to verify the call.

From InfoWars:

While Wells did not outright dismiss the call’s content, he cast doubt on it being authentic after probing the sisters, claiming they provided conflicting accounts, and went on to question why a doctor would “risk her career giving a warning like this to someone she’s never met?

‘How would a lone Dr have this info & it not be public?’ Wells asked, adding, ‘it doesn’t mean it’s not true, but very dubious.’

Responding to a detractor that claimed the video was ‘fake,’ one of the sisters took to Twitter to confirm it is ‘definitely not fake.'”

Perhaps adding to the veracity of the claims, the original video, which was uploaded by Twitter user @theysayitsrare has also been removed from the social media platform for a rule violation.

It is unclear what new data this doctor is referencing in her worrying claims, but several studies over the past few months have warned of the numerous potentially life-threatening side effects and long-term complications from these jabs. In fact, just this week, an analysis of the CDC’s own data on deaths in the US confirms that there has been a massive spike in excess deaths since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly since the rollout of these experimental vaccines.

What is going on?

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Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Really ... you thtink tthis is ok??? LA freight train looting 'out of control' as thieves worsen supply chain bottlenecks





LA freight train looting 'out of control' as thieves worsen supply chain bottlenecks

The scene in Southern California resembles a disaster movie — only it's not. 

Thousands of boxes littering Union Pacific (UNP) train tracks in downtown Los Angeles attest to a wave of rail thefts that have taken place in recent months — worsening supply chain bottlenecks and creating endless delays for consumers and merchants that likely cost millions, if not more. 

L.A. has been a hub of major shipping woes in recent months, with the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach a prominent fixture of global supply bottlenecks. The twin hubs handle about 40% of the nation’s maritime imports, with the majority of nearly $450 billion worth of goods eventually moving by rail.

With retailers seeing a wave of "smash and grab" thefts, rail heists are now taking center stage in the latest problem dogging the industry. Over the weekend, Yahoo Finance saw several scavengers picking through the sea trash, hoping to find valuable goods like electronics, clothes or whatever items thieves left behind.

Thieves have been raiding cargo containers, taking packages that belong to people from all over the country from retailers like Amazon (AMZN), Target (TGT), Macy’s (M), Skechers, and others, leading to viral images on social media. Data from the National Retail Federation found that the average loss from organized crime topped $700,000 per $1 billion in sales in 2020.

Some of the refuse left behind included pills, dermatology products, home decor which robbers didn’t want, or simply didn't believe were valuable enough to take.

On Saturday, Yahoo Finance found several packages, and upon entering the tracking number information found they were marked as “on the way – delay.” One was addressed to Oregon State Police from BPS Tactical Inc., a custom Law Enforcement gear company.

Yahoo Finance called and sent photos to the officer and the company about their missing package. 

"It's really frustrating and these criminals are just taking over and they rip the box open and take what they want," Sarah Blankenship, vice president of BPS Tactical, said in a phone interview. 

Blasting the thefts as "out of control," she demanded "consequences for stuff like this. It just makes me mad that something we made that costs money and people work hard to make and the trooper is not getting his equipment that he needs, because somebody helped himself to something that they shouldn't be taking." 

Blankenship said they were sending an exterior vest that was worth over $500 to a trooper in Oregon, but explained this experience had has never happened before, and luckily all their packages are insured. 

"I feel like the only thing that's going to change, this is what happens to the criminals and the consequences of what they should be facing for doing these type of things. They need more manpower to enforce it," she told Yahoo Finance. 

"We won't change the way we send stuff because we'll still have to go through the same procedures, but we will definitely be following up with our customers more," she added.

UP grapples with a staggering surge in thefts

Thieves targeting freight trains have left a graveyard of empty and undelivered packages in Southern California, worsening supply bottlenecks that have forced consumers and retailers to wait indefinitely for their deliveries.
Thieves targeting freight trains have left a graveyard of empty and undelivered packages in Southern California, worsening supply bottlenecks that have forced consumers and retailers to wait indefinitely for their deliveries.

The robberies appear to be a byproduct of a widespread breakdown in pandemic-era public safety, which has bedeviled officials across major cities — and not just on the West Coast. In New York City, businesses and citizens are in open revolt against Manhattan's newly-elected District Attorney Alvin Bragg, amid plans to downgrade or simply not prosecute certain crimes.

Union Pacific, the railroad company operating the cargo trains, had cleaned up the area of tracks where the boxes were found three months ago, and again about 30 days ago, according to CBS-Los Angeles reports.

The company said it has experienced a surge of over 160% in criminal rail theft in L.A. County since December 2020, and that on average, more than 90 containers were compromised each day. 

For several months during that period, the increase from the previous year surpassed 200%, according to UP data. For the month of October 2021, it estimated the increase to be over 356% compared to the year before.

According to LAPD data through November 27, property crime was up 2.6% over the same period last year, but is actually down 6.6% from 2019.

However, the train thefts have created quality of life issues bad enough to make a Los Angeles Councilman, Joe Buscaino, declare UP's railroad’s properties within Districts 15 and 8 a public nuisance based on dumping, trash and encampments near tracks.

On Saturday afternoon, 17 cars of a UP train derailed in Lincoln Heights. Sources with knowledge of the situation told Yahoo Finance that thieves are deliberately causing these derailments as a method to slow down the train, and allow them to rob cargo containers.

Officials say they are working on clearing the tracks following the derailment; nobody on the train was hurt and the cause is under investigation.

While Yahoo Finance was on the scene with cameras, three people were seen walking off with boxes of goods, and a UP officer was spotted with a man handcuffed.

The train company has stepped up the number of special agents on patrol, and was exploring the use of tools like drones, specialized fencing and trespass detection systems, a representative told Yahoo Finance.

An abandoned package found near a rail track in L.A. County. Thieves have been targeting freight trains in Southern California, and worsening a supply crisis.
An abandoned package found near a rail track in L.A. County. Thieves have been targeting freight trains in Southern California, and worsening a supply crisis.

Keith Lewis, Vice President of Operations at CargoNet, a Verisk business that tracks cargo thefts, told Yahoo Finance that there’s often a delay in reporting stolen goods.

“We have a significant delay in reporting of these incidents because they may happen on a Thursday or Friday, and they may not be realized until Monday,” said Lewis. “The bad guys have two or three days to get away with the product, move it, repackage it, put it in a different trailer, sell it."

Lewis also noted it was still unclear why there has been more rail theft in recent months.

“I don't know what's causing the uptick other than the freight sitting more than it has been," he explained.

In a letter to L.A. County District’s Attorney George Gascon, Adrian Guerrero, UP's director of public affairs, called the looting a "spiraling crisis" that's forcing the company to weigh re-routing trains away from L.A.

Guerrero explained that more than 100 people have been arrested — but thieves “boast to our officers that charges will be pled down," and are released within short order.

In response, Alex Bastian, an advisor to Gascon, said some cases presented to their office by the rail company have been filed in burglary and grand theft, but other cases don’t have enough evidence to prosecute.

Dani Romero is a reporter for Yahoo Finance. Follow her on Twitter: @daniromerotv

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Master Card supporting black women buisness owners. (what about brown? or Asian or white?)




what the hell???? 


Commercials like crazy on tv

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Michigan Democrats Face Backlash After Telling Parents They Should Not Be Involved in What Public Schools Teach Their Children




Michigan Democrats Face Backlash After Telling Parents They Should Not Be Involved in What Public Schools Teach Their Children

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Michigan Democrats lectured parents on Facebook this past weekend. The Democrat Party told parents they are not ‘clients’ of public schools and that public education teaches kids what society ‘needs them to know.’

A Facebook post on Saturday shared by the state’s Democrats on their official page attacked the idea that parents should be involved in what public school teaches their children.

The Democrats took the post down on Monday — not because they don’t believe the post but because it gives away their true agenda.

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FOX News reported:

A Saturday post made by the Michigan Democrats on their official Facebook page criticized the parents who want to play a role in what public education teaches their children. The post was deleted Monday morning after intense criticism.

“Not sure where this ‘parents-should-control-what-is-taught-in-schools-because-they-are-our-kids’ is originating, but parents do have the option to send their kids to a hand-selected private school at their own expense if this is what they desire,” the post read.

“The purpose of public education in public schools is not to teach kids only what parents want them to be taught,” the Michigan Democratic Party’s post continued. “It is to teach them what society needs them to know. The client of the public school is not the parent, but the entire community, the public.”

The Michigan Democratic Party later deleted that post and issued a quasi-apology.

“We have deleted a post that ignored the important role parents play—and should play—in Michigan public schools. Parents need to have a say in their children’s education, end of story,” a subsequent post on Monday stated. “The post does not reflect the views of Michigan Democrats and should not be misinterpreted as a statement of support from our elected officials or candidates.”

The state’s Republicans were sharply critical of the Democrats’ original post.

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More Fake News: Only One-Third of So-Called “Doctors” Signing Letter Against Joe Rogan’s “Disinformation” Were Actual Doctors, Many Were Students and Podcasters


More Fake News: Only One-Third of So-Called “Doctors” Signing Letter Against Joe Rogan’s “Disinformation” Were Actual Doctors, Many Were Students and Podcasters

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Joe Rogan’s much-anticipated podcast interview with Dr. Robert Malone, the Inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, dropped  in late December – it did not disappoint.

Dr. Malone has been speaking out against the public health bureaucracy’s Covid-19 response and the experimental vaccines for months, proving himself to be one of the most reliable sources of factual information throughout the pandemic.

During his interview on JRE, Dr. Malone dropped bombshell after bombshell on the corrupt establishment – From public officials covering up known early treatments – to serious conflicts of interest between the medical elites and those who are supposedly holding them accountable – all the way up to federal cash bribes to healthcare facilities in exchange for Covid death receipts – he did not hold back.

The record-breaking podcast that broke the internet infuriated the left and their pandemic panic-porn supporters.  There was simply too much truth to handle.

So being leftists they did what they do best and immediately attempted to get the podcast banned and removed from the internet.  A group of “270 doctors” even signed a letter urging Spotify to remove the “menace to public health” podcast from public view.

The letter by the “270 doctors” got lots of play by the fake news media.

Twitter, the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth, promoted the fake news.

But it was all fake news.
Jordan Schachtel reviewed the list and found that only one-third of the signatories of the letter were actual practicing physicians. The rest were professors, students, and podcasters.


It turns out that the real arbiters of misinformation are the individuals behind the letter itself, and they are being helped along by a corrupt corporate media that is misreporting the credentials of its signatories.

Yes, the media and Big Tech want to create the image of a hundreds-strong coalition of medical doctors who are genuinely concerned about Joe Rogan’s conversations on his massive platform…

…Well, I reviewed this open letter, and it turns out that only around 100 of the 270+ signatories to the letter are people with qualified medical degrees. And a large chunk of that 100 or so medical doctors are MDs employed at universities who are not in fact practitioners of medicine.

Read the rest here.

It was just more fake news from the mainstream media.

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