WATCH: NHS Doctor Tells Patient NOT to Take Covid Vaccine Because They Will Be PULLED Soon – Warns That Vaccine Data is Being Hidden From Public
A National Health Service doctor in the UK who was speaking with a patient over the phone – and telling her to not take any more doses of the experimental Covid-19 vaccines because the shots are about to be pulled out of circulation, has caused alarm on social media after a video recording of their conversation went viral this week.
In the recording, which was reportedly of a telemedicine appointment out of Chichester UK, a woman is informed by the doctor that because of information that has been hidden from the public that shows the dangerousness of the rushed vaccines, they will likely be halted globally very soon, and therefore she, and everyone else she knows, should not take any more doses – for their own safety.
“There wasn’t enough information,” the doctor can be heard telling the woman. “And it’s a lot more coming up especially for the young people whose immunity is intact, apparently that’s enough.”
Seeking clarification, the woman, who was experiencing headaches she thought were related to the vaccine, presses the doctor on what she means. “So, just to make sure – so, you think I shouldn’t have any more vaccines then?”
“If you ask me that would be my advice. But, yes,” the doctor responds.
Curious as to why that would be the professional opinion, especially since these experimental vaccines are being pushed across the board as safe and effective, the woman follows up by asking if that advice applies to just her, or anyone of a young age, which is when the doctor finally stops beating around the bush.
“Because it’s very much as I said to you, there is a lot of information coming up now which was not available earlier and very soon all of the vaccines will be completely stopped.
This is information that [has] really just come up. You won’t hear it on TV for a while – probably because…[sigh] it’s a long story, but um yeah, so it’s very soon they will stop all of those vaccines. People don’t know, but yeah.“
Seemingly more concerned after letting the cat out of the bag, The doctor explains the side effects that are related to the vaccine to look out for and implores the patient to not allow her sister, who is set to receive her booster the next day, to skip the jab.
“No… please no, the doctor begs before adding, “absolutely not. [She] does not need it. Please no.”
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Almost immediately after its posting, internet sleuths identified the phone number that’s featured in the viral video. The call was made to St. Richard’s Hospital in Chichester, West Sussex, England, which only adds credibility to the healthcare professional’s ominous warning.
And according to InfoWars, a Former member of the UK Parliament – James F. Wells – reached out to the women who posted the video to verify the call.
From InfoWars:
“While Wells did not outright dismiss the call’s content, he cast doubt on it being authentic after probing the sisters, claiming they provided conflicting accounts, and went on to question why a doctor would “risk her career giving a warning like this to someone she’s never met?
‘How would a lone Dr have this info & it not be public?’ Wells asked, adding, ‘it doesn’t mean it’s not true, but very dubious.’
Responding to a detractor that claimed the video was ‘fake,’ one of the sisters took to Twitter to confirm it is ‘definitely not fake.'”
Perhaps adding to the veracity of the claims, the original video, which was uploaded by Twitter user @theysayitsrare has also been removed from the social media platform for a rule violation.
It is unclear what new data this doctor is referencing in her worrying claims, but several studies over the past few months have warned of the numerous potentially life-threatening side effects and long-term complications from these jabs. In fact, just this week, an analysis of the CDC’s own data on deaths in the US confirms that there has been a massive spike in excess deaths since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly since the rollout of these experimental vaccines.
What is going on?