Tuesday, January 25, 2022

READ UPATE to this story....CDC Is Monitoring Local Residents for Cold-like Symptoms Following Crash of Semi Carrying 100 CDC Test Monkeys



UPDATE: Pennsylvania Woman Who Came in Contact with CDC Monkeys After Crash Is Experiencing Cold-Like Symptoms, Pink-Eye and a Cough


 (read the whole story at the bottom of this post)






CDC Is Monitoring Local Residents for Cold-like Symptoms Following Crash of Semi Carrying 100 CDC Test Monkeys

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A truck and trailer carrying about 100 monkeys collided with a dump truck Friday afternoon along Route 54 just off Interstate 80 near Danville, Pennsylvania.

Three monkeys escaped the crash. The monkeys were later reportedly “humanely euthanized.”

The CDC is now monitoring local residents for cold-like symptoms.
That’s very comforting considering the lab leak from Wuhan that just destroyed the global economy.

The monkeys are originally from Mauritius off the African coast.

WNEP reported:

According to a CDC spokesperson, the monkeys were en route to a CDC-approved quarantine facility after landing Friday morning in New York. They are originally from Mauritius, a country in eastern Africa.

The crash happened around 3:30 p.m. Friday afternoon, that’s when the three monkeys got free in the Danville area.

Police say the driver who was transporting the monkeys was charged in the crash.

Originally, state police told us four monkeys were on the loose.

As of Saturday afternoon, some people were still worried.

“Little monkeys, we got bears, we have coyotes, we have deer, you know all the time. A little 3-pound monkey doesn’t scare me, but why are they so concerned about it is what concerns me,” said Howie Lerch, Valley Township.

Friday night Newswatch 16 spoke with Michelle Fallon of Danville, who saw the entire accident. She jumped into action; helping both drivers and the loads they were carrying.

“I walk up back on the hill and this guy tells me, ‘Oh, he’s hauling cats. I said, ‘oh.’ So I go over to look in the crate and there’s this green cloth over it. So I peel it back, I stick my finger in there and go ‘kitty, kitty.’ It pops its head up and it’s a monkey,” Fallon said.

Fallon was contacted Saturday by the CDC and was told to monitor herself for any cold-like symptoms.

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UPDATE: Pennsylvania Woman Who Came in Contact with CDC Monkeys After Crash Is Experiencing Cold-Like Symptoms, Pink-Eye and a Cough

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As reported earlier — A truck and trailer carrying about 100 monkeys collided with a dump truck Friday afternoon along Route 54 just off Interstate 80 near Danville, Pennsylvania.

Three monkeys escaped the crash. The monkeys were later reportedly “humanely euthanized.”

The CDC is now monitoring local residents for cold-like symptoms.
That’s very comforting considering the lab leak from Wuhan that just destroyed the global economy.

The monkeys are originally from Mauritius an island country off the African coast.

Now the woman who came in contact with the monkeys says she is experiencing symptoms and has pink-eye and a cough.

Michele Fallon says one of the monkeys “hissed” at her at the crash site.
Via her Facebook page.

Now she’s sick.

Harrisburg100 reported:

Michelle Fallon is living a nightmare. And, she’s ready to put that nightmare on record.

The Danville woman is now experiencing symptoms, believed to be related to her close encounter with wild monkeys, when the trailer they were riding in collided with a dump truck and unloaded their cages all over Route 54, close to I-80, on Friday afternoon. (The monkeys were destined for an unidentified Centers for Disease Control lab, in the Midwest.)

The following day, Fallon developed a cough and something that resembled “pink-eye.” And, by Sunday, she was visiting the Geisinger Medical Center emergency room, where infectious disease doctors were consulted. Fallon has since received her first (of 4) preventative rabies shots; as well as a prescription for a 14-day course of Valacyclovir.

The stay-at-home mom, who shared that she was fully vaccinated and received her booster, was also tested for Covid, but the results at the ER were negative.

Fallon is still processing the sequence of events that unfolded on Friday. She pulled over to check on the condition of the accident victims, but she said they were more concerned about press coverage of the incident.

The driver of the truck hauling the monkeys, identified in a press release from PA State Police, as Cody M. Brooks, 31, of Keystone Heights, FL even went so far as to put his hand in the camera of a local Press-Enterprise reporter. “He was very, very upset,” said Fallon. “He was in a panic.” Brooks passenger, Daniel G. Adkins, 59, of Florahome, FL required transport to Geisinger Medical Center for an injury.

Read the rest here.

Here is more on the incident.

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Monday, January 24, 2022

So funny abc giving advice fo rsomething" like nasal drainage AFTER covid"..... MY GOD people.... flu...cold.....sinus infection?



gma giving advice on covid?


YOU ARE NOT STUPID....why would you take advice from a TV SHOW... you wouldn't.

Took my daily walk and man said "we don't give a F about the brown people, we are just using them for OUR cause"



I asked why he was so angry, his reply was too much and disgusting to write here. Lets just say that he started out saying "we will RULE everyone that AINT black.

Alberta Canada Inadvertently Published (and Quickly Deleted) Health Data Exposing that MORE THAN HALF of VACCINATED DEATHS Have Been COUNTED AS UNVACCINATED




Alberta Canada Inadvertently Published (and Quickly Deleted) Health Data Exposing that MORE THAN HALF of VACCINATED DEATHS Have Been COUNTED AS UNVACCINATED

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In yet another absolute bombshell revelation the government of Alberta, Canada exposed itself this week when it accidentally published damning evidence that exposes how the public health authorities have been manipulating the Covid-19 statistics.

After seemingly realizing what it had just done, the corrupt Canadian province quickly scrambled to delete the incriminating data off their website, but, thanks to internet sleuths like Twitter user Metatron – and his substack post, we have the receipts.

According to its latest Covid-19 update, the Alberta Government admitted to following the fraudulent standard that was in use by vaccine manufacturers during clinical trials – which is to ignore the adverse outcomes, including Covid infection, hospitalizations, and deaths, for fourteen days after vaccine administration – no matter how many doses they have had.

But instead of just ignoring the cases like the vaccine manufacturers, the corrupt Alberta government has been lumping them in with the unvaxxed.

In other words, anyone who was infected – was hospitalized – or even died, in the two weeks following their first, second, or even THIRD dose would be recorded as an unvaccinated case.

And now, thanks to the now-deleted data, we can tell exactly how many cases have been fraudulently manipulated by inadvertently including the time from dose to infection for each of the events – and as it turns out, over half of the vaccinated deaths were added to the unvaccinated.

THanks to Substack author Metatron for exposing this information.

As illustrated in the chart below, almost 56% of ‘recorded’ Covid-related deaths among the vaccinated occurred within 14 days of vaccination – and almost 90% within 45 days, which is noteworthy because that is what’s claimed to be the timeframe of the vaccine’s effectiveness.

And another illustrated by the number of deaths.

As for hospitalizations, the numbers aren’t that much better. Almost half of the severe cases among the vaccinated happened within the two-week window, meaning they were tallied as unvaccinated in the official record.

80% of which occurred within the first 45 days post-vaccination.

And again in total case numbers.

Overall, the data showed that Covid infections post-vaccination also followed a similar trajectory.

However, the percentage occurring in the first two weeks was lower than hospitalizations and deaths, checking in at 40% – which seemingly contradicts the approved narrative that the vaccines are extremely effective at preventing severe cases as opposed to mild ones.

Even if you cede the fact that the prioritizing of the sick and elderly in the beginning is a contributing factor to the heightened deaths over hospitalizations, and subsequent hospitalizations over cases, the experimental vaccine doesn’t seem to have done much at all to protect those people, as Metatron points out in his Substack thread:

“I guess it could be possible that the excess hospitalizations over cases and deaths over hospitalizations could be subject to prioritization of the sick but I don’t think it really matters. It’s the sick that needed protection anyway, not the healthy! And if it didn’t improve [the] outcome for the sick then what exactly is the point??”

It has long been assumed that the US and others around the world have been fudging the data just like the Canadian Government has been doing. If this is the case, it is yet another evil human rights violation to add to the docket in the Nuremberg 2.0 trials.

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Does ANYONE think that the articles on Yahoo are written by a REAL writter or someone sitting in their kitchen?




 Ok votes are in.

100% kitchen. 

(and they are only giving their OPINIONS and not facts! Boy they make fools out of themselves)




Denver Elementary School Teaching Kids to ‘Disrupt the Nuclear Family’ and Support BLM



Denver Elementary School Teaching Kids to ‘Disrupt the Nuclear Family’ and Support BLM

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group of school kids and teacher in classroom

Centennial Elementary School in Colorado is teaching children to “disrupt the nuclear family” and support the Black Lives Matter movement.

The teachings were outlined in an instruction guide for kindergarten and first graders on the “Black Lives Matter Guiding Principles” for their Black Lives Matter Week. The shocking document was obtained by the organization Parents Defending Education.

The Denver Gazette reports, “among the listed principles was ‘globalism,’ which the school described as ‘our ability to see how we are impacted or privileged within the global black family.’ Also listed were ‘transgender affirming,’ ‘Black families,’ which was defined as ‘a space that is family friendly and free from patriarchal practices,’ and ‘Black Villages,’ which is ‘the disruption of western nuclear family dynamics and a return to the ‘collective village’ that takes care of each other.'”

“The school also included an FAQ on BLM, which cited the U.S. government as a source that ‘supporting BLM is not political’ and said the school’s goal in promoting the movement was ‘not to teach children what to think; rather to expose them to different perspectives and opinions so that they learn to value and respect diversity,'” the report continued.

The FAQ:

The school previously made waves when they advertised a “Families of Color Playground Night,” segregating families by race.

Erika Sanzi, the outreach director for Parents Defending Education, told the Washington Examiner that the school’s BLM instruction guide was “indoctrination at any age,” adding that it “borders on abuse with students this young.”

“It is preposterous and wholly inappropriate to teach 5- and 6-year-olds that they must commit to being trans affirming and queer affirming and in favor of disrupting the nuclear family,” Sanzi said. “If a parent wants to raise these subjects at home, that is one thing, but in a classroom, it is nothing more than social engineering and a theft of childhood by the state.”

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Dr. Fauci: “We May Need to Boost Again. That’s Entirely Conceivable” (VIDEO)


 (This stuff gets posted on weekends when fewer people read it!   PASS to everyone you know)





Dr. Fauci: “We May Need to Boost Again. That’s Entirely Conceivable” (VIDEO)

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It’s Sunday which means Fauci is out flapping his gums on left-wing media outlets.

Dr. Fauci said it’s “entirely conceivable” that Americans will need another booster shot during his appearance on ABC’s “This Week.”

“We may need to boost again. That’s entirely conceivable,” Dr. Fauci told “This Week” host Martha Raddatz.

“Before we make that decision about yet again another boost, we want to determine clearly what the durability of protection is of that regular boost,” he added.


Just in time for the CDC’s update on the definition of “fully vaccinated.”

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky on Friday announced the definition of fully vaccinated is being changed to include the Covid booster shot.

“And what we are really working to do is pivot the language to make sure that everybody is as up to date with their Covid-19 vaccines and they personally could be based on when they got their last vaccine,” Walensky said.

She continued, “So importantly right now, we are pivoting our language, we really want to make sure people are up to date. That means if you recently got your second dose, you are not eligible for a booster, you’re up to date. If you are eligible for a booster and you haven’t gotten it, YOU’RE NOT UP TO DATE and you need to get your booster in order to be up to date.”

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