Friday, February 18, 2022

Registered Nurse and a Vaccine Believer Develops Pericarditis After Receiving Booster Shot – Gets Mocked Online After Blaming Trump


Registered Nurse and a Vaccine Believer Develops Pericarditis After Receiving Booster Shot – Gets Mocked Online After Blaming Trump



A registered nurse and vaccine believer, Juanita Charter, went on her social media and shared how her views about the vaccine had changed after being diagnosed with pericarditis last January 21.


Juanita got her booster shot of Pfizer mRNA last December 23. She went to see a cardiologist last January 21 due to symptoms she started to experience on the first week of January. The result of her echocardiogram showed pericarditis. Her cardiologist told her it was due to the vaccine and he has seen several cases lately. The doctor added she should not get another booster shot.

Read her testimony here and below:

I debated whether or not to mention this on FB, but after sharing my experience on Twitter and receiving over 14,700 responses, I decided I should say something.

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Most of my friends know I’m a nurse. I currently work in clinical research, focusing on Gastroenterology. My background is in Neonatal Intensive Care and Oncology. I have been a hard advocate for people getting vaccinated. I had no ill effects (that I’m aware of) from the first two Pfizer vaccines I received in April and May of 2021…not even a sore arm. I’m pretty healthy and don’t fit in any “at risk” category that I’d heard of or read about.

Every doctor I know and trust encourages getting vaccinated, and I tend to trust their judgement. I also understand the urgency to get everyone vaccinated, as the longer the virus is around, the more opportunities it has to mutate. The idea of getting vaccinated made complete sense to me and I didn’t do any research on possible side effects.

I received a booster on 12/23/21. With this one, a couple hours later, My arm hurt so much I could barely move it, but that resolved after about 36 hours.

On 01/03/22, I started having shortness of breath, chest pain and a sustained, elevated HR (from 106-131 BPM).
There were three nights in a row I couldn’t sleep because my heart was pounding so hard; I could feel my pulse racing and felt almost “jittery” while also feeling extremely fatigued and “just not right”.

I saw my PCP and had several Covid tests (PCR and rapid tests) over a few days that were all negative. I have never had Covid.

My PCP then referred me to a cardiologist for a cardiac consult. When I saw the z

My cardiologist told me he has seen several cases lately that he believes are related to the vaccine. He mentioned he has also seen recent cases of myocarditis he believes are vaccine related. He advised me against any boosters in the future.

Since learning this, I have been doing my own research and I have been enlightened by much of the information I am learning.

One doctor I spoke with attempted an analogy: “If everyone in an office got the vaccine, and one person got into a car wreck, would you say it was due to the vaccine?”

My response to that is, that is NOT an analogy.

Another doctor said, “They did not see an increased risk of pericarditis with the vaccination at all, just myocarditis. That does not mean 100% that it couldn’t be from the vaccine but statistically incredibly unlikely.”

REALLY??? All one has to do is to look at the package insert section “Full Prescribing Information Contents.” Next to section (5) “Warnings and precautions.” Item (5.2) Myocarditis and pericarditis.

I can’t say with certainty the vaccine caused my pericarditis, but from what I have learned in the past week, I also wouldn’t say it was “statistically incredibly unlikely” as every day I am learning about more cases (including among people I know personally).

I’m no expert and I’ve just started gathering data regarding this. I am also not opposed to vaccines. I just want to share my experience as I think it’s happening to others with a higher incidence than most of us have been made aware of. I think it’s worthy of further investigation.

On her Twitter account, Juanita accused President Trump regarding the adverse effects of the vaccine and misinformation on the government.

Trump is not a Dr, he did not make the damn shot. So much for you not bringing politics in to the discussion.

Another user responded, “I believe your anger is misdirected. This admin could have stopped it instead of blocking info & treatment. Rep & dems are a uniparty keeping us divided. Be open to see @GVDBossche & Malone videos. Malone voted for Biden & is vaxxed with a vax injury. They have been warning us.”

Juanita continued that the vaccine has saved countless lives. With her current condition, she said that she understands if she’s not allowed to go certain places because she refuses to take another booster shot claiming this is “best for humanity.”

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Thursday, February 17, 2022

Missouri mom decapitates 6-year-old son and dog, placed horrifying 911 call: Police


( I have asked a million times.. what is making all these people go nuts within the last year? Is it the vaccine KIDDING, but why now are all these people doing all the crimes?)


Missouri mom decapitates 6-year-old son and dog, placed horrifying 911 call: Police

The crimes 'takes our breath away,' the county prosecutor says

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A Kansas City, Missouri, mom decapitated her six-year-old son and a dog, according to police. 

"The community now knows some of the terrible details of the death of this 6-year-old child," Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker said in a statement. "It takes our breath away."

Tasha Haefs allegedly called 911 on Tuesday night telling authorities that she believed the devil was trying to attack her, KCTV reported. She denied having a mental illness before hanging up the phone. 

Officers arrived at her home and found blood on the front steps and could hear a woman singing. The woman allegedly sang louder as they knocked on the door. 

Booking photo of Tasha Haefs from Jackson County Detention Center

Booking photo of Tasha Haefs from Jackson County Detention Center (Jackson County Detention Center)

One officer saw what appeared to be a severed head inside the residence. Authorities went through the backdoor and found Haefs with blood on her legs and feet. 


They found the body of the decapitated 6-year-old boy near the kitchen. They also found a decapitated dog in the basement and two knives. 

"It’s difficult to imagine the grief for this boy’s family. For the child’s classmates. His friends. Neighbors. The first responders who went to this crime scene," Baker added in her statement. 



Haefs told police that the boy was her biological son and admitted she killed him. No other children were in the home. 

She was charged with first-degree murder and armed criminal action. Prosecutors requested she be held without bail. 


"This child’s death is a call for something more," Baker said. "Our community must heed the call. Law enforcement, prosecutors, public health officials, social service providers, all of our many partners must work together to address the violence. Strong collaborations are needed to lean into this difficult challenge, and better protect our community’s most vulnerable population, our kids."

 By Emma Colton

New Biden Dept. of Energy hire is a nonbinary drag queen — 'an asset,' say queer activists


New Biden Dept. of Energy hire is a nonbinary drag queen — 'an asset,' say queer activists

Sam Brinton wears a yellow dress and a red and gold print vest in front of a background that reads: Trevor Live.
Sam Brinton may be the first openly gender-fluid person hired into federal government leadership. (Jerod Harris/Getty Images for The Trevor Project)

It seems President Joe Biden made history last month: That's when Sam Brinton announced the administration had hired them as deputy assistant secretary of spent fuel and waste disposition in the office of nuclear energy for the Department of Energy.

Brinton, like many of the people quoted in this article, uses the pronouns they and them, and may be the first openly gender-fluid person in federal government leadership — as they noted on LinkedIn upon accepting the role.

"Yes, I know it won’t be easy. Yes, I realize this is an enormous challenge. Yes, I am ready to take it on," they wrote at the time.

The Department of Energy did not respond to Yahoo Life's request for comment.

Brinton’s years-long career in nuclear waste management, climate change, LGBTQ activism and youth mentorship — including stints at Global Zero, the Trevor Project and Deep Isolation, a company of researchers and scientists advancing safer methods for nuclear waste disposal — is well documented, as is their activism in kink subculture.

A graduate of MIT with dual masters degrees in nuclear engineering and technology and policy programming, Brinton has been unapologetic about their activism, as well as their life as a drag performer and as one of the loudest voices fighting to end conversion therapy as the founder of the 50 Bills 50 States campaign.

Despite Brinton's qualifications, conservative outlets have attempted to smear their reputation through a series of campaigns targeting Brinton's personal life — as have some on social media, where the appointment has been called a sign of "moral decay."

Terry Schilling, president of the American Principles Project, a conservative lobby group, called Brinton a "complete sexual degenerate." Another tweeted: "If this is what's in charge of nuclear waste issues in the Biden Administration, it should start with itself."

But in the face of homophobia and transphobia, queer activists and politicians are attempting to shift the message from one of hate to one of pride.

Why it matters

Brinton (who did not respond to Yahoo Life's request for comment) is not the first drag performer to have disrupted politics.

Back in 1961, José Sarria, a part-time drag queen, became the first out gay candidate to run for office in the United States — 15 years before Harvey Milk, the first out gay man to be elected to public office in California, became a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1977. Sarria would eventually go on to found the Imperial Court System, a drag-queen organization that has since raised millions of dollars around the world for LGBTQ issues.

Since that time, several drag performers have inched their way onto election ballots — including Maebe A. Girl, who became the first known drag queen ever voted into public office after being elected to the Silver Lake Neighborhood Council in Los Angeles in 2019.

Girl says that Brinton's level of authenticity, which parallels their own, represents a new vanguard of leaders who offer transparency and honesty.

"I was elected [while I was] being openly and authentically myself," Girl tells Yahoo Life. "I think that has really guided me in my work. I don't feel like I have to hide anything. I don't feel like I have to pretend to be something that I'm not."

That sort of openness is important, they say, because "it shows other people who might be experiencing something similar that you can be and do whatever you want. No limitations.

"Having this appointment is not a negative. It's a positive for our country," Girl adds. "Even though politics wasn't necessarily designed for people like me and for people like Sam, we are taking over those spaces because we deserve to be in those spaces. If we aren't at the table, we are on the menu.

"The real negative is trying to overthrow the government and trying to not teach kids about the real history of this country," Girl says, pointing to what they call some of the "hypocrisies" in the Republican Party. "How we are built off of a patriarchal, racist system that needs to be rebuilt to be truly equitable for all people, Black and brown, indigenous, AAPI, Jewish, Muslim — everyone, and that includes queer people, nonbinary, transgender and genderqueer people, like Sam."

Marti Cummings, a drag performer and queer activist who ran for election to the New York City Council last year, explains that drag culture has always been at the forefront of political action and that Biden's appointment is a sign we're moving forward as a country.

"I think these right-wing attacks are gross and rooted in homophobia," Cummings tells Yahoo Life of Brinton's critics. "It's mind-boggling that in 2022, we're still dealing with this."

"Having someone like Sam at the [Department of Energy] in service to this administration is an asset because we're able to bring in voices that haven't been heard before," they continue. "We need to remember that millions of people in this country identify as LGBTQIA-plus, so why should our voices not be a part of the conversation, whether it's in an appointed position or an elected position?"

Though Cummings lost in the Democratic primary last year, they say their campaign reminded them that today's voters are eager to shake up the status quo — and that stories like Brinton's are ready to "translate to politics."

Marti Cummings.
Marti Cummings ran for election to the New York City council last year. (Courtesy of Marti for Manhattan)

"When I ran for office, I was very open about being a drag artist," Cummings says. "It's been my career for over a decade, and there was a lot of fear. How are voters going to react to this? How are more conservative voters going to react to this? But at the end of the day, people just wanted to be heard. They wanted to find out, Well, what are you going to do to help me with my tenant-landlord issues? How can I have a living wage or health care or street safety, or all these other issues.

"I know what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck without access to health insurance. I know what it's like to go up against a landlord who's not treating tenants fairly," Cummings continues, adding that having someone like Brinton — as well as Honey Mahogany, the first trans/drag queen leader of the Democratic Party in San Francisco — is, in fact, healthy for a democracy.

"At the end of the day, our work will prove itself," they add. "I hope that translates to voters and to right-wing voters, so they see we're human beings who deserve a seat at the table."

Girl adds that while a politician's personal life isn't necessarily off limits, it shouldn't be the basis on which voters determine how a candidate will lead.

"My community appreciates me not because I'm a drag queen, not because I'm a nonbinary person — of course, they do appreciate me for those reasons, but more so, they appreciate me because I get my job done," they say. "I'm committed to the position that I was elected to. I think this goes for any candidate, you know, regardless of whether or not you're a drag queen or a trans person."

Despite the uphill battle leaders like Brinton, Cummings and Girl face (and continue to experience), one thing is intrinsically clear: They're fighting for something bigger than themselves.

"It is my hope that somebody who is like me — somebody who is queer, somebody who is trans, somebody who is nonbinary, somebody who does drag — feels like they are not only allowed to be in these political spaces, but that they deserve to be in these political spaces," Girl says.

"It is my hope that eventually we will get [queer] people elected, and it's not going to be a headline," they add. "My hope is that we actually have representation [so that] it's just a completely normal thing."


Florida woman accused of using COVID-relief loan to hire hitman charged in TSA agent's murder: reports




Florida woman accused of using COVID-relief loan to hire hitman charged in TSA agent's murder: reports

Jasmine D. Martinez is accused of leading a murder-for-hire plot targeting TSA agent Le’Shonte Jones

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A Florida woman allegedly used coronavirus relief funds from the Paycheck Protection Program to hire a hitman accused of killing a Transportation Security Administration officer outside Miami last year, according to newly unsealed court documents obtained by local media.

Jasmine D. Martinez, 33, is in custody in St. Lucie County on charges of first-degree murder, attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder, jail records show. She’s expected to be transferred to Miami-Dade custody.

Javon Carter and Romiel Robinson are already jailed there on a slew of related charges.

Jasmine D. Martinez, 33, is in custody in St. Lucie County on charges of first-degree murder, attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder, jail records show.

Jasmine D. Martinez, 33, is in custody in St. Lucie County on charges of first-degree murder, attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder, jail records show. (St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office)


Charges against Carter, an ex-con and the alleged shooter, include first-degree murder with a deadly weapon and unlawful possession of a firearm by a violent career criminal.

Robinson was already in custody on other charges, including resisting arrest, burglary, carrying a firearm without a serial number, armed robbery, drug trafficking and many more.

All three are being held without bond, jail records show.

Javon Carter is the suspected hitman.

Javon Carter is the suspected hitman. (Miami-Dade County)


Martinez is accused of collecting $15,000 in PPP money, most of which went toward hiring Carter to allegedly gun down Le’Shonte Jones, 24, in front of her 3-year-old on May 3, according to the Miami Herald, which obtained court records containing the allegations.

After  Martinez collected the coronavirus-relief money, Robinson allegedly negotiated a $10,000 fee for Carter using coded language, according to NBC 6 Miami, which also obtained the warrant.

After the shooting, the documents allege that Carter collected his money, posed with it in a selfie video and said, "Just another day at the office."

The warrant had been sealed since earlier this month after police took Carter into custody but were still seeking Martinez, according to the paper. 

Martinez has a 22-page rap sheet in Florida including convictions for domestic violence, theft and selling a firearm with an altered serial number, records show. Several of them involved Jones as a victim, including a pending robbery case, as well as assault charges that had been dropped.

Romiel Robinson, who has been in custody since before the attack, reportedly served time with the ex-con Carter and allegedly set up the hit.

Romiel Robinson, who has been in custody since before the attack, reportedly served time with the ex-con Carter and allegedly set up the hit. (Miami-Dade County)

Carter’s rap sheet is almost twice as long, and includes numerous felony convictions, including on firearms and weapons charges, burglaries and grand theft. 

Robinson’s attorney told the Herald that his client had been in custody "well before" the slaying and that he "had nothing to do with it."

But investigators, in the warrant, reportedly said they learned of the plot in part through recordings of prison phone calls, involving the three suspects another man, Kelly Nelson, who had dated Martinez and allegedly assaulted Jones in a courthouse parking lot in 2020.

Fox News' Sarah Rumpf contributed to this report.


CDC Casually Admits Covid Nose Swabs Ended Up in a Lab for Genomic Sequencing Analysis


CDC Casually Admits Covid Nose Swabs Ended Up in a Lab for Genomic Sequencing Analysis

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The CDC on Wednesday casually admitted some of the Covid nose swabs ended up in a lab for genomic sequencing analysis.

But don’t worry because only the virus will be used for the genomic sequencing analysis, the CDC said.

Many Americans were forced to take nose swabs processed with a PCR test in order to work, travel or get life-saving surgical procedures.

Now those swabs are being used by scientists to track Covid variants.


“Remember that COVID-19 nose swab test you took? What happened to the swab? If it was processed with a PCR test, there’s a 10% chance that it ended up in a lab for genomic sequencing analysis.” – the CDC said on Wednesday.


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Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Flashback: Pfizer Withdraws COVID Vaccine Application in India After Regulators Demand Local Safety and Immunogenicity Study


Flashback: Pfizer Withdraws COVID Vaccine Application in India After Regulators Demand Local Safety and Immunogenicity Study

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Not making headlines, Pfizer pulled its application for emergency-use authorization of its COVID-19 vaccine in India after the country’s pharmaceutical regulator’s demand for a local safety and immunogenicity study, Reuters reported.

Last year, India’s COVID-19 Subject Expert Committee (SEC) reviewed the data presented by Pfizer during a meeting. The committee did not recommend the Pfizer vaccine due to serious adverse events reported abroad and the companies’ lack of safety and immunogenicity studies in the Indian population.

The local trial is a standard procedure imposed in India when a new vaccine is available to determine its safety and generate an immune response in its citizens.

The decision would affect Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine distribution as it will not be available for purchase in India and China, two of the most populous countries in the world.

More from Reuters:

Unlike other companies conducting small studies in India for foreign-developed vaccines, Pfizer had sought an exception citing approvals it had received elsewhere based on trials done in countries such as the United States and Germany.

Indian health officials say they generally ask for so-called bridging trials to determine if a vaccine is safe and generates an immune response in its citizens. There are, however, provisions under India’s rules to waive such trials in certain conditions.

The U.S. company, which was the first drugmaker to seek emergency approval in India for its vaccine developed with Germany’s BioNTech, made the withdrawal decision after a meeting with India’s Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) on Wednesday.

The drug regulator said on its website its experts did not recommend the vaccine because of side effects reported abroad were still being investigated. It also said Pfizer had not proposed any plan to generate safety and immunogenicity data in India.

“Based on the deliberations at the meeting and our understanding of additional information that the regulator may need, the company has decided to withdraw its application at this time,” Pfizer said in a statement.

“Pfizer will continue to engage with the authority and re-submit its approval request with additional information as it becomes available in the near future.”

Pfizer had sought authorisation for its vaccine in India late last year, but the government in January approved two much cheaper shots – one from Oxford University/AstraZeneca and another developed in India by Bharat Biotech with the Indian Council of Medical Research.

Both companies had applied for approval of their vaccines after Pfizer, and their trials are ongoing in India. Local company Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd is running trials for Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine, which is expected to be approved this month or next.

It was previously reported that FDA won’t release information on Pfizer COVID vaccine trials for another 55 years. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has asked a federal judge for 55 years to review its data before releasing it to the public in its entirety. What are they hiding?

India has approved nine vaccines excluding Pfizer, three of which have been developed in India. It’s currently using only three vaccines, Covishield, Covaxin by Indian firm Bharat Biotech and Sputnik V.

  • Corbevax vaccine
  • Covaxin vaccine
  • Covishield vaccine
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Moderna vaccine
  • Novavax vaccine
  • Sputnik Light vaccine
  • Sputnik V vaccine
  • Zydus Cadila vaccine



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This Did Not End Well… Musician Boasts About Getting COVID Booster on Twitter – Then Gets Pericarditis 3 Days Later



This Did Not End Well… Musician Boasts About Getting COVID Booster on Twitter – Then Gets Pericarditis 3 Days Later

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Nate Timesamillion describes himself as an apprentice electrician and bassist with the Grinning Barretts. His bio says he is from British Columbia.


Last week Nate boasted about getting the third dose of the COVID experimental vaccine.


On Monday Nate sadly reported from the hospital that he had pericarditis, swelling of the tissue surrounding the heart. The doctor told him it may be due to the COVID booster shot he had on Saturday.

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Apparently, Nate did not like all of the tweets and retweets he was receiving. He decided to go radio silence.

Sometimes life comes at you fast.

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