Monday, March 14, 2022

Pelosi Refuses to Hand Over Emails and Videos from Jan 6 Claiming “Sovereign Immunity”



Pelosi Refuses to Hand Over Emails and Videos from Jan 6 Claiming “Sovereign Immunity”

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Speaker Nancy Pelosi will not hand over video coverage and emails from Jan 6 per a FOIA request.  Pelosi based her decision on “sovereign immunity.”   Pelosi and Democrats know if they release the 14,000 hours of footage from security cameras on January 6 it will blow apart their narrative.  So she is hiding it.  

Meanwhile, dozens of Trump supporters are rotting in a jail one mile from the US Capitol waiting for a fair trial which they won’t get because their evidence will be hidden from the American public.

We are dealing with evil here.

Michael LaChance writing at American Lookout reports:

There are hours upon hours of video footage of what happened on January 6th. Some of it could be used in the defense of Trump supporters who are currently sitting in jail.

Yet Nancy Pelosi won’t release it, even after she was taken to court.

There are apparently emails too, and she won’t release those either.

What is going on here? How is this legal?

Judicial Watch reports:

Pelosi Congress Claims Sovereign Immunity in Federal Court to Keep Secret January 6 Videos and Emails

Judicial Watch explains its request:

Congress exempts itself from the Freedom of Information Act. Judicial Watch, therefore, brought its lawsuit under the common law right of access to public records. In opposing the broad assertion of secrecy, Judicial Watch details Supreme Court and other precedent that upholds the public’s right to know what “their government is up to”…

…“The Pelosi Congress (and its police department) is telling a federal court it is immune from all transparency under law and is trying to hide every second of its January 6 videos and countless emails,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The hypocrisy is rich, as this is the same Congress that is trying to jail witnesses who, citing privileges, object to providing documents to the Pelosi rump January 6 committee.”

In November 2021, Judicial Watch revealed multiple audiovisual and photo records from the DC Metropolitan Police Department about the shooting death of Ashli Babbitt on January 6, 2021, in the U.S. Capitol Building.  The records include a cell phone video of the shooting and an audio of a brief police interview of the shooter, Lt. Michael Byrd. In October, Judicial Watch released records, showing that multiple officers claimed they didn’t see a weapon in Babbitt’s hand before Byrd shot her, and that Byrd was visibly distraught afterward. One officer attested that he didn’t hear any verbal commands before Byrd shot Babbitt.

Judicial Watch is filing another lawsuit in response to Pelosi’s attempt to keep her lies about setting up innocent Trump supporters secret.

Hundreds of Americans have been wrongly set up, indicted, and charged with crimes they didn’t commit on Jan 6 at the US Capitol.  A list of those Americans and their stories is maintained at American Gulog by this site.

One man committed suicide because of the actions and charges against him.  Four more Trump supporters were killed on that day.
Pelosi doesn’t care.  She has no concern for the Americans rotting in prisons without trial. She has no concern about the future of this nation.  

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Thailand Pays Out $45 Million to 15,933 People Following Covid-19 Vaccine Adverse Reactions.( what about the people that will NEVER be the same here in the US?)


Thailand Pays Out $45 Million to 15,933 People Following Covid-19 Vaccine Adverse Reactions

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From May 19, 2021 to March 8 this year, Thailand’s National Health Security Office (NHSO) has paid about 1.509 billion baht ($45.65 million) as financial aid to people who suffered adverse reactions after receiving COVID-19 vaccines, local news reported.

The National Health Security Office (NHSO) is responsible for the financial support program.

“In case of death or permanent disability, each family will receive 400,000 baht ($11,900). 240,000 baht ($7,178) is paid for those who lose a limb or sustain a disability which affects their livelihood, and 100,000 baht ($2,990) is paid to those who suffer a chronic illness,” Thai PBS reported.

According to NHSO, a total of 15,933 so far have filed complaints of adverse reactions to Covid-19 vaccines, 2,328 complaints were rejected.

Phnom Penh Post reported:

Thailand’s National Health Security Office (NHSO) has so far paid 1.509 billion baht ($45.65 million) as compensation to 12,714 people who developed side-effects after they received Covid-19 vaccines.

The NHSO on March 9 reported that from May 19, 2021 to March 8 this year, a total of 15,933 people had filed complaints of negative reactions to Covid-19 vaccines.

The NHSO said 2,328 complaints were rejected after it ruled that the side-effects were not related to the vaccinations.

Of the rejected cases, 875 complainants are appealing against the earlier decision of the NHSO.

It added that 891 cases were pending consideration.

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Top Doctors at Vancouver Coastal Health Say Covid-19 Vaccine is Not Effective at Preventing Infection or Transmission of Omicron Variant – Calls on to Drop Covid-19 Restrictions


Top Doctors at Vancouver Coastal Health Say Covid-19 Vaccine is Not Effective at Preventing Infection or Transmission of Omicron Variant – Calls on to Drop Covid-19 Restrictions

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In mid-February, top doctors at Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH)  sent a letter to the University of British Columbia (UBC) to end its mandatory rapid testing and  Covid-19 restriction, claiming that these measures may cause more harm than good.

VCH Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Patricia Daly and three other medical health officers urged the UBC to discontinue mandatory rapid testing for students, employees, and staff, claiming that rapid antigen testing is ‘unreliable in identifying infection with the Omicron variant.’

“While we applaud UBC for its work to protect and promote the wellbeing of students, staff and faculty, we believe some of the measures in place on campus – such as ongoing mandatory rapid tests for unvaccinated students and staff, and related employment/academic sanctions – are not useful in preventing the transmission of COVID-19 on campus. Not only is Rapid Antigen Testing of asymptomatic people unreliable in identifying infection with the Omicron variant, but we have no evidence that those who have not complied with UBC policies have posed any public health risk to their fellow students, faculty, or staff, even during circulation of other variants.”

The doctors also insisted on discontinuing the university’s intent to deregister students who have not complied with the mandatory testing and those who failed to declare their vaccination status.

In their letter, the doctors also mentioned that the Covid-19 vaccine is ineffective at preventing infection or transmission of the Omicron variant.

“Current scientific evidence, including BC data, indicates that COVID-19 vaccination (2-doses), while effective at preventing severe illness, is not effective at preventing infection or transmission of the Omicron variant of the virus, which now accounts for almost 100% of cases in the province. Therefore there is now no material difference in likelihood that a UBC student or staff member who is vaccinated or unvaccinated may be infected and potentially infectious to others. We also know that Omicron causes less serious illness than other variants of COVID-19, which is particularly true for young people,” the doctors argued.

“Today, provincial officials announced that because British Columbia has a highly vaccinated population, and thanks to dropping rates of COVID-19 and subsequent hospitalizations, it’s time to ease some of the restrictions that are no longer useful in preventing the spread of COVID-19,” doctors continued.

Two weeks after receiving the letter, UBC drops weekly COVID testing for students and faculty.

Castanet reported:

About two weeks after receiving the letter, UBC announced the end of its rapid testing program on Feb. 28, ending the school’s rapid-test-or-vaccine program on March 1.

“We have no evidence that those who have not complied with UBC policies have posed any public health risk to their fellow students, faculty or staff even during circulation of other variants.”

The health officials apparently penned the letter in response to UBC considering de-registering students who have not declared their vaccination status.

“We strongly advise against implementing such a program,” the letter states.

The doctors refer in the letter to a study that looks at the impact of mandatory vaccination policies. The study concludes that such policies “may lead to detrimental long-term impacts on uptake of future public health measures, including COVID-19 vaccines themselves and routine immunizations.”

“Restricting people’s access to work, education, public transport, and social life based on COVID-19 vaccination status impinges on human rights, promotes stigma and social polarization, and adversely affects health and wellbeing,” the study abstract continues.

The positions outlined in the letter by Dr. Daly and her colleagues were a significant break from provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, who has urged employers and school boards to implement vaccination mandates.

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What the heck happened? Why do I NOT have views now on this blog?


What happened? 

Am I now part of the "canceled" people?


What the hell?

Fully Vaxxed *And Boosted* Barack Obama Tests Positive For Covid-19


NEW: Fully Vaxxed *And Boosted* Barack Obama Tests Positive For Covid-19

Fully vaxxed and boosted Barack Obama announced on Sunday that he tested positive for Covid-19.

Obama said former First Lady, Michelle, tested negative.

“I just tested positive for COVID. I’ve had a scratchy throat for a couple days, but am feeling fine otherwise. Michelle and I are grateful to be vaccinated and boosted, and she has tested negative,” Obama said Sunday in a tweet.

“It’s a reminder to get vaccinated if you haven’t already, even as cases go down,” he added

Recall, Barack Obama joined other former presidents in a campaign promoting Covid vaccines.

“Michelle and I got vaccinated against COVID-19 because we know it’s the best way to beat this pandemic, protect one another, and get the country back up and running again,” Obama said in March 2021. “So I hope you’ll get the vaccine as soon as it’s available to you. It could save your life.”

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Sunday, March 13, 2022

(vaccine?)Hailey Bieber says she has 'recovered completely' after doctors discovered a blood clot in her brain



Hailey Bieber says she has 'recovered completely' after doctors discovered a blood clot in her brain

Hailey Bieber shared she is recovering after doctors discovered a small blood clot in her brain. (Photo: Michael Tran / AFP) (Photo by MICHAEL TRAN/AFP via Getty Images)
Hailey Bieber shared she is recovering after doctors discovered a small blood clot in her brain. (Photo: Michael Tran / AFP) (Photo by MICHAEL TRAN/AFP via Getty Images)

Hailey Bieber is sharing her experience after doctors discovered a blood clot in her brain.

The model, 25, who is married to Justin Bieber, 28, took to her Instagram Story on Saturday, March 12 to detail the health scare, writing, “On Thursday morning, I was sitting at breakfast with my husband when I started having stroke-like symptoms and was taken to the hospital. They found I had suffered a very small blood clot in my brain, which caused a small lack of oxygen, but my body had passed it on its own and I recovered completely within a few hours.”

She called the experience one of the “scariest moments” she had ever been through, but said that she is “home now and doing well.”

“I’m so grateful and thankful to all the amazing doctors and nurses who took care of me,” she continued. “Thank you to everyone who has reached out with well wishes and concern, and for all the support and love.”

While Justin did not specifically post about his wife’s recent health scare, he did post an Instagram photo of her on the day of her hospitalization for International Women’s Day, writing in the caption, “Everyday is womens day. love u hails and mom.”

Bieber recently opened up to The Wall Street Journal about feeling pressure to move forward with her family life now that she and Justin, who she wed in a courthouse ceremony in 2018 before having a larger celebration the following year, are settled into married life.

“There’s this thing that happens for women when you get married,” she explained. “Everybody always assumes it’s: First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby. Well, what about all the things I want to accomplish in my business? I think I had it ingrained in my head that I was going to want to have kids right away and I was going to want to have kids super, super young. Then I turned 25 and I’m like, I’m still super, super young!”


Saturday, March 12, 2022

Vaccine-Injuries SKYROCKET: Two Months into 2022, Vaccine-Related Myocarditis Reports in VAERS Have Surged to Nearly Half the Total Reported in 2021


Vaccine-Injuries SKYROCKET: Two Months into 2022, Vaccine-Related Myocarditis Reports in VAERS Have Surged to Nearly Half the Total Reported in 2021

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For several months, the US public health regime and the bootlicking media have been routinely downplaying the risk of developing myocarditis after taking the vaccine, calling the occurrence “mild” and “rare,” and systematically burying any evidence to the contrary.

However, myocarditis – a potentially life-threatening inflammation of the heart –  is in no way a ‘mild’ adverse reaction to the vaccine – especially when 90% of cases that have been recorded in VAERS ended up hospitalized – so, in other words, that half of the narrative was just an outright lie.

And as for the claim that the condition is ‘rare,’ that was seemingly also completely false. Cases of myocarditis have exploded in the US since the rollout of the experimental vaccine, even in populations that aren’t normally as likely to develop the condition, like children and young adults.

What’s worse – the pace at which otherwise healthy Americans are developing the life-threatening heart condition is speeding up.

According to the most recent Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data, the number of myocarditis and pericarditis reports in the first two months of 2022 is already almost half as many as the total number of submissions in 2021.

Daniel Horowitz from The Blaze breaks down the VAERS numbers:

“We are over a year into the known safety signals of this vaccine for myocarditis, and yet the shots still have not been pulled, even for younger males. In fact, it’s still a requirement in many colleges.

Yet reports of myocarditis and pericarditis are so prevalent now that just in the first eight weeks of 2022, we’re already at 47% of the total VAERS submissions for 2021. There were 24,177 reports of pericarditis/myocarditis submitted to VAERS in 2021. In 2022, just through Feb. 25, there were 11,289 reports, which is nearly half of last year’s total.”

Take a look:

If the numbers continue to hold at this pace, there will be a whopping three times more vaccine-related myocarditis cases than there were last year – and that would just be within VAERS, which is notoriously underreported.

When dissected further, the new data reveals some alarming trends. The problem is getting exponentially worse, and, most concerningly, teenagers and young adults are experiencing the worst of it.

Also, the condition most commonly develops after a second dose of the vaccine, no matter the age group.

From Horowitz:

“It’s not acceptable (and never was) for the media and the pharma-paid ‘fact checkers’ to automatically dismiss VAERS. It is our main pharmaco-surveillance tool and was put in place precisely to serve as the consolation to the public for Congress absolving vaccine manufactures of liability. Also, the data complements what we’ve learned universally from all the myocarditis vaccine studies – that it targets teens and early 20s more than other age groups and is more potent after the second dose.

The CDC’s own researchers published a study in JAMA in which they clinically confirmed most of the myocarditis submissions to VAERS. As such, they concluded, ‘Given the high verification rate of reports of myocarditis to VAERS after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination, underreporting is more likely. Therefore, the actual rates of myocarditis per million doses of vaccine are likely higher than estimated.'”

Here is a chart from VAERS showing the breakdown of myocarditis cases by age and number of doses – 17 and 18 year olds have the highest rate, especially after the second dose:

The damages from this vaccine will linger for years to come, with countless Americans needlessly suffering from severe injury or death caused by the experimental jab. In addition to the myocarditis cases, there have also been over 20,000 deaths and over a million adverse events logged into VAERS since the beginning of the pandemic – which is an astounding number for any vaccine. In the past, vaccines would be pulled if they caused double-digit deaths, let alone tens of thousands.

In short, the mRNA Covid vaccine is by far the most dangerous vaccine ever recorded in VAERS, especially considering the still-unknown long-term effects, but Biden and the rest of the tyrants have been pushing everyone, including very young children, to take not one – not two – but three vaccines – with a fourth jab coming right around the corner.

Oh, and they are testing the vaccine on toddlers and infants as we speak so they can become eligible for the vaccine.

Keep in mind, this virus has a 99.95-99.99% recovery rate – and with children and young people, it’s even higher. So forcing this experimental jab on them is completely criminal and pure evil.

For several months now, actual experts like Robert Malone – the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology – and Dr. Peter McCullough – the most published and cited cardiologist in the world – have been warning about the “reprehensible and reckless” conduct by US public health officials with the experimental Covid-19 Vaccines – especially the recent decision to approve the jab for young children.

According to McCullough, who cites several studies to back his claims, Vaccine Induced Myocarditis is a rapidly growing problem that has become at least 50% more common than originally predicted by the US public health ‘experts.’ The condition has become so prevalent, he says, that children aged 12 to 17 are actually “more likely to be hospitalized with Myocarditis” after taking the vaccine than the virus itself.


Daniel Horowitz has more on the new VAERS data over at The Blaze, check it out here.

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