Monday, March 21, 2022

Hey Michigan... you put her in office and she is trying to kill "Line 5" (been working fine for about 65 yrs). I hope you pay 8.00 a gallon of gas or more.



YOU wanted her....YOU got her.


She's YOUR governor and she hates WORKING PEOPLE...LOL 


She said gas tax would hurt the roads. It can't don't forget the ONE TRILLION Infrastructure bill.  THAT was for bridges and roads etc.


She thinks people are too stupid to do research LOL . 

She must think that they get their info from fa_e book and other social media because Michigan people don't do anything but PLAY on their phones. And wouldn't know fake news if it was in front of their face. LOL






Sunday, March 20, 2022

When will the REAL Americans stand up to all the crap going on in OUR OWN COUNTRY?




lap tops

and the FAKE NEWS from news anchors that don't want REAL details...only lies from their stations.



Saturday, March 19, 2022

NY Post Calls Out the 51 Former Senior Intelligence Officials including Former CIA Chiefs Who Openly Lied About Hunter Biden’s Laptop Being ‘Russian Disinformation’

 (come on people.... and soooo many more. FAKE NEWS)

People, you are NOT stupid... just because you see it on fakebook...doesn't mean that its true. Stop looking foolish re-posting that crap.This article is PROOF.



NY Post Calls Out the 51 Former Senior Intelligence Officials including Former CIA Chiefs Who Openly Lied About Hunter Biden’s Laptop Being ‘Russian Disinformation’

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Spies who lie: The New York Post cover today says it all.
We can no longer trust the intelligence community in this country. They are liars and political operatives for the Democrat Party. Our intel communities are lost. It’s over.

Truth and integrity mean NOTHING to these people.

The New York Post reported:

They are the supposed nonpartisan group of top spies looking out for the best interest of the nation.

But the 51 former “intelligence” officials who cast doubt on The Post’s Hunter Biden laptop stories in a public letter really were just desperate to get Joe Biden elected president. And more than a year later, even after their Deep State sabotage has been shown again and again to be a lie, they refuse to own up to how they undermined an election.

The officials, including CNN pundit and professional fabricator James Clapper — a man who was nearly charged for perjury for lying to Congress — signed a letter saying that the laptop “has the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

What proof did they have? By their own admission, none. “We do not know if the emails . . . are genuine or not,” the letter said. They’re just “suspicious.” Why? Because they hurt Biden’s campaign, that’s evidence enough.

Keep in mind this was written Oct. 19, 2020, five days after The Post published its first story. Neither Joe Biden nor Hunter Biden had denied the story, they simply deflected questions.

The dishonest men never should have held positions of such high authority. They are incapable of being honest with the American public.

And they weren’t the only ones. The fake news mainstream media all lied about the laptop too.
NEVER trust the fake news!

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(Look Ma... I'm making an ass out of myself) Spring Breakers Descend on Florida; Gun Scare Causes Stampede in South Beach



Spring Breakers Descend on Florida; Gun Scare Causes Stampede in South Beach (VIDEO)


photo credit: Daily Mail

More than 500,000 college co-eds descended on Florida beaches for Spring Break this week.

The Daily Mail reported:

Spring Breakers were seen enjoying wet t-shirt contests, twerking and public smooching sessions as the annual party surged back bigger than ever following a two year covid lull – even as the mayor of Miami Beach beefed up beachside police numbers and said the city is ‘under siege’ from raucous revelers.

Hotels were booked solid in both Miami Beach and South Padre Island, Texas swelling the population of both vacation towns with young men and women looking to cut loose for a few days of partying on the beach.

An estimated 570,000 students will flock to Florida, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

Port Aranas, a town on the barrier island just north of South Padre, is also expected to go from a population of 3,000 to 350,000, according to the local chamber of commerce.

‘It has felt at times like the city is under siege simply from the volume of people who are coming,’ Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber told local station WPLG this week.

The crowds were fired up for their first opportunity to throw down post-pandemic lockdowns – telling reporters repeatedly that they were just happy to finally let loose after two years of sitting at home in their dorm rooms and apartments.

‘It looks like the state is opening back up… Looks like people are wanting to get out. The kids, they’ve been locked up in their dorm rooms. We’re hoping spring break gets back to a normal system,’ bar owner Clayton Brashear told KIII 3News.

The girls were twerking on the beach in thong bikinis at South Padre Island.


Police presence was beefed up after a gun scare caused a stampede on Ocean Drive Thursday night.


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Man Suffers Stroke, Brain Damage and Has Been In Coma Right After Being Forced to Take Booster Shot to Enter Botswana



Man Suffers Stroke, Brain Damage and Has Been In Coma Right After Being Forced to Take Booster Shot to Enter Botswana


Photo/The Voice News

A South African national is now fighting for his life after suffering stroke and brain damage after being forced to take a booster shot to enter Botswana.

Bongani Mbongani suffered a stroke, swelling of the brain and has been in a coma since Friday after being forced to take the Covid-19 vaccine as part of Botswana’s travel requirement.

According to a report, Mbongani complained of headaches after taking the shot and got worsened, causing him to faint.

The Voice News reported:

In a horrific incident that may soon see Botswana Government and the Director of health Services (DHS) being slapped with a lawsuit, a South African national is currently brain dead and lying in a state of coma at the Gaborone Private Hospital (GPH).

The man, identified as Bongani Mbongani to The Voice Newspaper, suffered a stroke, swelling of the brain and has been in a coma since Friday.

Mbongani arrived in Botswana with his crew amongst them popular rapper, Slikour to attend to a creative workshop staged in Gaborone.

He was forced to take the jab to enter Botswana and soon after started complaining of headache.

The headache according to our source got so intense that the man fainted and had to be immediately rushed for medical assistance.

He was rushed to Marina Hospital and after negotiations with the Ministry of Health (MOH) he was admitted at the intensive care Unit.

The promoter who had booked the crew to Botswana confirmed the incident but refused to go into detail, confirming instead that the man’s mother has arrived in Botswana.

Efforts to reach the man’s mother were futile by time of going to press as her phone rang unanswered.

However according to our source close to the matter the family has engaged a private law firm to explore the possibility of a legal suit against the government of Botswana.

For their part Botswana Government through the Ministry of Health Public relations office (PRO) has confirmed the incident and has revealed that they are taking full responsibility of the incident.

Responding to a questionnaire from this reporter, Christopher Nyanga said .

“Yes it is the Ministry that has taken the patient for medical facilitation. The client is currently hospitalised and the total bill has not yet been computed.”

Poked further the Ministry spokesperson said, “It is true that the Ministry is currently handling the case you made reference to. At the moment investigations are at an early age and the Ministry is not in a position to make a conclusive statement on whether or not the client condition is related to the vaccine taken or not.”

Read more here.

Following the incident, the government of Botswana announced some changes to its travel requirement.

“Due to discordant periods for taking booster shots between Botswana and other countries, and for purposes of smoothening international travel, the definition of being fully vaccinated in Botswana will no longer include a booster shot. Having completed the primary vaccine series will be considered sufficient for one to be allowed entry, without the need to present a negative PC test result,” the news release stated.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2022

BLM Leader and Boston’s Woman of the Year is Arrested, Indicted on Federal Charges for Squandering $1 Million in Donations on Hotels, a New Home and Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. (VIDEO)


BLM Leader and Boston’s Woman of the Year is Arrested, Indicted on Federal Charges for Squandering $1 Million in Donations on Hotels, a New Home and Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. (VIDEO)

A Black Lives Matter activist and the Boston Globe‘s Woman of the Year was indicted on Tuesday on federal charges for squandering much of her $1 million from her nonprofit on expensive hotel stays, vacations, and meals at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.

Monica Cannon Grant also raised her salary from $25,000 in 2020 to $170,000 in 2021.

The Daily Mail reported:

A BLM activist has been charged over a huge fraud which is said to have included blowing a grant intended for young men at risk of violence on trips to Bubba Gump Shrimp Co., Shake Shack and a nail salon.

Monica Cannon-Grant, 41, is also said to have paid herself $2,700-a-week and treated herself to a $450,000 five-bed house in Taunton, Massachusetts, last year.

She is accused of using much of the $1 million raised by her nonprofit Violence in Boston Inc for good causes. Her salary jumped from $25,000 in 2020 to $170,000 in 2021.

Cannon-Grant – once named a Bostonian of the Year by the prestigious Boston Globe newspaper – was arrested at her spacious home last week. She appeared in a federal court Monday alongside husband Clark Grant, 38, with the pair facing 18 separate criminal counts dating from 2017 to July 2021. She has denied all allegations made against her.

Judge Judith Dein raised eyebrows after releasing Cannon-Grant on her own recognizance and saying she could continue to work for Violence in Boston – the nonprofit she’s accused of using as a front for her crimes – but that she must not be involved in its finances.

The couple are said to have misappropriated grants intended for their charity, including a $6,000 check given to them by Suffolk District Attorney’s office in June 2019, intended to be spent on a retreat for young men feared to be at risk of falling into crime.

Instead, Cannon-Grant and Grant treated themselves to meals at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. and Shake Shack, and a three night break to Maryland that included a $1,200 hotel stay, it is claimed.

Video via CBS Boston.

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Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Urges Public To ‘Call The Jails’ And Demand Jussie Smollett Be Freed



Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Urges Public To ‘Call The Jails’ And Demand Jussie Smollett Be Freed

Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors is urging the public to call the jail where Jussie Smollett is incarcerated and demand the disgraced actor be freed.

Cullors, a self-described “trained Marxist,” resigned as executive director of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation last year amid criticism of her lavish lifestyle, personal wealth and ownership of four high-end homes that amount to $3.2 million.

The socialist grifter warns the conditions hate crime hoaxer Smollett is subjected to in jail are “unacceptable.”

“I’m in Chicago and was able to see Jussie today, and he’s strong, but what’s happening inside is just — it’s just unacceptable,” Cullors said in a video published on social media on Monday. “Today is the first day that he’s going to be able to get an actual bed. He’s been sleeping on a restraint bed.”

“They’ve also filed for him to be released — filed to the Appellate court,” she continued. “Hopefully we’ll learn by this week, no later than Wednesday, if he’ll get out. And, honestly, we just need folks to keep tagging ‘#FreeJussie,’ keep posting.

In 2019, Smollett fabricated an elaborate lie in a bid to frame Trump’s supporters with a racist hate crime, claiming he was physically assaulted by two men wearing MAGA hats, put a noose around his neck, poured bleach on him, berated him with homophobic and racist slurs and then declared, “This is MAGA country.”

In reality, Smollett staged the hate crime with the assistance of Nigerian brothers Ola and Abel Osundairo.

Last year, the former Empire star was convicted of five felony counts of disorderly conduct.

After two years of litigation, on March 10 Judge James Lin sentenced the race-baiting hoaxer to a light sentence, 150 days in jail, 30 months of probation, restitution of $120,106 and a $25,000 fine.

Despite the hate crimes Smollett committed, Cullors implored “folks to call the jail and check up on him, but also say that you think he should be freed.”

“The last thing is, we need folks to challenge the misinformation and disinformation around this case. That’s so critical,” she added.

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