Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Really???? This person thinks YOU are STUPID and will believe this bull crap.) Disney’s Activism Partner Tells LGBTQ Employees That DeSantis and Republicans Want to Kidnap Gay People’s Children (VIDEO)



 Come on people.... there is NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON that believes this bull crap.

Adults are NOT stupid but yet dumb ass people believing their phone instead of using.... COMMON SENSE. Come on people you are NOT stupid, help stop fools like this.


Disney’s Activism Partner Tells LGBTQ Employees That DeSantis and Republicans Want to Kidnap Gay People’s Children (VIDEO)

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Journalist Christopher Rufo obtained video from inside Disney’s meeting about Florida’s new parental rights bill.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Monday signed into law HB 1557, a measure that forbids instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity to children in grades pre-K through grade 3.

The legislation states that “classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.”

Democrats falsely labeled the anti-grooming measure, “Don’t Say Gay Bill” – the word “gay” doesn’t appear in the legislation.

Disney had a meeting about the parental rights bill after vowing to fight it in court.

Disney’s activism partner Nadine Smith of Equality Florida told LGBTQ employees that Governor DeSantis, his spokeswoman Christina Pushaw and Republicans want to “erase” gays, “criminalize” gay people’s existence and kidnap gay people’s children.


An executive producer for Disney, Latoya Raveneau, said her team implemented a “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” and is regularly “adding queerness” to children’s programming.

Disney corporate president Karey Burke said she supports have LGBTQ characters in her stories.

Karey Burke said all of her children are queer and transgender so she supports Disney shows having as many LGBTQ characters as possible.

Earlier this month 108 people were arrested in a human trafficking sting operation in central Florida.

According to Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, 4 Disney employees were among the people arrested in the sting.

What is going on over at Disney?

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Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Oscars so WHITE LAST YEAR...Oscars so BLACK Privilege this year?



Oscars so WHITE LAST YEAR...Oscars so BLACK Privilege this year? 

Oscars don't mind what he did.



Study: NBC, ABC, CBS Haven't Mentioned Hunter Biden in 259 Days



Study: NBC, ABC, CBS Haven't Mentioned Hunter Biden in 259 Days


hunter biden walks
Hunter Biden walks to Marine One on the Ellipse outside the White House May 22, 2021, in Washington, DC. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski / AFP via Getty Images)

By    |   Monday, 28 March 2022 06:56 PM

Corporate news giants such as NBC, CBS, and ABC, have not mentioned Hunter Biden's name in 259 days, according to a study conducted by the Media Research Center.

"It has now been 259 days — 37 weeks — since July 12, 2021. That's when any of the corrupt network newscasts last uttered the words 'Hunter Biden.' Scandal after scandal, nothing seems to shake the determination of the ABC, CBS, and NBC morning and evening news shows to keep the public from knowing about the President's wayward son and his sketchy financial and foreign dealings," Scott Whitlock, the research director of MRC, wrote.

According to Whitlock's analysis, programs such as ABC's "Good Morning America," "World News Tonight," CBS' morning offerings, "CBS Evening News," NBC's "Today," and "NBC Nightly News" have all not mentioned Hunter Biden since last July.

Despite the reluctance of some networks to mention Hunter, The New York Times confirmed earlier this month that "a cache of files ... appears to have come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. Biden in a Delaware repair shop."

The story of the laptop, first reported on by the New York Post in Oct. 2020, was censored by Twitter. But the story of the laptop's contents includes emails, text messages, photos, and financial documents between Hunter, his family, and business connections that would indicate Hunter was peddling his father's political influence. One instance mentioned in a Fox News report points to Hunter hawking his father's influence while sitting as a board member of a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma Holdings.

"In the nearly two weeks since that concession, the morning and evening newscasts on ABC, CBS and NBC have allowed ZERO coverage, totally censoring the revelation," Whitlock stated. "Twelve days after the Times confirmed that Hunter Biden's laptop is real, ABC, CBS and NBC are still silent. They need to say his name, report on this controversy, and all the other Hunter Biden scandals."

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If Will Smith is allowed to hit someone WITHOUT charges....EVERYONE should be able to get away with it too



What is good for good for EVERYONE !!

Yahoo is not showing the whole story for Rowdy Spring Breakers.....they are NOT showing anyone of color



Damn WHITE spring breakers causing all the trouble at a Waffle House and the shooting etc.

 Listen to ALL the interviews of business owners  there. THEY ARE TELLING THE WHOLE TRUTH.




Monday, March 28, 2022

Will Smith is a THUG !!!



Violence is NOT how you support your family.

You were a favorite in this family....NOT anymore. Your movies will NEVER be shown in this house or in any family members house.




A REAL MAN would have handled it with class.

But don't worry... he WONT be punished....

everyone would say that he is getting punished because he is black.


Just shows that the Oscars are really for LOSERS !!


 From the three women hosts to crap like this....LOL




