Friday, April 1, 2022

(Hey Parents.. you don't really know do you?) School Nurse Suspended For Revealing Connecticut Public School Was Secretly Giving Children Puberty Blockers Behind Their Parents’ Backs



School Nurse Suspended For Revealing Connecticut Public School Was Secretly Giving Children Puberty Blockers Behind Their Parents’ Backs

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Nurse Kathleen Cataford

Connecticut – A school nurse was suspended after revealing the school worked at was secretly giving children puberty blockers behind their parents’ backs.

77-year-old Kathleen Cataford was suspended by Hartford Public Schools this week after she revealed the school secretly put an 11-year-old student on puberty blockers in a public comment on Facebook.

“Investigate the school system curriculum…CT is a very socially liberal, gender confused state,” the Facebook post read. “As a public school nurse, I have an 11yo female student on puberty blockers and a dozen identifying as non-binary, all but two keeping this as a secret from their parents with the help of teachers, SSW [social workers] and school administration.”

She continued, “Teachers and SSW are spending 37.5 hours a week influencing our children, not necessarily teaching our children what YOU think is being taught.”

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The Superintendent of Harford Public Schools lashed out at Cataford and launched an investigation into the school nurse. the Daily Mail reported.

The Daily Mail reported:

A Connecticut school nurse has been suspended over a Facebook post revealing that an 11 year-old at the school where she worked was on puberty blockers.

Kathleen Cataford, who worked at the Richard J Kinsella Magnet School in Hartford, was axed from her role Monday over the post, which was branded transphobic.

Writing on a local mom’s group in response to a request for local school recommendations, the 77 year-old said: ‘Investigate the school system curriculum…CT is a very socially liberal, gender confused state,’ the post read.

It continued: ‘As a public school nurse, I have an 11yo female student on puberty blockers and a dozen identifying as non-binary, all but two keeping this as a secret from their parents with the help of teachers, SSW [social workers] and school administration.

Cataford went on to claim that ‘children are introduced to this confusion in kindergarten.’’s attempts to contact her Tuesday were unsuccessful.

The post came to the attention of Hartford School District Officials after the mother of the 11 year-old mentioned saw it, and flagged it to school officials.

She confirmed its contents and the context in which the post was made to on Tuesday, but did not wish to comment further, citing her child’s privacy.

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Boston’s Mayor, Michelle Wu, ‘Jokes’ About White People, Pushes Random Mandates and Then Requests Law to Stop Protesters at Her House in Off-Hours


Boston’s Mayor, Michelle Wu, ‘Jokes’ About White People, Pushes Random Mandates and Then Requests Law to Stop Protesters at Her House in Off-Hours

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu is so disliked that she encouraged the Boston City Council to create a law to curtail protesters at her home during certain hours.

It’s hard to imagine why she is not more popular when she makes disgusting comments about white people openly during her public speeches.

Michael Knowles shared one moment from the mayor’s recent speech.The Boston Globe reports that Wu is so dispised that she has protesters at her house almost daily.  In response, Wu proposed a bill prohibiting protesting after 9 pm and before 9 am.  How American! The Antifa folks will love that.

Following months of near-daily antivaccination demonstrations outside the Roslindale home of Mayor Michelle Wu, the Boston City Council on Wednesday adopted a controversial proposal to further restrict the hours when protesters may target private residences with their demonstrations.

The hotly debated measure was introduced by Wu, who has framed the consistent, early-morning ruckus as harassment, a feeling many of her neighbors in the usually quiet part of the city share.But critics of the new rules,including several who routinely picket outside the mayor’s home, say the restrictions would unfairly curb First Amendment rights.

Wu is hated for many reasons.  Recently she instituted a fee on restaurant owners on the North Side of the city only.  This move shows the extreme measures Wu feels comfortable implementing.  Per

Facing backlash from restaurateurs, Mayor Michelle Wu on Tuesday formally announced flexible parameters for how the city will charge North End restaurants seeking to open outdoor dining spaces this year.

The accommodations, which Wu first mentioned during an interview on WBUR on Monday, will allow restaurants the ability to pay the new $7,500 fee in installments.

Fees can be tailored to reflect operating schedules, so that restaurants who do not want to open outdoor space for the entire season will only pay for when they open outside.

You can tell Wu has never run a restaurant business before.  What a piece of work.  Nic job, Boston.  You get what you vote for.


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Inspector general says post office surveillance program exceeded legal authority



Inspector general says post office surveillance program exceeded legal authority

·Investigative Correspondent

WASHINGTON — An inspector general probe into the U.S. Postal Service surveillance program, known as iCOP, concluded that the agency did not have the legal authority to conduct the sweeping intelligence collection and surveillance of American protesters and others between 2018 and 2021.

The Postal Service Office of Inspector General launched an investigation into iCOP — which stands for Internet Covert Operations Program — at the request of Congress in direct response to reporting from Yahoo News last year.

“We determined that certain proactive searches iCOP conducted using an open-source intelligence tool from February to April 2021 exceeded the Postal Inspection Service’s law enforcement authority,” the March 25, 2022, inspector general report stated.

A postman drives a United States Postal Service mail delivery truck through Washington, D.C.
A United States Postal Service truck in Washington, D.C. (Andrew Caballer-Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images)

“Furthermore, we could not corroborate whether other work analysts completed from October 2018 through June 2021 was legally authorized.”

The audit of the program was prompted by Yahoo News’ reporting that revealed the existence of the secret program, as well as its use of facial recognition software and other sophisticated technology and software to compile and disseminate reports on Americans’ online speech and movements. A March 16, 2021, iCOP intelligence bulletin on American protesters was widely circulated by the Department of Homeland Security to state, local and federal law enforcement agencies nationwide.

Yahoo News’ reporting on the program prompted outrage from lawmakers and constitutional experts, who questioned whether the post office had the legal authority to target and collect information on U.S. citizens not suspected of any crime and with no connection to the post office.

In April 2021, Yahoo News revealed the existence of the iCOP surveillance, which used analysts to trawl the internet looking for “inflammatory” posts about nationwide Black Lives Matter protests. A series of follow-up reports revealed further details about the program, which had been operating without the oversight or even the knowledge of Congress. (Yahoo News has filed its own lawsuit to obtain additional records related to iCOP.)

“The Oversight Committee requested this report because of our significant concerns about intelligence activities conducted by the Postal Service Inspection Service’s analytics team related to First Amendment activity," Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y, who chairs the House Oversight Committee, told Yahoo News in a Thursday statement. "The inspector general’s audit makes clear that the committee’s concerns were justified, and that the use of open-source intelligence by the analytics team ‘exceeded the Postal Inspection Service’s law enforcement authority.’"

A woman holds a Black Lives Matter flag during an outdoor event outside the Minnesota State Capitol in remembrance of George Floyd and to call for justice for those who lost loved ones to the police violence, on May 24, 2021, in Saint Paul.
A woman holds a Black Lives Matter flag during an event in remembrance of George Floyd on May 24, 2021, in St. Paul, Minn. (Kerem Yucel/AFP via Getty Images)

Using sophisticated technology and software, iCOP was running keyword searches like “protest” on social media to collect online speech about a host of different events that contained no threats and had nothing to do with the Postal Service’s work.

The inspector general report notes that in April 2021 Postal Inspection Service lawyers asked iCOP to remove “protest” from its keyword searches “to protect constitutional rights.”

Frank Albergo, president of the Postal Police Officers Association, told Yahoo News that the Postal Inspection Service had “lost their way.”

“At this point they might as well take their mission statement of protecting the Postal Service and its employees and throw it in the garbage,” Albergo said, arguing that not enough attention is being paid by the agency to the “mail theft epidemic” of postal property that was happening at the same time.

The 26-page report concluded that the post office did not have the legal authority to compile reports on Americans involved in Black Lives Matter protests sweeping the nation. The report also found across-the-board violations of statutory and legal authority ranging from lack of legal authority to noncompliance with federal records retention to use of facial recognition software. It also said there was no record-keeping policy or procedures in place to make sure the work was legal.

The report repeatedly stressed that the Postal Service’s surveillance efforts need a “postal nexus,” or a connection to the Postal Inspection Service’s work.

“The Postal Inspection Service’s activities must have an identified connection to the mail, postal crimes, or the security of Postal Service facilities or personnel (postal nexus) prior to commencing,” the report said.

“However, the keywords used for iCOP in the proactive searches did not include any terms with a postal nexus. Further, the postal nexus was not documented in 122 requests and 18 reports due to a lack of requirements in the program’s procedures. These issues occurred because management did not involve the Postal Inspection Service’s Office of Counsel in developing iCOP or its procedures.”

A U.S. Postal Service employee organizes packages in the pack of a mail truck in Houston.
A USPS employee organizes packages in a mail truck in Houston. (Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

The inspector general made a series of recommendations, including a complete review and overhaul of the program and the analyst division under which it operates. Postal Service leadership responded to each recommendation, objecting to most of the report’s conclusions and arguing that it has the authority to conduct wide-ranging surveillance and intelligence collection on U.S. citizens — without needing a nexus to the post office. It agreed to review some of its policies after the completion of the internal review recommended by the inspector general.

“We strongly disagree with the overarching conclusion that the U.S. Postal Inspection Service (Inspection Service) exceeded its legal authority and conducted improper intelligence searches,” the Postal Inspection Service wrote in response to the recommendations and findings of the inspector general audit. The response was included in the report.

Maloney, the Oversight Committee chair, said: "I fully support the Inspector General’s recommendation that Postal Service management perform a full review of the Analytics Team’s responsibilities, activities, and procedures, and I look forward to reviewing its result.”


Thursday, March 31, 2022

Protect yourself and your family and pass this on) Poison Control Issues Nationwide “Toxic” Warning About Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Tests – Kit Includes Poisonous “Liquid Substance” Used Commonly in “Pest Control”

“Surprised and Concerned”: Poison Control Issues Nationwide “Toxic” Warning About Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Tests – Kit Includes Poisonous “Liquid Substance” Used Commonly in “Pest Control” – (VIDEO)

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For months, there have been many people sounding the alarm over the at-home Covid-19 rapid test, saying that the kits include toxic substances that pose health risks – something that has been widely condemned by the establishment as a wild conspiracy theory.

Well, just like with most everything else these days, the difference between wild right wing conspiracy and fact simply comes down to a matter of time.

Now, even public health officials can’t ignore the dangers posed by these tests.

Last month, the Gateway Pundit reported that Ohio and Texas issued a warning after seeing an increase in reports related to sodium azide poisoning, a chemical found in test kits after Biden promised to give 500 million Covid test kits to Americans.

The poisonous substance in these test kits is called Sodium Azide, which has a “high” acute toxicity and can be fatal to humans in cases of overexposure, according to Stanford Medical. The presence of this toxic substance was apparently only found by Poison Control researchers after the winter wave of Omicron, which saw many Americans testing at home with the kits.

Following this uptick in at-home testing, according to WHIO TV7, drug and poison centers across the country experienced a large increase in cases involving Sodium Azide, which prompted the Ohio Poison Control to issue their warning.

The liquid Sodium Azide is located within the extraction tube inside the kits and the substance is colorless tasteless and odorless.

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital toxicologist Dr. Sheila Goertemoeller, who is a member of the Ohio Poison Control Center, spoke with WHIO7 about the agency’s decision to issue the nationwide warning. She explained that the other 54 Poison Centers in America have seen a similar upswing in Sodium Azide poisonings, amounting to “more than a couple hundred” across the country as of late.

Goertemoeller also admitted that her colleagues were “surprised” and “concerned” that such a highly toxic substance is being used in the test kits.

Nearly 60 million people have already received a free at-home Covid test from the Biden administration, most of which were passed out this winter, according to WHIO7 News.

From WHO7:

“Ohio poison control centers are sounding the alarm surrounding a liquid substance called Sodium Azide found in some at home testing covid testing kits that could be toxic to children as well as adults if used incorrectly.

‘Our toxicology community has been both surprised that this was the ingredient in some of the kits, and also concerned. We have seen exposure in all age groups,’  [Goertemoeller said.]

‘We are one of 55 poison control centers and nationwide other poison centers have been reporting a similar finding and there have been more than a couple of hundred exposures nationwide to Sodium Azide in test kits,’ [Goertemoeller explained.]

As WHIO7 points out, there have even been some adults who end up using the toxic liquid to swab the inside of their nose because they did not follow the instructions on the package, so if you have these kits at home, use caution – or better yet, throw them away.


Due to the presence of the toxic chemical, doctors are now advising parents to keep the kits out of reach of children. In addition, when testing children for Covid at home, it’s recommended that parents make sure they are supervised in order to avoid any adverse side effects from exposure to the substance.

The main side effects of exposure to Sodium Azide include lowered blood pressure, headache, hypothermia, and in the case of serious overexposure, convulsions, and death. Ingestion of 100 to 200 mg in humans may result in headache, respiratory distress, and diarrhea, according to Stanford Medical.

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What Chris Rock told Wanda Sykes after the smack (ASSULT) by will smith



( My opinion is....Chris Rock acted with CLASS......................will smith is an ASS)

Wanda Sykes Reveals What Chris Rock Said To Her After 'Sickening' Oscars Incident


·2 min read
In this article:

Oscars co-host Wanda Sykes has broken her silence on the fiasco at Sunday’s awards ceremony and revealed that Chris Rock apologized to her after he was slapped onstage by Will Smith.

Sykes, who hosted alongside fellow comedy actors Regina Hall and Amy Schumer on Sunday night, said on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” Wednesday that she saw Rock at an Oscars afterparty and “the first thing he said was: ‘I’m so sorry.’”

“And I’m like, ‘Why are you apologizing?’” she recalled. “And he’s like, ‘It was supposed to be your night. You and Amy and Regina, y’all were doing such a great job. I’m so sorry. This is now going to be about this.’”

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Why is there always a LOCKDOWN at the same time as an ELECTION ???



Look it up... not kidding

pass this on important.... If you got J&J vaccine, consider two mRNA booster shots, CDC data suggest


If you got J&J vaccine, consider two mRNA booster shots, CDC data suggest

An illustrative image of a person holding a medical syringe and a Covid-19 vaccine vial in front of the the Johnson and Johnson logo displayed on a screen. On Wednesday, January 12, 2021, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. (Photo by Artur Widak/NurPhoto) (NurPhoto via Getty Images)
·6 min read

The nearly 17 million Americans who received the one-shot Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine are less protected against serious illness and hospitalizations than those who got the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna shots, according to federal data released Tuesday.

The latest data suggest Johnson & Johnson recipients should get a booster with one of the messenger RNA vaccines, if they haven't already done so - and even consider a second messenger RNA booster for the greatest protection. The data come from a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that analyzed the results of mix-and-match vaccine-and-booster combinations during a four-month period when the highly transmissible omicron variant was dominant.

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Even combining a Johnson & Johnson vaccine with a booster of either Johnson & Johnson, or one of the two messenger RNA vaccines, wasn't as strong as three shots of the messenger RNA vaccines in preventing emergency room visits or hospitalizations, according to the report.

Scroll back up to restore default view.The results confirm what health officials and scientists have known for some time based on earlier research. But the study is important because vaccine effectiveness data on the mix-and-match booster strategies in the real world has been limited.The new data, from a 10-state study conducted by independent researchers, may provide clarity amid a confusing stew of data about the single-dose vaccine.
 It shows that three doses of a messenger RNA vaccine perform the best, while a Johnson & Johnson vaccine followed by a messenger RNA booster shot is next best. Two shots of Johnson & Johnson provide a lower level of protection, with a single shot just 31% effective against hospitalization.
"That's too low, especially in this world where we have access to other things," said Natalie E. Dean, a biostatistician at Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health. "One priority is making sure that people who only received one dose [of Johnson & Johnson vaccine] are aware that they should go and get, preferably, a messenger RNA vaccine."
The data also suggest a second boost with a messenger RNA vaccine may need to be considered, even for individuals who have received two doses of Johnson & Johnson, said Boghuma Titanji, an infectious-diseases expert at Emory University. "This is not yet a formal recommendation," Titanji said, "but is something individuals who fall in this category should discuss with their health-care provider."
The takeaway: "If you can get the messenger RNA vaccine series, and especially get one as a booster, this [study] confirms that is the way to go," said Jeanne Marrazzo, director of the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Experts said the latest CDC study underscores what some experts say is a critical need for clearer recommendations on boosters.
Last fall, the CDC gave Americans eligible for boosters the choice of any one of the three vaccines, regardless of their original shot. In December, however, the agency updated its guidance to recommend people get the messenger RNA vaccines over Johnson & Johnson because of concerns over the an extremely rare but potentially fatal blood clot issue.
"Right now, there aren't recommendations for people who got two doses of J & J to get a third messenger RNA shot," said William Moss, executive director of the International Vaccine Access Center at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. (Those who are moderately to severely immunocompromised are already recommended to get a third dose.) "The messenger RNA vaccines seem to be providing more protection . . . What I'd like to see is a very simple recommendation: that everyone get three doses, and they should be messenger RNA vaccines."
Several studies have shown the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines remain highly effective at preventing the worst outcomes from infections even as protection against less severe illness waned over time.
Although the Johnson & Johnson vaccine provides a lower level of initial protection than the messenger RNA vaccines, the company has pointed to evidence that its vaccine's protection may not erode as quickly.
A study funded by the division of Johnson & Johnson that developed the vaccine and published in JAMA Network Open found that vaccine effectiveness was stable over six months - 81% effective at preventing hospitalization, though it measured a period before the omicron variant's emergence.
"If there's something we've learned in the pandemic - and it's not a new lesson - the most informative papers come from people who are independent of the study," said John P. Moore, a professor of microbiology and immunology at Weill Cornell Medicine.
Moss said it's important for the public to keep in mind that the goal of vaccination is to prevent severe disease and death. But public messaging became muddled, he said, in part because early studies showed the messenger RNA vaccines provided protection against infection, raising "false expectations."
It's natural for the levels of virus-fighting antibodies in the blood to wane over time, Moss added. That's part of the design of the body's immune response. "Otherwise our blood would be chock full of antibodies and [blood] wouldn't be able to flow . . . and deliver oxygen to the cells," he said.
The CDC study analyzed data from more than 80,000 emergency room or urgent care visits, and more than 25,000 hospitalizations among adults with covid-19-like illness in 10 states, from mid-December to March 7, a period which includes the omicron variant surge.
When researchers compared the effectiveness of several vaccine combinations in preventing emergency room or urgent care visits, they found:
- A single Johnson & Johnson shot offered 24% effectiveness;
- Two Johnson & Johnson shots offered 54% effectiveness;
- A combination of Johnson & Johnson with one messenger RNA booster offered 79% effectiveness;
- Three messenger RNA shots offered 83% effectiveness.
Protection against hospitalization, meanwhile, was significantly higher with three doses of the messenger RNA vaccines, which offered 90% effectiveness. That compared with:
- A single Johnson & Johnson shot, which offered 31% effectiveness;
- Two Johnson & Johnson shots, which offered 67% effectiveness;
- A Johnson & Johnson shot with a messenger RNA booster, which offered 78% effectiveness.
When the Food and Drug Administration authorized Johnson & Johnson's vaccine in February 2021 for all adults, many believed the one-and-done approach would make it a tool to vaccinate the world. But last spring, federal officials halted the use of the vaccine for 10 days, while they looked into reports of six cases of an extremely rare but potentially life-threatening type of blood clot among the millions of people who had received the shots in the United States. The vaccine's use waned thereafter, due to supply problems, as well as concerns over the clotting issue.
Nine deaths - among seven women and two men - have been confirmed in connection with the blood clot issue through September. Seven of those patients, who ranged in age from 28 to 62, had underlying medical conditions, including obesity, hypertension and diabetes.
The Washington Post's Carolyn Y. Johnson contributed to this report.