Friday, July 1, 2022

BOMBSHELL: Recent Conference Uncovered Between Government Entities (FBI, DOJ, CISA, and EAC) with Liberal Groups (ERIC, CTCL and Elections Group) and Corporations Like Microsoft – What’s Going On?


BOMBSHELL: Recent Conference Uncovered Between Government Entities (FBI, DOJ, CISA, and EAC) with Liberal Groups (ERIC, CTCL and Elections Group) and Corporations Like Microsoft – What’s Going On?

PJ Media released a bombshell report yesterday showing collusion between the US government (the FBI, DOJ, EAC, and CISA), with progressive groups and individuals fueled by progressive money related to US elections (like the Elections Group, CTCL, and Brennan Center), along with individuals from US corporations like Microsoft.  (Also, an individual working for Maricopa County, Arizona was present.)

J. Christian Adams at PJ Media reported the following yesterday:

A strange constellation has emerged through public records requests of coordination between progressive funders, federal authorities, corporations, state election officials, and leftist organizations.

Freedom of information requests have uncovered oddball and opaque relationships between some state election officials, federal officials, corporations, progressive activists, and those trying to influence the conduct of those same election officials. These relationships extend to junkets that include baseball games, travel, and even data exchanges between state officials and outside progressive groups.

The story begins with a series of freedom of information act requests aimed at a number of states to see if any election officials are tempted to apply for now-illegal money from the Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center for Technology and Civic Life. Such grants and the wild expenditures of these funds altered the course of the 2020 election. (Read The Real Kraken, What Really Happened to Donald Trump in the 2020 Election at PJ Media.)

The FOIAs were submitted by the Public Interest Legal Foundation—with which I am associated—and were aimed broadly at election officials across the United States.

While no election official in a state that now prohibits private funding of elections has applied for new funding, something stranger, and more dangerous has emerged from the public information requests.

In one email, we find that the Democracy Fund—a hyper-funded progressive money source—is organizing state officials and third parties to discuss election administration…

…No conservative or right-of-center groups are invited.

From the above, you can see members of government agencies including the FBI, DOJ, EAC and CISA.  These individuals and entities are at a function with progressives from the Democracy Fund, the CTCL and corporations like Microsoft.

We know the FBI and DOJ looked the other way in November of 2020 when the election was stolen for Joe Biden.  This may have been the biggest sin of the election.  The FBI, CISA, and other government bodies came out before and after the 2020 Election announcing the Election was the most secure ever.

The CTCL was a non-profit doling out Zuckerbucks money across the country.  Nearly half a billion was given to states and localities before the election for what, we really don’t know.

ERIC is now used in 31 states as the mechanism to maintain voter rolls.  What The Gatewaypundit (TGP) found was that the system hoards names but rarely removes names from rolls building a pile of excess names across the country potentially available to bad actors who can get to them during elections to manufacture votes.

The Elections Group’s Jennifer Morrell was all over the place before, during, and after the 2020 Election, showing up at parties with Dominion Voting systems employees, at the State Farm Arena during the election, and after the election in Arizona at the audit there.

Liz Howard from the Brennan Center was also all over the place before the 2020 Election and after.  She even appeared at an event at the UN before the 2020 Election to discuss US Elections.

Microsoft employees were present at the meeting noted by PJ Media above as well as members of the government body, the Election Assistance Commission (EAC).  This government entity also appears to have been taken over by left-wing radicals.

Even one individual with a Maricopa County email address was present at the above event.

What was really going on in Colorada a month ago?  

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Quadruple Vaxxed Dr. Fauci Missed His Daughter’s Wedding After Testing Positive For Covid



Quadruple Vaxxed Dr. Fauci Missed His Daughter’s Wedding After Testing Positive For Covid

Dr. Fauci missed his own daughter’s wedding after he tested positive for Covid-19.

Recall, fully vaxxed and double boosted Fauci tested positive for Covid on June 14 after he attended a class reunion.

Fauci was experiencing mild symptoms and went into isolation.

On Tuesday, Dr. Fauci confirmed that he is experiencing “COVID rebound” after taking Pfizer’s Paxlovid, the so-called silver bullet that Biden wasted billions in taxpayer dollars to support.

Paxlovid appears to have almost zero effectiveness for people that are already vaccinated, according to the manufacturer Pfizer’s data.

Fauci shared his health update while speaking remotely at the Foreign Policy Global Health Forum.

“The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases had attended a 60th class reunion dinner ceremony at the Anthony S. Fauci Integrated Science Complex, named in his honor, at the College of the Holy Cross, in Worcester, Massachusetts.” The Daily Mail reported.

“At least two other attendees at the June 11 dinner tested positive for COVID, but it is still unclear if Fauci had contracted the virus at the event.” the British newspaper reported.

Fauci told the New York Times that he was forced to miss his daughter’s wedding in New Orleans and attended the ceremony via FaceTime

Oh well.

Megalomaniac Fauci destroyed millions of lives and may be remembered as one of the greatest mass killers of our time.

Dr. Fauci flip-flopped and lied for over a year to the American public about the seriousness of the China Virus and his background funding the Chinese virology lab and the origins of the virus.

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Good Morning America finally deletes tweet praising Justice Jackson as 'the first Black Supreme Court justice'. Just ANOTHER LIE from ABC.





 (Why do people keep believing this crap? And its sad that there will be so many to believe it.)


( She's NOT the first you bunch of idiots !!!)




Good Morning America finally deletes tweet praising Justice Jackson as 'the first Black Supreme Court justice'

Ketanji Brown Jackson was sworn into the Supreme Court on Thursday

ABC’s "Good Morning America" Twitter account made a major historic mistake when reporting on Ketanji Brown Jackson’s swearing-in ceremony as a Supreme Court justice.

On Thursday, Jackson was officially sworn in as a justice of the Supreme Court following Justice Stephen Breyer’s retirement. GMA covered the moment she was welcomed onto the court by Justice John Roberts, but their Twitter account claimed that Jackson was "the first Black Supreme Court justice."

"Ketanji Brown Jackson is sworn in as the first Black Supreme Court justice in U.S. history," GMA tweeted at 1:46 p.m.

GMA's tweet originally read, "Ketanji Brown Jackson is sworn in as the first Black Supreme Court justice in U.S. history."

GMA's tweet originally read, "Ketanji Brown Jackson is sworn in as the first Black Supreme Court justice in U.S. history."  (Twitter)

Jackson is officially the third Black person to sit on the Supreme Court. The first Black Supreme Court justice was Thurgood Marshall who served on the court from 1967 to 1991. The second Black justice is Clarence Thomas, Marshall’s successor in 1991, who currently sits on the bench.

GMA made the same mistake on their YouTube account.

"Ketanji Brown Jackson sworn in as first Black Supreme Court justice in US history," the video headline read.

GMA's original YouTube video was titled, "Ketanji Brown Jackson sworn in as first Black Supreme Court justice in US history"  (Youtube)

The tweet was deleted almost five hours later, and the YouTube video was corrected shortly afterward that. A new tweet issued a correction.

"CORRECTION: Video shows Ketanji Brown Jackson sworn in as the first Black female Supreme Court justice in U.S. history. A previous tweet erroneously stated Jackson is the first Black Supreme Court justice," GMA wrote.

Before the tweet was deleted, however, several Twitter users called out the misstep by GMA. 

"They didn’t vote for Biden, so they ‘ain’t black’ in Democrat/media world view," Ron DeSantis spokesperson Christina Pushaw tweeted. web editor Rebecca Downs tweeted, "Really curious if the social media person still has a job…"

Author Max Abrahms joked, "Did Clarence Thomas cease being black because of his politics?"

Newsbusters Managing editor Curtis Houck wrote, "D*mn you all are so superficial with mindless segments on Disney cruise ships, giving away free vacations, and doing ‘Steals and Deals’ that you can't be bothered to know basic facts!"

Media Research Center's Nick Fondacaro noted, "Even if ABC's intention was to spite Justice Clarence Thomas, they still overlooked Justice Thurgood Marshall."

Back in April, during Jackson’s original Senate Judiciary hearing, Politico made a similar mistake, claiming in a tweet and article that Jackson was the "first Black Supreme Court justice."

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, accompanied by Vice President Kamala Harris, speaks during an event on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, Friday, April 8, 2022, celebrating the confirmation of Jackson as the first Black woman to reach the Supreme Court. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, accompanied by Vice President Kamala Harris, speaks during an event on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, Friday, April 8, 2022, celebrating the confirmation of Jackson as the first Black woman to reach the Supreme Court. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Although Jackson is not the first Black Supreme Court justice to sit on the bench, she is the first Black woman to serve as a justice. She will begin her first term in October.


If you are in a city called midtown..... BOYCOTT an ice cream place called "Cold Truth" they refuse to service Police


(while I waited at the airport to come home.... I read news stories)



You should hear this man's excuse.

And at the end of the story he said " I want to be part of the solution".


This jerk is part of the PROBLEM !!! 


Who will protect his business from thieves?

 Doesn't he understand that his place will get robbed over and over if he doesn't want police at his business? 





Thursday, June 30, 2022

(Those words are haunting many.. "Get a shot and you can go back to normal life")...'The worst version' of COVID is spreading. Can we update our vaccines in time?


Now its .... get a shot...then another shot....then a booster shot...then second booster....AND NOW THIS  !!!!





'The worst version' of COVID is spreading. Can we update our vaccines in time?

·West Coast Correspondent

For the last 18 months, the original COVID-19 vaccines — first as a two-dose series, then as boosters — have done an extraordinary job shielding us from illness, hospitalization and death. Globally, they saved nearly 20 million lives in 2021 alone. Even today, unvaccinated Americans are twice as likely as vaccinated Americans to test positive for COVID — and six times as likely to die from the disease.

But viruses evolve, and vaccines should too.

That was the big-picture takeaway from a pivotal meeting this week of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s expert advisory panel. The question before them was simple: Ahead of an expected winter surge, should vaccine manufacturers tweak their forthcoming booster shots to target Omicron — the ultra-infectious variant that has spent the last seven months surging throughout the world in one form or another — or should they stick with the tried-and-true 2020 recipe?

The panel voted 19-2 on Tuesday in favor of Omicron boosters. The question now, however, is which version of Omicron the next round of shots should target.

A health worker administers a dose of a Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.
A health worker administers a dose of a Moderna COVID-19 vaccine in Norristown, Pa., in 2021. (Matt Rourke/AP)

For anyone who hasn’t been paying attention, the Omicron strain that triggered last winter’s massive COVID wave (BA.1) is now extinct. In March, it was supplanted by the even more transmissible BA.2 … which was supplanted in May by the even more transmissible BA.2.12.1 … which is now being supplanted by the (you guessed it) even more transmissible BA.4 and BA.5.

Experts say BA.5 is the one to worry about: “The worst version of the virus that we’ve seen,” as Dr. Eric Topol, the founder of Scripps Research Translational Institute, recently put it. Together, the closely related BA.4 and BA.5 now account for the majority of new U.S. COVID cases, according to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — but BA.5 (36.6%) is spreading a lot faster than BA.4 (15.7%). By early July, it will be the dominant strain in the U.S.

That’s troublesome for several reasons. To our immune system, the distance from BA.1 to heavily mutated BA.4 and BA.5 is “far greater,” Topol writes, than the distance from the original BA.1 virus to previous blockbuster variants such as Alpha and Delta — which makes them harder to recognize and respond to. According to the latest research, that could mean:

None of this will set the U.S. back to square one. Despite elevated case levels, there are now fewer U.S. COVID patients in intensive care units than there were during previous phases of the pandemic, and the national death rate (about 300-400 per day) is near the all-time low. Acquired immunity, multiple rounds of vaccination and improved treatment options are helping — a lot.

But combined with waning vaccine protection and disappointing booster uptake among the elderly, the virus’s accelerating evolution and aggressive new trajectory — toward greater transmissibility, evasiveness and possibly pathogenicity — could cause significant reinfections and disruptions if not addressed.

It could also endanger vulnerable Americans in the months ahead.

A person wearing a mask walks by a sign in New York City outlining the CDC’s guidelines to control the spread of COVID.
A sign seen in March in New York City outlining the CDC’s guidelines to control the spread of COVID. (John Minchillo/AP)

In late April, BA.5 hit Portugal; by June, more Portuguese people were dying of COVID each day than during the country’s winter Omicron peak. To be sure, Portugal has a larger senior population (23%) than the U.S. (16%), but not by much. And the vaccination rate there is 87%, compared to just 67% in America. Portugal’s booster rate, meanwhile, is nearly twice as high as ours. Infection and hospitalization rates are now rising across much of the rest of Europe as well.

At Tuesday’s FDA advisory meeting, Justin Lessler, an epidemiologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, presented a series of projections about how the virus could affect the U.S. in the months ahead. The most optimistic scenario? About 95,000 new deaths between March 2022 and March 2023. The most pessimistic? More than 200,000.

So given that BA.5 — which, again, is outcompeting its cousin BA.4 — will soon be everywhere, it seems logical that the next version of the vaccine should be tailored to fight it.

Yet that hasn’t necessarily been the plan. Both Pfizer and Moderna have already launched clinical trials for redesigned fall boosters … but those boosters are optimized to counter the now-nonexistent BA.1 rather than the soon-to-be-dominant BA.5. According to data presented Tuesday by Pfizer, their existing BA.1 booster generated a significantly lower level of neutralizing antibodies against BA.4 and BA.5 than against BA.1.

Vials of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine are prepared for packaging.
Vials of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine are prepared for packaging in 2021. (Pfizer via AP)

Yet in mice, at least, a booster containing BA.4 and BA.5 produced a higher neutralizing response to all Omicron variants (including BA.4 and BA.5) than the original vaccine.

Despite concerns about “scant” data about whether bivalent boosters (equal parts original strain and Omicron) work better than monovalent boosters (100% Omicron), and about whether it’s worth waiting for Novavax’s promising non-mRNA vaccine to hit the market, the panel mostly agreed that BA.4/BA.5 boosters make sense. The FDA is leaning that way as well. Pfizer said it was “prepared” to deliver the new boosters by the first week of October; Moderna, by the last week of October or early November — “assuming no clinical data requirements.”

That means no human trials — just animal trials and laboratory tests. That might sound scary to some, but regulators already use the same accelerated process to update the flu vaccine each year — and there is no mechanism by which minor mRNA tweaks will make revised Pfizer and Moderna shots any less safe than the billions of doses administered so far worldwide. Otherwise, the U.S. will miss its fall-winter deadline, and the fast-evolving virus will continue to outrun the vaccines.

The FDA itself will decide “very rapidly” what to recommend; manufacturers will follow their lead.

A syringe is prepared with the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
A syringe is prepared with the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in Chester, Pa., in 2021. (Matt Rourke/AP)

In the future, chasing variants may not prove to be the most effective or efficient approach to COVID vaccination. As Topol put it, “by the time a BA.5 vaccine booster is potentially available, who knows what … the predominant strain” will be? That’s why it was welcome news Wednesday when Pfizer and BioNTech announced that they plan to “start tests on humans of next-generation shots that protect against a wide variety of coronaviruses in the second half of the year,” according to a Reuters report.

These include “T-cell-enhancing shots, designed to primarily protect against severe disease if the virus becomes more dangerous,” and “pan-coronavirus shots that protect against the broader family of viruses and its mutations.” Nasal vaccines meant to stop infection before it starts are promising as well.

But those are all longer-term propositions. This year, at least, a BA.5 booster is probably our best bet to minimize infection, illness and death during another likely winter surge.

“I fully expect further evolution to occur in the coming months, but that this evolution will most likely be on top of BA.4/BA.5 — and so [it] shouldn’t dissuade vaccine updates,” virologist Trevor Bedford of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle wrote earlier this week. “I believe that the decision making process can be boiled down to: of vaccine compositions that can be manufactured in time for fall distribution, which do we expect to generate the highest [protection] against BA.4/BA.5?”


(Why are all these young/famous people dying in their sleep?) 32-Year-Old Comedian Nick Nemeroff Suddenly Dies in His Sleep — Posted Earlier About Suffering Side Effects of COVID Vaccine


32-Year-Old Comedian Nick Nemeroff Suddenly Dies in His Sleep — Posted Earlier About Suffering Side Effects of COVID Vaccine (VIDEO)

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Montreal-raised standup comedian Nick Nemeroff died suddenly on Monday at the age of 32, his family announced in a Twitter post.

“It is with profound sadness that we announce the sudden passing of our beloved brother Nick Nemeroff,” a statement on his Twitter account read.

“Nick’s dedication to standup was formidable, and produced amazing results. He drew acclaim in Canada and the US, becoming both a ‘comic’s comic’ and a hit with crowds who were enamored by his unique cadence, labyrinthine deadpan, and fresh take on misdirection-driven comedy,” the post added. “If Nick was on a comedy show, he was guaranteed to leave with new fans. And he deserved to, because comedy was, in many ways, his life.”

“Endlessly sweet, supportive of others, humble about his many skills and achievements, Nick lived his life doing what he loved, and that is how he will be remembered. RIP Nick. We love you,” the statement concluded.

His cause of death has not been revealed yet. His manager, Morgan Flood of Grand Wave Entertainment, told CBC News that he has no information yet on the cause of death but that Nick “died in his sleep.”

Funeral arrangements are yet to be announced.

Back in 2021, Nick posted a tweet about having a side effect following his Covid-19 vaccination.

“Ok so I got the vaccine and it did have a side effect…the area the needle went into (if I had to describe it I’d say like, on the top part of my upper arm. If that makes sense?) hurt a bit after,” he wrote. “Seems ok now but honestly do NOT recommend getting it & wish I could take it back.”

Nick posted another video attacking the Pfizer Covid vaccine. In the video, Nick can be heard saying he will not get the booster shot.

“I will not get the third shot. I will not. Pfizer me once, no shame. Pfizer me twice, shame on COVID. Pfizer me three times, shame on you. You want me to get a third shot? What’s next? A fifth shot? No, thank you,” Nick argued.

Watch below:

You can read his obituary, click here.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2022

DEBUNKED! Jan. 6 Committee “Surprise” Witness GETS CAUGHT – US Secret Service Sources DENY Trump Tried to Grab Steering Wheel — ARE WILLING TO TESTIFY!



DEBUNKED! Jan. 6 Committee “Surprise” Witness GETS CAUGHT – US Secret Service Sources DENY Trump Tried to Grab Steering Wheel — ARE WILLING TO TESTIFY!


Clown Cassidy Hutchinson with Clown Liz Cheney

On Tuesday, Liz Cheney and the sham Jan. 6 committee brought in Mark Meadows staffer Cassidy Hutchinson as a “surprise witness.”

Young Cassidy testified that “she was told” that as then-President Donald Trump was being driven back to the White House after the Jan. 6 rally that he demanded to be taken to the Capitol and tried to grab the steering wheel from a Secret Service agent.

Hutchinson said Trump got into “the beast” after his speech at the Ellipse on January 6 with the belief that he would be driven to the Capitol.

According to Hutchinson, who received this information from Tony Ornato, the Assistant Director for the Secret Service, Trump grew angry after he was informed that he was being driven back to the West Wing.

The fake news media ran with Cassidy’s explosive testimony.

Hutchinson said Trump traveled in “The Beast” over to the Ellipse that day.

But Trump was in the Presidential SUV not “The Beast.”


NBC News White House Correspondent Peter Alexander tweeted–


Miss Hutchinson LIED UNDER OATH!



The Secret Service released a statement.

US Secret Service statement: “U.S. Secret Service has been cooperating with the Select Committee since its inception in spring 2021, and will continue to do so, including by responding on the record to the Committee regarding the new allegations surfaced in today’s testimony."
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