Saturday, July 2, 2022

100 Year-Old Decorated Veteran Breaks Down Crying: “This Is Not The Country We Fought For” (VIDEO) PLEASE pass this on...PLEASE !!

100 Year-Old Decorated Veteran Breaks Down Crying: “This Is Not The Country We Fought For” (VIDEO)

100-year-old World War Two veteran Carl Spurlin Dekel broke down into tears describing the state of America.

He said the United States is “just not the same” and that the country “is going to hell in a handbasket.”

“I’ve lived a good life. I’ve had a lot of love and happiness. Smiling, telling everybody that everything was beautiful every day. If I went into my church and didn’t think everything was beautiful they would think that I was sick. I’m not that way. I sincerely believe in this whole world that everything is beautiful. If I wake up in the morning and see these plants out here and all those flowers that are in there and green grass on the ground that’s beautiful. People don’t realize what they have. They bitch about it. Nowadays I am so upset that the things we did, the things we fought for, and the boys that died for it are all going down the drain. Our country is going to hell in a handbasket. We haven’t got the country we had when I was raised, not at all. Nobody will have the fun I had. Nobody will have the opportunity I had. It’s just not the same. That’s not what they died for. Just not it…It’s just not the same. This isn’t what we fought for.”

Twitter reacted to Dekel’s words by describing how touching they were.

A touching reminder of how much we have lost.

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Pima County Arizona Democratic Party: “F*ck the 4th”


Pima County Arizona Democratic Party: “F*ck the 4th”

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The Pima County, Arizona Democratic Party posted the message “F*ck the 4th” in posts on Facebook and Twitter promoting a Women’s March protest in Tucson Monday evening. The Pima Dems added a comment on Facebook, “July 4th. We are not celebrating until we get our independence back.”

The Facebook post was still live as of 3 p.m. MST. The post on Twitter, featuring a similar graphic but with the comment by the Democrats, “F*ck the 4th. See you at Reid Park,” was taken down after the Democrats were called out by Leigh Wolf who commented, This is an official verified page of @TheDemocrats. When people show you who they are, believe them the first time. Democrats hate the 4th of July and they hate everything America stands for.”

Democrats have become unhinged since a draft decision was leaked showing the Supreme Court would be overturning Roe v. Wade and returning the decision about abortion to the states (the decision was officially released last Friday). Pro life pregnancy centers have been firebombed, protest mobs have targeted the homes of Republican appointed Supreme Court Justices with one Justice, Brett Kavanaugh having an armed would-be assassin show up at his with plans to murder Kavanaugh and perhaps his wife and children.

UPDATE: The Pima Dems posted an explanation:

“Thread: 1/3 PCDP posted a graphic advertising a women’s march which, we agree, was in poor taste. We were eager to share the event, and in our haste we used the graphic provided by the event organizer. That was a mistake, and we will do better…2/3 Make no mistake, however. We support the event which will be on July 4 at 7 pm at Reid Park. The event was organized to help women in our community grieve for the loss of their bodily autonomy, which we consider an elemental right…3/3 Our posting of the graphic upset some people. We urge you to save your outrage for the women in this state who will die of botched abortions. Arizona is not a good place to be a woman right now.”

Folks aren’t buying it, including KOLD-TV anchor Dave Marries, “What about the post itself where you wrote, “F*ck the Fourth. See you at Reid Park”? Who wrote that?”

A commenter, “In a our eagerness we accidentally showed who we really are and that we hate America”

UPDATE 7 p.n. NST: Pima County Dems still have their ‘F*ck the 4th’ post up on Facebook.

The Pima Dems even posted their fake apology on Facebook Friday evening.

PCDP posted a graphic advertising a women’s march which, we agree, was in poor taste. We were eager to share the event, and in our haste we used the graphic provided by the event organizer. That was a mistake, and we will do better.
Make no mistake, however. We support the event which will be on July 4 at 7 pm at Reid Park. The event was organized to help women in our community grieve for the loss of their bodily autonomy, which we consider an elemental right.
Our posting of the graphic upset some people. We urge you to save your outrage for the women in this state who will die of botched abortions. Arizona is not a good place to be a woman right now.

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Arizona Democrats promote 'f--k the 4th' event to 'mourn' Supreme Court abortion decision



Arizona Democrats promote 'f--k the 4th' event to 'mourn' Supreme Court abortion decision

One Arizona Republican candidate for governor said that the Democratic Party's tweet is an example of the 'modern Democratic Party'By Adam Sabes | Fox News

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A local Arizona Democratic Party deleted a tweet promoting an event called "F--k the Fourth."

The event, which the now-deleted tweet said was being hosted by the Tucson Women's March, was promoted by the Pima County Democratic Party on Twitter.

"F--k the Fourth. See you at Reid Park," the tweet stated.

A local Arizona Democratic Party deleted a tweet promoting an event called "F--k the Fourth."

A local Arizona Democratic Party deleted a tweet promoting an event called "F--k the Fourth." (Pima County Democratic Party/Twitter)

"Bring comfortable shoes, water, lawn chairs, posters, and your anger," the event description reads.

After Fox News Digital reached out for comment, the Pima County Democratic Party deleted the tweet.

In a follow-up tweet thread, the Pima County Democratic Party said that posting the graphic was a "mistake," but said it still supports the "F--k the 4th" event.

"PCDP posted a graphic advertising a women's march which, we agree, was in poor taste. We were eager to share the event, and in our haste we used the graphic provided by the event organizer. That was a mistake, and we will do better," the Pima County Democratic Party tweeted. "Make no mistake, however. We support the event which will be on July 4 at 7 pm at Reid Park. The event was organized to help women in our community grieve for the loss of their bodily autonomy, which we consider an elemental right."

They also said that while the graphic "upset some people," the outrage should be saved for "the women in this state who will die of botched abortions."

"Our posting of the graphic upset some people. We urge you to save your outrage for the women in this state who will die of botched abortions. Arizona is not a good place to be a woman right now," the group said.

The Tucson Women's March has posted multiple retweets of other users tweets with the hashtag "#F--kthefourth."

"This July4th won’t be the same, it will be a solemn occasion. We have lost rights," one retweet states.

"I will not celebrate a country that doesn't recognize my rights to my own body," states another.

A local Arizona Democratic Party is promoting an event called "F--k the Fourth."

A local Arizona Democratic Party is promoting an event called "F--k the Fourth." (iStock)

The event from the Tucson Women's March was planned following the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v. Wade on June 24.

Karrin Taylor Robson, a Republican candidate for governor in Arizona, tweeted in response to the event that "This sickens me," adding the event is an example of "the modern Democrat Party in a single tweet."

"There it is - the modern Democrat Party in a single tweet. Arizona patriots will gather w/ friends/family on Independence Day to celebrate our nation’s birth & honor those who sacrificed for our freedom. But these Democrats will be doing something very different. Shameful," Robson said.

Conservatives were quick to criticize the tweet, with one person saying that the county Democratic Party is "digging themselves" into a hole.

"Pima County Democrats must be in the shovel business with the hole they're digging themselves into," Cameron Arcand, a writer for Red State, wrote.

Democrat Adrian Fontes, who's running for Secretary of State in Arizona, also criticized the tweet, asking "What the h--l are you thinking @PimaDems?"

"Absolutely NOT how this Democrat feels. What the h--l are you thinking @PimaDems?!? How does this help us WIN? Standby for an official statement condemning this tweet. Take this trash down!," Fontes wrote.


Friday, July 1, 2022

Another sad) Details about Jeremy Giambi’s suicide emerge Giambi played with four teams during his short MLB career


Details about Jeremy Giambi’s suicide emerge

Giambi played with four teams during his short MLB career

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Nearly six months after former MLB player Jeremy Giambi was found dead inside his parents’ Southern California home, details about his untimely death have been uncovered.

An autopsy obtained by the New York Post confirmed that Giambi, 47, committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest. He also left behind a suicide note. The Post went on to report that the gun used by Giambi was a Winchester Model 94AE Level action repeating rifle.

Jeremy Giambi, #7 of the Oakland Athletics, walks on the field during a game against the Chicago White Sox at the Network Associates Coliseum in Oakland, California. The Athletics defeated the White Sox 14-2.

Jeremy Giambi, #7 of the Oakland Athletics, walks on the field during a game against the Chicago White Sox at the Network Associates Coliseum in Oakland, California. The Athletics defeated the White Sox 14-2. (Jed Jacobsohn  /Allsport)

Giambi, who played for four teams throughout a major league career that spanned from 1998 through 2003, was found by his mother February 9.

The autopsy report, which was filed by the Los Angeles County Department Of Coroner, stated that Giambi had stints of addictive drug use (methamphetamine and Percocet) throughout the ’90s and parts of the 2000s, but he was not believed to have been using drugs around the time of his suicide.

Brothers Jason Giambi, #16, and Jeremy Giambi of the Oakland A's pose together before a game at Network Associates Coliseum in Oakland, California.

Brothers Jason Giambi, #16, and Jeremy Giambi of the Oakland A's pose together before a game at Network Associates Coliseum in Oakland, California. (Michael Zagaris/MLB Photos via Getty Images)

Foul play was not expected, and the autopsy report indicates that Giambi had not been the same since being struck in the head by a foul ball last year while working as a pitching coach. The foul ball resulted in a broken zygomatic bone.

Per the New York Post’s retelling of the autopsy report, Giambi "had not been the same since and was very negative, emotional and paranoid since the head injury."

Jeremy Giambi, #7 of the Oakland Athletics, gives a high five during a game against the Chicago White Sox at the Network Associates Coliseum in Oakland, California. The Athletics defeated the White Sox 14-2.

Jeremy Giambi, #7 of the Oakland Athletics, gives a high five during a game against the Chicago White Sox at the Network Associates Coliseum in Oakland, California. The Athletics defeated the White Sox 14-2. (Jed Jacobsohn  /Allsport)

Giambi was a career .263 hitter with 52 home runs. He was the younger brother of former New York Yankee Jason Giambi.


BOMBSHELL: Recent Conference Uncovered Between Government Entities (FBI, DOJ, CISA, and EAC) with Liberal Groups (ERIC, CTCL and Elections Group) and Corporations Like Microsoft – What’s Going On?


BOMBSHELL: Recent Conference Uncovered Between Government Entities (FBI, DOJ, CISA, and EAC) with Liberal Groups (ERIC, CTCL and Elections Group) and Corporations Like Microsoft – What’s Going On?

PJ Media released a bombshell report yesterday showing collusion between the US government (the FBI, DOJ, EAC, and CISA), with progressive groups and individuals fueled by progressive money related to US elections (like the Elections Group, CTCL, and Brennan Center), along with individuals from US corporations like Microsoft.  (Also, an individual working for Maricopa County, Arizona was present.)

J. Christian Adams at PJ Media reported the following yesterday:

A strange constellation has emerged through public records requests of coordination between progressive funders, federal authorities, corporations, state election officials, and leftist organizations.

Freedom of information requests have uncovered oddball and opaque relationships between some state election officials, federal officials, corporations, progressive activists, and those trying to influence the conduct of those same election officials. These relationships extend to junkets that include baseball games, travel, and even data exchanges between state officials and outside progressive groups.

The story begins with a series of freedom of information act requests aimed at a number of states to see if any election officials are tempted to apply for now-illegal money from the Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center for Technology and Civic Life. Such grants and the wild expenditures of these funds altered the course of the 2020 election. (Read The Real Kraken, What Really Happened to Donald Trump in the 2020 Election at PJ Media.)

The FOIAs were submitted by the Public Interest Legal Foundation—with which I am associated—and were aimed broadly at election officials across the United States.

While no election official in a state that now prohibits private funding of elections has applied for new funding, something stranger, and more dangerous has emerged from the public information requests.

In one email, we find that the Democracy Fund—a hyper-funded progressive money source—is organizing state officials and third parties to discuss election administration…

…No conservative or right-of-center groups are invited.

From the above, you can see members of government agencies including the FBI, DOJ, EAC and CISA.  These individuals and entities are at a function with progressives from the Democracy Fund, the CTCL and corporations like Microsoft.

We know the FBI and DOJ looked the other way in November of 2020 when the election was stolen for Joe Biden.  This may have been the biggest sin of the election.  The FBI, CISA, and other government bodies came out before and after the 2020 Election announcing the Election was the most secure ever.

The CTCL was a non-profit doling out Zuckerbucks money across the country.  Nearly half a billion was given to states and localities before the election for what, we really don’t know.

ERIC is now used in 31 states as the mechanism to maintain voter rolls.  What The Gatewaypundit (TGP) found was that the system hoards names but rarely removes names from rolls building a pile of excess names across the country potentially available to bad actors who can get to them during elections to manufacture votes.

The Elections Group’s Jennifer Morrell was all over the place before, during, and after the 2020 Election, showing up at parties with Dominion Voting systems employees, at the State Farm Arena during the election, and after the election in Arizona at the audit there.

Liz Howard from the Brennan Center was also all over the place before the 2020 Election and after.  She even appeared at an event at the UN before the 2020 Election to discuss US Elections.

Microsoft employees were present at the meeting noted by PJ Media above as well as members of the government body, the Election Assistance Commission (EAC).  This government entity also appears to have been taken over by left-wing radicals.

Even one individual with a Maricopa County email address was present at the above event.

What was really going on in Colorada a month ago?  

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Quadruple Vaxxed Dr. Fauci Missed His Daughter’s Wedding After Testing Positive For Covid



Quadruple Vaxxed Dr. Fauci Missed His Daughter’s Wedding After Testing Positive For Covid

Dr. Fauci missed his own daughter’s wedding after he tested positive for Covid-19.

Recall, fully vaxxed and double boosted Fauci tested positive for Covid on June 14 after he attended a class reunion.

Fauci was experiencing mild symptoms and went into isolation.

On Tuesday, Dr. Fauci confirmed that he is experiencing “COVID rebound” after taking Pfizer’s Paxlovid, the so-called silver bullet that Biden wasted billions in taxpayer dollars to support.

Paxlovid appears to have almost zero effectiveness for people that are already vaccinated, according to the manufacturer Pfizer’s data.

Fauci shared his health update while speaking remotely at the Foreign Policy Global Health Forum.

“The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases had attended a 60th class reunion dinner ceremony at the Anthony S. Fauci Integrated Science Complex, named in his honor, at the College of the Holy Cross, in Worcester, Massachusetts.” The Daily Mail reported.

“At least two other attendees at the June 11 dinner tested positive for COVID, but it is still unclear if Fauci had contracted the virus at the event.” the British newspaper reported.

Fauci told the New York Times that he was forced to miss his daughter’s wedding in New Orleans and attended the ceremony via FaceTime

Oh well.

Megalomaniac Fauci destroyed millions of lives and may be remembered as one of the greatest mass killers of our time.

Dr. Fauci flip-flopped and lied for over a year to the American public about the seriousness of the China Virus and his background funding the Chinese virology lab and the origins of the virus.

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Good Morning America finally deletes tweet praising Justice Jackson as 'the first Black Supreme Court justice'. Just ANOTHER LIE from ABC.





 (Why do people keep believing this crap? And its sad that there will be so many to believe it.)


( She's NOT the first you bunch of idiots !!!)




Good Morning America finally deletes tweet praising Justice Jackson as 'the first Black Supreme Court justice'

Ketanji Brown Jackson was sworn into the Supreme Court on Thursday

ABC’s "Good Morning America" Twitter account made a major historic mistake when reporting on Ketanji Brown Jackson’s swearing-in ceremony as a Supreme Court justice.

On Thursday, Jackson was officially sworn in as a justice of the Supreme Court following Justice Stephen Breyer’s retirement. GMA covered the moment she was welcomed onto the court by Justice John Roberts, but their Twitter account claimed that Jackson was "the first Black Supreme Court justice."

"Ketanji Brown Jackson is sworn in as the first Black Supreme Court justice in U.S. history," GMA tweeted at 1:46 p.m.

GMA's tweet originally read, "Ketanji Brown Jackson is sworn in as the first Black Supreme Court justice in U.S. history."

GMA's tweet originally read, "Ketanji Brown Jackson is sworn in as the first Black Supreme Court justice in U.S. history."  (Twitter)

Jackson is officially the third Black person to sit on the Supreme Court. The first Black Supreme Court justice was Thurgood Marshall who served on the court from 1967 to 1991. The second Black justice is Clarence Thomas, Marshall’s successor in 1991, who currently sits on the bench.

GMA made the same mistake on their YouTube account.

"Ketanji Brown Jackson sworn in as first Black Supreme Court justice in US history," the video headline read.

GMA's original YouTube video was titled, "Ketanji Brown Jackson sworn in as first Black Supreme Court justice in US history"  (Youtube)

The tweet was deleted almost five hours later, and the YouTube video was corrected shortly afterward that. A new tweet issued a correction.

"CORRECTION: Video shows Ketanji Brown Jackson sworn in as the first Black female Supreme Court justice in U.S. history. A previous tweet erroneously stated Jackson is the first Black Supreme Court justice," GMA wrote.

Before the tweet was deleted, however, several Twitter users called out the misstep by GMA. 

"They didn’t vote for Biden, so they ‘ain’t black’ in Democrat/media world view," Ron DeSantis spokesperson Christina Pushaw tweeted. web editor Rebecca Downs tweeted, "Really curious if the social media person still has a job…"

Author Max Abrahms joked, "Did Clarence Thomas cease being black because of his politics?"

Newsbusters Managing editor Curtis Houck wrote, "D*mn you all are so superficial with mindless segments on Disney cruise ships, giving away free vacations, and doing ‘Steals and Deals’ that you can't be bothered to know basic facts!"

Media Research Center's Nick Fondacaro noted, "Even if ABC's intention was to spite Justice Clarence Thomas, they still overlooked Justice Thurgood Marshall."

Back in April, during Jackson’s original Senate Judiciary hearing, Politico made a similar mistake, claiming in a tweet and article that Jackson was the "first Black Supreme Court justice."

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, accompanied by Vice President Kamala Harris, speaks during an event on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, Friday, April 8, 2022, celebrating the confirmation of Jackson as the first Black woman to reach the Supreme Court. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, accompanied by Vice President Kamala Harris, speaks during an event on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, Friday, April 8, 2022, celebrating the confirmation of Jackson as the first Black woman to reach the Supreme Court. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Although Jackson is not the first Black Supreme Court justice to sit on the bench, she is the first Black woman to serve as a justice. She will begin her first term in October.