Thursday, July 14, 2022

Dont be stupid.....just beause social media or abc tells you to believe a certain way....SHOW YOU HAVE BRAINS !!




DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND READ BOTH SIDES.......READ BOTH SIDES.........READ BOTH SIDES... more research and decide for yourself !!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

FUTURE DEMOCRATS: Toddler Takes a Swing At Police Calling Them Racist Names and Telling Them To ‘F*** Off’ (VIDEO)....( the parents are total SCUM !!!)

 I hope the both the parents need help and don't have anyone to call since they are teaching their child to hate. They don't deserve help teaching their child to act to that. They are total pond scum and this little freaking BRAT needs more than a time out !!!


Hmmm...maybe this is a lesson or EVERYONE !


FUTURE DEMOCRATS: Toddler Takes a Swing At Police Calling Them Racist Names and Telling Them To ‘F*** Off’ (VIDEO)

A video showing a young child cussing and taking a swing at police officers made its rounds on the internet Monday, giving a picture of the general disrespect for Police in the Minnesota capitol. 

In the video, you can hear the child saying, “F*** off b****!” 

You can see the child swinging at the officers as one of them backs away. The child, among a small group of barely clothed children on the street corner, can be heard repeating the profanity many times. 

The older child in the group encourages the youngster to continue his disrespectful behavior while he is heard using the slur “oreo headed” directed at the cops.  

According to the Daily Mail, the St. Paul, Minnesota, officers were in the area to serve a search warrant related to a recent murder. The area has seen a considerable spike in crime since it was the epicenter of the George Floyd riots in 2020. According to some sources, crime in the region has risen as much as 58% in the last two years. 

A negative sentiment regarding police has only grown, as the state’s twin cities are among those to “defund police” in response to George Floyd’s death. 

The video of the children drew lots of attention as it went viral on Twitter Monday. 

“It’s normal to a boy who has been told that his uncle or dad was murdered by the boys in blue. Totally normal,” said one user, who echoed the local sentiment about the police. 

One user, Dr. Jesse Livermore LL.M.,Ph.D., said, “What we have here is a failure to parent.” Livermore added a short clip of adults acting violently, implying that this could be the future of the children in the original video. 

Another person on Twitter said, “This is so pitiful. Absolutely sad that a person ( not parent- because obviously none of that is going on) could teach their child to act like this. It is a learned as much as it is allowed!!”

The majority of respondents to the video were similar, pointing to the children’s actions as learned behavior.

One user said, “Children who act like that live in an environment where their adults act like this on a regular basis.”

“Unfortunately it’s becoming quite normal. Kids reflect what they see, what they hear. Wokeism and political correctness has taught them to demand, to curse, to resist, to hate, to disrespect. Rules of civilized behavior were jettisoned by modern liberalism a decade ago,” said another person.

What a disgrace.


New NYC PSA on “What to Do in a Nuclear Attack” Instructs Citizens to “Get Inside, Stay Inside, and… Follow Media” For Updates – “Officials” Will Notify You “When it’s Safe”




 Do they know something that we don't?


New NYC PSA on “What to Do in a Nuclear Attack” Instructs Citizens to “Get Inside, Stay Inside, and… Follow Media” For Updates – “Officials” Will Notify You “When it’s Safe”

On Monday, the city of New York launched a new public service announcement (PSA) that provides guidelines about what residents should do in the event of a nuclear attack.

Unfortunately, New Yorkers who watch the PSA will likely be severely ill-prepared should a nuclear weapon detonate in their vicinity, as the video provides little in the way of specifics or useful information. Instead, the short clip instructs citizens to follow a rudimentary 3 step plan that leaves them completely reliant on the powers that be to come to the rescue.

According to the PSA, New Yorkers should 1) “Get inside” 2) “Stay inside” and 3) “Stay tuned” – or, as the narrator clarifies, “follow media” – in the event of a nuclear attack. After walking through the steps, the narrator hammers home the last point by commanding that the audience “don’t go outside until officials say it’s safe” to do so.

The video does not address what to do if one requires medical attention or food.

Sounds awfully similar to another step-by-step process that has been pushed recently – wasn’t get inside, stay inside, and don’t come out until the experts deem you can the basis of Covid lockdowns?

Wash. Rinse. Repeat. However, this time we are talking about a nuclear attack – something much more deadly than the fear-porn peddling Covid cultists could ever hope for with the virus.

But, instead of preparing the public for the horrific scenario, the lack of relevant information in the NYC PSA aims to create dependent masses who are reliant on the experts. And, it’s at a time when we are knee-deep in a proxy war with a country that possesses over 4,000 nuclear warheads.

It’s no coincidence this type of PSA is being released with what’s going on in Europe and the Pacific – whether it be to stoke fears or because of a legitimate, burgeoning threat. Nevertheless, the likelihood of a nuclear attack hitting NYC is currently slim to none, even according to the NYC Emergency Management Department, which put the chances of a strike at “very low.”

But, according to NYC’s Emergency Management Commissioner Zach Iscol, the threat of a nuclear strike is “imminent.”

Come again? Iscol either doesn’t know what the word imminent means – “about to happen” – or he knows something we don’t – let’s go with the former.

Iscol issued a statement along with the PSA’s release:

“As the threat landscape continues to evolve, it is important that New Yorkers know we are preparing for any imminent threats and are providing them with the resources they need to stay safe and informed.”

Despite claiming that the department is “providing resources” to inform the people, this is simply not the case. Arguably, the only useful bits of information provided in the entire video are instructions to “get clean immediately” and “bag and separate clothing” if you were outside during the blast.

“If you were outside after the blast, get clean immediately. Remove and bag all outer clothing, to keep radioactive dust or ash away from your body,” the PSA explained.

Surely, there is more useful information that could be shared – for example, the PSA tells people to shelter inside and avoid windows. It does not, however, tell them to seal off all gaps and exits to keep radioactive materials out of the building – something that’s necessary if an individual is planning on sheltering in place for an extended period, even if it’s just a few days. But, no. All New Yorkers get from their emergency preparedness department is essentially to ‘sit tight for instructions and don’t ask questions.’

In other words, relying on the ‘officials’ will seemingly get you nowhere, and fast. A quick google search would do more to educate than the new PSA.

Making things even worse, the narrator of the video has a shockingly glib attitude toward the catastrophic situation she is describing. In just one example, she opens the video by stating “so, there’s been a nuclear attack,” as if it’s something that happens daily, before telling the watcher “don’t ask me how or why – just know that the big one has hit. Ok?”

She then rolls into the step-by-step explainer by nonchalantly saying “so, what do we do?”

As usual – Don’t ask questions, the experts will take care of it. It’s for your health.

After instructing the audience to remain dependent on the experts for direction yet again, she closes the PSA on an equally glib note, telling the audience: “All right? You’ve got this.”

Take a look:

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Since when does country music sing about black lives matter etc?



CMT.....a song by Mickey something showing "'don't shoot" signs....protesters right in the face of police lives matter signs...etc


She has more about being black etc..which tells a story about how hard it was etc. That's her story so I don't have a problem with that.


This was a country station  


No more for us...we listen to music to relax NOT HAVE someone throw it your face, we can turn on ABC for that.


 Life is WHAT YOU MAKE IT !! 

If you don't like how its going....change it.


all gone

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Beach in Iowa closed after brain-eating amoeba confirmed in Missourian


Beach in Iowa closed after brain-eating amoeba confirmed in Missourian

Symptoms of Naegleria fowleri include seizures and hallucinations

A rare brain infection has led Iowa officials to close a Taylor County beach.

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources said the temporary closure is a precautionary response to a confirmed infection of Naegleria fowleri in a Missouri resident who had recent potential exposure while swimming at the beach at Lake of Three Fires State Park.

Testing to confirm the presence of the "brain-eating amoeba" is being conducted in conjunction with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and could take several days to complete. 

The department wrote that it is working closely with the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services and would share updates as test results become available.

No additional suspected cases are under investigation in Iowa

The Lake of Three Fires State Park in Taylor County, Iowa

The Lake of Three Fires State Park in Taylor County, Iowa (Iowa Department of Natural Resources)

In its own statement, The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services wrote that the Missouri patient is currently being treated for primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) in an intensive care unit of a hospital.

It said the source of the patient's exposure is being investigated and that local and out-of-state activity are being considered. 

The only other case identified among a Missouri resident occurred in 1987 and no other suspected cases of PAM are being reviewed there.

"These situations are extremely rare in the United States and in Missouri specifically, but it’s important for people to know that the infection is a possibility so they can seek medical care in a timely manner if related symptoms present," Dr. George Turabelidze, Missouri’s state epidemiologist, said in a statement.

Naegleria fowleri (commonly referred to as the "brain-eating amoeba" or "brain-eating ameba"), is a free-living microscopic ameba*, (single-celled living organism). It can cause a rare** and devastating infection of the brain called primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM).

Naegleria fowleri (commonly referred to as the "brain-eating amoeba" or "brain-eating ameba"), is a free-living microscopic ameba*, (single-celled living organism). It can cause a rare** and devastating infection of the brain called primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM). (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC))


The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services said on Facebook Friday that it is strongly believed by public health experts that the lake is a likely source and that additional public water sources in Missouri are being tested.

Missourians are warned to take caution when swimming and diving in warm freshwater and assume the presence of Naegleria fowleria in those conditions.

Since 1962, only 154 known cases have been identified in the U.S.

PAM is not contagious, but can be life-threatening.

The Lake of Three Fires State Park in southwest Iowa

The Lake of Three Fires State Park in southwest Iowa (Iowa Department of Natural Resources)

Naegleria fowleria, the free-living microscopic single-celled living organism that causes PAM, is commonly found in lakes, rivers, hot springs and soil. 

It usually infects people when contaminated water enters the nose and the amoeba travels to the brain.

In very rare instances, infections may also occur when contaminated water from other sources enters the nose, but a person cannot be infected from swallowing contaminated water.

Symptoms of infection include severe headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, stiff neck, seizures, altered mental status and hallucinations.


Here We Go: New ‘Ninja’ COVID Variant Is ‘The Most Dangerous One Yet’





Here We Go: New ‘Ninja’ COVID Variant Is ‘The Most Dangerous One Yet’


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The corporate media is propagating another campaign to stow fear over a another COVID variant as the federal government attempts to use the bioweapon to perpetuate an indefinite state of emergency.

BA.5, an Omicron  subvariant, also known as ‘Ninja,’ is now the dominant coronavirus strain in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Ninja “is the most dangerous” variant yet and serves as “a strong reminder the COVID pandemic isn’t over,” the Daily Beast warns, in an article syndicated by Yahoo News on Friday.

While health practitioners around the nation have been fired, suspended or revoked of their medical licenses for treating patients with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, medications that effectively treat COVID-19, experimental gene-editing COVID “vaccines” have proven to provide no immunity against the transmission of the manmade virus.

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Yet, “vaccines and boosters are still the best defense,” the Daily Beast reports.

“There are even Omicron-specific booster jabs in development that, in coming months, could make the best vaccines more effective against BA.5 and its genetic cousins,” the publication notes. “BA.5’s widespread mutations made the subvariant less recognizable to all those antibodies we’ve built up from vaccines, boosters and past infection. BA.5 has been able to slip past our immune system, ninja-style, contributing to the rising rate of breakthrough cases and infections.

“The more additional jabs you get on top of your prime course, the better protected you are. Arguably the best protection results from two prime jabs of the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer or Moderna plus a couple boosters.”

The left-wing outlet blames the rising rate of breakthrough cases and new variants on the “stubborn anti-vax minority.”

“In the U.S., for example, the percentage of fully vaccinated has stalled at around 67 percent,” the publication notes. “So COVID lingers, 31 months after the first case was diagnosed in Wuhan, China.”

In reality, the COVID vaccines are creating variants, contends Dr. Ben Marble, the founder of MyFreeDoctor who has treated over 300.000 COVID patients.

“All the different variants, they are created by the C-19 fake vaccine poison — that’s why they exist,” Dr. Marble told the Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interivew. They wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the mass use of these gene-editing fake vaccines. A lot of people are getting really sick. Whose getting really sick? Of course, the people who took the shots. The people who have gotten three and four shots, they are the ones filling up the hospitals. An overwhelming majority of hospitalized people with COVID are people who took the shot. Unvaccinated people don’t get that sick. The bottom line is the more doses of the poison shot you’ve taken, the sicker you are going to be and the more likely you’re going to die soon.”

Mass vaccinating during an outbreak always create mutations, Marble argued.

“All immunologists know you are never supposed to mass vaccinate in the middle of the pandemic. Ideally, you do it way before the pandemic ever starts. Trying to do it during the middle of a pandemic guarantees it’s natural selection,” he said. “The organism has to mutate in order to survive and if it doesn’t mutate then it dies off. So, it will try different mutations until one survives and keeps getting transmitted. Suddenly, you have a new variant. The evolutionary selective pressure of the fake vaccines forces the actual virus to mutate again.”

Marble suspects the Omicron variant, like COVID-19, was man made and released.

“This is bioterrorism. Some of the mutations are so strikingly different. The Omicron variant was so slightly different it may have been a separately released bioterror event as opposed to naturally appearing from selective pressure and the mass vaccination,” he continued. The original  SARS 2 virus was a bioterrorism weapon was clearly released and man made by Fauci the gain of function. They released it on purpose. Every COVID death is a murder by Fauci and friends.

“The Great Reset is actually a plan to use fake vaccines to cull the human herd and that’s what they’re doing. We are witnessing a great mass genocide. The problem is the mass formation psychosis. If you think political correctness is good, you’re psychotic. The proof that they’re insane is they keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, which is the definition of insanity. They take booster after booster after booster thinking that they are going to get a different result. Surprise. The bad news for them is that they are going to get a different result when they are sick all the time or dying.”


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