Monday, July 18, 2022

FDA Continues Investigation Into Food-Borne Illness Outbreaks Caused by 9 Different Pathogens Across US


FDA Continues Investigation Into Food-Borne Illness Outbreaks Caused by 9 Different Pathogens Across US

Sarah Silbiger/Getty Images

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is continuing its investigation into various disease outbreaks linked to food as the number of people getting sick has been gradually rising.

There have been a total of 15 investigations into food-borne illnesses conducted by the FDA this year. Out of those 15, four have already ended and nine are ongoing.

In five of the nine outbreaks that are still active, the pathogen sources responsible have not yet been identified by the FDA.

More from Food and Safety News:

One outbreak of infections from E. coli O157:H7 has been declared over with 10 patients identified. The investigation status remains “open” according to the agency. Traceback has been initiated in relation to the outbreak but the FDA has not reported what food or foods are involved.

Three other outbreaks from as yet unidentified sources have seen patient counts go up in the past week.

  • The count for an outbreak of Salmonella Braenderup in a not yet identified product has increased from 40 to 42.
  • The count for an outbreak of Salmonella Paratyphi B var. L(+) tartrate+ in a not yet identified product has increased from 13 to 14.
  • The count for an outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes in a not yet identified product has increased from 21 to 22.

An investigation of a hepatitis A outbreak linked to fresh strawberries continues in the United States and Canada. In the U.S. 18 confirmed patients have been identified with 13 of them having been hospitalized.

An investigation of Salmonella infections linked to Jif peanut butter continues with the patient count standing at 16 with two hospitalizations.

Below are foodborne illness outbreaks investigated by the FDA:

The FDA stated, “Outbreak and adverse event investigations that do not result in specific, actionable steps for consumers may or may not conclusively identify a source or reveal any contributing factors. Adverse event investigations rely on self-reported data. Although these reports may name a particular product, FDA will only indicate a product category in the table and will not publicly name a specific product until there is sufficient evidence to implicate that product as a cause of illnesses or adverse events. If a cause and/or contributing factors are identified that could inform future prevention, FDA commits to providing a summary of those findings.”

You can read the FDA summary here.

This year, there have already been over 130 food and beverage products recalled by the FDA. Of those 130 products, 31 were terminated due to listeria contamination, salmonella, lead content, undeclared products, etc.

On Saturday, The Gateway Pundit reported that a popular vegan snack was recalled after hundreds of people fell ill and nearly 100 people were hospitalized.

Daily Harvest initiated a voluntary recall of its “French Lentil & Leek Crumbles” frozen product, the FDA said, as lawsuits are filed against the company.

Daily Harvest said it still can’t determine what is causing people to become ill with “gastrointestinal illness and abnormal liver function.”

“Daily Harvest said that so far, testing has ruled out common food-borne pathogens, major allergens, pesticide, Hepatitis A, norovirus, and a range of mycotoxins, including aflatoxins. Aflatoxins are a type of toxin produced by fungus that can grow on grains and seeds.” NBC reported.

Also, TGP reported earlier this month that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) raised the alarm over a mysterious listeria outbreak that has sickened dozens of people across the country. Florida-based Big Olaf Creamery ice cream was recalled due to the listeria outbreak in 10 states.

The outbreak spread to ten states: Florida, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.

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28-Year-Old Covid-19 Contact Tracer From Los Angeles Found Dead Five Days Later Due to Heart Failure


28-Year-Old Covid-19 Contact Tracer From Los Angeles Found Dead Five Days Later Due to Heart Failure

A 28-year-old Covid-19 contact tracer died suddenly at his apartment in Los Angeles due to heart failure.

Dominic Green worked as a contract employee for the Los Angeles Department of Public Health, providing assistance to the city government in the tracking of COVID-19 cases, according to Daily Mail.

“Green worked for Healthcare Staffing Professionals, a company that has provided Los Angeles County with nearly 1,000 workers since the pandemic began, with 80% working from home,” the news outlet reported.

Dominic is a medical epidemiologist who worked from home.

According to reports, he died suddenly at his home in bed and wasn’t found for days.

It was later discovered that Green died of cardiomyopathy, a condition that can occasionally lead to sudden death, as reported by the Los Angeles Times.

More from Hastings Tribune:

Dominic, who was single and lived alone, had started his position as an epidemiologist in September, joining the 41% of white-collar workers who were fully remote, spending their days at home in jobs that were more disconnected and isolating than ever.

At the beginning and end of each shift, Dominic sent his bosses a mandatory email clocking in and out.

But the next day, a Thursday, Dominic didn’t send his 8 a.m. email. He missed the 4:30 p.m. sign-out too. Friday also came and went with no sign of Dominic.

Dominic’s parents, Joseph and Jeannine Green, who lived in Michigan, didn’t hear from him over the weekend, but that was not unexpected; they were used to waiting for texts from their busy son.

But by Monday, which was Martin Luther King Jr. Day, they grew worried.

Joseph checked their family cellular plan and saw Dominic’s phone had been dark for five days. Jeannine checked their joint bank account and saw it too showed no activity.

By the time Dominic’s body was discovered in his apartment Monday night, he was unrecognizable and had to be identified by the few fingerprints still visible on his hands.

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(Just because they TOLD you it was safe, use your own brain) "Largest Study to Date Shows How COVID Vaccines Affect Periods"

 (What are YOU doing to your children?)



Largest Study to Date Shows How COVID Vaccines Affect Periods


Woman being vaccinated. (MICROGEN IMAGES/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY via Getty Images)

Nearly half of the participants of a recent study who were menstruating regularly at the time of the survey reported heavier bleeding during their periods after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Others who did not typically menstruate — including transgender men, people on long-acting contraceptives and postmenopausal women — also experienced unusual bleeding.

The new study — the largest to date — expands on research that has highlighted the temporary effects of COVID-19 vaccines on menstrual cycles but until now focused primarily on cisgender women who menstruate.

Although the vaccines have largely prevented deaths and severe disease with few reported side effects, many medical experts initially brushed aside concerns when women and gender-diverse people started reporting erratic menstrual cycles after receiving the shots.

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To get a better sense of these post-vaccination experiences, researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis distributed an online survey in April 2021 to thousands of people across the globe. After three months, the researchers collected and analyzed more than 39,000 responses from individuals between the ages of 18 and 80 about their menstrual cycles. All the survey respondents had been fully vaccinated — with the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson vaccines or another that had been approved outside the United States. And to the best of their knowledge, the participants had not contracted COVID-19 before getting vaccinated.

The research, published Friday in the journal Science Advances, shows that 42% of people with regular menstrual cycles experienced heavier bleeding after vaccination, while 44% reported no change, and 14% reported lighter periods. Additionally, 39% of respondents on gender-affirming hormone treatments, 71% of people on long-acting contraceptives and 66% of postmenopausal women experienced breakthrough bleeding after one or both of their shots.

“I think it’s important that people know this can happen, so they’re not scared, they’re not shocked, and they’re not caught without supplies,” said Katharine Lee, a biological anthropologist at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and the study’s first author.

Lee cautioned, however, that the study did not compare the results with a control group of people who did not get vaccinated. And it is possible that people who observed changes in their cycles after vaccination may have been more likely to participate in the survey. Still, the findings line up with smaller studies that have reported menstrual changes after vaccination with more robust controls.

Importantly, the new study also found that some demographics may be more likely to experience menstrual changes, and the study may help them be better prepared, Lee said. A heavier menstrual flow was more likely for those who were older, for instance. Survey respondents who used hormonal contraception, had been pregnant in the past or had been diagnosed with a reproductive condition like endometriosis, fibroids or polycystic ovarian syndrome were also more likely to have heavier bleeding during their periods. People who identified as Hispanic or Latino tended to report heavier bleeding too. And people who experienced other side effects of the vaccines, like a fever or fatigue, also had a higher chance of experiencing erratic periods.

Postmenopausal women who were slightly younger, around an average age of 60, were more likely to experience breakthrough bleeding after the vaccine than those who were older. But the type of vaccine postmenopausal women received, whether they had other side effects like a fever or whether they had a past pregnancy did not seem to have an effect on their bleeding.

Why do these changes occur?

Some level of variation in menstruation — the number of days you bleed, the heaviness of your flow and your cycle length — is normal.

“Our menstrual cycles are not perfect clocks,” said Dr. Alison Edelman, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Oregon Health & Science University who has also studied the effect of COVID-19 vaccines on menstruation.

Hormones secreted by the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland and the ovaries regulate the monthly cycle, and they can be affected by both internal and external factors. Stress and illness, weight loss or weight gain, calorie restriction, and intense exercise can all change typical patterns of menstruation.

The endometrium, which lines the uterus and is shed during menstruation, has also been linked to the immune system. Because of the role it plays in the remodeling of uterine tissue and offering protection against pathogens, it is possible that when vaccines activate the immune system, which is what they should be doing, they also somehow trigger downstream effects in the endometrium, causing a disturbance in your menstrual cycle, Edelman said. And some individuals may be more sensitive to immune or hormone changes in their body.

In her research, Edelman found that some women’s periods came a day or two later than usual after they got vaccinated against coronavirus. But the changes were temporary — menstruation tended to return to normal after one or two cycles.

What to do if you notice menstrual irregularities after the COVID vaccine

If you experience any new or unusual patterns of bleeding, take note of it. The menstrual cycle can be thought of as another vital sign, just like your body temperature or blood pressure, that provides clues about your health, said Dr. Jennifer Kawwass, a reproductive endocrinologist at Emory University, who was not involved in the study.

“A significant change in menstrual cycle interval or bleeding profile warrants further investigation to be sure there is not an underlying endocrinologic, hematologic or anatomic cause,” Kawwass said. Breakthrough bleeding in people who no longer normally menstruate, for example, may also be a warning sign of cervical, ovarian, uterine or vaginal cancer.

That being said, subtle variation in your menstrual cycle, if you have regular periods, should not be a cause for concern and does not require that you change anything you would normally do, Kawwass said.

Clinical trials and other studies have already established that the COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective and are unlikely to affect fertility in the long term.

Should you get vaccinated at a certain time in your cycle?

Experts agree that the chaos COVID-19 can cause throughout your body, including potential lingering effects, is far worse than any side effects caused by vaccination against the disease.

People who have previously gotten a fever after a shot may plan their next dose on a day when they will not have to go in to work, Edelman said. But you should not let temporary menstrual changes prevent you from getting fully vaccinated or boosted. Since cases are on the rise again, delaying vaccination for two weeks or longer may significantly increase your risk of getting COVID-19, she said.

Still, it’s important to track your body’s response to vaccination, and public health officials should acknowledge concerns about menstrual cycle variations in addition to warning people of the risk of getting COVID-19, said Keisha Ray, a bioethics expert at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston.

The increased transparency around menstrual changes or other side effects of vaccination could also have another benefit: reducing people’s vaccine hesitancy.

“We’re trying to be truthful. We’re trying to validate people’s lived experiences,” Lee said. In turn, she hopes that the new research will help improve conversations around people’s health and lead to more inclusive clinical trials in the future.

© 2022 The New York Times Company


Of course there are other viruses out there (monkeypox) etc... There will be more to come also.



And YOU will need a shot for those also!!

Read the news... ANOTHER rare virus was found. I didn't read the details but they are rushing for a vac for that too.


Come on people... do you really think it just shows up?





LOL... people making up words to sound intelligent....LOL



watching a news story and this man tried to sound smart....stop it people.



Thursday, July 14, 2022

Damn it...pass on...).....Canada and US Investigate Mystery Outbreak of Cyclospora Illnesses




Canada and US Investigate Mystery Outbreak of Cyclospora Illnesses

Copyright: DPDx – Melanie Moser, USCDCP

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are conducting an investigation into an increase in “non-travel related Cyclospora illnesses” that has been spreading throughout the country.

PHAC announced that they are working with public health and food safety partners to figure out how the infections might be spreading in Canada.

Cyclosporiasis is an intestinal illness caused by the microscopic parasite Cyclospora cayetanensis, according to the CDC.

“Previous Cyclospora illnesses have been linked to various types of imported fresh produce, including pre-packaged salad mix, basil, cilantro, berries, lettuce, and snow and snap peas,” PHAC wrote on its website.

As of June 30, the agency reported a total of 84 cases of Cyclospora infections in the following provinces: British Columbia (1), Ontario (75), and Quebec (8).

Four people were hospitalized in Canada, but no deaths were reported, according to Food Poison Journal.

“To date, there is no recall or Public Health Notice, the investigation is ongoing,” the outlet added.

In the US, as of June 28, 2022, there were 61 confirmed cases. Six were hospitalized, with no deaths reported.

Thirteen states have reported cases so far.

More from Food Poison Journal:

Cyclosporiasis illnesses are reported year-round in the United States. However, during the spring and summer months there is often an increase in cyclosporiasis acquired in the United States (i.e., “domestically acquired”). The exact timing and duration of these seasonal increases in domestically acquired cyclosporiasis can vary, but reports tend to increase starting in May. In previous years the reported number of cases peaked between June and July, although activity can last as late as September. The overall health impact (e.g., number of infections or hospitalizations) and the number of identified clusters of cases (i.e., cases that can be linked to a common exposure) also vary from season to season. Previous U.S. outbreaks of cyclosporiasis have been linked to various types of fresh produce, including basil, cilantro, mesclun lettuce, raspberries, and snow peas.

CDC, along with state and federal health and regulatory officials, monitor cases of cyclosporiasis in the United States in the spring and summer months to detect outbreaks linked to a common food source. However, many cases of cyclosporiasis cannot be directly linked to an outbreak, in part because of the lack of validated laboratory “fingerprinting” methods needed to link cases of Cyclospora infection. Officials use questionnaires to interview sick people to determine what they ate in the 14-day period before illness onset. If a commonality is found, CDC and partners work quickly to determine if a contaminated food product is still available in stores or in peoples’ homes and issue advisories.

Here’s what we know about Cyclosporiasis:

What causes cyclosporiasis?
Cyclosporiasis is an illness of the intestines caused by a parasite called Cyclospora.

How is cyclosporiasis spread?
The most common way that Cyclospora is spread is by eating food or drinking water that contains the Cyclospora parasite.

Cyclospora is not common on food and is not in drinking water in Canada.

However, food can be a source of cyclosporiasis for Canadians when imported from countries where Cyclospora is common. Foods imported to Canada that have been linked to the Cyclospora parasite include:

  • basil
  • cilantro
  • raspberries
  • blackberries
  • mesclun lettuce
  • snow and snap peas
  • pre-packaged salad mix

Cyclosporiasis is unlikely to spread directly between people because the parasite can only infect others once it leaves the body through feces. To be able to spread, the parasite needs to be outside the body for about 7 to 15 days.

Only humans, and possibly primates, can be affected by Cyclospora. Therefore, cyclosporiasis does not spread between humans and animals.

If you have already had cyclosporiasis, you can get it after recovery if you are exposed to the parasite again.

Where is it found?
Cyclospora can be found in sewage and untreated water. It is found worldwide, but is most commonly found in tropical and subtropical areas, such as:

  • Peru
  • Cuba
  • India
  • Nepal
  • Mexico
  • Guatemala
  • Southeast Asia
  • Dominican Republic

How does food and water become contaminated?
The Cyclospora parasite gets in sources of water when feces from infected people enter the water supply. Food can then become contaminated when this water is used:

  • on crops
  • in food processing and packaging

Foods can also become contaminated from infected farm workers or food handlers. This is when proper sanitation techniques are not used, such as:

  • hand washing
  • gloves or other barrier
  • avoidance of cross-contamination

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