Sunday, October 23, 2022

Activist Sacheen Littlefeather exposed by sisters for reported fraudulent Native American identity: 'A lie'


 (Just an example of people believing just because someone said so or becuase they READ it somewhere. Start doing research people.)


Activist Sacheen Littlefeather exposed by sisters for reported fraudulent Native American identity: 'A lie'

Sacheen Littlefeather famously rejected Marlon Brando's Academy Award for 'The Godfather' in 1973



 In an explosive new interview, the sisters of Sacheen Littlefeather have claimed the late activist was a liar and a fraud — and not Native at all. <----------

Speaking separately to the San Francisco Chronicle, Trudy Orlandi and Rosalind Cruz shared that they are not ethnically Native American and that they identify as "Spanish." Littlefeather, the sisters said, was born Marie Louise Cruz but changed her name after rediscovering what she purportedly believed was her Native American heritage and becoming active in protests as a young woman.

Orlandi said, "It's a lie …My father was who he was. His family came from Mexico. And my dad was born in Oxnard."


Littlefeather, famously known for rejecting Marlon Brando's Best Actor award for "The Godfather" at the 1973 Academy Awards, passed away earlier this month. She died at the age of 75 when breast cancer metastasized in her lung.

Sacheen Littlefeather famously turned down an Oscar on behalf of Marlon Brando at the 1973 Academy Awards. He had won Best Actor for his role in "The Godfather."

Sacheen Littlefeather famously turned down an Oscar on behalf of Marlon Brando at the 1973 Academy Awards. He had won Best Actor for his role in "The Godfather." (Hulton Archive)


Littlefeather was subjected to intense scrutiny for her actions on Brando's behalf and had shared in the past that the incident caused her to be "blacklisted" by Hollywood. 

Cruz said of her sister's actions, "It is a fraud," before adding, "It's disgusting to the heritage of the tribal people. And it's just … insulting to my parents."

Both women say they were not invited to the funeral. Their predominant issue with Littlefeather's accounts, they recalled, was her recollection of an abusive childhood.

The sisters say it was difficult seeing her "being venerated as a saint" after her death, as they say their father, who Littlefeather claims was an abusive alcoholic, neither drank nor hurt them.

Sacheen Littlefeather's sisters, Rosalind and Trudy, allege that Littlefeather lied about her heritage and ethnicity.

Sacheen Littlefeather's sisters, Rosalind and Trudy, allege that Littlefeather lied about her heritage and ethnicity. (Michael Ochs Archvies)

They allege that Littlefeather's story of an abusive father was actually a tale inspired by their paternal grandfather.

"My father was deaf and he had lost his hearing at 9 years old through meningitis," Cruz shared. "He was born into poverty. His father, George Cruz, was an alcoholic who was violent and used to beat him. And he was passed to foster homes and family. But my sister Sacheen took what happened to him."

"You’re not gonna be a Mexican American princess," Orlandi remarked. "You’re gonna be an American Indian princess. It was more prestigious to be an American Indian than it was to be Hispanic in her mind."

Her younger sister said, "Sacheen did not like herself. She didn’t like being Mexican. So, yes, it was better for her that way to play someone else …The best way that I could think of summing up my sister is that she created a fantasy … She lived in a fantasy, and she died in a fantasy."

Sacheen Littlefeather died at the age of 75 at the beginning of October.

Sacheen Littlefeather died at the age of 75 at the beginning of October. (Frazer Harrison)

The interview's veracity is being called into question due to the interview being done with Native American journalist and activist Jacqueline Keeler. Keeler is "known for co-creating the #NotYourMascot hashtag in 2013," per Deadline, which sparked the former NFL team known as the Washington Redskins to change their name. 

Keeler has also culled together "a public list" of "non-Native people who I or other Native American people suspect or proved to have manufactured their Native identities for personal gain." She calls that list "Pretendians."

A representative for The Oscars did not immediately return Fox News Digitals' request for comment.

Fox News Digital's Stephanie Nolasco contributed to this report.







Joe Biden Recruits Transgender Activist Who Wants To ‘Normalize Women Having Bulges’ To Bolster Support For Democrats Ahead Of Midterms


Joe Biden Recruits Transgender Activist Who Wants To ‘Normalize Women Having Bulges’ To Bolster Support For Democrats Ahead Of Midterms







Joe Biden reportedly met with transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney to discuss how a strategy to gin up public support for Democrats ahead of the midterm elections.

“It’s day 222 of being a girl. I am in Washington DC and I’m going to the White House to speak to the President of the United States of America,” Mulvaney gleamed in a video posted on TikTok on Friday.


“I get to sit down with Joe Biden and Now This News and I get to ask him a few questions surrounding trans issues in the United States and talk to him about my transition and I really just want to represent my community the best that I can,” the body dysphoria activist continued.

“I am ready to step up and show that trans people, we are not going anywhere and that trans kids, they deserve a fighting chance to be their true selves,” Mulvaney added.



Read rest of article...






Transgender Comedian Strips Naked on Live TV Broadcast and Plays the Piano with His Penis


(this is YOUR family's future world) 



Transgender Comedian Strips Naked on Live TV Broadcast and Plays the Piano with His Penis




A transgender comedian made an appearance on BBC’s Channel 4 on Friday night and shocked the live audience by stripping completely naked at the end of the song and then playing the piano using his penis.

Channel 4 celebrated its 40th-anniversary celebrations on Friday with a one-off comeback special of the iconic 1980s comedy series broadcast showcasing comedy legends and rising stars.

During the Friday Night Live segment, Jordan Gray sang an expletive-filled song on her journey as a trans woman while dressed in a bright pink suit, curled hair, and bold lip color.

Gray decided to strip completely naked at the end of the song and play the piano with his penis while the audience cheered for him.

Channel 4 did not cut the feed despite the fact that children might have been watching at home.


Watch the video below: (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT)

 daily Mail reported:

Before the performance, Gray, who was the first transgender singer on talent show The Voice in 2016, told her Twitter followers: ‘Tonight we make history.’

‘I haven’t had a Yorkie bar in five years,’ she said at the start of her set, in a refence to the chocolate brand’s former slogan ‘it’s not for girls’.

Gray took to the keyboard in a bright pink suit, telling the audience: ‘This is the coolest night of my life, you’re watching me experience the coolest night of my life.’

She opened the song with the lyric: ‘I look out in the faces in this room, and wish that I could crawl back in the womb.

‘And start again, against God’s plans, with different glands and smaller hands.’

The dark curly-haired comedian added: ‘I wish the world could finally understand: I’m more than just a female Russell Brand.’


She then launched into the comedic song referencing the Chuckle Brothers’ ‘to me to you’ skit before saying ‘now back to me – this song’s about me’.

The song moves into her own version of Do-Re-Mi and increasingly intense keyboard playing.

As the song draws to a close, she tells the audience: ‘You know the best thing about live TV? I can do stupid stuff like this!’

She then jumps up from the piano before counting down ‘one, two, three’ and ripping off her suit and exposing herself entirely.



To see the video












Thursday, October 20, 2022

16-Year-Old Twins Escape House of Horrors – Mother and Her Boyfriend Kept Them Starved, Naked and Shackled, Forced to Drink Urine (VIDEO)

 Why aren't neighbors being nosey? These poor babies.

NO... do NOT mind your own business... these poor babies.....damn it protect them.



 here is the link.... I WILL NOT copy the post.....SOB's hurt these babies



16-Year-Old Twins Escape House of Horrors – Mother and Her Boyfriend Kept Them Starved, Naked and Shackled, Forced to Drink Urine (VIDEO)











If you don't vote....shut the hell up



you can't complain if you don't vote.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Investigation finds Black airman faked racist text messages from supervisor



Damn it.... WHY ??? 

This world is in such BAD SHAPE right now and it doesn't need crap like this. It goes to show that NOT EVERYTHING THAT YOU HEAR is the truth. Stop this crap


Investigation finds Black airman faked racist text messages from supervisor

Airman will face Uniform Code of Military Justice punishment for fabricating the exchange


A U.S. Air Force investigation found that a Black airman in Arizona faked racist texts from a supervisor to claim skin color played a role in the service member being denied a special duty assignment, and he will now face Uniform Code of Military Justice punishment.

"The 56th Fighter Wing has concluded its investigation into reports that an airman was denied a special duty assignment by their supervisor based upon their demographic identity," a Luke Air Force Base spokesman said in a statement Tuesday, according to "Following an exhaustive investigation, authorities determined that the statements published did not occur and the text messages were fake."

The controversy originated in May, when the Black airman sent screenshots of the alleged text messages to the popular Air Force amn/nco/snco Facebook page and claimed they were from a supervisor who denied the service member a special duty assignment. The post quickly went viral, leading to the investigation.

"We won’t be sending your name up for [redacted] at the squadron," the screenshot of the text message read, according to the Air Force Times. "You currently have a shaving waiver which isn’t a professional image, and I think the Air Force is looking for somebody of white complexion and with the image that the Air Force needs."

"This is the third job that has been held over my head due to my looks, and something that’s based on personal preference," the airman responded.

According to a Task & Purpose report, the airman who was accused of sending the racist message was identified as a White technical sergeant and the recipient as a Black senior airman, both of whom served in the 56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron. The White technical sergeant was the senior airman's manager and in charge of planning and scheduling maintenance, the report said.

But the investigation found the exchange was fabricated.

If you want to read more of the lies go to link below... I will NOT waste my time on crap like this. The world needs healing not more crap like this FROM LOSERS!!!!







Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Boston University researchers claim to have developed new, more lethal COVID strain in lab Researchers at Boston University added a spike protein from the Omicron variant with the original Wuhan strain, which has an 80% kill rate




Boston University researchers claim to have developed new, more lethal COVID strain in lab

Researchers at Boston University added a spike protein from the Omicron variant with the original Wuhan strain, which has an 80% kill rate


Researchers at Boston University say they have developed a new COVID strain that has an 80% kill rate following a series of similar experiments first thought to have started the global pandemic that began in China. 

The variant, a combination of omicron and the original virus in Wuhan, killed 80% of the mice infected with it, the university said. When mice were only exposed to omicron, they experienced mild symptoms.

The research was conducted by a team of scientists from Florida and Boston at the school's National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories.

They extracted the spike protein from omicron and attached it with the strain first detected at the onset of the pandemic that began in Wuhan, China. They then documented how the mice reacted to the hybrid strain. 

"In…mice, while Omicron causes mild, non-fatal infection, the Omicron S-carrying virus inflicts severe disease with a mortality rate of 80 percent," they wrote in a research paper. 

The new strain has five times more infectious virus particles than the omicron variant, researchers said.

In a statement, the university stressed that the replicated strain was less dangerous than the original strain.

"First, this research is not gain-of-function research, meaning it did not amplify the Washington state SARS-COV-2 virus strain or make it more dangerous. In fact, this research made the virus replicate less dangerous," the statement read. "Secondly, the research was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), which consists of scientists as well as local community members. The Boston Public Health Commission also approved the research. Furthermore, this research mirrors and reinforces the findings of other, similar research performed by other organizations, including the FDA. Ultimately, this research will provide a public benefit by leading to better, targeted therapeutic interventions to help fight against future pandemics."

COVID-19 was first detected to have come from a wet market in Wuhan, though many believe the virus was engineered at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The World Health Organization continues to face criticism for its handling of the crisis in its early, most pivotal, days.

The omicron variant is highly transmissible, even in those who are fully vaccinated. The spike protein is responsible for rates of infectivity, according to researchers, other changes to the virus’ structure determine its deadliness.

 One limitation to the study was the breed of mice used, as other types are more similar to humans.