Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Hey BLACK Americans read this... Biden is LYING TO YOU again.

 He keeps doing this and yet YOU vote for him. He just thinks you're too dumb to check his fake stories.


Biden Tells Black College Students He ‘Got His Start’ at ‘Historically Black College’ Delaware State University… He Didn’t… He Went to University of Delaware (VIDEO)


Joe Biden on Tuesday evening campaigned for Democrat duds Charlie Crist and Val Demings at Florida Memorial University in Miami.

Biden told the black students at Florida Memorial University, a HBCU (Historically Black College) that he ‘got his start’ at HBCU Delaware State University. 

Joe Biden went to the University of Delaware.

Biden is very clever in how he tricks people into believing he attended Delaware State University.

Joe Biden says he “got his start” at Delaware State University so if he gets called out for lying, the so-called ‘fact-checkers’ will swoop in and say Biden never claimed he attended Delaware State University.


Apparently Joe Biden took on Corn Pop, grew up in a Puerto Rican community and got his start at HBCU Delaware State University. 


Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Trinity College Sends Campus Employee to Forcibly Remove a Student’s American Flags – While Pride Flags and Others Allowed



Trinity College Sends Campus Employee to Forcibly Remove a Student’s American Flags – While Pride Flags and Others Allowed (VIDEO)


When will YOU be sick and tired of the bullies? How many times will they BEAT your child?



When did people STOP caring about protecting EACH OTHER???

Monday, October 31, 2022

NOT MEGA at all..Illegal immigrant) Pelosi Attacker Was Progressive and Mentally Ill, Says Ex-Girlfriend



 This is the TRASH being allowed to enter OUR country.



 David DePape, the 42-year-old illegal immigrant from Canada accused of breaking into the home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last week and attacking her husband with a hammer, allegedly wanted to hold the congresswoman hostage and threatened to break "her kneecaps" if he caught her lying, according to court documents.





Pelosi Attacker Was Progressive and Mentally Ill, Says Ex-Girlfriend

(Newsmax/"Rob Schmitt Tonight")

By    |   Sunday, 30 October 2022 10:44 PM EDT

He was not a MAGA member; he did not support the "insurrection" of Jan. 6; and he was never even a Republican.

But David DePape was a known nudist activist who his ex-girlfriend says was also a progressive and mentally ill.

DePape, 42, was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, elder abuse and burglary for having bludgeoned Paul Pelosi, 82, with a hammer, fracturing his skull.

DePape has been residing in a decrepit school bus that sits outside the Berkeley home of his ex-girlfriend, Oxane "Gypsy" Taub, also a pro-nudist activist

A two-decade resident of the San Francisco Bay Area, DePape was also known for his pro-nudity activism. He had picketed naked at protests against laws requiring people to be clothed in public.

Protesting such a reasonable law is not usually an activity of a Trump supporter.

Taub, the mother of DePape's three children, told the New York Post he has been suffering from mental illness.  

"He is mentally ill. He has been mentally ill for a long time," she told ABC 7.

Taub, who currently is serving time in a California prison for abducting a teenage boy, said DePape had disappeared for over a year and then resurfaced recently.

"He thought he was Jesus," she told ABC 7.

"He was constantly paranoid, thinking people were after him. And it took a good year or two to get back to, you know, being halfway normal."

She also noted DePape's politics were not right-wing.

"Well, when I met him, he was only 20 years old, and he didn't have any experience in politics. And he was very much in alignment with my views, and I've always been very progressive," she said. 

"This was not a random act," San Francisco Police Chief William Scott said. "This was intentional. And it's wrong."

But no definitive motive has been reported for this "intentional" crime, just a week from an earth-shaking midterm election.

"I wasn't surprised because another crazy story is coming from someone in that house," DePape's Berkeley neighbor Ryan La Coste told the N.Y. Post.

"They are always toxic and always up to something. They are always on the news and trying to be 'activists.' They always want to be in the spotlight."

Reporters on social media noted some shaky details in mainstream media's initial portrayal of Pelosi's attacker as a right-wing activist.

"Why did Paul Pelosi's alleged attacker, a nudist Green Party activist, go off the grid for years and then start posting Q rants just a few weeks ago?" Charlie Kirk tweeted Saturday.

Formal charges against DePape will be filed Monday, and his arraignment is expected Tuesday, according to the San Francisco district attorney's office.

SFPD Chief Scott told a Friday night news briefing that police detectives, assisted by FBI agents, had yet to determine what precipitated the home invasion.

The media and Speaker Pelosi were also quick to note DePape was shouting "Where is Nancy?" during the attack on her husband at their San Francisco home. Nancy Pelosi was in Washington, D.C.

In the search for a motive, attention turned to the suspect's alleged internet profile.

In recent posts on several websites, an internet user named "daviddepape" expressed support for former President Donald Trump and embraced the cult-like conspiracy theory QAnon.

The posts included references to "satanic pedophilia," antisemitic tropes and criticism of women, transgender people and censorship by tech companies.

Older messages promoted quartz crystals and hemp bracelets. Reuters could not confirm that the posts were created by the man arrested Friday.

Experts on extremism said the man who attacked Pelosi's husband could be an example of a growing trend they call "stochastic terrorism," in which sometimes-unstable individuals are inspired to violence by hate speech and scenarios they see online and hear echoed by public figures.

"This was clearly a targeted attack. The purpose was to locate and potentially harm the speaker of the House," said John Cohen, a former counterterrorism coordinator and head of intelligence at the Department of Homeland Security who is working with U.S. law enforcement agencies on the issue.

The San Francisco Chronicle posted a photo of a man it identified as DePape dancing at the 2013 wedding of two nudist activists in San Francisco, though he was clothed.

DePape, then a hemp jewelry maker who lived with the couple in Berkeley, was the best man, the newspaper reported.

The incident came a day after New York City police warned extremists could target politicians, political events and polling sites ahead of the midterm elections.

Newsmax host Rob Schmitt noted there are hints of midterm narrative deflection on the issue of crime and some hypocrisy in the fact Pelosi's daughter once suggested Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., deserved to be attacked by his neighbor.

That fact had resurfaced earlier this week — days before DePape's alleged attack — in the Democrats' attempt to flip the Senate seat of Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa.

"The daughter of Nancy Pelosi celebrated that 2017 attack on Rand Paul, saying, 'Rand Paul's neighbor was right,'" Schmitt noted on Friday's "Rob Schmitt Tonight."

"Christine Pelosi apparently loves political violence. I wonder what she thinks of it being directed at her own family, though?"

Paul himself gave his condolences to Paul Pelosi, noting their family did not afford him the same respect.

"No one deserves to be assaulted," Paul tweeted Friday. "Unlike Nancy Pelosi's daughter who celebrated my assault, I condemn this attack and wish Mr. Pelosi a speedy recovery."

Earlier in the week, comments surfaced from Adm. Mike Franken, a Democrat opposing Iowa's Chuck Grassley as the Senate majority weighs in the balance next month.

"Wasn't Rand's neighbor more than a little in the right?" Franken tweeted Jan. 21, 2021, on Twitter, years after the attack on Paul.

Paul was the one who resurfaced those Franken remarks this week.

"Disgusting that Mike Franken would celebrate an assault (from behind) that resulted in 6 broken ribs, a damaged lung that had to be removed, and chronic pain," Paul tweeted Tuesday. "Advocacy for violence should disqualify Franken from holding any office."

But Franken did not back down, upping the ante on political division and violence, while spinning the Democrat narrative of the false claim Paul, a sitting U.S. senator, had sought to insurrect the government.

"I'm not going to be lectured to by an insurrectionist," Franken tweeted in response Wednesday to Paul.

Less than 48 hours later, DePape would allegedly bludgeoned the speaker's husband within inches of his life.

Information from Reuters and The Associated Press was used in this report.


TRASHY COWARDS! But if you ask them or their family...they will say that they are such good people. Tthey only attack weak people becuase anyone their own age would beat the crap out of them


 Two cowards couldn't hurt anyone their own age... had to pick on the ELDERLY!


HORROR: Two People Gang Up on 78-Year-Old Man, Brutally Beat Him on NYC Subway Train (VIDEO)




NYPD are looking for these two assailants

Another day, another violent attack on a subway train in the Democrat hellhole of New York City.

A 78-year-old white man was brutally beaten by two black people on a Manhattan subway train on Thursday


According to police, the victim, who was traveling southbound on the No. 1 train near 96th Street, asked a fellow traveler to turn down his loud music.

The man with the loud speaker, along with his female friend, responded by brutally beating the elderly passenger.

The victim, badly bruised with cuts on his face, was rushed to a nearby hospital where he was given stiches in his head.


PIX 11 reported:

A duo beat a 78-year-old man aboard a Manhattan subway train Thursday after he asked them to lower the volume of their music, according to the NYPD.

In the music incident, the victim was on a southbound No. 1 train approaching the 96th Street station around 3:30 p.m. when he requested that a fellow straphanger turn down his speaker, officials said. The man with the speaker, as well as a female companion, responded by punching the man multiple times in the face, police said.

The victim got off the train at 96th Street and was brought by first responders to an area hospital for treatment of bruises and cuts to his face. He was listed in what authorities described as stable condition.

His assailants, meanwhile, stayed on the train. It’s believed that they ultimately exited at 34th Street – Penn Station, police said.

nvestigators on Thursday released cell phone photos taken of the suspects. The man is described as about 6-feet tall and 185 pounds, with an athletic build and a goatee. He was last seen wearing a black hoodie with a graphic on the front, a red bandana, gray jeans, and white Nike sneakers, while carrying a multi-colored backpack.

The female suspect is described as having a medium build, long brown hair, and brown eyes. She wore black glasses, a black hooded jacket with a fur lining, a black t-shirt, orange sweatpants, and black sneakers.

More from PIX 11 News: video below















Why is the glass broken OUT from the inside at Pelosi's house? Shouldn't the glass be inside?




BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Evidence Shows David DePape Could Never Fit Through the Hole in Broken Window in the Rear of Pelosi Home #Pelosigate




New evidence shows that there is no way that David DePape could have broken into the Pelosi house through the door in the back.

David DePape was identified by the police at the Pelosi home on early Friday morning at around 2:30 am.  The police claim that he broke into the house.



 read the whole story here



The guy  broke IN not out... hmmm






Now this... look at all the cameras





go read this story .....