Thursday, November 3, 2022

So ebay charges to "be seen" or no one will see your ad?




 I was just talking to someone that that sells and she told me they charge to be something like promoted and then charge a final payment etc.


Wow.... just have a garage sale.

Father of Democratic state House candidate says son lying about military service Brett Shavers, father of Democratic candidate Clyde Shavers, claims to have served as a nuclear submarine officer



Father of Democratic state House candidate says son lying about military service

Brett Shavers, father of Democratic candidate Clyde Shavers, claims to have served as a nuclear submarine officer

A Democratic candidate for the state House in Washington is involved in an ongoing feud with his family about the veracity of his military service.

The father of Clyde Shavers, Democratic candidate for Washington state's 10th Legislative District, claims in a recently published letter that his son lied about the details of his service in the U.S. Navy, according to local outlet Herald Net.

Clyde Shavers has run on a platform emphasizing his service in the U.S. Navy, claiming to have been installed as a nuclear submarine office — a position which requires a great amount of training and three separate courses.

"Clyde was never a submarine officer, not even for a day," Brett Shavers wrote.

Photo provided via Elect Clyde Shavers website media gallery

Photo provided via Elect Clyde Shavers website media gallery (Elect Clyde Shavers )

Brett Shavers, a former Marine, went on to dismiss any notions that his son served proudly in the military, going so far as to say Clyde Shavers has a "disdain" for enlisted service members.

"Clyde has only disdain for the military. I have seen Clyde's use of veteran status used heavily as a seal of endorsement of honor and integrity, even as he or his campaign continually use the phrase 'son of a Marine' for his credibility," Brett Shavers wrote.

He continued, "There are no words that I have that could come close to overemphasize Clyde's negative view of the military, his disdain of enlisted service members, and his revulsion to wear the uniform."

Brett Shavers reportedly sent the signed letter on Sunday to the campaign of Greg Gilday — Clyde's Republican opponent. The text was then circulated to local outlets, including the Daily Herald and Herald Net.

Photo provided via Elect Clyde Shavers website media gallery

Photo provided via Elect Clyde Shavers website media gallery (Elect Clyde Shavers)

Brett Shavers went on in his letter to allege that his son is also only tied to the 10th Legislative District by renting a bed and breakfast in the area.

He also claims Clyde Shavers embellished his family history and law credentials. 

Clyde Shavers has denied his father's claims outright, saying that the letter is "inaccurate" and "all about politics."

"His political letter is inaccurate and, personally, very painful to me as his son," Shavers said of his father's claims. "To be clear, this letter is all about politics."

He continued, "This is the kind of politics that’s tearing apart families and communities, and my campaign is about healing and moving forward."

Fox News Digital reached out to Clyde Shavers and Brett Shavers for comment.


Obama Interrupted by Protester at Campaign Rally in Arizona for Supporting Katie Hobbs Who Has History of Discriminating Against Black People



Obama Interrupted by Protester at Campaign Rally in Arizona for Supporting Katie Hobbs Who Has History of Discriminating Against Black People (VIDEO)


Drew Hernandez began shouting at Barack Obama at the rally for supporting Katie Hobbs, who has a history of engaging in discriminatory behavior toward black people.

“Wait, wait, hold up, hold on,” Obama shouted back. “You have to be polite and civil when people are talking, and then you get a chance to talk.”

“Set up your own rally. A lot of people worked hard for this,” Obama continued.

“Democrat supporters unleashed screaming in my face and deported me from the rally,” Drew Hernandez said.



Watch the videos and read the rest of the article here...













Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Biden's picks can't win on their own..... he needs OLD presidents . This is too painful to watch.






Soooooo Sad !

The FBI, San Fran Police, and San Fran DA Won’t Confirm Whether Third Person Opened Door at Pelosi Home




MYSTERY CONTINUES: The FBI, San Fran Police, and San Fran DA Won’t Confirm Whether Third Person Opened Door at Pelosi Home


Bail reform is dumb... She was killed in front of her babies hours after he was let go




Hochul’s Bail Reform Claims Another Victim: Mother Killed in Front of Three Children Hours after Husband Freed on No Bail





It is not surprising that Republican Lee Zeldin has the lead over crazy Kathy Hochul in the latest Trafalgar poll for New York Governor.

Hochul is a disaster for New York and her misguided and failed no-bail  “Less is More” act signed into law in 2021 has led to yet another violent crime and this time, the death of a mother of three in front of her children.


The Less is More Act gives more leniency to parolees and removes reasons to put parolees back behind bars.  According the the New York Post, “It removes technical parole violations like being late for an appointment, missing a curfew or finding alcohol or drugs in urine samples. And the act would speed up the timeframe to judicial review for any violations.”

In this recent incident, a suspect was arrested after the beating of his estranged wife,  a mother of three, was caught on camera and posted to her Facebook.  The suspect was released on no bail and, less than 24 hours later, gunned the mother down in front of her children.




The New York Post reports: 

A mom of three was executed in front of her kids less than 24 hours after her estranged husband was sprung from jail on no bail over a caught-on-camera beatdown she’d posted to her Facebook page in a desperate plea for help.

The shocking case — in Gov. Kathy Hochul’s western New York hometown — has sparked fresh outrage to New York’s no-cash-bail laws and to the governor and fellow Democrats for refusing to repeal them.

Adam Bennefield, 45, who has a prior conviction for kidnapping another ex at gunpoint, is now charged with shooting dead his 30-year-old wife, Keaira Bennefield.

The victim was taking her young children — ages 6 months to 9 years — to school on the morning of Oct. 5, when he ambushed her on a road and gunned her down, authorities said.

Bennefield was free to carry out the alleged murder after being released from custody a day earlier on only misdemeanor charges despite the horrific attack on his wife inside her home.

Tragic Keaira Bennefield had shared the sick footage of Bennefield allegedly punching, kicking and slapping her on Facebook in a cry for help less than a week before she was murdered.

Now, in the weeks since the grim slaying questions have continued to mount as to whether more could have been done to prevent Keaira’s demise.

The Post continues, “The mom posted the disturbing video, which was captured on surveillance cameras inside her home, later that evening with the harrowing message: ‘This is what this man dose [sic] to me but i’m always treated like i’m the abuser!’ The nearly eight-minute video allegedly showed Bennefield tackling his wife, pinning her down and savagely punching her repeatedly.”

Despite the brutal assault, because he only faced misdemeanor charges he was not allowed to be held under the New York  State Penal Code bail law.  The misdemeanors included third-degree assault, fourth-degree criminal mischief, second-degree menacing and second-degree unlawful imprisonment.



Less is More cost Keaira Bennefield and robbed three young children of their mother.

The rise in crime in New York, and Hochul’s failed leadership, will play a pivotal role in next week’s election.














Hey BLACK Americans read this... Biden is LYING TO YOU again.

 He keeps doing this and yet YOU vote for him. He just thinks you're too dumb to check his fake stories.


Biden Tells Black College Students He ‘Got His Start’ at ‘Historically Black College’ Delaware State University… He Didn’t… He Went to University of Delaware (VIDEO)


Joe Biden on Tuesday evening campaigned for Democrat duds Charlie Crist and Val Demings at Florida Memorial University in Miami.

Biden told the black students at Florida Memorial University, a HBCU (Historically Black College) that he ‘got his start’ at HBCU Delaware State University. 

Joe Biden went to the University of Delaware.

Biden is very clever in how he tricks people into believing he attended Delaware State University.

Joe Biden says he “got his start” at Delaware State University so if he gets called out for lying, the so-called ‘fact-checkers’ will swoop in and say Biden never claimed he attended Delaware State University.


Apparently Joe Biden took on Corn Pop, grew up in a Puerto Rican community and got his start at HBCU Delaware State University.