Thursday, January 26, 2023

Former Head Of Teacher Union In Arlington, Virginia Arrested After Embezzling Over $400,000


 This is why most kids in school can't carry on a proper conversation and use words like "Ain't".


Former Head Of Teacher Union In Arlington, Virginia Arrested After Embezzling Over $400,000

By Mike LaChance
Published January 25, 2023 at 8:50pm



Teacher unions have come under increased public scrutiny in recent years and for good reasons. Teacher unions are completely allied with the Democrat party and use their money and membership to influence elections.

In Arlington, Virginia, the former president of the local teacher union was recently arrested, when it was discovered that she has allegedly embezzled over $400,000 through faulty bonuses and other self-rewards.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

Former Teachers’ Union President Arrested in Virginia for Embezzlement

TRENDING: BREAKING: Project Veritas: Pfizer Exploring "Mutating" Covid-19 Virus Via 'Directed Evolution' To Continue Profiting From Vaccines (VIDEO)

A former Virginia teachers’ union president was arrested on Monday for pilfering more than $400,000 from her organization.

Ingrid Gant, who led the Arlington Education Association for six years, was charged with four counts of embezzlement following a six-month investigation, the Fairfax County Police Department announced in a press release. An independent auditor who worked with police found that Gant awarded herself many bonuses and improperly made charges to her organization’s debit cards.

Gant is the second teachers’ union head to face charges for abuse of funds just this month. In a strikingly similar case, a former teachers’ union treasurer in Reading, Pa., was charged on Jan. 6 for embezzling more than $400,000 since 2016, the Reading Eagle reported. The treasurer resigned in September when confronted with the improper expenditures.

June Prakash, the president of the Arlington Education Association, declined to comment. Her organization says it “is pursuing all legal channels to recoup any lost funds and hold those responsible accountable.”

But it’s all about the children, right?


Teacher unions are standing in the way of school choice.

They don’t care about students, they care about money and political power.




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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Australian Olympic Bobsledder and Rugby Player Dies Suddenly at 35




Australian Olympic Bobsledder and Rugby Player Dies Suddenly at 35

By Jim Hoft
Published January 24, 2023 at 8:45pm






Simon Dunn playing rugby and bobsledding. (Facebook)

Simon Dunn, an Olympic bobsledder and rugby player who came out as gay and later became an activist for LGBTQ rights, died suddenly on Saturday. He was 35.

The athlete’s body was discovered in his home on January 21st, according to the New South Wales police.

Dunn’s cause of death is still unclear but the authorities have stated that his death is not viewed as suspicious.

“About 10 am on Saturday, January 21, 2023, police were called to a unit on Crown Street, Surry Hills, after reports the body of a man had been found inside,” New South Wales police said in a statement.

“The body is believed to be that of the 35-year-old occupant. Officers from Surry Hills Police Area Command have commenced inquiries into the circumstances surrounding his death, which is not being treated as suspicious,” authorities continued.


Tributes flood in following the news of Dunn’s sudden death.

Ruby Rose Management, Dunn’s agents, issued a statement:

“Simon was passionate about giving back to the community and volunteering. He gave his time, and utilizing his profile, to help multiple charities. Like all great ambassadors, he had his favorites which included Bobby Goldsmith Foundation, Give Out Day and Pride in Sport.

“Simon never said ‘NO’ to donating his time to any organization who wanted to grow its Diversity and Inclusion footprint from Woolworths to Lion – helping them all to better understand their LGBTQIA+ employees and customers.

“Simon represented us all, he always said ‘I am not the spokesman, I am just a gay white male telling you about my experiences, and experiences from those with whom I listened and learnt. The sharing of these stories gives us all an appreciation of what has led us to where we are today’.”



 To read more go to the link at the top




Monday, January 23, 2023

“I Want America to Wake Up and Pay Attention, Something Aint Right!” – Silk Describes How Her Sister Diamond ‘Died Suddenly’ in Her Kitchen





“I Want America to Wake Up and Pay Attention, Something Aint Right!” – Silk Describes How Her Sister Diamond ‘Died Suddenly’ in Her Kitchen (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft
Published January 21, 2023 at 10:18pm




 At the Saturday memorial for her sister Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway, Silk told the crowd of supporters, including President Trump, that the vaccine may have been a factor in her sister’s sudden death.

Silk then called for an investigation. “There’s something going on!”


Silk spoke to the crowd on Saturday before President Trump took the stage.

Silk described how her sister “died suddenly” and how she tried to save her.

Silk: As soon as Diamond hung up the phone, she said to me, “I can’t breathe.” It was sudden, out of nowhere and no warning. I got her to the kitchen table, opened up the back door so that she can get some air. And, each breath was less and less and less, until her eyes became a stare… My husband and I followed the 911 instructions from the lady. We laid her. Like they told us to lay her flat. They said do CPR. And it was one-two-three-four, one-two-three-four, one-two-three-four… My husband and I alternated and kept going and going and going, until the emergency truck came into the yard and the EMS came into the house. They did everything that they could.

So what I want to say to everybody is don’t you dare call me a conspiracy theorist. Because I saw it happen. I saw how it happened. I was there when it happened and it happened suddenly. I want America to wake up and pay attention. Something ain’t right. It’s time to investigate what’s really going on here! And get some answers to why our people are falling dead suddenly.

Silk then went on to say, “Instead of asking if Americans are vaxxed or unvaxxed the real question is are they being poisoned.”


High School Football Star in Need of a New Heart After a Major Heart Attack



High School Football Star in Need of a New Heart After a Major Heart Attack


A local high school football player is fighting for his life after suffering a massive heart attack in November, and he is asking the general public for help.

Markus Martinez, a former Columbine High School football star and now senior at Bear Creek High School, suffered a major heart attack Thursday, November 17, 2022.






According to a fundraising campaign created for Markus, the doctors were successful in removing some of the blood clots, but not all of them.

Now, Markus’ left ventricular heart muscle has been permanently damaged. UCHealth cardiologists have recommended that he undergo a heart transplant because his heart is only functioning at 12–15% capacity. Although the family does not know what caused this, they remain hopeful and are providing Markus with the best care possible.

Markus has been in and out of the hospital since November.

“It’s been a little tough on him that he can’t get up, get out of bed and do his normal activities and stuff that he used to do, but he’s hanging in there,” Markus’ father, Steven Martinez, told FOX 31 Denver.


 According to Steven, everyone in the family was shocked upon hearing the news of Markus’ sudden heart attack.

“I just couldn’t believe it was happening to someone so young and athletic,” Steven said.

Shelly Segura, Markus’ mother, said that her son needs a new heart as soon as possible.

“His heart is just unfortunately too sick right now,” Segura said. “We’ve all come together and have been praying for him. We’re really trying to stay positive for Markus.”

You can help the family with Markus’ medications, a possible heart transplant, and any other unexpected medical expenses here.

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Aretha Franklin’s “Natural Woman” Deemed Offensive by Trans Community



Aretha Franklin’s “Natural Woman” Deemed Offensive by Trans Community




The radical trans community continued its assault on women this weekend.

Trans activists say Aretha Franklin’s “(You Make Me Feel Like a) Natural Woman” is very offensive to trans women.

Natural Woman – The 1967 single was released by American soul singer Aretha Franklin on the Atlantic label. The words were written by Gerry Goffin from an idea by Atlantic producer Jerry Wexler, and the music was composed by Carole King.  

Sky News Australia reported:

Standing for Women Founder Kellie-Jay Keen says it’s “really hard” to ignore the “misogyny” of the trans-rights movement as Aretha Franklin’s song ‘Natural Woman’ was recently slammed as offensive to trans-women.

“Being a mum, that is also being attacked, we’re now called birthing persons or pregnant persons,” Ms Keen told Sky News Australia.

“I don’t think many women really know how much we’re hated – I hate to say it … I don’t have a victim mentality, but it’s really hard to ignore the misogyny of this particular movement.

“It means a man who says he’s frightened to go in a man’s toilet – his words are more credible than a woman who says she doesn’t want that man in her space.”









Sunday, January 22, 2023

35-Year-Old Middle School Coach and Teacher Drops Dead in Front of His Class After Suffering from Heart Attack



35-Year-Old Middle School Coach and Teacher Drops Dead in Front of His Class After Suffering from Heart Attack




A middle school coach and teacher at Devine Independent School District died suddenly of a heart attack after collapsing in front of his students early in January.

Jacob Sanchez, age 35, of Bigfoot, Texas died on Thursday, January 5, 2023.

According to reports, Sanchez suddenly collapsed at the start of class.

He was promptly given CPR by the staff members, but unfortunately, they were unable to save him.

“Parents we are in a medical hold at this time. All students are safe. All ms school games have been cancelled for today,” Devine ISD wrote on its social media.

According to the Bexar County Medical Examiner’s Office, Sanchez died of a heart attack.

School principal Kandi Darnell was with him minutes before he collapsed, as reported by KSAT.

“He seemed fine and everything seemed fine,” she said.

“We lost a friend, colleague, and just a good man today,” Darnell wrote.

“Jacob was the kind of person who would do anything to help out others. He was a kids’ teacher. He worked hard to connect with all of our kids not just our athletes. Our kids are going to have a tough time, but our DMS family will be there to help our kids as well as each other. On a personal level I feel as if I’ve lost a son. I’ve known Jacob since he was little. He and my son were in the same class. I taught Jacob. As a principal I counted on Jacob to help with some of our tougher customers. I would get him to talk to them. He was always willing to help. He was one of the first ones to volunteer to chaperone dances, field trips etc… He would do anything for the kids. There will be a big void in our hearts. Pray for his family, our kids, and our community. RIP Jacob,” she concluded.

Sanchez’s wife, Rebecca Powe, issued a statement following the passing of his husband.

“My honey was the light of our lives. He kept our family on our toes, constantly going, and always laughing. We shared a beautiful life together He loved us with his whole heart and loved his life. He was dedicated to the community of Devine and the kids were his motivation every day.”

Devine Intermediate School issued this statement, “Devine Intermediate School would like to extend our thoughts and prayers to the Sanchez family. Our hearts are with all of the Devine community.”

According to Sanchez’s obituary, he landed teaching and coaching at Devine ISD in 2016. He taught sixth and eighth-grade Science, and coached football, basketball and track, for the last seven years.

Vaccination Status: Fully Vaccinated

According to his social media account, Jacob Sanchez received his first dose of Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine on December 2020 and second dose on January 2021.

“We’ve done our part,” he wrote.

Image: Screenshot/Facebook

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