Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Biden has been in office TWO years. He could have UN DONE anything Trump did. Stop blaming the LAST President, YOU are president NOW.



You had TWO YEARS to UN DO what he did.


You are making a fool out of yourself blaming him.


 We were ALL doing well financially when he was in office now everyone is suffering with HIM.





Monday, March 13, 2023

You can't say that you have GREAT HAIR if it's FAKE LOL



Stop making a fool out of yourself by trying to make people think its your NATURAL hair.


ANYONE can buy things.









Sunday, March 12, 2023

Rapper Costa Titch dies at 28 after collapsing onstage during music festival









Rapper Costa Titch dies at 28 after collapsing onstage during music festival

Costa Titch was performing at the Nasrec Expo Centre when he fell over onstage

 Costa Titch died this weekend after collapsing at a Johannesburg music festival Saturday, according to a statement by his family. No cause of death was immediately announced.


21-Year-Old MMA Fighter Isaiah Abels Suffers a Cardiac Arrest During Fight





21-Year-Old MMA Fighter Isaiah Abels Suffers a Cardiac Arrest During Fight





Earlier this month, a young fighter suffered a medical emergency during a fight at The Coliseum in downtown Evansville, Indiana.

Amateur MMA fighter Isaiah Abels, 21, was rushed to the hospital after suffering a cardiac arrest shortly after landing a second-round takedown during a fight, Express reported.

Medical personnel rushed in and were able to restart Abels’ heart before he was taken to the hospital.

According to the doctors, Isaiah experienced brain damage due to a lack of oxygen to his brain for several minutes.



Abels’ brother Zach posted an emotional message on Facebook explaining how the incident occurred during the second round after he landed a takedown.

Last night Isaiah Abels engaged in battle. It went two rounds. First round went to him with beautiful striking. The fight transitioned into the second round. Isaiah continued to pick his shots and maintained his pace and distance.

Unexpectedly he was countered with a lead hook. He responded with a takedown and continued to pressure his opponent against the fence to recover from the hook. Isaiah then disengaged from the clinch and went to press forward. As he continued to pressure his opponent something ominous happened.

Isaiah took a step forward and collapsed to his knees. He was going into respiratory arrest. Soon after the fight was stopped. The ref had no idea what really happened thinking it was a typical stoppage. Clearly it wasn’t. Isaiah wasn’t getting up because he was also going into cardiac arrest.



Once the doctors and medics accessed the situation. They got his heart going as they assisted his breathing. We rushed to the hospital. A hour or so later Isaiah was stabilized.

I don’t know what you believe in, but the fear of God was put into all of us last night. Words can’t even describe. I’m grateful for everyone praying and thinking about him, but I really wanna thank the medical professionals along with God. Again, I don’t know to what degree you believe in God, but please continue to keep Isaiah in your thoughts and prayers.


 Please, God. Please everyone. Please. I love you, Isaiah Lee


A fundraising campaign was created to help with medical finances. Below are the updates via the GoFundMe page:

March 8, 2023 by Terri Himelick, Organizer

  • The neurologist said that everything looks good. His slow responses are reaction based, he’s reacting to touch and sound so best we can do is give him time. He needs time for his mind and body to heal, the medications he’s on can also attribute to his brain slowly responding, that and whatever punches he took before the stoppage. The doctor said that he can hear us so best we can do is keep positive. They say that if he doesn’t wake up in the next 3 days then they’ll make sure to do more scans of his brain. Just keep positive and keep praying. We’re all trying our best for him. We’re gonna walk out with him sometime soon. This process takes time. Please continue to pray for my brother. God is the embodiment of love, god is with us! This was just posted from his twin brother, Elijah Abels

March 9, 2023 by Terri Himelick, Organizer

  • Thank you for all the support. I am in contact with the family daily. I updated the goal to help cover some more of the medical expenses as he is taking longer to wake up. The family appreciates the prayers and words of encouragement. His twin brother holds his hand and is reading them to him while he is sedated❤️ .I know he can hear him so please keep the encouragement coming!

March 9, 2023 by Terri Himelick, Organizer

  • New update from Elijah (his twin brother): the PT visited Isaiah the other day. His ventilator is assisting him with 10% of his breathing so he is breathing at 90% on his own. His color looks good today. The siblings are heading home so one can return to school for the rest of the week and they will head back to the hospital friday. His dad and mom are still by his side. Thank you again for all those who are supporting this family and showering them with love, encouragement and prayers.

March 9, 2023 by Terri Himelick, Organizer

  • New update from his dad 44mins ago. Isaiah had a second CAT scan and MRI done today- the doctor said the MRI didn’t look good- Isaiah has brain damage-due to lack of oxygen to the brain for 3-5 mins. Best case he has a week to respond to commands like -open your eyes and squeeze my hand. If he cant do this by next Tuesday they will transport him via ambulance ride back to fort wayne. After that his best case would be weeks to months or rehab, worse case he will have lifelong issues. I will be bumping up the goal to help get him back home. Please keep praying

March 10 by Terri Himelick, Organizer

  • Just spoke with Elijah (his twin) and they will be putting a trach in to prepare him for travel. His dad is making a lot of calls to make sure they have a place that will take him and a way to get him back home to Fort Wayne. Please continue to share this page so we can take some of the financial burden off this family and also spread the word for people to pray for him and his family.

March 10 by Terri Himelick, Organizer

  • His dad just posted that they will be transfering him to a long term care facility. This will place many doctors and therapists around him to help him on his recovery journey. He still has lots of work to do but he will be able to do it with all his family at his side as they will be together. This will be a blessing as we are all “better together”!!! Thanks for joining the fight

March 11 by Terri Himelick, Organizer

 Isaiah had a trach put in his throat yesterday for breathing – they put a feeding tube in his stomach – he is not tied down – sometimes he opens his eyes – he is off the propofol and fentanyl – now he is on pain medication – the nurses and staff are great – they let us sleep in the room at night – afraid to leave here – still looking for a long term care facility that is good – closest one is probably one hour away in Muncie – Isaiah needs to be weaned off the ventilator and off the drugs – wake up – then rehab. Please continue to pray that insurance gives the ok to get him transferred to muncie. It isnt his home town but it is the best care that is closest to fort wayne to give him the best chance!! Also pray for peace for the family as they are in the waiting game and world of unknowns!






















Doctors are Baffled After 17-Year-Old Girl Suffered Cardiac Arrest While at a Cheer Competition




Doctors are Baffled After 17-Year-Old Girl Suffered Cardiac Arrest While at a Cheer Competition





Last week, a healthy and active 17-year-old girl suddenly suffered a cardiac arrest during a cheer competition, leading to multiple seizures.

Keianna Joe had a seizure and stopped breathing after suffering a cardiac arrest while in warmups at a competition in Raleigh, North Carolina.

“I need everyone to pray for my beautiful girl. At a cheer competition today she had a seizure and stopped breathing. She is in the pediatric ICU now intubated and still unresponsive. We need the prayer chain to start her healing,” Keianna’s mother, Andrea Joe wrote on her Facebook account.

Andrea said that they still do not know what caused the seizure, but they suspect at first that it was caused by her not eating and consuming a Red Bull, as well as the “stimulation of cheer caused her heart to go into arrhythmia, triggering multiple seizures.”

On her Facebook account, Andrea gave a detailed description of what had happened.

“While in warmups at a competition in Raleigh, she was coming down from a stunt when she started acting “weird.” They got her to the ground gently and her coach noticed her flexing with her eyes rolled back. There was another coach there who happened to be a [registered nurse] came to her side and realized immediately she was not breathing, checked for a pulse and started CPR. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there. I then got to my daughters side felt for a pulse and did not find one so I took over CPR. I did 3-4 rounds of CPR placed the AED and gave 1 shock. Then a grandfather from our gym took over with CPR. She started breathing on her own at that time but still unresponsive. Paramedics brought her to the hospital where she had 3 more seizures and coded so they intubated her. At this time she is still intubated but stable. We are not 100% sure what caused this but believe her not eating, drinking a Red Bull and the stimulation of cheer caused her heart to go into Arrhythmia triggering multiple seizures. I want to thank the coach who started CPR and the grandfather who took over CPR for me and the entire cheer family who came to the hospital tonight. No words can say how thankful I am. Now we just pray for my beautiful girl to wake up and get back to her normal feisty self.”


 Andrea Joelast Monday

Quick update on my girl. While in warmups at a competition in Raleigh she was coming down from a stunt when she started acting “weird.” They got her to the ground gently and her coach noticed her flexing with her eyes rolled back. There was another coach there who happened to be an RN came to her side and realized immediately she was not breathing checked for a pulse and started CPR. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there. I then got to my daughters side felt f...

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May be an image of 2 people and people standing
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“While at the hospital, Keianna had 3 more seizures and coded once again, so the decision was made to intubate her. At the time of this post, she is still in a medically induced coma in the ICU but is stable,” according to a fundraising campaign.

“We are unsure exactly what caused this incident, and can only speculate that her heart went into arrhythmia from a combination of dehydration, too much caffeine from an energy drink, and exercise,” the campaign reads.

Andrea gave another update and said that she had a severe cardiac arrest that triggered seizures, and it was not the result of not drinking a Red Bull.

She added that they might have to put an implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) in Keianna.


“So today her recovery process took a huge turn in a different direction. We received the results from the AED that was used to shock her and learned her heart was in ventricular fibrillation which is why shock was given. So this being said she didn’t just have a seizure she had a severe cardiac arrest which triggered seizures. Due to this new diagnosis, she was transferred to Duke to be followed by some of the best pediatric cardiac doctors in the nation. Originally the ONKY thing we could relate this to was her not eating and drinking a Red Bull. We have been informed that this was NOT caused by those two things alone. (Although it is still very bad to not eat drink a Red Bull and compete) these were not very big factors. I was told that the quick response by her coaches and the immediate CPR starting is why she is recovering so fast because it kept all her organs working her heart would have never recovered from this rhythm without the use of the AED. She is struggling coming to terms with the news that CHEER and track are over for her as these were her true passion. She is still in fairly good spirits being sassy and making me laugh with all her hilarious comments. I am still trying to wrap my brain around the news that my 17-year-old athletic daughter had a severe heart attack. She still has a very long road ahead with multiple Dr visits so I am asking for everyone to continue and pray for her healing as well as her peace of mind. They are planning on placing an internal defibrillator in her after the results of more MRIs and other stress tests come in. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the prayer and well wishes it is truly felt and I am overwhelmed by the support and love everyone has shown.”


Andrea Joe
on Wednesday

UPDATE on Keianna: So today her recovery process took a huge turn in a different direction. We received the results from the AED that was used to shock her and learned her heart was in ventricular fibrillation which is why shock was given. So this being said she didn’t just have a seizure she had a severe cardiac arrest which triggered seizures. Due to this new diagnosis she was transferred to Duke to be followed by some of the best pediatric cardiac doctors in the nation....

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 On Saturday, Andrea said her daughter had an MRI that ruled out heart abnormalities, which includes “ruling out any COVID vaccine as being a contributing factor.” The doctors have no idea what caused her to have a heart attack.

Doctors were suspecting a long QT syndrome, also called a heart conduction disorder, a heart signaling disorder that can cause fast, chaotic heartbeats (arrhythmias).

“She has continued to improve with her short-term memory loss. She has been at Duke University Hospital for 3 days and is doing about as well as a 17-year-old stuck in a hospital room should. They have run so many different tests on her I lost count but the most recent was a heart MRI which came back normal ruling out any abnormalities. This includes ruling out any covid vaccine as being a contributing factor. Yes, I had a very long discussion with her cardiac team and we are exploring EVERY possibility. Her Echo and EKG are normal. She did a stress test today where she ran on a treadmill. (Funny story, when the Dr asked if she was feeling like she could tolerate a treadmill she responded with, “I run for fun, I can’t wait let’s go.” ). That came back with just a slight arrhythmia but nothing that they would think to cause the sudden cardiac arrest in a healthy active 17-year-old. They have been discussing something that is called long QT Syndrome. (Look it up it’s too long to explain.). Because as of now this is what they call idiopathic cardiac arrest or in better terms, they have no clue why she had a cardiac arrest, they will be placing an ICD device in her on Monday. This will continue to monitor her rhythm at all times and if needed will give an emergency shock to the heart. She is in agreement that this is the best thing for her at this time, I told her it was either this device or I go wherever she goes at all times including school in case I need to do CPR again. That made the decision really easy. But seriously thank you is just not enough to express how eternally grateful we are that she is still here today. It is something like only 17% of people who go into sudden cardiac arrest with VFib survive if happened outside an emergency care facility. That is not a very high percent and this beautiful sassy brilliant girl is living proof God is the one in control and has bigger plans for this child.”

















Saturday, March 11, 2023

King Charles seems soooo WEAK and Whipped.



Who does he remind me of ?????

Oh you know ! 


How embarrassing to have a so called LEADER be so weak and whipped.


Someone with that great responsibility .....

goes from someone so strong and in charge......... to someone so weak and allowing people to DICTATE what THEY will do.  


(shakes head....I wonder if they have something ON HIM and that is why THEY are ruling HIM




