Tuesday, March 28, 2023

The gun did NOT murder, it was the NUT behind the trigger that pulled it. STOP blaming the weapon



STOP blaming the weapon..


It takes a NUT to take it to the crime scene and PULL THE TRIGGER. 


If that gun was still at home locked up....those people would be Alive. 



That NUT is the one to blame.













Sunday, March 26, 2023

Activist Group Says Top Hollywood Producer’s Native American Claims Are Fake





Activist Group Says Top Hollywood Producer’s Native American Claims Are Fake


Heather Rae, Hollywood Producer


The Tribal Alliance Against Fraud (TAFF) has accused a leading Hollywood producer of faking her claims of a Cherokee heritage.

Producer Heather Rae has been a leading voice in Hollywood on Native American culture and serves on the Academy of Motion Pictures’ Indigenous Alliance and was a past head of the Sundance Institute’s Native American program.

TAAF claims she is a Pretendian and is, at best, 1/2048th Cherokee.

In 2020, Rae told Variety, “In these times the world is looking for vision, and Indigenous voices bring that power and authenticity to the screen. I am honored to work in tandem with Bird Runningwater and his visionary curation of talent, and Crystal Echohawk and her groundbreaking organization to energize representation and Native inclusion. We are thrilled by this partnership with Endeavor Content to bring three incredible stories to life and ensure many more to come.”

Her bio at Speakerpedia claims, “As a speaker and social critic Rae is working with both her settler and indigenous heritage to deepen the dialogue of reconciliation and responsibility in the Americas.”

The New York Post reports:

Award-winning Heather Rae, 56, serves on the Academy of Motion Pictures’ Indigenous Alliance, previously headed up the Sundance Institute’s Native American program and claims “my mother was Indian and my father was a cowboy.” Multiple prior news reports have also cited her as having a Cherokee mother.

But a watchdog group called the Tribal Alliance Against Frauds is now demanding the Academy and the producer drop her “false claims” while activists insist she’s at best 1/2048th Cherokee.

The group accuses her of profiting from usurping “real American Indian voices and perspectives” and being a fraudulent so-called “Pretendian.”


Rae, who was born in California and brought up in Idaho, is best known for “Frozen River.” It won both Sundance and an Independent Spirit Award, and was Oscar nominated.

In 2009, Variety named her as a top visionary while noting her half-Cherokee roots.

Over the years, she has burnished her credentials, which center on a claim that her mother, Barbara Riggs, was Cherokee.

She has a tattoo of Selu, a Cherokee corn goddess and in 2016 told a New Zealand conference: “I grew up in the state of Idaho, which is in Pacific Northwest, in the U.S.

Last year, Rae found herself enmeshed in a high-profile “Pretendian” involving the Academy’s apology to Sacheen Littlefeather. In 1973, Marlon Brando declined his Oscar sending Littlefeather in his place to accept the award. Littlefeather was blacklisted in Hollywood as a result of the stunt.


Rae was thanked by the Academy for helping to negotiate a formal letter of apology. 

 Littlefeather died in October 2022 and her sisters Rosalind Cruz and Trudy Orlandi, said Littlefeather wasn’t Native at all.

The sisters told the San Francisco Chronicle “It’s a lie,” said Orlandi. “My father was who he was. His family came from Mexico. And my dad was born in Oxnard.”

Perhaps for her next project, Rae can consider a biopic of Elizabeth Warren.



















Report: Transgender Woman Left in Tears After TSA Agent Hits ‘Her’ Testicles at JFK Airport




Report: Transgender Woman Left in Tears After TSA Agent Hits ‘Her’ Testicles at JFK Airport






A transgender woman who claimed he was punched in the testicles by a TSA agent who then reportedly yelled at ‘her’ for having a penis has demanded the removal of airport TSA screenings, the Daily Mail reported.

After the incident, the trans woman shared a now-deleted selfie of himself crying in a bathroom stall and saying ‘her’ “balls still hurt so bad.”

“I don’t want the TSA agent that hurt me fired,” he said in a post. “I want her educated and the entirety of TSA abolished altogether.”

He claimed the female agent ‘humiliated’ him in the airport security check line, followed him into the women’s restroom, and then talked about the incident with a coworker while he cried in a cubicle.


 Source: Daily Mail


Daily Mail reported:

After the accusations were posted to social media, the airport said they were investigating the incident.

‘We apologize again for your experience,’ it said in response on Twitter. ‘Your comments have been noted and shared.’

The transgender flyer’s decision to rush to the airport stall, and accusation that the TSA agent took issue with it, comes over seven years after New York passed a law to allow a person of any gender to use any bathroom of their choosing.

Similar laws are also in effect in several other states, including North Carolina, California and Nevada.

A law passed in 2021 also saw Americans allowed to legally change their gender on their passports, without the need for medical documents.

However, that same year, another TSA row erupted when a transgender woman hit out at screenings for being ‘transphobic’ after an ‘anomaly’ was detected between her legs that ‘set off the alarm’.


While Rosalynne Montoya was moving through the security, a TSA officer reportedly pressed a button designating her as a woman – triggering the alarm when she walked through the body scanner.

‘Can we talk about how horrible it is to travel while being transgender sometimes? I always have immense anxiety leading up to going through security,’ she explained.

After being flagged by the security system, she called on the TSA to ‘remove the gender settings from their scanners’ to cater to transgender people.

















Friday, March 24, 2023

Buck up and be an Adult....



YOUR house YOUR rules

YOUR kids YOUR rules

YOUR body YOU decide (vaccine)

YOUR Rights YOUR rights


Darn it....why do YOU allow someone to TELLYOU

and YOUR family what YOU are going to do? 

What is making conservatives and Republicians to all of a sudden change their thinking? Oh wait... are they vaccinated LOL.



Look at the Gov of Florida.... he is turning on everyone.

Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer Funded CCP Battery Plant in Big Rapids for More Than $700 Million in Taxpayer Funds.



 (you can view the video at the link above BUT read below first for all the details. This is YOUR money people !!!!)


Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer Funded CCP Battery Plant in Big Rapids for More Than $700 Million in Taxpayer Funds



Elections have consequences.  Stolen elections have dire consequences.

Michigan’s state legislature, for the first time in over 21 years, is comprised of a democrat majority in all three branches of government.  The democrats control the Secretary of State’s office as well as the Attorney General’s, despite AG Dana Nessel being booed off stage at an arts and music festival in a heavily democrat Biden +12 district.

These communist sympathizers do not care about optics, polls, or even elections.  They control the entire system and if you dare question it, they will be sure to sic their law enforcement authorities on you.

Now, the Democrat controlled state is openly showing their allegiance to the Chinese communists and utter disdain for American innovation.  Earlier this month, the Democrat legislature passed a bill that would fund an electric vehicle manufacturing plant in Big Rapids, MI owned by Chinese subsidiary, Gotion, Inc., based in Fremont, CA.


The Speaker Pro-Tempore Rep. Laurie Pohutsky suspended Rule 42, which would have required the bill to be held for one day, despite a voice vote that clearly was in favor of the “nays.” In the video below posted by William Bailey who famously sued Antrim Co. and obtained forensic images of the Dominion Voting machines only to have his case abruptly dismissed just as they were to obtain internet router information in discovery, you can hear several lawmakers offer amendments to ensure taxpayer money is not used to fund CCP subsidiaries.

 Last night, former Michigan gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon joined Tucker Carlson to discuss this:



They won't copy for me sorry












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