Thursday, March 30, 2023

SICK: Biden’s “Transgender Day of Visibility” Proclamation Mentions Gay Colorado Nightclub Mass Shooting, Ignores Christian Nashville School Attack by Transgender Shooter and “Transgender Day of Vengeance”



SICK: Biden’s “Transgender Day of Visibility” Proclamation Mentions Gay Colorado Nightclub Mass Shooting, Ignores Christian Nashville School Attack by Transgender Shooter and “Transgender Day of Vengeance”



Devout Catholic Joe Biden released a lengthy statement Thursday proclaiming “Transgender Day of Visibility” that mentioned last year’s mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Colorado but failed to address the mass shooting at a Christian school on Nashville this week nor the planned Transgender Day of Vengeance” protests planned for this weekend.

Biden’s statement also reiterates his support for child mutilation and chemical castration in so-called “gender-affirming care” that is actually life altering sex-change surgery and hormone treatment for children.

Current Biden official transgender Admiral Richard “Rachel” Levine and accused luggage thief former Biden official non-binary Sam Brinton.

The gay nightclub Club Q in Colorado Springs was targeted by non-binary shooter Anderson Lee Aldrich, 22, in an attack on November 19, 2022 that killed five and injured 25. Aldrich was taken into custody after being violently subdued by club customers.

The Covenant School in Nashville, run by the Covenant Presbyterian Church, was attacked on Monday by former student Audrey Hale, 28, who was a transgender who called herself Aiden. Three 9-year-old children and three adult staff members were killed in the attack. Hale was killed by police at the scene.

Transgender Day of Vengeance promotional poster graphic that went viral this week calls for a protest at the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. on Friday:

Biden’s proclamation:

Transgender Day of Visibility celebrates the joy, strength, and absolute courage of some of the bravest people I know — people who have too often had to put their jobs, relationships, and lives on the line just to be their true selves. Today, we show millions of transgender and nonbinary Americans that we see them, they belong, and they should be treated with dignity and respect. Their courage has given countless others strength, but no one should have to be brave just to be themselves. Every American deserves that freedom.

Transgender Americans shape our Nation’s soul — proudly serving in the military, curing deadly diseases, holding elected office, running thriving businesses, fighting for justice, raising families, and much more. As kids, they deserve what every child deserves: the chance to learn in safe and supportive schools, to develop meaningful friendships, and to live openly and honestly. As adults, they deserve the same rights enjoyed by every American, including equal access to health care, housing, and jobs and the chance to age with grace as senior citizens. But today, too many transgender Americans are still denied those rights and freedoms. A wave of discriminatory State laws is targeting transgender youth, terrifying families and hurting kids who are not hurting anyone. An epidemic of violence against transgender women and girls, in particular women and girls of color, has taken lives far too soon. Last year’s Club Q shooting in Colorado was another painful example of this kind of violence — a stain on the conscience of our Nation.

My Administration has fought to end these injustices from day one, working to ensure that transgender people and the entire LGBTQI+ community can live openly and safely. On my first day as President, I issued an Executive Order directing the Federal Government to root out discrimination against LGBTQI+ people and their families. We have appointed a record number of openly LGBTQI+ leaders, and I was proud to rescind the ban on openly transgender people serving in the military. We are also working to make public spaces and travel more accessible, including with more inclusive gender markers on United States passports. We are improving access to public services and entitlements like Social Security. We are cracking down on discrimination in housing and education. And last December, I signed the Respect for Marriage Act into law, ensuring that every American can marry the person they love and have that marriage accepted, period.

Meanwhile, we are also working to ease the tremendous strain that discrimination, bullying, and harassment can put on transgender children — more than half of whom seriously considered suicide in the last year. The Department of Education is, for example, helping ensure that transgender students have equal opportunities to learn and thrive at school, and the Department of Justice is pushing back against extreme laws that seek to ban evidence-based gender-affirming health care.


There is much more to do. I continue to call on the Congress to finally pass the Equality Act and extend long-overdue civil rights protections to all LGBTQI+ Americans to ensure they can live with safety and dignity. Together, we also have to keep challenging the hundreds of hateful State laws that have been introduced across the country, making sure every child knows that they are made in the image of God, that they are loved, and that we are standing up for them.

America is founded on the idea that all people are created equal and deserve to be treated equally throughout their lives. We have never fully lived up to that, but we have never walked away from it either. Today, as we celebrate transgender people, we also celebrate every American’s fundamental right to be themselves, bringing us closer to realizing America’s full promise.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2023, as Transgender Day of Visibility. I call upon all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination against all transgender, gender nonconforming, and nonbinary people.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of March, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-seventh.


























BLOODY HORROR: Bystanders Videotape Father Stabbed to Death Inside Starbucks in Front of 3-Yr-Old Daughter For Asking Attacker to Stop Vaping Near His Child




 (USE_LESS pieces of CRAP that can't and wont help. Karma is a B!TCH !!!)


BLOODY HORROR: Bystanders Videotape Father Stabbed to Death Inside Starbucks in Front of 3-Yr-Old Daughter For Asking Attacker to Stop Vaping Near His Child


On Sunday, a 37-year-old father was stabbed to death in front of his child and fiancée outside of a Starbucks in Vancouver after asking a man to stop vaping near his child.

100 Percent Fed Up reports – At around 5:30 pm, Paul Stanley Schmidt and his 3-year-old daughter Erica were waiting outside a Starbucks while Schmidt’s fiancée, Ashley Umali, was inside the coffee shop getting drinks.

A man, later identified as 32-year-old Inderdeep Singh Gosa, was vaping near the father and daughter. Schmidt reportedly asked Gosa to stop vaping in front of his daughter, and in response, Gosa brutally attacked Schmidt, stabbing him to death with a knife.

Erica and Ashley watched in horror as their loving father and fiancée was stabbed and fell to the ground in a pool of his blood, a moment that was caught on camera by a nearby observer.

In the video, absolutely no one jumps in to help Schmidt as he bleeds out on the pavement. The attacker went inside the Starbucks, watching his victim die through the window.



People stood around on their phones, not calling the police, not reacting. One man in the background of the video sits at an outdoor table sipping his coffee while watching this horrific scene play out.

Schmidt’s stepsister, Jessica Foxx Foto, posted to Schmidt’s Facebook page, urging people not to watch or share the video of her brother’s murder taken by the bystander.

“Someone took my brother’s life yesterday, and another person filmed it (do NOT watch) instead of calling the police, and worse off, posted it on social media very clearly for views,” wrote Foto.

Vancouver Police and Mayor Ken Sim also implored the public to stop reposting the graphic video.

“Our hearts go out to Mr. Schmidet and his family – out of respect for them and their loss, please refrain from sharing graphic images or videos of the incident on social media,” Sim posted on Twitter.

Paul Schmidt with his fiancée and 3-year-old daughter

In a statement to the Vancouver Sun, Schmidt’s mother, Kathy Schmidt, said, “This is so horribly wrong what happened. He was just trying to protect his daughter. I’m angry, and I’m sad.”


 32-year-old Inderdeep Singh Gosa

 Grab shows the moment a suspect was arrested following the killing of Mr Schmidt











(READ THIS ) Democrat Kathleen Clark BLASTS “Politicians and Preachers” and “Right Wing Extremists” for Cruelty to Transgenders After Wicked Transgender Guns Down Kids at School – Forgets to Mention Her Son Is Violent Trans Antifa Felon








Democrat Kathleen Clark BLASTS “Politicians and Preachers” and “Right Wing Extremists” for Cruelty to Transgenders After Wicked Transgender Guns Down Kids at School – Forgets to Mention Her Son Is Violent Trans Antifa Felon






On Tuesday, one day after the horrific massacre of 6 Christians including three young children at a Christian school in Nashville, Democrat Rep. Kathleen Clark took to the House floor.

Rep. Clark proceeded to tear into Republicans “politicians and preachers” and “right-wing extremists” for their cruelty to trans people.

Republicans in several states have passed laws banning the transitioning of children. This infuriates the left. They think parents have the right to rip out the sex organs of their children at any age. It is a ghoulish practice.



Here is Rep. Clark on Tuesday after the Nashville mass shooting.

Of course, Clark forgot to mention that her violent trans son was arrested for vandalizing public property and assaulting a police officer.

In January, the son of Democratic House Minority Whip Katherine Clark (D-MA 5th District) was arrested on charges of vandalizing private property and assaulting an officer while resisting arrest during an Antifa riot in Boston, Massachusetts, Post Millenial reported.

Her child is trans.

The Boston Police Department said in a news release that the suspect was identified as Jared Dowell, 23, of Melrose.

Dowell was placed under arrest and charged with; Assault by Means of a Dangerous Weapon, Destruction or Injury of Personal Property and Damage of Property by Graffiti/Tagging.


No doubt, Rep. Clark’s son won’t spend two years in prison before trial like a Trump supporter.



UPDATE: Democrat House Minority Whip Katherine Clark’s Son Arrested for Assaulting Police during Boston Antifa Protest – Rep. Clark Issues Statement

Continue reading 


 No doubt, Rep. Clark’s son won’t spend two years in prison before trial like a Trump supporter.






















REVEALED: Group Behind Trans “Day of Vengeance” Raised Money for Firearms Training – Vile Trans Activists Pose with Massive Firearms Threatening Christians Ahead of Rally at US Supreme Court (PHOTOS)


 (Isn't this inciting a riot?)






REVEALED: Group Behind Trans “Day of Vengeance” Raised Money for Firearms Training – Vile Trans Activists Pose with Massive Firearms Threatening Christians Ahead of Rally at US Supreme Court (PHOTOS)





As Jim Hoft reported, the trans “Day of Vengeance” rallies will take place this weekend at the US Supreme Court despite the shooting Monday at a Christian School in Nashville by a “transgender” terrorist who murdered three adults and three children.

Now we learn the Virginia chapter of the Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN), the organization organizing the rally, raised money to train trans activists.


They held a “dance party fundraiser” in Richmond ostensibly for self-defense training on March 7, before the school shooting happened.

Recent images have also emerged showing radical trans activists posing with massive firearms and issuing threats against peaceful Christians. In one photo, a trans activist poses what the left calls “an assault rifle” and threatens to “kill christc**ks.”

Here’s another. This trans activist declares Audrey Hale, the school shooter, a martyr and also threatens faithful Christians.

It’s almost like they are preparing for war.

Do not count of the corrupt FBI investigating these disturbing individuals, however. They only target conservative protesters and faithful Christians.

The Daily Mail reported:

Despite rising political tensions across the country, which saw a press secretary for Arizona Democrat Governor post a Tweet about shooting transphobes, the Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN) is pushing forward with their protest in DC.

The Virginia chapter of the group held a ‘dance party fundraiser’ in Richmond ‘benefiting firearm/self-defense training for trans-Virginians’ on March 7, before the mass shooting had taken place.

“Come boogie with us and defend trans life!”



But one activist appears to have taken the movement to the next level, posting a picture of a heavily armed person with an assault rifle and threatening to ‘kill christcucks’ – as Twitter removed thousands of posts with flyers for the event.

Twitter has been removing the posts that could be deemed threatening or involve guns associated with the ‘TransDayofVengeance’ hashtag – but it is unclear exactly how many were others posing with weapons as they have since been deleted.

Two other trans activists have since posted footage and photos of themselves with rifles, which appear to be in direct response to the Nashville shooting.

One says that she will use the weapon for ‘protection’ against ‘transphobes’ who target them.

Activists are being encouraged to ‘bring a buddy’ and wear a mask at the event outside of the Supreme Court in DC on April 1, and is billed as avenging a ‘trans genocide.’


























Tuesday, March 28, 2023

The gun did NOT murder, it was the NUT behind the trigger that pulled it. STOP blaming the weapon



STOP blaming the weapon..


It takes a NUT to take it to the crime scene and PULL THE TRIGGER. 


If that gun was still at home locked up....those people would be Alive. 



That NUT is the one to blame.













Sunday, March 26, 2023

Activist Group Says Top Hollywood Producer’s Native American Claims Are Fake




Activist Group Says Top Hollywood Producer’s Native American Claims Are Fake


Heather Rae, Hollywood Producer


The Tribal Alliance Against Fraud (TAFF) has accused a leading Hollywood producer of faking her claims of a Cherokee heritage.

Producer Heather Rae has been a leading voice in Hollywood on Native American culture and serves on the Academy of Motion Pictures’ Indigenous Alliance and was a past head of the Sundance Institute’s Native American program.

TAAF claims she is a Pretendian and is, at best, 1/2048th Cherokee.

In 2020, Rae told Variety, “In these times the world is looking for vision, and Indigenous voices bring that power and authenticity to the screen. I am honored to work in tandem with Bird Runningwater and his visionary curation of talent, and Crystal Echohawk and her groundbreaking organization to energize representation and Native inclusion. We are thrilled by this partnership with Endeavor Content to bring three incredible stories to life and ensure many more to come.”

Her bio at Speakerpedia claims, “As a speaker and social critic Rae is working with both her settler and indigenous heritage to deepen the dialogue of reconciliation and responsibility in the Americas.”

The New York Post reports:

Award-winning Heather Rae, 56, serves on the Academy of Motion Pictures’ Indigenous Alliance, previously headed up the Sundance Institute’s Native American program and claims “my mother was Indian and my father was a cowboy.” Multiple prior news reports have also cited her as having a Cherokee mother.

But a watchdog group called the Tribal Alliance Against Frauds is now demanding the Academy and the producer drop her “false claims” while activists insist she’s at best 1/2048th Cherokee.

The group accuses her of profiting from usurping “real American Indian voices and perspectives” and being a fraudulent so-called “Pretendian.”


Rae, who was born in California and brought up in Idaho, is best known for “Frozen River.” It won both Sundance and an Independent Spirit Award, and was Oscar nominated.

In 2009, Variety named her as a top visionary while noting her half-Cherokee roots.

Over the years, she has burnished her credentials, which center on a claim that her mother, Barbara Riggs, was Cherokee.

She has a tattoo of Selu, a Cherokee corn goddess and in 2016 told a New Zealand conference: “I grew up in the state of Idaho, which is in Pacific Northwest, in the U.S.

Last year, Rae found herself enmeshed in a high-profile “Pretendian” involving the Academy’s apology to Sacheen Littlefeather. In 1973, Marlon Brando declined his Oscar sending Littlefeather in his place to accept the award. Littlefeather was blacklisted in Hollywood as a result of the stunt.

Rae was thanked by the Academy for helping to negotiate a formal letter of apology. 

 Littlefeather died in October 2022 and her sisters Rosalind Cruz and Trudy Orlandi, said Littlefeather wasn’t Native at all.

The sisters told the San Francisco Chronicle “It’s a lie,” said Orlandi. “My father was who he was. His family came from Mexico. And my dad was born in Oxnard.”

Perhaps for her next project, Rae can consider a biopic of Elizabeth Warren.
















