Monday, July 3, 2023

Just because they are a Celeb or someone on TV. It does NOT mean they are correct and stating facts or have more common sense than you.




Don't let them bully you or try to tell you that what they say is true.

It doesn't matter their race.... it doesn't mean that they know what is good for YOU.


YOU are strong and love your family!


Do your own research (weeks and months NOT minutes).

You are NOT dumb... YOU decide!










Start paying your own bills... If you can't afford it...don't get it. Stop being LAZY !



Try being an adult and pay your own bills.


You don't pay mine....I'm NOT paying yours.

Get off your butt and get a job ( or two jobs like we did to pay our debts) 


 stop getting loans

stop renting cars

stop buying personal grooming items 

stop buying designer crap






Sunday, July 2, 2023

Biden Regime Considering a Dangerous Plan That Would BLOCK THE SUN In Order to “Rapidly” Cool the Earth



Biden Regime Considering a Dangerous Plan That Would BLOCK THE SUN In Order to “Rapidly” Cool the Earth

Credit: New York Times

The Biden regime is open to letting potentially millions of people and animals die if it means cooling the earth by a few degrees.

The Daily Mail revealed that Regime officials released a report Friday suggested blocking sunlight to rapidly cool the Earth. This is a process known as solar radiation modification (SRM) or solar geoengineering.

The terrifying report notes several ways the Regime could look to achieve solar geoengineering, all of which have a high likelihood of disaster.

As The Daily Mail notes one method would be to significantly increase the amount of aerosols in the stratosphere, which would reflect the sun’s rays from the planet. The Gateway Pundit revealed in December that a company called Make Sunsets has successfully launched weather balloons from Mexico that may have released sulfur particles into the atmosphere.

The report floats other ideas such as increasing cloud coverage over oceans, or reducing cirrus cloud formations, which reflect solar radiation back to the Earth as noted by the Daily Mail. George Soros suggested a similar idea back in February.

The report glowingly claims that “SRM offers the possibility of cooling the planet significantly on a timescale of a few years.”

The Biden regime called the report promising and said research into this practice would “enable better-informed decisions about the potential risks and benefits’ of blocking the sun.”

As the Gateway Pundit has previously reported, there are no benefits to this type of research. The perils of solar geoengineering, however, are profound and could lead to a massive number of deaths.

One study shows that this type of engineering could endanger wildlife. Implementing and failing to sustain this technology would leave species around the world unable to cope with the changing conditions, causing mass extinction.

Solar geoengineering could also lead to global starvation. According to the website DowntoEarth, releasing man-made clouds into the atmosphere above the Arctic, for example, would have catastrophic consequences. This would disrupt the monsoons in Asia and increase droughts, particularly in Africa, endangering both food and water sources for two billion people.

An even more terrifying truth is that solar geoengineering is a relatively cheap technology. One country could fully fund and implement this technology on its own.

Just try to imagine China, for example, possessing this power. The communist dictatorship would not hesitate to use this technology as a weapon to accomplish their geopolitical goals if necessary and as a self-defense mechanism.

Because one country could have the potential to alter the climate and potentially kill millions of people, this might lead to World War III. A new global war with nuclear weapons exchanged would finish off the life on Earth that solar geoengineering misses.

Yet the Regime is so beholden to the global warming cult they are flirting with implementing this deadly technology.


Some sites are fusing to make this site a clickable link so I will


click here.... yahoo seems to forget to make links for those on the other side of the isle. 


Sick and tired of all the "ONE SIDED" crap.

Everyone yells "Equality" but NEVER practices it themselves.

 Practice what you preach people!!!!! 

YOU are the reason that this country is separated.





Tragic News: Actress Succumbs to Assisted Suicide Following Covid-19 Booster Injuries


Tragic News: Actress Succumbs to Assisted Suicide Following Covid-19 Booster Injuries

Source: Katerina Pavelek/Instagram

Katarina Pavelek, a Slovakian actress known for her work on Fox Sports Live (2013), The Mindy Project (2012), and Marry Me (2014), died earlier this month in Liestal, Switzerland following an assisted suicide.

The model and actress had received her Covid-19 booster shot a year ago, which she believed would enhance her immune system.

Tragically, Pavelek experienced significant health deterioration thereafter, according to Evie Magazine.

The outlet reported:

Like most people, Pavelek thought the jab would improve her immune system – instead, it did the opposite, and she suffered heavily as a result.

Pavelek was diagnosed with an incurable chronic neurological illness known as myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), a long-term illness with a wide range of symptoms that affects daily activities. At times, this condition may confine people to their beds. ME/CFS can worsen if individuals with this illness overwork themselves. The model was also suspected to have respiratory ALS, a neurodegenerative disorder that weakens the muscles involved in breathing and swallowing.

According to CDC, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a disabling and complex illness. People with ME/CFS are often not able to do their usual activities. At times, ME/CFS may confine them to bed. People with ME/CFS have overwhelming fatigue that is not improved by rest. ME/CFS may get worse after any activity, whether it’s physical or mental.

People with ME/CFS may not look ill. However,

  • People with ME/CFS are not able to function the same way they did before they became ill.
  • ME/CFS changes people’s ability to do daily tasks, like taking a shower or preparing a meal.
  • ME/CFS often makes it hard to keep a job, go to school, and take part in family and social life.
  • ME/CFS can last for years and sometimes leads to serious disability.
  • At least one in four ME/CFS patients is bed- or house-bound for long periods during their illness.

Pavelek publicly addressed her thousands of followers on Instagram on June 1, 2023, announcing her heartbreaking decision to end her life due to the severity of her illness.

“Hi guys, over last 10 days I became severely ill again homebound unable to do much. My body is too weak to fight this illness and I have no more strength so I made decision to end my life at Pegasos association in Switzerland. I was diagnosed with untreatable chronic neurological illness,” Pavelek wrote.

“ME/CFS caused by booster jab on top of having suspected respiratory ALS. This illness made me disabled, unable to work or have social life and unable to enjoy life all together. Breathing have become more and more difficult and painful for me and my lung function has been declining. Thank you for all your friendship and support over last year,” she added.

Pavelek expressed her belief that the booster jab she had received had been the catalyst for her deteriorating health.

“The booster jab I received over year ago destroyed my health, my body and my life completely. There is no other way to end my suffering other than the decision I made,” she concluded.

Pavelek’s experience is not isolated. She is one of the millions who have reported adverse reactions following the administration of the experimental Covid-19 vaccine.

Rest in peace.


Saturday, July 1, 2023

Bodybuilder Jo Linder Passes Away at 30 from Aneurysm – Alleges Heavy Metal Found in his Blood During His Routine Blood Work After Receiving 4 Jabs


Bodybuilder Jo Linder Passes Away at 30 from Aneurysm – Alleges Heavy Metal Found in his Blood During His Routine Blood Work After Receiving 4 Jabs (VIDEO)

Source: Jo Linder/Instagram

Jo Lindner, a German bodybuilding icon and a beloved YouTube influencer known by his online alias “Joesthetics,” tragically passed away. He was 30.

Jo Lindner was a celebrated bodybuilder who rose to global fame through his online content. Known for his impressive physique and commitment to fitness, Jo amassed a massive following on social platforms, with almost a million subscribers on YouTube and 8.4 million followers on Instagram.

In a heartrending Instagram post, Jo’s devastated girlfriend, Nicha, revealed that Jo had passed away while cuddling her. This tragic event occurred just after Jo had gifted her a custom-made necklace, a significant memory that Nicha would carry with her forever.

She described his passing as happening too quickly to comprehend and expressed regret that they hadn’t understood the seriousness of his neck pain until it was too late.

“Yesterday his past away by aneurysm,” Nicha wrote on her Instagram.

“I was there with him in the room.. he put on the necklace in my neck that he made for me – we was just lay down cuddle..waiting the time to go meet Noel at the gym at 16.00,” she added.

“He was in my arms.. than this is just happening too fast.. 3 days ago he kept said that he pain his neck .. we not really realize it… until it too late,” Nicha said.

According to reports, the famous bodybuilder died from aneurysm.

According to American Heart Association, an aneurysm occurs when part of an artery wall weakens, allowing it to abnormally balloon out or widen.

The causes of aneurysms are sometimes unknown. Some people are born with them. They can also be hereditary. Aortic disease or an injury may also cause an aneurysm.

Jo Linder interview with Bradley Martyn (Source: Bradley Martyn/Youtube)

In a shocking revelation made just three weeks prior to his death, Jo Linder had an insightful discussion with renowned fitness guru and social media influencer, Bradley Martyn.

The two discussed teenage substance abuse, thoughts on America, and the fitness industry.

A focal point of their dialogue was on vaccination, with Martyn inquiring if Linder had received the vaccine. Linder jokingly replied that he had received the “wax,” indicating he had indeed been vaccinated. He claimed he got peer pressured into the vax.

“I got the wax… Even four,” Linder reported.

Linder further elaborated on his experiences following vaccination, delving into the controversial topic of potential vaccine side effects. He mentioned undergoing plasma fluorosis, a process that involves the removal of heavy metals from the blood. The fitness enthusiast was worried about strange particles he had noticed in his blood following the procedure.

“Oh my God, this comes into weird controversy, conspiracy theory because I did blood cleaning twice,” Linder revealed. “After all this, I did a plasma fluorosis – taking out heavy metals and all that stuff. I did all this. I don’t know if this is too controversial, probably to say this.”

“I went to the doctor, and I did my blood work again because I take my blood work all the time. And then I show it to the doctor and we kind of see these particles and I’m like, what is this?”

“This is from this [vaccine],” Linder said. “And then I show it to another of my friends and there’s all kind of hidden websites that you can get to, but it’s like the dark media kind of and there’s even more conspiracies.”

Martyn couldn’t believe what he just heard, saying, “This is crazy as f-k. Because I know you’re the kind of guy who for sure you got your blood work all the time, and then you tell him you got the thing, and then you got your blood work. And then it was f-king crazy.”

Linder revealed he underwent plasma fluorosis to clean his blood.

“They take all your blood out, put it into this machine, and then clean it and bring it back. So we did this with the heavy metal cleaning and all this stuff, which supposedly cleaned my blood,” Linder said.

Linder also revealed he did D-dimer, a protein fragment from the breakdown of a blood clot.

“My d-dimer was this, and then after all this [plasma fluorosis], it was dead,” Linde said.

He said he did this program twice in six months period.

“I was so shocked. And the doctor was like, you need to do it, man, if you want to survive after you took these shots.”


Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft's articles here.


Caught on Video: Trans ‘Woman’ with Erect Penis Allegedly Photographs Women in Women’s Restroom


Caught on Video: Trans ‘Woman’ with Erect Penis Allegedly Photographs Women in Women’s Restroom



In an incident that incites repulsion and demands urgent action, a video recently surfaced from Burlington, Massachusetts, showing a transgender ‘woman’ with an erect penis waiting to use a cubicle in a women’s restroom.

The individual in question, caught on camera, is seen glancing toward women who can be heard in the background. He then shifts his camera, seemingly preparing to take a covert photo of the women present.

This grotesque action by the transgender woman is profoundly disturbing and raises serious concerns about the safety and comfort of all biological women using public restrooms.


The current law in Massachusetts protects the rights of transgender people to use the restroom that corresponds with their gender identity.

“Acts of 2016 Chapter 134 gives transgender people the right to use restrooms or locker rooms consistent with their gender identities, and includes language to provide “legal action [against] any person whose assertion of a gender identity is for an improper purpose,” according to the state’s official website.

However, this incident starkly highlights a disturbing misuse of those rights. The shocking incident in Burlington has underscored the necessity of revisiting the design and management of public restroom facilities.

If you have more information on the video, please get in touch with us at