Thursday, July 6, 2023

Officials say accused Philadelphia shooter Kimbrady Carricker is not transgender, despite online photos



 (See photos in my post a few down)



Officials say accused Philadelphia shooter Kimbrady Carricker is not transgender, despite online photos

Officials used they/them pronouns for Carricker while denying that he was trans




Philadelphia officials say the alleged attacker in Monday's deadly mass shooting is not transgender despite online photos that appear to show him wearing women's clothing.

Asa Khalif, who serves on the Philadelphia DA's LGBTQ advisory committee, condemned the "conservative press" for "nasty, violent" speculation surrounding Kimbrady Carricker's gender identity. Carricker, 40, is biologically male.

"The suspect has not identified themselves as trans. They have only identified themselves as male," Khalif told reporters Wednesday. "But the language spewed out by the conservative press is violent and is dangerous, and it’s targeting trans women of color. It’s rallying the community to be violent, and we’re better than that."

"There are certain pictures that are circulating. Some of you may be aware of those pictures [showing] the shooter in one picture as male and other pictures dressed in female attire. [Conservatives] have used those pictures to attack trans people and particularly trans women of color," he added.

Philadelphia mass shooting suspect

Philadelphia officials say the alleged attacker in Monday's deadly mass shooting is not transgender, despite online photos that appear to show him wearing women's clothing. (AP)

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., was among those speculating about Carricker's gender. She shared a report about the alleged attacker that included one of the photos and added the caption, "another trans shooter."

Police walking

Philadelphia police found five people killed in a Monday mass shooting. Authorities later arrested Kimbrady Carricker as the suspect in the attack. (Yong Kim/The Philadelphia Inquirer via AP)

Other conservatives joined in adopting the conclusion that Carricker is transgender, including commentator Robby Starbuck.

"Keep in mind that Democrats want you to let the trans Philadelphia mass shooter into the bathroom with your wife and daughters," he wrote above a report about Carricker's arrest.

Khalif did not offer an explanation for why Carricker shared pictures of himself in women's clothing, sticking only to the fact that he has "not identified themselves as trans."

The Philadelphia DA's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment on why Khalif had used they/them pronouns for Carricker despite saying he identified as male.

DA Larry Krasner says Carriker arrived to the scene of the shooting ready for a prolonged gunfight. He had an AR-15 style rifle, a handgun, a scanner for monitoring police traffic and a ballistic vest.

District Attorney Larry Krasner listens to community members

District Attorney Larry Krasner listens to community members as investigations are ongoing the day after a mass shooting in the Kingsessing section of southwest Philadelphia, July 4, 2023. (Reuters/Bastiaan Slabbers)

Krasner said that despite Carriker's preparation, the attack was a "random, premeditated deliberate killing carried out with an assault rifle."

The five deceased victims are Daujan Brown, 15; Joseph Wamah, Jr., 31; Lashyd Merritt, 20; Dymir Stanton, 29; and Ralph Moralis, 59. Multiple children were also injured by the gunfire, including a 2-year-old who was shot four times in the legs.





Largest Teachers Union in America Recommends Illustrative Pornography Book “Gender Queer” and “White Fragility” for Educators




 (Your children or Grandchildren are going to read MANY books like this and this is WHAT they will be dare you sit there and let it happen.)


Largest Teachers Union in America Recommends Illustrative Pornography Book “Gender Queer” and “White Fragility” for Educators

As President Trump announces that he would cut federal funding to any school that is pushing “critical race theory, transgender insanity or any other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content on our children,” the largest teachers union in the country has added the controversial book “Gender Queer” and “White Fragility” to their recommended summer reading for educators.

The National Education Association (NEA) recommended two books, among others, be added to their “Great Summer Reads for Educators”, with the by-line “Stretch out on a beach (or in your backyard), slather on your sunscreen, and dive into these summer reading recommendations from NEA today.”  The book “Gender Queer” is de facto “how-to” manual on sexual acts complete with photographic depictions of minors as cartoon figures performing oral sex and other sexual acts on each other.  From the NEA website:

According to the New York Post:

The National Education Association (NEA) on Monday recommended that teachers include the controversial book “Gender Queer” on their summer reading lists.

The book was featured in the NEA’s “Great Summer Reads for Educators!” list that showcased 11 books.

Among those books are “White Fragility,” a book that insists that White Americans use anger, shame and guilt to avoid taking responsibility for racial inequality.

Other sections included “books to help you forget about work” and “books to celebrate or help you understand Juneteenth.”

While this example isn’t explicitly for students, but rather the teachers themselves, The Gateway Pundit has been reporting on the books popping up in public schools across the country, including a book titled “This Book is Gay” that teaches children how to sign up for a sex app.  A teacher in North Carolina had the book in her “in-classroom student library” but claimed the book was “brought into the classroom without intent of allowing children access.”  The book was assigned by a teacher as a “book tasting” in September 2020 in North Carolina’s Jay M. Robinson Middle School.

In April, former “First Daughter” Chelsea Clinton tweeted support for such books, saying “bans such as these are nothing but harmful.”  Twitter added context to her Tweet saying “‘Gender Queer’, the book shown in the photo, features sexually explicit material.  This book contains visual depictions of oral sex, masturbation and adult sexual content with a minor.”

A Rasmussen survey from September 2022 showed that “89% of likely U.S. voters think it is important that public schools fully inform parents about what is being taught to their children in classrooms, including 70% whos ay it is Very Important.  Sixty-nine percent of voters believe books containing explicit sexual depictions of sex actsshould not be present in public high school libraries.”  That number skyrockets to 79% and 85% for middle schools and elementary schools.

Note the adult male in the top left of the frame that is covering his ears during this parent’s reading of “This Book is Gay” at a North Carolina public meeting:














Can’t Make This Up… Twitter and Facebook Censor Gateway Pundit Post on Historic MO v. Biden Free Speech Ruling on Censorship with Gateway Pundit as Plaintiff


 (Site above has stories with proof and stories that they are trying to HIDE FROM YOU....go read)



Can’t Make This Up… Twitter and Facebook Censor Gateway Pundit Post on Historic MO v. Biden Free Speech Ruling on Censorship with Gateway Pundit as Plaintiff


On Independence Day Judge Terry Alvin Doughty from Louisiana issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting DHS, FBI, DOJ, and other Biden administration agencies from continuing its government-wide, fascist conspiracy with Big Tech to censor speech and manipulate the public.

The Biden regime was spending MILLIONS to shut down conservative voices and social media accounts and control speech in the United States. This is an obvious abuse of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

Democrats were outraged at the ruling, angry that the government would be unable to silence alternative voices in the public square.

US District Court Judge Terry Doughty, a Trump appointee who still honors the US Constitution, accused the Biden Regime of violating the First Amendment by censoring unfavorable views in a blistering 155-page opinion.

The judge called the Biden Regime’s efforts “Orwellian.”

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, a period perhaps best characterized by widespread doubt and uncertainty, the United States Government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth,’” Judge Doughty wrote.

Judge Doughty blasted the Biden Regime and said the censorship of conservative views is “quite telling.”

“This targeted suppression of conservative ideas is a perfect example of viewpoint discrimination of political speech,” he continued. “American citizens have the right to engage in free debate about the significant issues affecting the country … the evidence produced thus far depicts an almost dystopian scenario.”

In Judge Terry Doughty’s ruling he included this on The Gateway Pundit: “The GP’s Twitter account previously had over 400,000 followers, the Facebook account had over 650,000 followers, the Instagram account had over 200,000 followers, and the YouTube account had over 98,000 followers.”

Following this historic announcement on Tuesday The Gateway Pundit posted the story on social media.

Here are the results:

On Twitter, despite having 575,000 followers the tweet was limited in its reach. The elites at Twitter only allowed 138 retweets and 375 likes — with an audience of 575,000!

And on Facebook, with 646,000 followers the post was censored and only seen by 1,300 individuals with engagement by 263 and 16 comments.

It wasn’t that long ago that The Gateway Pundit was one of the top four influential conservative websites on Twitter and Facebook. After years of censorship by the Industrial Censorship Complex, we barely see a blip in social media traffic.

if you thought the tech giants would lift the shackles on a report on Big Tech-government censorship you would be mistaken.

Around the Web


I hope that ANYONE that invades the privacy of others has the same done to them and family






You are a LOW LIFE piece of crap !!


Mind your own business. 

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Bat-wielding kids attack San Francisco moms, nannies outside school in wealthy neighborhood


 (Parents want to be friends instead of a PARENT.)








Bat-wielding kids attack San Francisco moms, nannies outside school in wealthy neighborhood

Member of San Francisco Board of Supervisors pointed finger at 'erratic' schooling during pandemic



Children wielding baseball bats are reportedly attacking and robbing helpless mothers and nannies in a wealthy San Francisco neighborhood known for its young families.

Noe Valley, which is also known locally as "stroller alley" because of the many families with young children who live there, experienced 11 phone robberies last week, which authorities believe are linked to a gang of youths who have also lately been assaulting women with bats while they pick up their kids from school, according to the Telegraph.

Two women were reportedly assaulted in the neighborhood last week by a youth who allegedly hit one of the women with a baseball bat and the other one in the face.

Police reportedly arrested a minor last week related to the phone thefts and are continuing to investigate.

Fox News Digital has reached out to the San Francisco Police Department for comment.

Noe Valley neighborhood in San Francisco

Mothers and nannies in a posh San Francisco neighborhood known for young families are reportedly being targeted for phone thefts by baseball bat-wielding youths. (Josie Norris/San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Images)

Rafael Mandelman, a member of the city's governing San Francisco Board of Supervisors, attributed the crime among children in the city in part to the upending they experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Telegraph.

"I think, what happened with kids not being in school, I think there may be something going on with that, that we’re going to be experiencing for a while," he said.

"Those couple of years [when] school was erratic or nonexistent, where everyone was under stress, parents and caregivers were under stress. That was probably impacting vulnerable communities more anyway. Sociologically. Who knows what was going on, but I would not be surprised if we are going to be experiencing the lingering impacts of that for a generation," Mandelman added.

Golden Gate Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California (iStock)

Violent crimes such as rapes and assaults have remained relatively stable in San Francisco over the last four years, according to recent data, while murders have increased slightly. Property crimes, on the other hand, have risen sharply since 2019.

"Crime is worse than the data shows," Charles "Cully" Stimson, Heritage Foundation senior legal fellow and former prosecutor in San Francisco, told Fox News Digital earlier this year.

Homeless man in San Francisco

A homeless man is seen on a sidewalk in Tenderloin district of San Francisco on Dec. 28, 2022. (Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

"People do not report these crimes because when you have a DA who's pro criminal and not going to enforce the law, the cops aren't going to go out and arrest somebody when they know the case is going to be no papered," Stimson said.


BREAKING: Independence Day Victory for Free Speech – Trump-Appointed Judge Grants Preliminary Injunction Prohibiting DHS, FBI, DOJ, and Other Agencies from Colluding with Big Tech to Censor Americans in MO v. Biden Case – with Gateway Pundit as Lead Plaintiff!



 (Its about time someone had the GUTS to fight for our freedoms)



BREAKING: Independence Day Victory for Free Speech – Trump-Appointed Judge Grants Preliminary Injunction Prohibiting DHS, FBI, DOJ, and Other Agencies from Colluding with Big Tech to Censor Americans in MO v. Biden Case – with Gateway Pundit as Lead Plaintiff!

Monumental Independence Day Verdict! A Trump-appointed federal judge issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting DHS, FBI, DOJ, and other agencies from its government-wide, fascist conspiracy with Big Tech to censor speech and manipulate the public.

Before we delve into the details of this recent development, it’s crucial to trace our steps back and understand the sequence of events that led us to this juncture.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported in May that Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, along with Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry,  filed a lawsuit (Missouri v. Biden) against the Biden Administration, including Biden himself, Anthony Fauci, the Department of Homeland Security, and nearly a dozen federal agencies and Secretaries.

The suit alleges a massive coordinated effort by the Deep State (permanent administrative state) to work with Big Tech to censor and manipulate Americans – from average citizens to news outlets – on issues including the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell, 2020 Election Integrity, COVID-19 origin and extent skepticism, COVID-19 vaccine skepticism, among other issues.

In June 2022, The Gateway Pundit began assisting Missouri AG Schmitt’s team and providing critical evidence of Facebook and Twitter censorship of the Gateway Pundit on all of these issues. (Read more here.)

The case reached a CRUCIAL turning point in July when AG Schmitt and his team won a huge victory. They persuaded the federal judge to grant them limited discovery (investigatory powers) BEFORE the Court. (Read more here.)

This allowed AG Schmitt to compel the GOVERNMENT AND FACEBOOK AND TWITTER, and a few other social media platforms to turn over documents and communications exchanged between the government and the social media platforms, in which censorship was discussed.

In August 2022, we reported that TGP’s Jim Hoft himself became the lead non-governmental plaintiff in the lawsuit against the government. (Read more here.)

Since then, AG Schmitt’s team has been engaged in a slug-fest with the government and Big Tech to turn over the demanded documents.

Neither the government nor Big Tech wants to disclose the damning evidence against them and they’ve fought like hell to stop the disclosure.

Since that time, numerous government officials including Dr. Tony Fauci have been deposed and testified in the case.

When former Attorney General Eric Schmitt became a sitting US Senator the new Missouri AG Andrew Bailey took over.

Terry A. Doughty, the chief U.S. district judge in the Western District of Louisiana, is overseeing the case. The government is obviously very concerned about this case as it proceeds.

On November 22, 2022, The Government filed a massive MOTION TO DISMISS (the lawsuit).  Subsequently, the Government and States of Missouri and Louisiana and The Gateway Pundit have been battling, in multiple lengthy legal briefs, why the federal court should NOT dismiss our lawsuit.

In support of our efforts to avoid getting knocked out, on MONDAY, March 6, 2023,  Missouri and Louisiana filed a massive summary of the evidence, so far uncovered in the case,  along with a supplemental preliminary injunction brief.

The fact-finding summary is remarkable because it is the most comprehensive summary to date – anywhere – detailing the fascist, government-wide conspiracy with Big Tech to suppress speech and thought during the COVID-19 insanity, the 2020 election, and beyond.

The summary is the most powerful indictment yet of the oligarchy within the federal government’s disgusting campaign to subvert our First Amendment rights and the will of, and manipulate and control, the public. (Read the 364-page documents here.)

On Tuesday, July 4th, 2023 – Judge Doughty issued his Order DENYING the Government’s MOTION TO DISMISS. 


The past year’s legal battle has solely been over Missouri, Louisiana, and Gateway Pundit, et al’s ability or right to prosecute this lawsuit.  The Government’s efforts heretofore have been focused on obfuscating and stonewalling evidence on the one hand, and engaging in numerous tactics to extricate itself from the lawsuit, including through the filing of multiple motions to dismiss and to change venue (that is, to change courts in order to draw a communist judge who favors authoritarian government and widespread governmental censorship.

Now that the Government lost its main effort to crush us, the real war begins.  Having lost this crucial battle, the Government will be compelled to engage in full, “general” discovery.  This means that Missouri, Louisiana, The Gateway Pundit, and the rest of the plaintiffs will be empowered to conduct a wide-ranging investigation into the Government’s fascist conspiracy with Big Tech to shut down speech, censor thought, and engage in population manipulation through information control, in contravention of our First Amendment (Find a Copy of Judge Doughty’s Order Denying the Motion to Dismiss, here.)

On this day, July 4, 2023, a landmark decision emerges in Missouri v. Biden. The federal judge has partially granted an injunction that now prohibits DHS, FBI, DOJ, and numerous other federal agencies from colluding with Big Tech to censor posts on social media.

“IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary Injunction is GRANTED in part and DENIED in part,” said Judge Terry Doughty, United States District Judge.

click above to see all seven pages


San Francisco Reparations Panelist: Straight White Men “A Danger to Society” and ‘Serial Killers’



San Francisco Reparations Panelist: Straight White Men “A Danger to Society” and ‘Serial Killers’

Nikcole Cunningham-Image: SF.Gov

Nikcole Cunningham, a member of San Francisco’s slavery reparations committee, called straight white men a “danger to society” and “serial killers” in a recent interview with The Daily Telegraph.

In the interview, Cunningham says, “Straight white men are abusive. Straight white men are serial killers. They have the most — I watch these shows — the most serial killers. Straight white men are the ones who are shooting up schools, right? So they are a danger to society,” adding, “Not all of them.”

Further, Cunningham suggests white people should be held accountable for the actions of slave owners because they are “still benefiting from the harms that… [their] ancestor[s] caused.”

Cunningham also claimed that “white supremacy is ingrained in the DNA in this country and definitely in this city.”


She slammed white men for not backing reparations.

“They’re not doing that. So if anything, they pose more of a harm than support and help. And then you got to remember their ancestors … are the ones who were standing out here in their Sunday best watching black people hang and burn,” Cunningham told the outlet.

“So until white people come to grips with their ancestry too and make amends with them, to say, I want to be the change,” added Cunningham, who was reportedly appointed to the committee because she is suing the city, her former employer, for discrimination.

The Gateway Pundit reported on the proposal from the San Francisco “Reparations Committee” to pay each longtime black resident $5 million and grant them total debt forgiveness for suffering decades of “systemic repression.”

“While neither San Francisco, nor California, formally adopted the institution of chattel slavery, the tenets of segregation, white supremacy and systematic repression and exclusion of Black people were codified through legal and extralegal actions, social codes, and judicial enforcement,” the proposed draft says.

“A lump sum payment would compensate the affected population for the decades of harms that they have experienced, and will redress the economic and opportunity losses that Black San Franciscans have endured, collectively, as the result of both intentional decisions and unintended harms perpetuated by City policy,” the draft says.

The committee is also proposing the debt forgiveness plan because “Black households are more likely to hold costlier, riskier debt, and are more likely to have outstanding student loan debt.”

Further, committee is also planning to supplement lower-income blacks so they can afford housing.

“Racial disparities across all metrics have led to a significant racial wealth gap in the City of San Francisco,” the draft says. “By elevating income to match AMI, Black people can better afford housing and achieve a better quality of life.”