Wednesday, July 19, 2023

UK Amusement Park Will No Longer Host Pride Events After Drag Queen Simulated Sex Acts in Front of Children




UK Amusement Park Will No Longer Host Pride Events After Drag Queen Simulated Sex Acts in Front of Children

A UK amusement park has announced that they will no longer host Pride celebrations after a drag queen simulated sex acts in front of children during an “all ages” and “family-friendly” event.

Adventure Island in Southend on Sea, Essex, is apologizing to customers after a Ru Paul’s Drag Race UK star used an angle grinder on his crotch as children looked on.

The park claims that it was trying to be “inclusive,” but that it “backfired on them.”

The drag queen at the center of the controversy, Colin Munro, performs under the alias “Crystal” and was wearing just fishnet tights, a leotard, and a pair of high heels during the sexually explicit and grotesque performance.

“Performing to the tune of Scissor Sisters’ hit Filthy/Gorgeous, Crystal made thrusting motions with his hips and ran his hand up and down the angle grinder while using it to make sparks fly from a metal plate fixed to his crotch,” the Daily Mail reported.

Philip Miller, the executive chairman of Adventure Island, told the Daily Mail that there had been “confusion” about “what we would allow or not.”

“We humbly apologise to all of our loyal customers for any offence caused,” Miller said. “There was confusion between us and the act as to what we would allow or not as it were. The grinding act was most definitely a nonstarter as we are ostensibly a family park and that is just not family entertainment.”

“Rest assured we will not be rebooking this act or participate in any future PRIDE celebrations it’s just not for us, we tried to be inclusive but it has backfired on us,” Miller added.

Though the park claimed that this was a product of “confusion,” this is the third year that Munro has performed there.

The drag queen defended the performance, telling the Mail that “nothing” he did in the performance was sexual.

“My act is no different to what you might see on Britain’s Got Talent, from Lady Gaga on MTV, or from a street performer in Covent Garden,” he claimed. “This is deemed ‘sexual’ solely because I was performing in drag.”






















Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Please go here and read the stories they think YOU ARE TOO DUMB to find..... but IGNORE the dumb ads. They DO have TRUE stories.









Barack Obama – Who Promotes Sex Education in Kindergarten – Is Very Sad Porn Books for Children are Being Banned in Several US Schools – Blames Racism



 (READ my next post AFTER this one)





Barack Obama – Who Promotes Sex Education in Kindergarten Is Very Sad Porn Books for Children are Being Banned in Several US Schools – Blames Racism


Never Forget — Barack Obama is behind the push to teach sex education to little children.

Back in July 2007, as The Gateway Pundit reported at the time, Barack Obama gave a speech to Planned Parenthood where he pushed teaching sex education to little kindergarteners.

The media mostly hid this from the American public.

To his credit John McCain confronted Obama on his legislation to teach kindergarteners sex education back in 2008.

Today you have to go to the WayBack Machine to read more about this shocking radical proposal.
Via ABC News Blog from The Wayback Machine.

ABC News’ Teddy Davis and Lindsey Ellerson Report: Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., told Planned Parenthood Tuesday that sex education for kindergarteners, as long as it is “age-appropriate,” is “the right thing to do.”

“I remember Alan Keyes . . . I remember him using this in his campaign against me,” Obama said in reference to the conservative firebrand who ran against him for the U.S. Senate in 2004. Sex education for kindergarteners had become an issue in his race against Keyes because of Obama’s work on the issue as chairman of the health committee in the Illinois state Senate.

“‘Barack Obama supports teaching sex education to kindergarteners,'” said Obama mimicking Keyes’ distinctive style of speech. “Which — I didn’t know what to tell him (laughter).”

“But it’s the right thing to do,” Obama continued, “to provide age-appropriate sex education, science-based sex education in schools.”

Here is the video.

Recently, several school districts have banned porn books with for children from their school libraries. This was only after parents started paying attention during the COVID shutdowns to what the government was force-feeding their children.

But this has not stopped the left from lashing out and doubling down on pushing this sick garbage on the nation’s children.

The National Education Association (NEA) recommended two books, among others, be added to their “Great Summer Reads for Educators”, with the by-line “Stretch out on a beach (or in your backyard), slather on your sunscreen, and dive into these summer reading recommendations from NEA today.”  The book “Gender Queer” is de facto “how-to” manual on sexual acts complete with photographic depictions of minors as cartoon figures performing oral sex and other sexual acts on each other.  From the NEA website:

According to the New York Post:

The National Education Association (NEA) on Monday recommended that teachers include the controversial book “Gender Queer” on their summer reading lists.

The book was featured in the NEA’s “Great Summer Reads for Educators!” list that showcased 11 books.

Among those books are “White Fragility,” a book that insists that White Americans use anger, shame and guilt to avoid taking responsibility for racial inequality.

And on Monday Barack Obama – who LOVES and PROMOTES censorship of conservatives was crying on Twitter because certain filth will no longer be available to children.

Isn’t it strange that the only censorship Obama speaks out about is porn books for kids?

From his Twitter account.

Here is a view of his letter.


OH MY! Malik Obama Tweets Brother Barack Obama is ‘Definitely Gay’ – Then Deletes Tweet in a Panic!




OH MY! Malik Obama Tweets Brother Barack Obama is ‘Definitely Gay’ – Then Deletes Tweet in a Panic!

Oh boy.

Malik Obama said his brother Barack Obama is “definitely gay” in response to the former president’s statement on banning porn books for children.

“Today, some of the books that shaped my life—and the lives of so many others—are being challenged by people who disagree with certain ideas or perspectives. And librarians are on the front lines, fighting every day to make the widest possible range of viewpoints, opinions, and ideas available to everyone.” Barack Obama said.

Obama was referring to sexually explicit books such as “Gender Queer” – a book filled with pornographic photos.

Malik Obama reacted to Barack Obama’s tweet.

“This man is definitely gay,” Malik Obama said in a since-deleted tweet.

Screenshot courtesy of the Post Millennial:











Monday, July 17, 2023

Since when is it a "good thing" for women to act UN LADY like ?




Using DISCUSTING words...

Grabbing and rubbing your body in front of many people....

Bragging about illegal things?

What makes you think that the FUTURE will have good things to say about you?

The money won't last forever LOL !!

Sunday, July 16, 2023

yep you say that hate them... but you secretly wanna be them) Maryland man arrested after allegedly impersonating a police officer




Maryland man arrested after allegedly impersonating a police officer

Carl Colston, 47, was recorded by the victim before driving away

A Maryland man allegedly pretending to be a police officer was arrested after he pulled over a victim who alerted authorities.

Carl Colston, 47, attempted to conduct a traffic stop on July 8 on the off-ramp of Greenbelt Road at 201 Northbound in the city of Greenbelt. A victim told Greenbelt Police that Colston drove up behind him in his black Crown Victoria and started honking and flashing his white interior lights.

The victim signaled for Colston to drive around him, and Colston passed the victim while flashing a badge. Colston then stopped in the roadway, which required the victim to come to a stop as well, before driving back behind the victim like a police officer would and attempting to conduct a traffic stop.

Carl Colston, 47, was arrested for impersonating a police officer. (Greenbelt Police)

The victim told police that Colston put on a Maryland Marshal tactical vest, flashed a badge, claimed he was an officer and called for backup using a handheld radio. Colston then clutched his black pistol but did not point it at the victim. He lifted the gun up, so it was visible to the victim.

The victim told Colston he was calling the police and recording him, and Colston went back to his car and drove away.

Police gear

The victim told police that Colston put on a Maryland Marshal tactical vest, flashed a badge, claimed he was an officer and called for backup using a handheld radio. (Greenbelt Police)

Police arrested Colston several days later on July 13 at 9:10 p.m. after a traffic stop. 

Anyone who may have had interactions with Colston impersonating an officer is urged to contact the police department.