Wednesday, November 15, 2023

HORROR: Man Stabs 4 Women at Louisiana Tech Campus – University Claims “Random Act of Violence”



HORROR: Man Stabs 4 Women at Louisiana Tech Campus – University Claims “Random Act of Violence”


Joe Biden Gifts Another $10 Billion to Iran – His Total Funding to Iran Now Comes to $80 Billion Since He Entered Office- And This is One Month After Iran-Backed Hamas Slaughtered 1,400 Jews in Israel



Joe Biden Gifts Another $10 Billion to Iran – His Total Funding to Iran Now Comes to $80 Billion Since He Entered Office- And This is One Month After Iran-Backed Hamas Slaughtered 1,400 Jews in Israel


Saturday, November 11, 2023

Allowing VIOLENT protests is stupid. Burning the American flag...beating people... distroying cars, buses, stores etc is OKAY as long as you're NOT a Trump supporter.


(update...nov 14... TENS of thousands PRO Israel people walk in DC and did you see any flags burning or violence.... of course not because ADULTS don't act like that.)






...( Pro Palestine below)

Look at the damage across this country and you weak jerks thinks it ok?

Painting the white house it ok... walking in it is not.


You have the RIGHT to protest but NOT TO DAMAGE things that ARE NOT YOURS.


LOW LIFE IDIOTS !!! (both sides of the protests) 



World’s First Recombinant Anthrax Vaccine Seeks Approval in Order to “Prepare Against Potential Bioterrorism”










 (So what do they know that we don't ????  Hmmmmm)






World’s First Recombinant Anthrax Vaccine Seeks Approval in Order to “Prepare Against Potential Bioterrorism”


Thursday, October 12, 2023

I heard a black guy in his 20s say that the "brown people in the US are next". And then his whole group started saying He ll yeah etc.













I didn't know that African Americans had a problem with other people of color. Hmmm . .

Oops... White is a color too isn't it? Hmmm












