Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Sick and tired of a family of 6 asking for help with food and montly bills. I pay mine and HAVE WORKED THREE JOBS AT ONE TIME.




Get a freaking job... sick of you having your hand out.


TWO YEARS IN A ROW.... still NO JOB?????? 


I give to many charities for those that NEED the help not those too lazy to get a job.


How did you get the expensive games and all the phones and cable and so much more?



Sunday, December 24, 2023

Just heard a story about voters in detroit never wantinng trump in office and didn't vote for him.... hmmmmm




most just want their FREE money from Democrats so of course they don't want someone in office that won't keep handing money. 


Democrats use people of color for their VOTES ONLY and its so sad they don't open their eyes. 

 Then again if I was a dishonest person I guess free money would be a reason to vote for someone.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Pro-Vaccine Canadian Journalist Who Called for Unvaccinated Police Officers to be Fired Dies Suddenly at Age 33



 (Read the complete article at link below. There is more.)










Pro-Vaccine Canadian Journalist Who Called for Unvaccinated Police Officers to be Fired Dies Suddenly at Age 33





Canadian leftist reporter Ian Vandaelle died suddenly at age 33.


Ian promoted the dangerous COVID-19 vaccines and called for those police officers who refused the jab to be fired.


Ian Vandaelle pushed for vaccine passports.


33-year-old Canadian MSM journalist who heavily promoted the Covid-19 vaccine, advocated for vaccine passports, and the firing of those who refused the jab has died after being hospitalized and “declared neurologically dead.”

Ian Vandaelle, a 33-year-old Canadian business journalist, worked as a reporter and editor at the Financial Post and was previously a producer at BNN Bloomberg for over a decade.

Stephanie Hughes, Vandaelle’s partner, shared the news of his death on her X account on December 5, 2023, stating, “I haven’t been on Twitter for a while because my partner, @IanVandaelle, has been in the hospital since Nov. 18. It’s with a heavy heart today that I say he was declared neurologically deceased this week and taken off life support this morning. He was 33 years old.”

Vandaelle had taken to social media multiple times, advocating for incentives to encourage Covid-19 vaccination, the implementation of vaccine passports, and the termination of those who refused the jab.






























OMG...you NEED TO watch the white house video.. Link in my post !!! .....BIZARRE.....









 click this link          <-------------




 Or copy and paste below





 I don't know what to say !


And again) Boston mayor sends holiday party invite meant only for 'electeds of color,' dividing city councilors

 Update... here is the photo. I guess people b!tch about it..... but do nothing... LOL

Woke Boston mayor shows off photo from segregated holiday bash online after defending it 










 (Why do the white people put up with this crap??  Forget it......I know.)












Boston mayor sends holiday party invite meant only for 'electeds of color,' dividing city councilors


 One outgoing councilmember said the move was 'unfortunate and divisive'


Boston's Democratic mayor has come under fire after she sent out invitations for a holiday party intended only for minority city councilors.

Michelle Wu, the city's first Asian American mayor, recently had her aide, Denise DosSantos, send out an email for the event.

"Honorable members: On behalf of Mayor Michelle Wu, I cordially invite you and a guest to the Electeds of Color Holiday Party," the email said, according to the Boston Herald.

The city leader quickly drew criticism after it became apparent the email was sent to all city councilors, seven of whom are White. The invitation was meant only for the city's six councilors "of color."


Fifteen minutes after the email was sent out, DosSantos apologized and clarified that the invitation was only meant for minority city councilors. However, she did not apologize for planning a party that excluded White city leaders.




"I wanted to apologize for my previous email regarding a Holiday Party for tomorrow," DosSantos wrote. "I did send that to everyone by accident and I apologize if my email may have offended or came across as so. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused."

The revelation about the holiday party quickly received responses from Boston's city council.

Outgoing City Councilor Frank Baker, a White man, called the mayor's exclusion of certain members "unfortunate and divisive," according to the Boston Herald. 

Citing recent tensions on the City Council, Baker did not speculate about the reasoning behind the mayor's decision to host the party but said he did not think it was a "good move."

"I find it unfortunate that with the temperature the way it is, that we would further division," he added.

Mayor Michelle Wu 

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu speaks to the media after riding the MBTA on Aug. 22, 2022.  (Matt Stone/MediaNews Group/Boston Herald via Getty Images)



Baker said he was not personally insulted by the decision.

"I don't really get offended too easily," he said. "To offend me, you're going to have to do much more than not invite me to a party."

Black City Councilor Brian Worrell held a different opinion and defended the invitation, suggesting the holiday party was merely a way to represent "all kinds of special groups" in the Boston government.

"We make space and spaces for all kinds of specific groups in the city and city government. This is no different, and the Elected Officials of Color has been around for more than a decade," Worrell said in a statement.

He also stressed that DosSantos had "no ill will" when sending the email.

Five-term Boston city councilor Michael McCormack said the party was not typical of the mayor's office and said former city leaders would have invited the entire chamber.

"The problem is that Boston and race, unfortunately, are synonymous," McCormack said. "I'm just hoping it was a mistake. It's not something that anyone in the mayor's office should be proud of."

On Wednesday, Wu spokesperson Ricardo Patron said that the Electeds of Color group had asked the mayor to host the annual party. He stressed the event was just one of several happening throughout the season.

Wu is planning a holiday party for all cabinet members, city councilors and the legislature next week.

The Boston Mayor's Office did not return Fox News Digital's request for comment.
























Stop trying to DIVIDE... it will come back and bite your butt.









What the hell happened to everyone wanting to be equal and.....being EQUAL ?























Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Vigilant Fox: Italian Health Minister Under Investigation for Murder for Concealing COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths




Vigilant Fox: Italian Health Minister Under Investigation for Murder for Concealing COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths