Friday, March 8, 2024

What the hell? "Black and missing foundation"? How about MISSING FOUNDATION for ALL?


ALL families want to find their loved ones...

How DARE you put RACE into this serious issue.


 RACIST for sure !!!





Yep.... they want the open border and then pass a bill that you DO NOT need an ID to vote.




YOU need to thank the guy in the white house when all the CRAP comes to 




 You want joey boy..... well he comes with the crap. Enjoy!!









Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Hey Joy Reid... stop playing the SO CALLED race card. EVERYONE is welcome in college as long as they EARN their way in ...NOT given becasue of skin color.





This race card excuse makes you look silly.


People in college work HARD to get there with EDUCATION ... NOT handed to them because of their race or skin color. Voting someone in office DOES NOT keep someone from going to college.



 (her words..

“The idea that they can’t get whatever job they want, a Black person got it, therefore drive all the Blacks out of the colleges, get rid of DEI.”

“That is what they’re voting on…they’re just voting specifically on racial animous…at this stage, it isn’t about economics.”)













Wow Nikki... you're such a poor could have been CLASSY....instead you're such an embarrassment.








Not classy at ALL !!!

You were NEVER about US (the American citizens)... you were only thinking about yourself and how you could get RINOs and democrats to vote for you. 










