Friday, March 22, 2024

Hey youngsters.....whatever you are pushing for always remember YOU will get old too.




 If you DO NOT protect the elderly or you take advantage of them...the same will happen to your mommy and daddy or grandparents or YOU when you get older. 

Protect them, they would protect you.


You need to put the damn cell phone down and get REAL info not from people talking out of their butts and passing the info on.


Be smart..... don't look stupid. Just because your friend said "it was true".... does NOT make it so.






Sticks and stones people.....they are ONLY words so put your adult panties on and buck up.






They are WORDS.....stop being a cry baby !!











If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired....







Do something about it !!

 (without violence of course)





They will NEVER allow Trump in the White House again....








They will do what they can to keep him out.








Maryland has very low crime and HUGE houses




Low crime and near the water etc




Thursday, March 21, 2024

Sick of you lazy , big talking "keyboard warriors".



We do what we can to improve things and make things better.... 

...all you do is talk big and TYPE.

Are you looking out for neighbors or sitting in the basement?


 Talk is cheap. Walk the walk or turn your computer off.













If your protest is violent, you are a freaking low life waste of breath.



You can still get your point across without beating the crap out of people.


YOU need to be stopped so the blood shed will STOP 

(legally of course no violence)