Monday, March 25, 2024

Go Woke...Go Broke...Boycott General Hospital .. we watch these shows to ESCAPE from REAL life. So now they are using the race card, then talking gay, lesbian and trans treatment years ago.




This is NOT why we watch a soap opera.... it is to ESCAPE life NOT live ANOTHER ONE.



You lost all of us after 65 years !!! (some since day one)


The NEW writers have turned everyone into weak crying babies. And blaming everyone else for how their life turned out. You are responsible for your own life so stop blaming.


Young almost adult boys and adult men so wussy and WEAK.


A black family is able to "feel proud of who they are" but any other race is called RACIST. This show better be careful with their name calling.


 Just shows the people watching and writing.


ABC has ruined General hospital.


Joss has been sleeping with her MOB boyfriend for so long and now with the new writers she is realizing he may have to kill? Come on...


Sonny has protected Anna forever and now she is turning on Sonny because so called "mob boyfriend went to police to tell the sonny murder story".


Trina turns on her best friend Joss? 

Carly and Drew break up

Anna turns on Sonny after decades

Jason turns on Sonny?

One race complaining about another.




They are trying to get rid of older viewers and trying to attract the younger woke crowd.


 This is NUTS !


  You should hear the yelling and flipping channels. LOL


All office tv's will show something else from now on .

 If we want to watch a show about REAL LIFE and politics of today....We will turn on the NEWS.











Saturday, March 23, 2024

OMG... these crying little babies screaming and carrying on because of the possible ban of tikkkkkk toookkkkk



CYBER does NOTHING but brainwash these kids.


These kids will make something out of their lives if they just put down their cyber drug.


How embarrassing to be the parents of the kids in the photos crying and carrying on.


Good job parents... you FAILED !!

These kids will still be in your basement long after they reach adult age.

How embarrassing for YOU !!!









Friday, March 22, 2024

Hey youngsters.....whatever you are pushing for always remember YOU will get old too.




 If you DO NOT protect the elderly or you take advantage of them...the same will happen to your mommy and daddy or grandparents or YOU when you get older. 

Protect them, they would protect you.


You need to put the damn cell phone down and get REAL info not from people talking out of their butts and passing the info on.


Be smart..... don't look stupid. Just because your friend said "it was true".... does NOT make it so.






Sticks and stones people.....they are ONLY words so put your adult panties on and buck up.






They are WORDS.....stop being a cry baby !!











If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired....







Do something about it !!

 (without violence of course)





They will NEVER allow Trump in the White House again....








They will do what they can to keep him out.








Maryland has very low crime and HUGE houses




Low crime and near the water etc


