Sunday, May 26, 2024

The president is calling for people to "Act in his memory" Isn't that calling to riot or an insurrection?)Repeat of 2020? Joe Biden on Anniversary of George Floyd’s Death Calls on His Far-Left Supporters to “Act in His Memory”




 (Biden is trying to get the BLACK community to act like THUGS....don't allow it. 

Be an adult...a good person....a father, brother,sister, wife etc.


DON"T ALLOW BIDEN to do this to you.)


We all want to get along and Biden is trying to stop us.




This was what he said.....


Repeat of 2020? Joe Biden on Anniversary of George Floyd’s Death Calls on His Far-Left Supporters to “Act in His Memory”


Walmart rolls out its PRIDE MONTH items






Didn't they see what happened to Target ??


Is this the new boycott ?






Thursday, May 23, 2024

Democrates dont want blacks and whites to get along...BUT THEY DO GET ALONG !!







Democrats are worried because blacks and whites are coming together to save the country!!!!!!





Why do they call republicans "cult" but not democrats etc




How does that make sense at all?









Cowards cover their faces










If you REALLY BELIEVE in what you're doing.... you would SHOW your face.










I still say that there will be some kind of strange disease to keeYOU from voting


There will be a scare to keep you inside your house and away from voting....Mark my words..


You know... they will warn about death etc



SAME as covid.








Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Biden will NOT be on ballot....they want to TRICK you



 Update....6-16.... Watch....they will replace him at the last minute....I just have that feeling. I wrote this a month ago...still think it will happen and they will try to grab the black voters just by putting a black person on the ballot... Nice try biden .... BLACKS know you just want their vote.


They want to catch you off guard and THINK you will vote for COLOR or his replacement. 

YOU HAVE A  BRAIN but democrats refuse to believe it.

He is trying to hire people of color but people aren't stupid...HE ONLY WANTS THEIR VOTES.

But then again....maybe they will just make sure that Trump doesn't get on the ballot and you know who they will blame?









