Friday, May 31, 2024

Judge told jury..." DO NOT tell anyone you were on this jury"...WHY? Are they ASHAMED of it?




If you believe what you voted..... OWN it don't hide.







Michigan is celebrating Trump ruling







ABC was out all night talking to people.


Of course they will show you almost ALL Biden supporters.







The Chicago Way: Woman Found NOT GUILTY on All Charges By So-Called “Judge” Despite Stealing a Police Squad Car and Running Over Cop While Naked




The Chicago Way: Woman Found NOT GUILTY on All Charges By So-Called “Judge” Despite Stealing a Police Squad Car and Running Over Cop While Naked


Thursday, May 30, 2024

Not one single juror works with their hands like dept....etc?















BREAKING… Laura Loomer Exclusive: Judge Juan Merchan Is Allowing His Daughter’s Clients to Have Unrestricted Access Inside Trump Trial! (VIDEO)


 They were NEVER going to allow trump to walk out.....NEVER





BREAKING… Laura Loomer Exclusive: Judge Juan Merchan Is Allowing His Daughter’s Clients to Have Unrestricted Access Inside Trump Trial! (VIDEO)

I'll bet her house if filled with expensive items) Liberal Boston Mayor Supports Ending the Prosecution of Criminals for Theft, Breaking and Entering




 (Please read every word... They feel so protected so they never live in fear like the normal person)



Liberal Boston Mayor Supports Ending the Prosecution of Criminals for Theft, Breaking and Entering


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

These muli million dollar celebs telling the black community how to vote are A BUNCH OF JERKS.







Those making millions or billions will NEVER be able to look at YOUR life and tell you to vote for the idiot that HAS RAISED your food prices etc.


YOU ARE NOT A DUMB person. They might be a good actor or perform a nice song.... THEY DO NOT PAY your bills.


They have NOTHING in common with you. You don't like in a mansion with servants, 10 cars, 3 homes with pools etc 

How could these people tell you how to make YOUR LIFE better ????

THEY CANT and don't have a clue about your life. 

They are telling you what is good for THEM.














