Tuesday, June 4, 2024

People need to STOP using skin color as an excuse to NOT get ahead in life.







Someone hurry and tell OPRAH that she can't be a billionaire because she is black. 

Watch her laugh... and she would probable tell them that if you work hard like she did.... you can be where you want to be.

STOP with the skin color crap. 

Stop playing a victim.


YES there is... YOU !!!









It's time to research YOUR local judges and all those higher. Lets get rid of the "crooked, and on the take".






Allowing these idiots to sit in power is what is DESTROYING this country.










Monday, June 3, 2024

You LOW LIFE.... pay your OWN freaking bills. Stop putting your hand out for others to pay.








Low Life TRASH !!!

You AREN'T a man... you are a MOUSE !!!







Why doesn't Fauci have to show his PROOF when he makes statements about the unvaxxed causing deaths






Where is the PROOF ??

Oh that's right .....dumb people will believe something just because they read it or heard it.... No research at all... just believe.









Dan Abrams (ABC and on patrol live) must have hundreds and hundreds pairs of shoes








I don't know if he has ever worn the same pair of shoes twice..... LOL


We were talking about he people that buy so many pairs of shoes and his name came up.













Forget the manners....it's time to get loud





I was raised to be a lady and act like a lady....forget the manners..... get loud !!


I have had enough of those loud mouth screaming "uncouth" ladies  old bats.... it's time to listen to me now....LOL














When is someone going to tell Trump to shut the hell up? Loose lips sink ships.







My God SHUT UP !!!




