Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Adele YELLED at a fan for saying something he did NOT say. People in the same section heard what he really said.








(Will she apologize or sit back and LOVE the attention she got for accusing him of wrong doing

 Read the "colored text at bottom to see THE TRUTH)



“Are You F**king Stupid?!” Woke Singer Adele Erupts After Thinking She Hears a Fan Yell “Pride Sucks” – Audience Members then Reveal What He Actually Said (VIDEO)


BREAKING: UK’s Telegraph Comes Clean – Front Page Headline Reads “Covid Jabs May Be to Blame for Increase in Excess Deaths”





BREAKING: UK’s Telegraph Comes Clean – Front Page Headline Reads “Covid Jabs May Be to Blame for Increase in Excess Deaths”


My God King Charles...take their titles away so we don't have to read anymore news about them. How embarrassing for YOU !





 Every time we read the stories or even just the headlines we ask why you CONTINUE TO KISS THEIR BUTTS ?


King doesn't have the GUTS to DO THE RIGHT THING for the family.


They are making the FAMILY look so WEAK and STUPID.


 How much more do they have to do to you?


They have destroyed so much already.


How could you allow YOUR WIFE/QUEEN to be treated like that? 

STRIP the titles.... they don't ACT like ANY KIND OF ROYAL.


They just want DADDY'S MONEY.












People need to STOP using skin color as an excuse to NOT get ahead in life.







Someone hurry and tell OPRAH that she can't be a billionaire because she is black. 

Watch her laugh... and she would probable tell them that if you work hard like she did.... you can be where you want to be.

STOP with the skin color crap. 

Stop playing a victim.


YES there is... YOU !!!









It's time to research YOUR local judges and all those higher. Lets get rid of the "crooked, and on the take".






Allowing these idiots to sit in power is what is DESTROYING this country.










Monday, June 3, 2024

You LOW LIFE.... pay your OWN freaking bills. Stop putting your hand out for others to pay.








Low Life TRASH !!!

You AREN'T a man... you are a MOUSE !!!







Why doesn't Fauci have to show his PROOF when he makes statements about the unvaxxed causing deaths






Where is the PROOF ??

Oh that's right .....dumb people will believe something just because they read it or heard it.... No research at all... just believe.







