Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Deranged Drag Queen Speaks at Texas Democratic Convention, Pushes Trans Youth Propaganda (VIDEO)







Deranged Drag Queen Speaks at Texas Democratic Convention, Pushes Trans Youth Propaganda (VIDEO)


Trump Thanks The Bronx for MASSIVE Rally of 25,000 Supporters in Video Message, Says He “Can’t Wait” to Rally in Other Democrat Run Cities Including Chicago, Detroit, and Philadelphia (VIDEO)




(link at the top will have other videos of the crowd and Trump speaking etc)


Trump Thanks The Bronx for MASSIVE Rally of 25,000 Supporters in Video Message, Says He “Can’t Wait” to Rally in Other Democrat Run Cities Including Chicago, Detroit, and Philadelphia (VIDEO)


Joe Biden Says Black and Hispanic Workers Don’t Have High School Diplomas. THIS IS HOW HE FEELS ABOUT THEM, they are











 go to the link above and read the REAL stories you won't see on ABC NBC etc.




WOW! Joe Biden Says Black and Hispanic Workers Don’t Have High School Diplomas (VIDEO)

Disgraced Former CNN Anchor Chris Cuomo, Who Advocated for the COVID Vaccine, Publicly Admits for the First Time to Suffering from a COVID Vaccine Injury (VIDEO)





Disgraced Former CNN Anchor Chris Cuomo, Who Advocated for the COVID Vaccine, Publicly Admits for the First Time to Suffering from a COVID Vaccine Injury (VIDEO)


Founding Member of The Black Panther Party Supports Donald Trump “He’s Always Been a Friend of Black People”







Founding Member of The Black Panther Party Supports Donald Trump “He’s Always Been a Friend of Black People”










Democrat Rep. Suggests Black Voters are ‘Too Dumb’ to Understand Political Affairs



Please go to this site above for more true stories 

 This is what MOST democrats have been saying. When will African Americans understand that they ONLY WANT YOUR VOTE !!!



Democrat Rep. Suggests Black Voters are ‘Too Dumb’ to Understand Political Affairs (VIDEO)

Screenshot: State of the Union/CNN

On a recent CNN’s State of The Union episode, Democrat Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) made a statement seen by many as suggesting black voters are “too dumb” to fully understand political matters.

This comment has drawn controversy, as the representative was interpreting a recent poll showcasing the surge in popularity for former President Donald Trump among Black voters, traditionally a Democratic stronghold.

The poll suggested that, if an election were held today, former President Donald Trump would defeat Joe Biden, securing over 300 electoral votes. Data shows a significant shift of support from Black voters toward Trump. This support now stands at 22 percent for Trump, a figure that no Republican has seen in modern presidential politics.

However, instead of reflecting on why such a shift might be occurring or considering what the Democratic Party could do to regain trust, Rep. Crockett’s response appeared to belittle the intelligence of Black voters. She said:


Here’s the deal. Perception is reality.

And so when you look at the data that was provided in this poll, it talks about how people feel and when people decide whether they’re going to the poll or whether they’re not going to the poll, it’s all about how you feel in that moment. And so while the facts may not align with their feelings, their feelings are dictating their reality. Their reality is that they said that they feel better or they felt better when Trump was in office. But we’ve been trying to push back.

We’ve got some very popular African-American artists that are out here saying things like, “Oh, I got checks when Trump was in office. I want those checks again,” not understanding that really came from Congress. 


So we’ve got a couple of things the perception issue, and then we also have an issue as it relates to civics in this country and people not understanding exactly how any of this works.

Crockett is suggesting that Black voters might be making decisions based on misperceptions or a lack of understanding of the political process.

Prominent figures and political commentators weighed in regarding Crockett’s comment.


American commentator and television presenter Tomi Lahren commented, “Is she saying that black voters are too dumb to understand what’s going on? Wow! This is bad.”

Twitter user Brandon Saario commented, “Crcokett is saying people are not smart enough to know how good things are.”

Another user wrote, “It’s the economy Crockett that’s effecting black voters not feelings High food prices gas rent interest rates alot of people homeless families can’t go out restaurant prices have doubled.”

Below are some of the criticisms online:

She's essentially calling black people dumb





Wrong. Because Democrats do not care about Black voters. They just pander to them, using them as pawns to secure their vote, to obtain power, then discard of them later. This isn't new. Maybe Black voters are finally starting to realize this.






 Please go to the link at the top and read online comments JUST like these. The truth is there if you are willing to just go there.






































Biden just made a total fool out of blacks..)“I Started the Civil Rights Movement!” – Joe Biden Lies in Stump Speech in South Carolina Black Church



( He just wants their votes and will lie to their faces. 

He must not think they are smart enough to know better. 

Go to the link below and read all the LIES about his past with blacks. LIES and he even admitted to in that article.)






“I Started the Civil Rights Movement!” – Joe Biden Lies in Stump Speech in South Carolina Black Church (VIDEO)

Joe Biden on Monday traveled to South Carolina to deliver a divisive campaign speech at a black church.

Biden lied about his involvement in the civil rights movement to the blacks at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina on Monday.

“I’ve spent more time in the Bethel AME Church in Wilmington, Delaware, than most people I know, black or white, have spent in that church because that’s where I started a civil rights movement,” Biden said.

This is the same guy who told black radio host Charlamagne Tha God in 2020: “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black!”