Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Biden just said that poor black people don't have books in the house.



 What the hell gave him that idea?


When will they stop him from making fools out of people of color?










Cuomo Admits Antivaxxers Were RIGHT, Shares SHOCKING Admission | Beyond the Headlines








Ex-CNN Host Chris Cuomo VINDICATES Antivaxxers in SHOCKING Statement | Beyond the Headlines






Ex-CNN Host Chris Cuomo VINDICATES Antivaxxers in SHOCKING Statement | Beyond the Headlines


Don't be stupid people) IT’S ALL ABOUT THE VOTES: Coward Joe Biden Puts Off Banning of Menthol Cigarettes Until After the Election



 (Pass this all over social media....this is the only way people will see this)

  He's still going to do it people.... he wants your vote then he will BAN THEM.   





IT’S ALL ABOUT THE VOTES: Coward Joe Biden Puts Off Banning of Menthol Cigarettes Until After the Election 

Submit additional information.


Sharika Soal: Racism Isn’t the Issue; Ghetto Culture Is.






Sharika Soal: Racism Isn’t the Issue; Ghetto Culture Is.


The black voters are not going to let Biden make a fool out of them again. He only wants their votes.





 An employee wrote a speech for him that they thought would turn more blacks to his direction on election day. 

All biden did was read the words on the paper.


Biden wants black votes NOT black Voters.


They aren't stupid biden











Fauci Admits He Made Up Tyrannical COVID Guidelines Including Child Masking and Social Distancing — Were Based on Mere Assumptions, Not Science






 (Please read EVERY WORD  so much info that is NOT highlighted. Go to the link at the top and read more TRUE stories that you will NOT see on local channels or on social media )




Fauci Admits He Made Up Tyrannical COVID Guidelines Including Child Masking and Social Distancing — Were Based on Mere Assumptions, Not Science