Thursday, June 20, 2024

Karma is real





It comes back at you 2-fold.... be careful lol








Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, Labeled ‘Delusional’; ‘Irritated’ About Not Being Wealthier than Other UK Celebs: Book




(But Noooooooo she didn't marry for money.....LOL )


Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, Labeled ‘Delusional’; ‘Irritated’ About Not Being Wealthier than Other UK Celebs: Book



Wednesday, June 19, 2024

This Unknown Governor May Soon be a Household Name… The Left’s Next Anointed One (VIDEO)






 So the democrats think that the BLACK voters will FALL for this guy because of his skin color? 

They will give up on their beliefs and worship him JUST BECAUSE HE IS BLACK ??

 Hey Democrats.... They are NOT STUPID !!!!

The smart ones won't fall for it.




This Unknown Governor May Soon be a Household Name… The Left’s Next Anointed One (VIDEO)


Here’s the Real Story Behind the Juneteenth Holiday – And It’s Not What They’ve Told You!







Here’s the Real Story Behind the Juneteenth Holiday – And It’s Not What They’ve Told You!


Another one?) Transgender Suspect At-Large Following Double Homicide — Perpetrator Considered “Armed and Dangerous”







Transgender Suspect At-Large Following Double Homicide — Perpetrator Considered “Armed and Dangerous”

Why would Anyone believe the things said on the view? People just hear it and automatically believe without doing research?







They brainwash the viewers..... so sad but it is LAUGHABLE the things they say.







Well well well..... looks like my blog is being censored and blocked.






What are they so afraid of?




