Thursday, July 4, 2024

Well..well.. Isn't she little miss RACIST) As Calls to Replace Joe Biden Grow Louder, Dem Delegate Warns: Black Gals Will ‘Blow the Party Up’ If a White Man is Picked Over Kamala (Video)






As Calls to Replace Joe Biden Grow Louder, Dem Delegate Warns: Black Gals Will ‘Blow the Party Up’ If a White Man is Picked Over Kamala (Video)


George Floyd was a felon too. Be careful pointing finger at Trump






“What is not being told is the violent criminal history of George Floyd. The media will not air this,” police union president Bob Kroll told his members in a letter posted Monday on Twitter.

Floyd had landed five years behind bars in 2009 for an assault and robbery two years earlier, and before that, had been convicted of charges ranging from theft with a firearm to drugs, the Daily Mail reported.



Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Why is the "left" so violent? Calling for assassinations....Always protesting and most of the time a lot are there because their friend told them to show up.


Violent protests.... assassination talk....damaging property

This is YOUR future world people.


Where are the REAL PATRIOTS?? This is going to get ugly in NOV.







Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Joy Reid and AOC are trying to make people believe their Lies, they are trying to scare people with this crap.





People.... do your own research and stop listening to these people. Don't let them make you look silly.

Just because they are on tv or social media... DOES NOT make them always speak the truth.


You are NOT STUPID.....Their lies will only make you sound stupid when you repeat their crap. 

Don't let them do it to you.... be your own teacher. Read everything you can from EVERY source no matter the political party. Listen to truth not GOSSIP that is out there on social media.

I know its hard when this president said he has done so much since in office. He has done NOTHING for the U.S citizens. Food is up... housing is up.....medical care has been CUT....etc

(biden lied about cap on insulin ..... WE KNOW THAT as a fact for many in this family. And he just bragged about it the other day.... LIAR !!!)


Just because they (Joy, AOC etc) say it.... does NOT make it true.









Isn't this a Terroristic threat?)“Take All of Them Out” Zoomer Biden Superfan Tweets About Military Offing Trump and Supreme Court Justices Following Immunity Ruling – Trump Campaign Responds (VIDEO)





“Take All of Them Out” Zoomer Biden Superfan Tweets About Military Offing Trump and Supreme Court Justices Following Immunity Ruling – Trump Campaign Responds (VIDEO)



Michigan has a trashy mouthed Gov. She doesn't talk like a classy lady just read her garbage talk






How embarrassing it would be to have her run your state.


 Wow... classless!!!!


Her/family enjoyed themselves while the rest of the state was ORDERED to wear masks and stay inside during the flu season c o v i d .

She is all about HER and NOT ANYONE ELSE.

 But you know what? That whole state has questionable people running it. 





Monday, July 1, 2024

Illegal Alien Charged in Rape of Disabled Child in Boston OUT OF JAIL After Leftist Judge Releases Him on $500 Bail




 People aren't outraged so they must think it's OK... Wonder if it was their child...grandchild...sister/brother... etc





Illegal Alien Charged in Rape of Disabled Child in Boston OUT OF JAIL After Leftist Judge Releases Him on $500 Bail