Sunday, July 7, 2024

How is she getting away with these LIES??) PURE EVIL: Kamala Harris Warns that President Trump Will Jail His Political Oppenents — She Actually Said This!





 Why aren't people asking to see the video of him saying these things? Written words are NOT proof. ANYONE can LIE but show the proof.

PURE EVIL: Kamala Harris Warns that President Trump Will Jail His Political Oppenents — She Actually Said This!


( I laughed so hard I cried) Please read this article but then go down to the bottom and see the video.




 NO ONE knows who they are, and most think they are FEDS. 

No one has gotten a plate number, admitted knowing them.... NOTHING.

Feds on Parade: Patriot Front Hate Group Marches in Nashville in Khakis… Check Out the Spoof “Planning Video” That Is Going Viral!


Public Health Officials Warn of Human Plague Case in Colorado






(There is always something to stop us from going to the polls huh? What could be the next scare?)


Public Health Officials Warn of Human Plague Case in Colorado


Gavin Newsom’s Paradise: Elderly Wife Attacked, Run Over, Murdered in Front of Husband at Public Mall





Gavin Newsom’s Paradise: Elderly Wife Attacked, Run Over, Murdered in Front of Husband at Public Mall


Kamala wants to be president and she knows that being vp is the only way for her to get into the white house again.






If something happens to biden (age and health)........  

that is the ONLY way that woman could be president.







Black voters are not stupid....biden and kamala are using them and they know it.






They are NOT fools.... biden will NOT use them again.


 Kamala is telling them lies....saying what trump said he would do things when he got into office...LIES . Show us his words coming out of his mouth Kamala....... LIES !!! Show us the video where he said those things..... LIES !

(This is one of my other posts... read it when you're done here.)

PURE EVIL: Kamala Harris Warns that President Trump Will Jail His Political Oppenents — She Actually Said This!



(The trouble is....some will believe her because she has almost the same skin color.)












Saturday, July 6, 2024

Poll Watchers Kicked Out of Election Facilities in Wisconsin When Challenging Illegalities in Local Election






Poll Watchers Kicked Out of Election Facilities in Wisconsin When Challenging Illegalities in Local Election

Democrats are indicating that they will not allow transparency in the upcoming 2024 Election and will kick poll watchers out of their facilities who challenge illegal activities and results. 

We saw this across the country in 2020.  Poll watchers were not permitted in facilities where counting ballots took place.  Those that were were harassed and eventually kicked out of these facilities.

In Philadelphia, poll watchers were not permitted in the counting facility for three days until enough ballots were manufactured to overcome President Trump’s massive win in that state.

Video Player

In Detroit, poll watchers were harassed and eventually kicked out of the facility where absentee ballots were being counted.  At the same time non-government vehicles were secretly delivering thousands of ballots under facilities while counting was going on.

Video Player...go to the link at the top to see ALL the videos

The Democrats don’t want free and fair elections.  They only want to win and they will go anything they can to win.  They are going to prevent poll watchers from reviewing their steal again this year.  We know this because it it already happening.

In a local election in Wisconsin this week, poll watchers were kicked out of a facility where absentee ballots in a local election were being reviewed and counted.

Good Americans were asked to leave when they called out the illegal counting of absentee ballots.  Police were called to the scene and rather than addressing the corrupt counting, they went after the volunteers who called out the illegal activities.

Glendale police Tuesday responded to all three of the city’s polling places after reports of disturbances by election observers.

“Ma’am, I’m going to have to ask you to leave. We can talk to you outside if you’d like to,” an officer is heard saying on body camera video obtained by WISN 12 News Wednesday.

One observer commented:

We were there to observe mail-in-ballots that are classified as regular. They are supposed to have an extra sheet which is a copy of the request for the ballot along with a signature. I do not think a single one did.

Basically, nearly everyone according to the law would be considered invalid. WEC has said the clerks can accept without this, since it is optional from their perspective. They disagree with the law.

Basically, we are not allowed to challenge based on the law in Wisconsin, rather what WEC has allowed. Violators will be removed or arrested if persistent.

How is the GOP going to address having honest election observers kicked out of counting facilities in the 2024 Election?








