Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Black Voters Read )Project Veritas Bombshell Exposé:DOJ Attorney Confirms Biden Regime Deliberately Delayed Menthol Cigarette Ban Because They “Need Black Votes”





 (Black Voters.... he has used you to get into office the last election and he is trying to use you again...

DONT LET THIS guy treat you like "a nothing". You are NOT stupid, he is using you.)






Project Veritas Bombshell Exposé: DOJ Attorney Confirms Biden Regime Deliberately Delayed Menthol Cigarette Ban Because They “Need Black Votes”


Yep this is the real ABC. He has to apologize for telling the TRUTH) George Stephanopoulos Apologizes For Saying Biden Can’t Serve Another Term







 See... even he can't have an opinion !!!! 

 ABC wants its viewers to only hear THEIR views and they want to keep viewers STUPID.


He is being censored like most of the country.





NOT THE PARTY LINE: George Stephanopoulos Apologizes For Saying Biden Can’t Serve Another Term


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Oh My God YES someone with guts ) Mel Gibson Writes Open Letter in Support to Archbishop Viganò: Excommunication by Pope Francis “Is Like a Badge of Honor”







 Mel Gibson Writes Open Letter in Support to Archbishop Viganò: Excommunication by Pope Francis “Is Like a Badge of Honor”



Why are Republicians and Conservitives so WEAK and LAZY?





I won't do anything.... I'll wait for someone else to do it.


I won't do anything.... I'm golfing today


I won't do anything.... because I don't want anyone to know I have a backbone. 


I won't do anything ...because I'm am spinless. 


I won't do anything....because I'm too polite.









You can be PRO- Black or White WITHOUT being ANTI Black or White







Enough is Enough  !!

Be proud of who you are...

stop being a RACIST !!!!


ABC detroit is only showing ANTI- Trump commericals......Everything they wish on Trump will go to HUNTER Biden !!!



ABC detroit is so ANTI white... 

anti republican.... 

anti truth...etc 


I'm so glad i don't live here... I wouldn't put up with this crap on the commercials here.





WATCH: Amber Rose Stars in Forgiato Blow’s “Trump Trump Baby” Music Video, Rose Shows Off “MAGA” Engagement Ring





WATCH: Amber Rose Stars in Forgiato Blow’s “Trump Trump Baby” Music Video, Rose Shows Off “MAGA” Engagement Ring