Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Something is up.....Kam won't be their Something is up they are too sneaky.






Throw Hillary in there or obamas wife or someone in the back ground....

Watch... they are too sneaky to just throw her in there.





Tuesday, July 23, 2024

I gave too much credit...the black voters NOW want her because of her skin.






I (we all)  gave way too much credit..... oh well .


 I hope food cost goes up... housing goes up....utility bills go up and the borders stay open.


The same that voted for biden are voting for her but NOT for policy.... this time skin color...LOL


What THE HELL has she done so far???



More of the same crap this time with someone WORTHLESS and has done NOTHING so far as a VP (except travel and have fun).



What goes around.....comes around... LOL






















The next prez will be harris









 Their fix is in

They want it... they got it.

The gay community is crying tears of happiness.

The illegals that came across are happy....


The black voters should be MAD AS HELL !!

She has done NOTHING for them so far but she will make promises AGAIN and just do what she has so far..... NOTHING ! (but cost of living is up and will go higher)

Mom, Grandma.... they will need your support even more now.


Kam is a just throwing lies out there to be prez.


You want her skin.... you got it.... deal with it and don't you DARE bitch about it later.













































I can't believe they want this nitwit to be the FIRST FEMALE DEMOCRATIC President. What a joke







The other countries around the world are laughing too !! Just remember this...

YOU had a hand in putting her in the white house. No matter what happens by other countries.... YOU put her there.


 This witch lied about joe's health for how long? 

How can you believe ANYTHING that comes out of her squeaking mouth?











