nope...they are afraid of Democrats
nope...they are afraid of Democrats
But the SMART people know the truth. They don't believe it because the so called news "said it was true" they.
CBS News is misleading the public by claiming that President Biden’s partial suspension of asylum processing significantly reduced the number of migrants entering the U.S. The network points to official government statistics, but these figures don’t tell the whole story.
In early June, President Biden cited record levels of illegal border crossings to justify disqualifying most migrants from seeking U.S. asylum. This executive order, according to CBS, has made it easier for immigration officials to deport those entering the country illegally. However, the narrative suggesting this action effectively reduced the number of migrants is misleading.
While there has been a reported decrease in unauthorized border crossings, other factors might be at play. For instance, CBS reports that only 56,400 migrants illegally crossed the southern border in July.
This figure is cited as the lowest in nearly four years. However, this drop may be influenced by seasonal changes, like rising temperatures, and enforcement by Mexican officials, not just U.S. policy.
CBS News’s portrayal oversimplifies complex border dynamics. It misleads the public into believing that the administration’s policies have been more effective than they might be.
Report: Illegal border crossings surpass 12.5 million since Biden-Harris took office, most in US history
–https://t.co/wy7ZfIqfLo— DailyJobCuts . com – Layoffs / Job / Economy News (@dailyjobcuts) August 18, 2024
CBS News reports,
One main change has been a steep decline in the number of migrants being released by Border Patrol, a practice that U.S. officials have perceived as a “pull factor” for migration, as those who are released can usually stay in the U.S. for years, regardless of the validity of their asylum claims, because the immigration courts face a backlog of millions of cases.
In July, Border Patrol released 12,000 migrants with notices to appear in immigration court, down from 28,000 in June and 62,000 in May, before Mr. Biden’s asylum changes, according to Customs and Border Protection data. In December 2023, during a record-breaking spike in migration, Border Patrol released 192,000 migrants with court notices.
The sharp decrease in releases has coincided with a significant jump in the percentage of migrants placed in “expedited removal” proceedings. Those proceedings allow officials to quickly deport recent border crossers who don’t claim asylum or who fail asylum interviews.
Moreover, CBS News fails to mention the broader context of the immigration issue. According to Gallup, 28% of Americans currently name immigration as the most important problem facing the country, nearly tying the 27% recorded in July 2019—the highest in Gallup’s trend since it began in 1981. This concern comes amid record numbers of border crossings, with over 300,000 migrants crossing the southern border in December alone.
The recent bipartisan negotiations on immigration reform, sparked by these unprecedented numbers, underscore the ongoing crisis that continues to stress social services in U.S. cities.
NYC Set to Invest $10 Billion in Supporting Illegal Immigrants Over 3 Years
READ: https://t.co/Uq3oHO8Vp6 pic.twitter.com/oyMv548xFP
— The Gateway Pundit (@gatewaypundit) August 18, 2024
go to this link to read more TRUE stories that they don't want you to see.
Planned Parenthood is making a gruesome offer ahead of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) this week.
Planned Parenthood Great Rivers of St. Louis is offering free vasectomies, medication abortion, and emergency contraception.
In a post shared on X, the baby-killing group announced that they will be bringing a bus to Chicago to offer the free services.
The post said, “Here we come, Chicago! Our mobile health clinic will be in the West Loop with @ChiAbortionFund & @TheWienerCircle Aug 19-20, providing FREE vasectomies & medication abortion.”
“EC will also be available for free without an appointment.”
Planned Parenthood has come under renewed scrutiny after undercover footage from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) exposed employees discussing the sale of aborted fetal body parts with chilling nonchalance.
The footage reveals the gruesome and inhumane practices carried out by Planned Parenthood’s Houston branch and was recorded by David Daleiden and his team at CMP during a 2015 National Abortion Federation trade show.
According to CMP, “This clinic aborted babies up to 6 months and sold them for experiments until the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson ended Planned Parenthood’s abortion practice in Texas on June 24th, 2022, saving countless lives.”
The footage captures not only the heartless discussions surrounding organ harvesting but also details on how they manipulate medical procedures to avoid violating federal partial-birth abortion laws while still profiting from fetal tissue sales.
According to a press release, the Texas branch described “delivering late-term fetuses intact and alive and mutilating the bodies afterward to cover up violations of the federal partial-birth abortion law, in conversations about selling fetal body parts.”
You can watch the full undercover video here. Please go to the link at the top to see this video and read more TRUE stories that they don't want you to see.
You wanted them..... blame yourself.
You did NOT vote for policy... you voted for skin or gender.
Your fault !
Are the women going to be the protectors now and go fight wars because the men are too umm...weak and little wimps?
Who will protect the family?
LOL.... look at kamalas vp wanna be.... case closed.
There was a saying.... "what are you man or mouse"?....
It's one of those... LOL
Vot-ER is a group of 50,000 physicians who are signing up patients to vote in the 2024 election. The group is led by Dr. Dr. Alister Martin who served as a White House Fellow in the office of Kamala Harris.
Dr. Kat Lindley joined Tom Basile on Newsmax Saturday morning to discuss this latest attempt by the Biden regime to use doctors to register patients to vote.
Tom Basile: A code blue for election integrity. Why do doctors need to know your voter registration status? Why would they be tapped to help ensure you’re registered to vote? Healthcare software giant Epik recently announced that they would be making it possible for patients to register to vote and for doctors to help them through their popular MyChart app. All this in conjunction with the Biden-Harris and activist group, Vote-ER, which just so happens to be headed up by a former senior advisor to Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.
For more on this, we’re going to bring in FLCC senior fellow and President of the Global Health Project, Dr. Kat Lindley. Doctor, thank you for being with us. I couldn’t believe this. When I heard this, and you’ve been one of the folks who blew the lid on this, the same application that your doctor interfaces with that provides you with your health care information can now also help you register to vote with the click of a button, which means your choice can also be tracked. This is the threshold question. Is this setting up a scenario where millions of illegals and non-citizens passing through safety net hospitals that serve lower-income and undocumented could be registered to vote?
Dr. Kat Lindley: Yes, because the Vot-ER group that you just mentioned was founded by Dr. Alister Martin and actually has a script for undocumented patients on how to register to vote.
Tom Basile: That’s incredible. You’ve been a vocal critic of this new practice. You’ve made the point that your doctor doesn’t need to know your political affiliation. They don’t need to know whether or not you are registered. Talk to me about why we should be alarmed by this. Another example of what seems to politicised medicine, politics, getting into your doctor’s office.
Dr. Kat Lindley: Well, actually, the reason is that, interestingly, a few days before I found out about this, there was a tweet from an anonymous physician on the West Coast. I believe it was the Oregon area. It’s a female physician who said that if she treats Conservatives, she often misdiagnoses them and gives them the wrong treatment. Just that lets you know that there’s no reason for any physicians to know the political status of our patients. We’re supposed to be completely impartial. We are supposed to just deal with the health issues that a patient has and do the best we can to make them recover.
Tom Basile: Doctor, the other issue that I guess you would inevitably encounter here is a patient who perhaps lacks the mental capacity to make basic decisions for themselves and is being manipulated into registering to vote. That’s a very real concern in the state of Pennsylvania, where at least one psychiatric hospital has been exposed for registering patients. Do you see activist physicians and other healthcare providers potentially taking advantage of those folks for political purposes as well? Because, again, you could just do this now with the click of a button on your own app, or the doctor through through their portal could actually do this for you.
Dr. Kat Lindley: That’s exactly right. According to that article, actually, they started registering the patients in that psychiatric hospital in Pennsylvania, the ones who were not necessarily there for the in-house treatments, the ones that were going to be discharged. But then they continue that practice and register patients who are in-house to register as well, and they help them obtain mailing ballots and other things. When you are in need, and they’re We also do this in oncology centerss, in substance abuse centres, in the ER. And as you can imagine, all of these centers, what they have in common is you’re at your most vulnerable state. Yeah, absolutely. And they are taking advantage of this state to say, Oh, it’s really important for you to register. It’s going to make you feel better.
Here are a list of its partners. (go to this link to see)
Dr. Alister Martin founder of Vot-ER is ER physician at Harvard Medical School. He served as the White House Fellow in the office of Vice President Kamala Harris. He also currently sits on the Health and Human Services advisory panel on outreach to vulnerable patient communities. Two staffers from the Vot-ER were present at the meeting with the Executive Office of the President, DOJ and other agencies regarding the EO on “Promoting Access to Vote”.
Doctors have used Vot-ER’s tools to register patients in cancer hospitals, emergency rooms, substance abuse clinics, palliative care departments, even neonatal intensive care units. Vot-ER has also partnered with the taxpayer-backed health centers to register vulnerable patients to vote ahead of the 2024 election.
The American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Nurses Association, and the Association of American Medical Colleges support this effort by suggesting that clinicians ask patients whether they plan to vote. As mentioned above, HHS supports this by encouraging federally funded health centers to provide voter registering information to the patients.
Ask yourself why?
Medicine should be apolitical.
Vot-ER is a "non-partisan group" that has helped over 50k physicians to register their patients to vote. This is all under efforts of the President Biden's Executive Order on "Promoting Access to Voting". Their funding sources are quite interesting.
Dr. Alister Martin founder of… pic.twitter.com/e8sv2vc37h
— Dr. Kat Lindley (@KLVeritas) August 17, 2024
Too many people are afraid to ruffle feathers but yet get screamed and yelled at by someone with the opposing view.
Stand up for your values, your family needs you.