Saturday, January 4, 2025

Will we EVER know the truth about the Vegas shooter years ago?






So many dead and wounded and yet all these years NOTHING.


But we know everything about the terrorist attack on Jan 1 2025?


REALLY? Are YOU that dumb? 


Why do we only get details for CERTAIN

mass shootings?
















This country is so soft on crime) SHOCKING VIDEO: Liberian Man Caught on Video Violently Body Slamming Young Mother During Road Rage Incident in Massachusetts








SHOCKING VIDEO: Liberian Man Caught on Video Violently Body Slamming Young Mother During Road Rage Incident in Massachusetts


Friday, January 3, 2025

Hey Pres Trump....Less Elon and MORE VANCE





 (Original date... jan 1-25)

Enough with Elon.... we voted for VANCE !!


UPDATE Jan 3-25......I'm bumping this to the top because I am hoping that EVERYONE will post the same thing on face book or anywhere.




Trump is NOT acting like a President he is acting like an "Elon groupie". 


 It is getting very weird.











Are you really believing this crap?) New York Post Texas Reporter Jennie Taer was conveniently given an exclusive tour of a squalid trailer home in New Orleans that belonged to Jabbar.



TWO days after a terrorist attack on the city and they allow a reporter to wander through this crime scene? Come on ....really?

When was the last time a reporter walked through ANY shooters/murderer/failed assassin/  homes?

Does this sound right to you?






Thursday, January 2, 2025

Of course they proved her WRONG) DEI in Action: New Orleans FBI Special Agent with Nose Ring Says Two Improvised Explosive Devices “Not a Terrorist Event” (VIDEO)







DEI in Action: New Orleans FBI Special Agent with Nose Ring Says Two Improvised Explosive Devices “Not a Terrorist Event” (VIDEO)

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Biden did this and YOUR child or Grandchild could be next) Alarming Video Shows 56-Year-Old Man Lures Young Boy Away from Home by Offering to Buy a Toy








Alarming Video Shows 56-Year-Old Man Lures Young Boy Away from Home by Offering to Buy a Toy


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Now is the time to make it hell for all democrats like they tried to do to us REAL Americans.



pass laws, 

stop all this welfare bull crap

 ( since most have more money than us, they drive Mercedes,  and eat steak,lobster and crab legs weekly. Plus they drink "top shelf", get hair and nails done etc. But yet the kids get free meals at school supplies...back packs.....many free holiday meals depending on how many drive thru food pantry's they want to go to etc)

start helping the American people.... seniors...Vets (that fought for US)...etc

 So much more and will add here later