Sunday, January 19, 2025

Orange County Democrat Indicted on Multiple Election Fraud Charges – Faces Up to Six Years in Prison







Orange County Democrat Indicted on Multiple Election Fraud Charges – Faces Up to Six Years in Prison

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Boo Hoo...Crying babies can't get over Trump winning. GET OVER IT.




 Life is full of disappointments and if you can't handle an election.... you are in deep trouble.


Mental illness is really spreading. Some of these people having breakdowns is frightening. There is really something wrong with them.


 Why don't people use their own minds instead of wanting to COPY someone else?



so sad you're not able to act like an adult.


Not EVERYTHING in life will go YOUR's how you deal it that will show the kind of person you really are.













Friday, January 17, 2025

When will someone investagate Michigan from Gov on down?





Detroit is the ONLY city that matters.

High WELFARE (but able to work)

Millions spent on roads EVERY FREAKIN year and same roads.

We have family and friends there and they are still complaining about this same stuff.

The gov is umm questionable.













This is great news...Michele Obamma not going?That's okay,she doesn't belong..Who CARES ??









Who does she think she is? She's not special, she's just a BITTER LOUD MOUTH Brut !!!


How many people hated her husband and yet they showed they had class and showed up?


She is an embarrassment !!


Does anyone else feel sorry for hubby? Okay not anymore... he is a fool staying with that "Bitter...LOUD mouth.. BRUT/person.

She looks so...... different.











Thursday, January 16, 2025

Far-Left Washington Post Cartoonist Arrested For Possession of Child Pornography





(Yep..... a lefty) 




Far-Left Washington Post Cartoonist Arrested For Possession of Child Pornography

Best news...Nancy Pelosi not attending...GREAT NEWS






We will not forget how she acts like a little toddler throwing a tantrum.


 More than 3/4 of the country will be celebrating Nancy..... go cry in your DRINK.









Urgent..pass on) Speaker Johnson Defies Joe Biden’s Order, Says Flags Will be Raised For Trump Inauguration








(Make sure your whole neighborhood has their flags up and flying HIGH !!!)





Speaker Johnson Defies Joe Biden’s Order, Says Flags Will be Raised For Trump Inauguration