Monday, January 20, 2025

Come on people...FLAGS UP !!







 Be proud !!

(update...supreme court said "admission of guilt")How did biden pardon fauci when he wasn't charged with a crime??




(update....supreme court said"admission of guilt".) 

Low life biden ..... all the innocent people harmed or killed by the sh...ot.  

They are GUILTY or they would NOT need a pardon.




A O C is a loud mouth Bully






Does she ever say ONE nice thing about OTHERS? 


People like her put other people down to make themselves look better.










Sunday, January 19, 2025

Biden, you have been an embarrassment to the people of America. You will go down in history as the WORST President EVER.







Enjoy your retirement.... now take the rest of them with you..... (Nancy...Bernie... oh hell.... ALL OF THEM)

Rain or Shine... Put those flags up HIGH on Monday. Remind your friends and family





Show your pride !!!!!! 


(Weather resistant flags I hope...we need to be respectful of her.)

Elizabeth Warren and Other Democrats Sent Threatening Letters to People Who Donated to Trump’s Inauguration





 (Please go to this link to read more TRUE stories that social media and local news doesn't want you to see.)





Elizabeth Warren and Other Democrats Sent Threatening Letters to People Who Donated to Trump’s Inauguration

Tech Billionaire Mark Pincus Reveals the ‘Red Pill’ Moment That Shifted His Support to Trump (VIDEO)




 click here


Tech Billionaire Mark Pincus Reveals the ‘Red Pill’ Moment That Shifted His Support to Trump (VIDEO)