Thursday, February 11, 2021

Officials say Meena Harris social media posts could interfere with U.S. diplomacy with India




Officials say Meena Harris social media posts could interfere with U.S. diplomacy with India

burn portraits of Meena Harris, niece of U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris, and Greta Thunberg in New Delhi, India, Thursday, Feb. 4, 2021. As the farmers camp out at the edges of the capital, protesting new agricultural laws they say will devastate their earnings, the mainstream and social media have come under unprecedented attacks from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party. Critics say it has used the massive demonstrations to escalate a crackdown on free speech, detaining journalists and freezing Twitter accounts. (AP Photo/Dinesh Joshi)

Residents burn portraits of Meena Harris, niece of U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris, and Greta Thunberg in New Delhi, India, Thursday, Feb. 4, 2021. As the farmers camp out at the edges of the capital, protesting new agricultural laws they say will devastate their earnings, the mainstream and social media have come under unprecedented attacks from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party. (AP Photo/Dinesh Joshi)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 1:44 PM PT – Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Family members of the Biden-Harris administration have encountered more criticism as the vice president’s 36-year-old niece continues to comment on civil unrest in India.

According to a report from the Washington Examiner on Wednesday, State Department officials are concerned Meena Harris’ social media posts could threaten national security and complicate the U.S.’s relationship with India.

Meena took to Twitter earlier this week and shared a post calling India’s government a “dictatorship.” This comes as she has voiced disapproval for the Indian government’s treatment of farmers and protesters on several occasions.

The White House Global Engagement adviser under the Obama administration noted family members of politicians who comment on foreign affairs are often targets of foreign influence operations.

So far, the Biden administration has agreed to work with the Indian government, even supporting the prime minister’s reforms and touting Kamala Harris’ Indian heritage.

Meena’s comments came just after Joe Biden spoke to the prime minister of India on Monday to discuss the coronavirus pandemic, climate change and unrest in Myanmar.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration continues to face scrutiny as family members engage in foreign affairs despite promises from Biden that relatives will not have foreign influence





Stop using OUR Flag and Anthem as a weapon, you IDIOTS !!

YOU should have the RIGHT to your own OPINION. Fight for that right.



Why are you allowing anyone to silence YOUR OPINION ?

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

American Girl doll with gay aunts sparks petition from conservative group: 'Parents are outraged'



American Girl doll with gay aunts sparks petition from conservative group: 'Parents are outraged'

Elise SolΓ©
A conservative group called
A conservative group called "One Million Moms" is encouraging a boycott of American Girl for its new doll who has gay aunts. (Screenshot: Instagram/AmericanGirl)

One Million Moms, a conservative arm of the American Family Association (a classfied anti-LGBT hate group, per the Southern Poverty Law Center) is petitioning for American Girl to drop its new doll's lesbian storyline, claiming it's "irresponsible."

"Conservative parents are outraged!" reads a petition with more than 28,000 signatures by One Million Moms, which operates to "to stop the exploitation of our children" by the entertainment industry, according to its website. "American Girl released its first doll with an accompanying book that has an LGBTQ storyline. This is unacceptable!"

In December, American Girl (whose parent company is Mattel), released its "2021 Girl of the Year," a doll named Kira Bailey, who in her book, Kira Down Under, travels from Michigan to Australia to vist an animal sanctuary run by her great-aunts Mamie and Lynette, a same-sex couple. The detail won over American Girl fans who loved the ongoing inclusivity efforts (the company sells racially diverse dolls with varying abilities and progressive storylines) but sparked homophobic comments in online collector groups and Amazon book reviews.

"Why can’t the toy manufacturer let kids be kids instead of glamorizing a sinful lifestyle? American Girl is confusing our innocent children by attempting to normalize same-sex marriage," reads the petition. "The doll company did not even include a warning so parents would have a heads-up."

"American Girl could have chosen another storyline or characters to write about and remained neutral in the culture war," continues the petition, urging parents to censor the content "to avoid a premature conversation" that girls are "far too young to understand." The petition also asks customers to boycott the brand until it discontinues its plot.

The doll company is among several groups earmarked by One Million Moms — the group is currently campaigning against ads by General Motors, which for the Super Bowl, featured Will Ferrell yelling "dammit" (an "extremely offensive" word, per OMM), Cadbury Creme Egg for depicting two men sharing the treat Lady and the Tramp-style ("graphic," warns the group) and eHarmony for featuring two women kissing. The organization has also taken on Burger King, Disney and the Hallmark Channel for perceived offenses.

And in 2015, after American Girl magazine published a story about a Black girl adopted by two white men in a relationship, One Million Moms director Monica Cole told ABC News the story was a "red flag" for conservative parents and promoting a boycott American Girl for "pushing the homosexual agenda to children," as reported the outlet.

In response to One Million Mom's call to action toward American Girl, company spokeswoman Julie Parks directed Yahoo Life to its previous statement regarding online backlash against Kira, when the doll first debuted.

"From the beginning, our 'Girl of the Year' characters have been designed to reflect girls's lives today and the realities of the times," said Parks. "As a brand, we've always strived to share the message that there's no 'magic recipe' for a family and that families can be made up of all kinds of ingredients — and each is unique and lovely. We know for girls who can directly relate to Kira's circumstances (i.e. a father who has passed away or a couple in a same-sex marriage), we're glad to show them that the make-up of one's family doesn’t matter — it’s still a family and that's all the counts. It's a sentiment we love at American Girl."


The Republican Party Is Failing to Deal with the Criminal Activities of the Democrat Party and Acting Like An Abused Spouse





The Republican Party Is Failing to Deal with the Criminal Activities of the Democrat Party and Acting Like An Abused Spouse

Share to Gab P Share

Americans have had it with the Republican Party.  The Party offers very little, if anything, without President Trump who had a backbone and knew how to deal with criminals, thugs and abusers.

Republicans ignored the greatest election results for a US President in history and align themselves with what now has become the communist left.  Republicans remain silent, like good little sheep, and don’t dare to suggest that the election was stolen in the greatest crime in history.  The Democrat media might attack them.

Instead, Republicans jump over each other to try to please the Democrat Party who are evil and just stole the election from them.  The Democrats are now so emboldened because they know they will never lose an election ever again.  They own the machines and the criminals and processes to steal every election in history.  They are now proposing to lock in this criminal activity in a bill that will fix elections forever.

This is fine with weak, lost, and dumb Republicans who are really only concerned about how to enrich themselves.  Here are some additional thoughts from a reader, comparing the Republicans to victims of abuse:

A critically important analysis of our current events is to understand the current Republican (Reps) relationship with Democrats (Dems) is that of the abusive spouse (usually the husband) and the victim spouse (usually the wife). In these relationships, the husband may do something like slap the wife hard across the face for some trivial transgression. When the wife, in shock, protests that he slapped (or hurt) her, his reply is “I didn’t slap (or hurt) you.” and he brushes it off like nothing happened. Or he may even turn the tables and ask her why she’s making a big deal out of nothing. He gaslights her.

I’ll pause things right here and ask you to reflect on that verbal exchange in light of events from 2020 such as the summer time rioting. The Reps protested that Dems were rioting. Dems (and the MSM) reply that “we’re not rioting, we’re mostly peaceful protesting.” How many times do Repubs state the obvious Dem transgression, crime, moral failing, etc. only for Dems/MSM to say “no it isn’t/no we didn’t” in the same vein as “I didn’t slap you.”

Back to the abusive husband and victim wife template. Stating the opposite of and/or denying the reality of something is gaslighting and the purpose of it is two parts. The larger element is that the abuser is trying to construct a relationship with the victim such that the abuser is able to abuse time and again, and suffer no negative consequences (the victim’s wife doesn’t report anything to the cops, nor does she leave/separate/divorce the abusive husband).

The second element is that in denying the reality of their abusive actions, the abuser may insinuate that the victim is crazy, no one would believe her, she is making a mountain out of a molehill, and in general sow seeds of self-doubt within the victim, trying to break her down mentally. The abuser is hoping to make a doormat out of the victim. Obviously it helps if the victim has low self-esteem or lacks confidence, and has little or no support from friends/family/work colleagues, and maybe even needs booze, pills, or other crutches to get through the day, etc. Gaslighting is the primary tool, to psychologically wear down the victim in hopes of creating a sustained abusive relationship: alpha/abuser to beta/victim.

Which brings up one last element that the abuser needs to put in place to make for a sustained abusive relationship. That is that he must convince the victim that any other alternative to her relationship with him is worse than what they’ve got. So if she thinks or talks of leaving him, he will tell her that she’s damaged goods, no other man will want her, and in general create a phony bogeyman or paint an awful situation that awaits her, playing upon her worst fears and insecurities.

Going back to politics, the Dem goal with gaslighting is to create a sustained abusive relationship with Reps, where Dems are the alpha/abuser and Reps are the beta/victim, and Dems never get held responsible for any and all of their criminal activity. Also the above explains why Dems are so gung-ho on the “sexist-racist-homophobe-Islamaphobe-xenophobe-conspiracy theorist-insurrectionist” labeling of Reps. It’s primarily geared for the Dem’s African-American constituents, who the Dems are victimizing in a sustained abusive relationship and are most likely to bolt from their relationship with Dems. The Dems are saying to these constituents, “If you ever think of leaving me to go to the Reps, they are lynchers, racists, etc. If you think we (Dems) are bad, Repubs are ten times worse.”

The good thing is that Trump and most grass roots Reps see through the gaslighting and are of strong enough esteem and confidence that they can say “that’s BS, you’re not walking over me” and won’t be moved off of their position. Trump seriously reinforced that backbone into his 80MM voters, which is what the Dems, MSM, and Deep State hate the most. They had just about totally demoralized the grass roots Reps, but Trump gave them a voice, courage, and new life.

Unfortunately Obama’s people/Dems have a stranglehold on DOJ/FBI/US Attorney offices and it’s going to be that way for another four years. So they will be able to get away with their abuse and not suffer any criminal penalties. Dems aren’t held accountable by the rule of law, and therefore more and more abuse is coming. Don’t underestimate how evil the Left will be in the days ahead.

It’s insane to own lies that are created to enable abuse and to try to apologize to criminal politicians or abusive spouses for their criminal and abusive acts.  But, this is your Republican Party today.





Dallas Mavericks become 1st sports team to eliminate National Anthem.(jerks)












Now the owner is backtracking saying it was a conversation that he had before the game they didn't play it.


Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Are you kidding me? How freaking stupid is this GIRL?? And she has a lawyer to sue? My God where is common sense? If she wouldn't use super glue why would she use this?


 Why aren't kids raised with COMMON SENSE?





'Gorilla Glue Girl' Launches Fundraiser to Help Cover Hospital Bill, Considers Lawsuit

Alex Montrose

Image via Getty

After spending 22 hours in the emergency room over the weekend, Tessica Brown a.k.a. “Gorilla Glue girl” is still looking for relief from her hairy predicament.

Brown went viral last week after sharing videos about her predicament on TikTok, which caught the attention of Chance the Rapper and many others who expressed both amusement and concern over her situation.

TMZ says Brown has since obtained a lawyer and is looking into her legal options as far as moving forward with a lawsuit.

Gorilla Glue released a statement expressing sympathy for Brown, but noting that its products specifically warn against getting the product on “eyes, on skin, or on clothing.”



Company to 'Gorilla Glue Girl': Our spray is for crafts, not your hair

Alexander Coolidge, Cincinnati Enquirer

Gorilla Glue's spray adhesive is for crafting – not your hair (not at all).

The Cincinnati company urged consumers to read its warning labels and follow directions after a woman who dubbed herself "Gorilla Glue Girl" caused a weekend social media sensation after a misadventure with the product.

What happened? She used the heavy-duty glue when she ran out of hair spray.

"My hair's been like this for about a month now – it's not my choice," said Tessica Brown, adding she's washed her hair 15 times but it hasn't removed the product. She posted about her plight on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube.

Company officials expressed concern for the woman. They said she contacted the company, but haven't connected with her.

They would have directed her to seek medical attention, which appears to have happened from further posts by Brown.

Brown did not immediately respond to messages seeking comment.

"We are very sorry to hear about the unfortunate incident that Miss Brown experienced using our Spray Adhesive on her hair," the company told The Enquirer. "This is a unique situation because this product is not indicated for use in or on hair as it is considered permanent."

Company officials further pointed out the product's warning label cautions consumers about getting the product on the body or ingesting.

While the warnings explicitly say “do not swallow. Do not get in eyes, on skin or on clothing," they don't say anything about hair. Company officials didn't say whether they might add "hair" to future warnings.

The product has several ingredients that can cause skin irritation. Some of the other risks are: pain, swelling, itching, burning, dryness, and dermatitis. Some of the gases or liquid from the container could also cause frostbite and freeze burns.

The label recommends to "drench affected area with water for at least 15 minutes" if the product gets on skin and to seek "medical attention if irritation develops."

Gorilla Glue, based outside Cincinnati, said its spray is used mainly for crafting projects, such as scrapbooks or holiday decorations. It can be used on surfaces like paper, cardboard, wood, laminate and fabric.

===========================Gorilla Glue's Spray Adhesive








Chance the Rapper Wishes Speedy Recovery to Woman Who Went Viral for Using Gorilla Glue in Her Hair

Kaitlyn Frey

Tessica/Instaagram; BET2020/Getty Images

Chance the Rapper is sending well wishes to a Louisiana woman after she went viral for getting into quite a predicament by using Gorilla Glue in place of hairspray.

Tessica Brown, who has become known as "Gorilla Glue Girl" on the internet, shared her plight on TikTok after applying Gorilla Glue Spray Adhesive Heavy Duty to her hair when she ran out of her go-to Got2B Glued Blasting Freeze Hairspray. The video, in which she explains that she has been unable to move her hair for "a month," has since garnered over 19 million views, and the attention of celebrities who are sending her positive vibes.

"I'm glad mfs actually supporting her thru this. When I watched the video the second time it was hard to laugh cause I could tell shorty genuinely didn't know she had put one of the worlds most powerful adhesives in her s---. I hope she recovers well πŸ™πŸΎ #gorillagluegirl," Chance the Rapper tweeted.

Brown realized putting in the Gorilla Glue spray was a "bad, bad, bad idea" after she applied it to her hair. "Y'all look. My hair, it don't move," she said as she touched her hair, which was styled in a side-parted braid. "I've washed my hair 15 times and it don't move."

Gorilla Glue is a bonding, heavy-duty multipurpose which has a permanent drying hold and is meant to bond materials including wood, metal, fabric, foam, plastic, paper, glass leather and more. It's sold at home appliance stores.

  Gorilla Snot Gel, however, is a separate product which makes a long-lasting, "indestructible" gel for human hair.

In a follow-up TikTok video, Brown filmed herself attempting to use Pantene shampoo to rinse out the glue. But her hairstyle didn't budge. "Watch. Watch. Look. You wipe it off and nothing happens. This is the life that I'm living with," she said with frustration.

As her videos went viral, Brown was flooded with comments recommending various ways to remove the glue from her hair. She thanked everyone for their support and updated her followers when she attempted to use tea tree oil and coconut oil on her strands overnight. Unfortunately, the hack didn't work. "Epic fail. Help me please!!!!!!!" she said in the TikTok update.

The situation got so severe that by this past weekend, Brown decided to visit her local emergency room to seek medical attention.

The doctors sent Brown home with sterile water and MediChoice Nail Polish Remover Pads to use on herself, which she shared in a photo on Instagram. "This is really about to be a long process πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ," Brown said.

She also posted an update on YouTube as a friend applied the items to her hair while wearing gloves. "I'm trying to wipe it a little bit and put this on her so it don't burn her," the friend explained. As Brown's friend wiped the acetone-soaked pads down her scalp, Brown appeared to be in pain, started crying and covered her face with a bath towel.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you. We all make mistakes. Sending good vibes," one commenter said on YouTube. Another person said: "Cry as much as you need to boo!!! If it hurts, it hurts. You don't have to be tough. If you're in pain, cry as much as you need to. Praying for you and hoping that all ends well."

Brown has created a GoFundMe page on Sunday to raise donations to help pay for any medical treatments needed to repair her hair with a goal of $1,500. The GoFundMe has already surpassed its goal by raising $8,375.

PEOPLE has reached out to Brown and Gorilla Glue for additional comment.

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Company to 'Gorilla Glue Girl': Our spray is for crafts, not your hair

Alexander Coolidge, Cincinnati Enquirer

Gorilla Glue's spray adhesive is for crafting – not your hair (not at all).

The Cincinnati company urged consumers to read its warning labels and follow directions after a woman who dubbed herself "Gorilla Glue Girl" caused a weekend social media sensation after a misadventure with the product.

What happened? She used the heavy-duty glue when she ran out of hair spray.

"My hair's been like this for about a month now – it's not my choice," said Tessica Brown, adding she's washed her hair 15 times but it hasn't removed the product. She posted about her plight on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube.

Company officials expressed concern for the woman. They said she contacted the company, but haven't connected with her.

They would have directed her to seek medical attention, which appears to have happened from further posts by Brown.

Brown did not immediately respond to messages seeking comment.

"We are very sorry to hear about the unfortunate incident that Miss Brown experienced using our Spray Adhesive on her hair," the company told The Enquirer. "This is a unique situation because this product is not indicated for use in or on hair as it is considered permanent."

Company officials further pointed out the product's warning label cautions consumers about getting the product on the body or ingesting.

While the warnings explicitly say “do not swallow. Do not get in eyes, on skin or on clothing," they don't say anything about hair. Company officials didn't say whether they might add "hair" to future warnings.

The product has several ingredients that can cause skin irritation. Some of the other risks are: pain, swelling, itching, burning, dryness, and dermatitis. Some of the gases or liquid from the container could also cause frostbite and freeze burns.

The label recommends to "drench affected area with water for at least 15 minutes" if the product gets on skin and to seek "medical attention if irritation develops."

Gorilla Glue, based outside Cincinnati, said its spray is used mainly for crafting projects, such as scrapbooks or holiday decorations. It can be used on surfaces like paper, cardboard, wood, laminate and fabric.

Gorilla Glue's Spray Adhesive
Gorilla Glue's Spray Adhesive

For the latest on Cincinnati business, P&G, Kroger and Fifth Third Bank, follow @alexcoolidge on Twitter.

This article originally appeared on Cincinnati Enquirer: Gorilla Glue Girl: Company says use it for crafts, not hair