Friday, September 17, 2021

The U.S is so weak and cowardly.



I am ashamed to be an American right now with these jerks in the Yellow Belly House.


My God, they surrendered to the Taliban and are now hanging people and burned a woman yesterday because she wasn't a good cook.


NICE GOING Biden ( and all the people that voted for him).

YOU ALL have blood on your hands..





Thursday, September 16, 2021

New Missouri COVID Whistleblower: HOSPITALS are LYING to the public about COVID… and I CAN PROVE IT

 Just because they say it.... doesn't make it true. They are making fools out of people. Think for yourself.


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New Missouri COVID Whistleblower: HOSPITALS are LYING to the public about COVID… and I CAN PROVE IT

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Another COVID whistleblower has come forward to allege that the statistics about ICU’s being overrun are wildly inflated, over-reported, and in many cases an outright LIE by political officials.

Josh Snider worked in facilities management at Missouri Baptist Medical Center or “MBMC”, “I watched our hospital administrators say in the media that our intensive care units were overflowing with COVID patients, at 98% capacity, knowing that it was a complete and utter lie.” 


nider relates that the MBMC hospital, part of a larger $5.5 billion annual network within the Barnes Jewish hospital system in St. Louis, Missouri, actually shut down three out of four floors of intensive care during COVID because they were UNUSED.


“And even after shutting down three-fourths of our ICU capacity, they were still never more than 50% full with that drastically reduced overall capacity. These medical systems that are saying they are overrun with COVID patients are likely LYING TO THE PUBLIC,” Snider said.

Empty hospital ICU wing during COVID: no COVID patients to admit!



Snider says that three out of floor ICU floors were closed because there were no COVID patients to put in them. So when hospitals like theirs say they are at 98% of capacity, they are LYING.


COVID whistleblower Josh Snider took photos of 3 of 4 of the MBMC ICU wings SHUT DOWN because there were no COVID patients to admit during the pandemic.

MBMC has refused to comment for this story after repeated requests for comment.


Snider provided documentary proof of the COVID case load of the MBMC system, whose COVID patients do not track national trends, and where the number of COVID patients in ICU were, at many points, a single, solitary person.

“I would have to adjust the airflow in some of the rooms of people in the ICU with COVID, they were fine. I believe in COVID, I know it’s serious, but I also personally saw people who were fine, they had a terminal case of boredom. I spoke with these people and they weren’t sick at all, they felt fine but were told they had to stay there. Many brought their PlayStations with them to waste away the days with video games instead.”


This matches news today from World Net Daily that many COVID hospitalizations were for mild or non-existent cases



The case charts published by the MBMC hospital chain also demonstrate that COVID hospitalizations were always very minor. Snider says their ICU COVID capacity was 60 patients.

Snider provided an INSIDER CHART from the hospital that shows VERY DIFFERENT NUMBERS than were being reported to the public and to the government.

This chart was INTERNAL and distributed to employees of MBMC. In it, you can see that the number of COVID patients in critical care was always under 20. The hospital shut down 3 of 4 ICU wings, and in the remaining one had the capacity for 60 beds/patients. They never came close to being at capacity for COVID ICU patients.

These charts, provided by Snider, show that there was a relatively normal track for COVID infections at the MBMC Center, an acute care facility in St. Louis. Even during periods of infection spikes in the national population, those spikes are not found in the hospital data. As well, the bottom line showing serious cases of COVID requiring intensive care remain significantly small and reduced throughout the months of the pandemic.


INTERNAL: on August 18, 2021, MBMC said they had 19 COVID patients in ICU.

EXTERNAL: on August 20, 2021, MBMC told the public they had 35.3 COVID patients in ICU.


Here is the chart generated from information submitted to the US Department of Health and Human Services, as published by the Gannett News Service:

The overstated COVID ICU statistics are visible here. Not only is this chart misrepresenting reality because it doesn’t account for the three ICU wings that were shut down, but the actual numbers presented are almost 100% off what they were reporting to employees internally.

The government reports this data very poorly on this site as well.

Snider has provided his personal statement, documentary evidence, and clear data discrepancies that all suggest that hospitals are not telling the public the truth about the COVID pandemic.

“The real flu season in the hospital was always more serious than COVID has been,” Snider said. “Flu season in a hospital is very challenging, and even the tamest flu season in years past was still worse than COVID has been so far. The people who have been suffering and sadly dying are clearly people who are hundreds of pounds overweight, and people with multiple other comorbidities like stage 4 cancer. I’m not a Doctor, but the response and panic to this virus is clearly wildly disproportionate to reality.”




Biden said get the vaccine and take your mask off ( in the begining). Now the FULLY VACCINATED are dying of virus


 (Bottom photo shows her)

Woman's obituary blames unvaccinated for her COVID-19 death: 'The cost was her life'

·4 min read

It’s a startling beginning of an obituary announcing the passing of Candace Cay Ayers from complications of severe COVID-19.

“She was preceded in death by more than 4,531,799 others infected with covid-19. She was vaccinated but was infected by others who chose not to be. The cost was her life,” it reads.

Candace Cay Ayers died on Sept. 3, after life support was removed. “She took about four or five breaths after that and she passed away right there within a matter of minutes,” her son said. (Courtesy Marc Ayers)

The Springfield, Illinois, mother was 66 and received her second shot of the Moderna vaccine in March, said Marc Ayers, her son.

But the family believes she caught the breakthrough infection in July after visiting an unvaccinated friend in Mississippi. Her condition deteriorated quickly and she died on Sept. 3, three weeks after being placed on a ventilator.

“Mom was a fighter… and mom was so angry at people for not getting vaccinated and not wearing a mask,” Marc Ayers, 36, told TODAY.

“Mom was very vocal about people who just refused to take those precautions and so we thought it was a good idea to put that in the obituary and make a statement out of it.”

His sister, Amanda, wrote the obituary, with the family hoping it would inspire people to get vaccinated and continue to take precautions as COVID-19 cases spike.

'We did everything that we were advised to do'

Candace Ayers was relieved to become fully vaccinated this spring because she had a pre-existing condition, rheumatoid arthritis, and was already immunocompromised, her son said.

The whole family, including her 68-year-old husband, Terry, and both of their adult children received the jabs at the same time. They continued to avoid eating inside restaurants and kept wearing masks while grocery shopping, Marc Ayers recalled.

This was the last photo the family took together before Candace and Terry Ayers drove to Mississippi in July. From left to right: Marc Ayers, his parents Candace and Terry Ayers, and his sister Amanda. (Courtesy Marc Ayers)

“We did everything that we were advised to do,” he said.

“We're a family that believes in science, believes in the medical advice of the community, medical recommendations from doctors. We followed everything very strictly. So all that combined is kind of what we're still in shock about how it didn't seem to matter, at least for my mom.”

In mid-July, Candace and Terry Ayers drove to Mississippi to visit an unvaccinated friend whose husband had earlier had COVID-19 and passed away. Everyone thought the couple would be safe since they were both vaccinated and breakthrough cases around that time were rare, their son said.

“I wish there was better science out at the time that said maybe they should stay home, maybe these precautions are good for regular people, but (not) for the immunocompromised. I wish doctors had not cleared my mom to travel to Mississippi.”

As the couple drove back home five days later, Candace Ayers already felt very fatigued and later developed joint pain, nausea and a cough, Marc Ayers recalled. She tested positive for COVID-19 on July 28, while her husband tested positive three days later. His case was mild, but she continued to deteriorate.

After two visits to the emergency room, Candace Ayers was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia. As her oxygen levels continued to drop, she was put on a ventilator. Just when she seemed to improve, she developed sepsis.

“After that, any progress that my mom had made in terms of her lungs getting a little bit better was erased and the pneumonia took over with a vengeance,” her son said.

“The last week or so of her being alive, her lungs were completely white in the X-ray — they had completely filled up with fluid and infections.”

Candace Ayers shares a happy moment with her son, Marc. (Courtesy Marc Ayers)
Candace Ayers shares a happy moment with her son, Marc. (Courtesy Marc Ayers)

She was fully sedated and couldn’t squeeze the hands of her loved ones. They don’t know if she was aware they were there. Doctors told the family to consider comfort care, which entails giving pain medications to the patient, removing life support and letting her go peacefully. That’s what happened on Sept. 3.

“She took about four or five breaths after that and she passed away right there within a matter of minutes,” her son said.

“I would just wish (unvaccinated people) would read the story of my mom, what we as a family went through and see if that's something they want to put their loved ones through, because I can probably assure you that it's not.”

Marc Ayers urged everyone to get the vaccine and wear a mask to protect themselves and others. Already, acquaintances and strangers have reached out to tell him they received the shot after reading his mom’s story, he said: “It is working already, and so the more that we can keep talking about it, the better it will be.”


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

WATCH: NCAA Golfer Has Severe Adverse Heart Condition Due To COVID Vaccine, Speaks Out Against Vaccine Mandates


WATCH: NCAA Golfer Has Severe Adverse Heart Condition Due To COVID Vaccine, Speaks Out Against Vaccine Mandates (VIDEO)

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After being compelled to get his second dose of the Covid-19 vaccination, a Division I athlete from Tennessee State University was hospitalized with myocarditis.

The news surfaced after the athlete uploaded a video of himself lying in a hospital bed, warning others about the potentially deadly side effects of the Covid-19 vaccination on Tik Tok.


The University of Tennessee’s John Stokes, a golfer who also happens to be an Academic Medal of Honor student, spoke in a TikTok video about how he was informed that he would be unable to participate in sports during his final year after being diagnosed with myocarditis.



Stokes ended the video by urging the NCAA not to compel student-athletes to get the vaccination, and he said that he had spoken with a large number of other players who had had cardiac problems after receiving the vaccine.

This news will almost certainly be ignored by the mainstream media, but Todd Starnes did his best to bring it to our attention. Here’s what he had to say about it:.

John Stokes is a Division One golfer at Tennessee State University, but now his athletic career and his life are in jeopardy all because of the China Virus vaccine.

A few days ago, John received a second dose of the vaccine — and four days later he was in the hospital — with a severe heart issue. Myocarditis.

A 21-year-old collegiate athlete – perfectly healthy — until he got the vaccine.

 Doctors told John that his college athletic career may be over.

 Like many other college athletes, John was required by the NCAA to get vaccinated.

But students were apparently not told about the severe side effects of the vaccine — especially for young people.







Monday, September 13, 2021

Kamala Harris questioned after announcing steps for ‘protecting the vaccinated’: ‘Doesn’t the vax do that?’



Kamala Harris questioned after announcing steps for ‘protecting the vaccinated’: ‘Doesn’t the vax do that?’

''Protecting the vaccinated’ is an odd argument since the vaccinated are already, you know, vaccinated,' Joe Concha responded




Vice President Kamala Harris raised eyebrows on Sunday with her tweet urging Americans to help protect already vaccinated people in order to end the COVID-19 pandemic. 

"By vaccinating the unvaccinated, increasing our testing and masking, and protecting the vaccinated, we can end this pandemic. That’s exactly what we are committed to doing," Harris tweeted. 

There has been widespread confusion over vaccine rhetoric from the Biden administration, as a push to protect the vaccinated has become a common talking point, despite the vaccines already providing strong protection for those who've gotten them.


Harris’ tweet was no exception and was met with criticism and confusion. 

"’Protecting the vaccinated’ is an odd argument since the vaccinated are already, you know, vaccinated. And the vaccine works in keeping one out of the hospital 99.99 percent of the time per the data," Fox News contributor Joe Concha responded

Former Trump administration staffer Kyle Hooten asked, "Why do you need to protect the vaccinated? Doesn’t the vax do that?"

Fox News contributor Kate Pavlich called Harris’ message "bizarre" and noted the Biden administration appears to be "taking credit for something…the vaccine is supposed to do." 


Many others took to Twitter with thoughts on Harris’ message: 

Meanwhile, unvaccinated people face a far greater chance of death from the COVID-19 delta variant, according to a new study from the Centers for Disease Control. 

The study monitored incident of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths in 13 U.S. jurisdictions during two periods between April 4 and July 17 in 2021. Findings showed that numbers for all categories were "substantially" higher in persons not fully vaccinated compared with those in fully vaccinated people. 


After the second period, which occurred between June 20 and July 17, the study noted that not fully vaccinated individuals are 4.5 times more likely to get infected (89.1 per 100,000 vs .19.4), 10 times more likely to be hospitalized (7.0 per 100,000 vs .7) and 11 times more likely to die (1.1 per 100,000 vs .1) from the delta variant. 

The period of time the study examined coincided with the delta variant becoming the dominant strain in the United States.

Fox News’ Peter Aitken contributed to this report.


Syracuse Professor Defends 9-11 Attacks – Claims It was Attack on “Heteropatriarchal Capitalistic Systems”


Syracuse Professor Defends 9-11 Attacks – Claims It was Attack on “Heteropatriarchal Capitalistic Systems”

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Jenn M. Jackson is a professor at Syracuse University. She is an assistant professor of political science and uses they/them pronouns to describe herself.

On the 20th Anniversary of the 9-11 attacks on America, Jenn tweeted out that it was an attack on the ‘heteropatriarchal capitalistic systems – a system many white Americans fight to protect.’


It was like she was auditioning to be a member of Joe Biden’s cabinet.

This is the kind of garbage being taught in our universities and colleges today.



 The Daily Mail reported:


A professor at Syracuse University has drawn strong reactions for a tweet calling the attacks on September 11, 2001 a strike against ‘heteropatriarchal capitalistic systems’.

Jenn M. Jackson, an assistant professor of political science, made the remarks in a series of tweets on Friday, a day before the 20th anniversary of the attacks that killed 2,977 people.

‘We have to be more honest about what 9/11 was and what it wasn’t. It was an attack on the heteropatriarchal capitalistic systems that America relies upon to wrangle other countries into passivity,’ wrote Jackson, who uses they/them pronouns.

‘It was an attack on the systems many white Americans fight to protect,’ they added.




According to VAERS Website: The US Is Averaging 70 Deaths per Day Due to COVID Vaccine Since July 24th — Or 3,296 COVID Total Vaccine Deaths



According to VAERS Website: The US Is Averaging 70 Deaths per Day Due to COVID Vaccine Since July 24th — Or 3,296 COVID Total Vaccine Deaths

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The VAERS website released its most recent weekly numbers on Thursday, September 9th.

There are now 14,701 reported deaths from the COVID vaccine in the United States according to the latest numbers.


There were 11,405 reported deaths from the COVID vaccine in the United States back on July 24th

And this was up from 9,125 reported deaths from the COVID-19 vaccinations total from earlier in the month in July


IDE OPEN Along Heavily Trafficked Drug Route in Southern Arizona

The number of deaths linked to the CDC promoted vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed. According to the CDC’s own data.


The VAERS database contains information on unverified reports of adverse events (illnesses, health problems and/or symptoms) following immunization with US-licensed vaccines.  The CDC government website links to VAERS platform.


In June VAERS reported 6,985 deaths due to the COVID vaccines.  

Then it jumped to  11,405 in July

And now it is at 14,701 reported deaths.

That is a jump of 3,296 since July 24th.


This comes out to 70 average deaths per day due to the coronavirus vaccine in the last 47 days.
This needs to stop!

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database contains information on unverified reports of adverse events (illnesses, health problems and/or symptoms) following immunization with US-licensed vaccines. Reports are accepted from anyone and can be submitted electronically at”

There were over 675,000 adverse reactions reported to the COVID vaccine listed this year.