Sunday, July 28, 2024

Scripts news is Pro Democrat....Anti Republician/Conservative






Wow they were so nasty and EVERYONE except for Dems. The LIES are so thick.


 Scripts News is a news site for Democrats.

And they repeat this often"news from the middle matters". That doesn't mean middle politics....













Saturday, July 27, 2024

Can you imagine what the international "heads" will think of her?






She isn't great.... she is a bully.... and loud and mean.

She hasn't done ANYTHING since she has been in office.

They will have a party with this.











It is WORKING TOGETHER not seperate. You will NEVER succeed alone.






Remember that...... Together WE can do anything.

















What will happen if they go "anti white"?

















Kam is an ...... Angry, mean woman.





What a mean, nasty, angry woman. 

Nothing about her is "lady-like".















What a bunch of idiots... Trump wanted to debate BIDEN not harris Get it right or don't say it !!







Damn they're stupid !! 















Demand? Demand? Who the hell do you think you are?....LOL







You think you're more important than you really are.

Demand?....LOL You're funny.







