Monday, April 2, 2018

I am going to ask a question because I really want to know......

When you say something and another person gets upset and tells everyone to boycott you on twitter..... Why does that matter?

If you really believe what you said............. why would you want those that are boycotting........ to follow you anyway?

Social media is getting out of control, why are these people boycotting just because ONE person told them too? Sounds "cult-ish" to me.

I have my OWN MIND... I don't need a young child telling me to do something, and you shouldn't either. Makes YOU look very weak. 

Protesting just to protest. Some don't even know why they are protesting. 

Plus, you probably have never met most of the people on your own twitter. You only know what they are telling you.... (doesn't mean it's the truth lol)


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