Monday, September 9, 2019

There is CLASS and there is trash. crissy teigen has a discusting mouth. That is not how a lady talks.

(If anyone called obama an ugly n.......what would you say? Of course it would be wrong. You respect YOUR president even if you think that he is____________. My God have some class.)

Chrissy teigen is NOT a lady, ladies don't talk like this. It doesn't matter if you agree with someone or not... you don't talk like TRASH. There are ways to get your point across. How embarrassing for her.

Hey crissy..... how can you teach your children to have manors when you talk like that. Tell them that it is okay to talk like that.

Hey john... you're less than a real man if you think bullying a woman is okay

magine being president of a whole country and spending your Sunday night hate-watching MSNBC hoping somebody--ANYBODY--will praise you. Melania, please praise this man. He needs you.
Your country needs you, Melania

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